Detroit Heritage Tour Program

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Detroit Heritage Tour Program

Preservation Wayne Volunteer Application Form - 2009

Name: Date: Address: City, ST Zip: Home Phone: Cell/Other Phone: E-mail:

Do you have previous volunteer experience? Yes or No (circle one) If “yes” where? What duties did you perform?

Skills you bring to our organization: (i.e., Public Speaking/Historic Interpretation, Event Planning, Marketing/Publicity, Public Relations/Outreach, Graphics, Website Design, Advocacy, and Office Support.)

Volunteer Interests: (Check all that apply) * indicates please see reverse.

___ Tour Guide (Historical Presenter – leads tour group) * ___ Tour Shepherd (Assists Tour Guide in keeping group moving and together) * ___ Tour Support Personnel (Assists with check-in and/or fills in wherever needed on Specialty tours) * ___ Archives (Assist with organization and preservation of archival materials) ___ Research (Assist with development of new tours and/or projects that PW may need assistance with) ___ Building Maintenance (Assists with upkeep of Preservation Wayne Offices – painting, organizing, etc) ___ Office Support (Assist with filing, mailings, telephone campaigns, graphic design, etc…) ___ Other (Please explain) ______

Availability: (Circle all that apply and indicate the times you are available)

Days: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Times: ______

Would you like to serve on a Committee? (Please check those of interest)

___Advocacy ___Preservation Education ___Fundraising ___Events ___Membership ___PR/Marketing

Continued on reverse

2009 DETROIT HERITAGE TOURS VOLUNTEERS: Level of Participation: (check all that apply)

___ Tour Guide (Historical Presenter – leads tour group) ___ Tour Shepherd (Assists Tour Guide in keeping group moving and together) ___ Tour Support Personnel (Assists with check-in and/or fills in wherever needed on Specialty tours)

Tour programs:

Please indicate your top 1-5 interests. (Rank with 1 as ‘highest’)

___ Downtown Tour (Sat) – Campus Martius, Hart Plaza, Grand Circus Park, Washington Blvd ___ Eastern Market Tour (Sat) – America’s oldest and largest market of its kind ___ Midtown Tour (Sat) – Avalon Bakery, Cass Ave, Canfield Homes, loft developments ___ Auto Heritage Tour (Sat) - Piquette Plant (T-Plex), Milwaukee Junction ___ Cultural Center Tour (Sat) – DIA, Detroit Public Library, Hecker Mansion, CCS ___ Tuesday After-Work Tours – Downtown Sculptures, Fountains, Art, Skyscrapers, Albert Kahn, Louis Kamper ___ Other Custom or Specialty tours (October Tours, Theater Tour, etc) – please indicate ______

Important PLEASE READ and SIGN.

Volunteer Terms of Service: (The not-so-fine print)

 All tour materials and personal trainings are the property of Preservation Wayne and are to be used only for Preservation Wayne programs.

 Our PW Tours are best when the tour guides are thoroughly versed in their tour; therefore the training period is very important and mandatory.  Delivery of a satisfactory tour will be required before receiving certification as a PW lead guide. PW trainers and your tour team will evaluate your progress.  Each tour team member is asked to commit to doing one tour per month during the season May-October), either as a guide or shepherd.  Each team member is asked to join Preservation Wayne at the Student/Volunteer level with annuals dues of $25.  A golf-style PW shirt is part of our dress code and will be sold at cost to each volunteer.

I understand and agree to these terms.

______Tour Member Signature Date

Return to: Preservation Wayne, 4735 Cass Avenue, Detroit, MI 48201, Email: [email protected] Or Fax to: 313 577-7666

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