Colton School District No. 306 s2
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COLTON SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 306 MEMBERS PRESENT: Denise Colton, Washington 99113 Faerber, REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Shannon Miller, Thursday, September 21, 2017 Gary Riedner, 7:00 PM Jana Schultheis, Niki Wolf
STAFF PRESENT: Tim Casey, Nate Smith, Marsha Druffel, Vickie Fadness, Casey Schlee,
PUBLIC PRESENT: Chuck Demeerleer, Jessica Reilly
CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:02 PM by Call to Chairman Jana Schultheis. Order
CORRESPONDENCE: WSSDA Direct and ESD Focus publications were shared with the board. Correspondence
EXECUTIVE SESSION ACTION: No executive session held. Exe Session Action
CONSENT AGENDA: Minutes 1. August 24, 2017 Regular Meeting Minutes Bills and Payroll Total Exp Warrant # 1. General Accounts Payable $93,173.67 30608742-30608808 2. General Fund Payroll $190,830.23 30608818-30608855 3. ASB Accounts Payable $4,525.88 30608809-30608817
Investments 1. Liquidated: Gen.Fund 07/30/17-08/31/17 $787,985 Cap. Fund 07/30/17-08/31/17 $14,375 ASB Fund 07/30/17-08/31/17 $65,000 Trans.Fund 07/30/17-08/31/17 $135,965 Debt Service 07/30/17-08/31/17 $102,760 2. Acquired: Gen.Fund 08/31/17-09/29/17 $806,100 Cap. Fund 08/31/17-09/29/17 $14,425 ASB Fund 08/31/17-09/29/17 $74,000 Trans.Fund 08/31/17-09/29/17 $178,665 Debt Service 08/31/17-09/29/17 $107,760
CONSENT AGENDA: The consent agenda was approved on a motion by Gary Riedner with Consent Denise Faerber second. Unanimous. Agenda
AUDIENCE-PRIVATE SCHOOL PARTICIPATION: Chuck Demeerleer presented on behalf of the Town of Colton a proposal Audience to replace the bathrooms at the tennis courts replacing the structure with a covered RV dump station and portable restroom. Funding for the new structure would come from the town with the possibility of obtaining grant funds. The structure was built along with tennis courts as part of a grant. Gary Riedner would like to work with the Town of Colton to contact the granting agency to see if they would be willing to modify the concept of the grant. The Board directed administration to start this process. REGULAR BOARD MEETING PAGE 2 September 21, 2017
Jessica Reilly reported that GASB’s year is off to a great start. GASB
PERSONNEL: Supplemental contracts for extracurricular, class advisor, additional days Supplemental and coaching contracts that reflect the 10% salary increase were presented Contracts to the board for approval. Gary Riedner moved to accept the contracts as presented. Shannon Miller seconded. Unanimous.
A letter of resignation for Kristin Weber was presented to the board for Resignation approval. Shannon Miller approved to accept the resignation with Niki Wolf second. Unanimous.
REGULAR BUSINESS: Elementary conference schedules were again presented to the board. Mr. Elem Casey gave an overview of the discussion held at the last board meeting. He Conf also reported that he has contacted several organizations that would be willing to come and do programs if needed. It is administrations recommendation to keep the schedule the same as the previous year. Discussion was held on teacher concerns and board concerns. Gary Riedner moved to adhere to the current schedule with the directive to administration to work with the teachers to determine if possible a portion of the substitute time be supplemented with special academic programs and also interface with teachers to determine a solution for conferences next year. Denise Faerber seconded. Unanimous.
Mr. Smith shared bids for brick repointing for the building. The quotes were Brick broke into sections reflecting different areas that need repair. He recommends Repair repairing a section at a time. Gary Riedner authorized staff to move forward on the brick repointing to the extent of the budget and choose the best contractor to perform the job. Niki wolf seconded. Unanimous.
REPORTS: COMMITTEES: CAPITAL PROJECTS: Outside grounds look great, we’ve received a lot of compliments. CP There was concern about the possibility of lights in the where the trip buses are parked. Administration will look into this.
IAAC: No Report. IAAC
CTE: No Report. CTE
MAINTENANCE/TRANSPORTATION: The new bus has been ordered. A new drinking fountain with bottle Main/Trans filing station was installed.
FINANCIAL REPORT: August marked the end of our fiscal year. We finished the year as Financial Expected.
PRINCIPAL REPORT: The new year has started out great. Elem News The first round of MAPS testing will begin soon. Grades 3/4 have taken field trips to the festival dance and ballet Idaho. REGULAR BOARD MEETING PAGE 3 September 21, 2017
Grades 5/6 will attend MOSS educational camp in October. The open house is scheduled for 10/11 from 6-7. The book fair is also scheduled for the same day. Student of the Month will begin again this year. We will also participate in the Presidential Academic program again. Kindergarten students will be participating in a research project with WSU on how kids develop.
SUPERINTNEDENT Mr. Smith thanked the staff for a good start to the year. Supt News ASB is teaming up with a math teacher from Texas to help with classroom supplies in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey. The district through ESD101 has offered to help Freeman SD if needed. Mr. Smith explained to the board our training/drill process. We will be having a lock down and fire drill next week. There will be a region Wide crisis management meeting where all districts will bring their plans in to compare. Quinn Heinz is starting character curriculum with all students. FLL/Lego Robotics club is meeting after school. Ellen O’Toole is helping as part of her senior project. The art grant committees meet with the artist this week. The committee liked the design and the artists will continue with the process.
Mr. Smith shared a proposal for new band instruments with the board. Dr. Miller was awarded a $4,000 music grant and has proposed purchasing additional band instruments with district funding. He is also asking to increase the rental amount. Gary Riedner moved to approve $3,500 for the purchase of additional instruments. Shannon Miller seconded. Unanimous. The board would like to re-evaluate the rental policy.
The next regular school board meeting is scheduled for Thursday, Oct Mtg. October 26, 2017.
At 8:20 pm the Chairman called for an executive session for a period Adj/Exe Session Of 60 minutes to discuss personnel issues. She declared the board will Not resume the regular session, therefore the regular board meeting was adjourned.
______Recording Secretary
______Chairman of the Board
______Secretary to the Board