Check Gurpreet Knows She Is on This and Has Next Date

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Check Gurpreet Knows She Is on This and Has Next Date

WLN Membership

Position Organisation Name Chair Ealing Equality Council Ricky Singh Vice Chair Volunteer Centre H&F Dominic Pinkney

CVS Hounslow Hounslow Community Network Chair Chris Boucher CVS Ealing Ealing Community And Voluntary Service Andy Roper CVS H&F Sobus Hammersmith & Fulham Ian Lawry CVS Harrow Voluntary Action Harrow Alex Buckmire CVS Brent CVS Brent Tessa Awe CVS Hillingdon Hillingdon Association Of Voluntary Services Rob Burton CVS Barnet Community Barnet Julie Pal CVS Kensington & Chelsea Kensington & Chelsea Social Council Angela Spence

Borough Rep, Hounslow Disability Network Hounslow John Seear Borough Rep, Ealing Ealing Equality Council Ricky Singh Borough Rep, Harrow Harrow Refugee Forum Alex De Costa Borough Rep, Hillingdon The Trussell Trust Christine Bamigbola Borough Rep, H&F Play Association Hammersmith & Fulham Steve Boeje Borough Rep, Brent (Vacant) Borough Rep. Barnet (Vacant) Borough Rep Kensington & Chelsea Volunteer Centre Kensington & Chelsea Jessica Wanamaker

C4C Partner Disability Network Hounslow John Seear C4C Partner Harrow Equalities Forum Frank Anti

BMER Forum Rep Southall Community Alliance Janpal Basran LGBT Forum Rep Mosaic LGBT Youth Centre Lukasz Konieczka Training & Employment Forum Rep Hammersmith and Fulham CAB Clarissa Stoneham Volunteer Forum Rep Volunteer Centre H&F Dominic Pinkney

Cross Borough Rep Young People (Vacant) Cross Borough Rep Environment Groundwork London Ben Richardson Cross Borough Rep Employment Action Acton John Blackmore Cross Borough Rep Housing Hestia Paul Burns WLN Membership

Cross Borough Rep Housing A2 Dominion Parminder Basuta Cross Borough Rep Health North West London Links Carmel Cahill Cross Borough Rep Sports Brentford Community Sports Trust Lee Doyle Cross Borough Rep Mental Health Mind In Ealing And Hounslow Alex Tambourides Cross Borough Rep Youth P3 Lin Benjamin Cross Borough Rep Carers Carers Trust Thames Anna Perry

Agreed Deputies Deputy Borough Rep For Harrow Youth Vision Susan Sedgeman Deputy For Brent CVS Fuad Udin Deputy For Havs Verity Lomas

WLN Membership


Iain have deleted Hounslow Volunteer Centre as C4C rep as they have disbanded

Iain should now be just one rep per forum TE Forum rep is now Clarissa Contact Janpal and Sarah and ask which one, if either, wants to stay on WLN SG WLN Membership

Iain below we need to show what they are cross borough reps for

Iain Have made Hestia the Housing Rep, A2 Dominion have never been but contact Donna Hodsell and see if they do want to be on Contact West London YMCA, Groundwork and Brentford Sports Trust to see if they want to stay on

WLN Membership

Iain Let Chris Boucher know he is now on the SG as HCN Chair and give him next date Check Gurpreet knows she is on this and has next date Contact Community Barnet do actually want to be on WLN CVS Harrow rep is now Voluntary Action Harrow, borough rep is Harrow Refugee Forum is swapped round Line up Kensington and Chelsea properly above

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