Study Helps for the AHSGE Social Studies Exam (Dev. By M.R. Cunningham, Francis Marion High School)

1. Great Awakening a. Spiritual revival that spread throughout the US in the early 1740s 2.Dust Bowl a. An extreme period of drought (Great Plains states) that occurred around the time of the Great Depression 3. Great Depression a. Farmers were forced to leave their land to search for work in California aa. These farmers were known as “Okies” 4. Reconstruction a. Time period following the Civil War when the South was “Reconstructed” through acts of Congress b. Scalawags-Southerners who supported Reconstruction c. Carpetbaggers-people who came from the North to do business in the South d. KKK-racially and politically motivated hate group formed in the South during Reconstruction 5. John D. Rockefeller a. The Oil Man b. Owner of Standard Oil c. Held monopoly on oil 6. Andrew Carnegie a. The Steel Man b. Controlled the iron and coal mines c. Owned Railroad and steam ships d. Held a Monopoly on steel 7. Cornelius Vanderbilt a. The Railroad man b. New York Central Railroad 8. Articles of the Confederation a. First attempt to put the government of the newly formed US on paper b. It was very loosely written in an attempt to reserve powers to the individual states and the not federal government c. Replaced by the Constitution 9. Civil Rights Amendments a. 13th – abolished slavery b. 14th – guaranteed civil rights for all c. 15th – gave all men the right to vote 10. Declaration of Independence a. Written by Thomas Jefferson b. Declared our freedom from Great Britain following the Revolutionary War c. July 4, 1776 11. D-Day a. The Allied invasion of German-occupied France during WWII b. June 6, 1944 c. Largest sea borne invasion in history d. Happened on the coast of Normandy Beach 12. Elizabeth Cady Stanton a. Seneca Falls Convention b. Organized the first women’s rights convention which was known as Seneca Falls 13. Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine (1904) a. Stated that the US claims the right to intervene in the affairs of the nations in the Western Hemisphere b. “Europe, mind your own business and we’ll (US) mind ours.” 14. Fredrick Douglas a. Former Slave in Maryland b. Educated himself and became the most well-known black speaker for the abolition movement 15. Dorothea Dix a. Health/Care Lady b. Fought to improve conditions in mental hospitals and prisons 16. Harriet Tubman a. A former slave who escaped to the North and then helped other slaves escape by using the Underground Railroad 17. Underground Railroad a. A series of safe houses for slaves from the South that were trying to run away to the North 18. Suffragists a. Women who campaigned for women’s right to vote 19. 19th Amendment a. Gave women the right to vote 20. Temperance Movement (1850s) a. The movement to moderate/ban the use of alcohol 21. Valley Forge a. The place where General George Washington trained his troops for the Revolutionary War b. Remember the extremely cold/bitter winter 22. Plessy v. Ferguson a. The “separate but equal” court case b. Segregation was ruled to be legal as long as blacks and whites had access to equal facilities 23. Brown v. Board of Education (1954) a. Court case that declared segregation in public schools to be unconstitutional 24. Birmingham, AL a. The industrial center of during the 1870s b. Great iron and steel producing city c. Founded during Reconstruction 25. Three (3) Branches of the Government (Montesquieu) a. Executive (President) – Carries out the laws b. Legislative (Congress: Senate and House of Representatives) – Makes the laws c. Judicial (Supreme Court) – Interprets the laws 26. Progressive Era (1900-1920) a. Led by the middle-class b. Prohibition c. Women’s voting rights d. Democratic government 27. F. Scott Fitzgerald (1920s) a. Author of The Great Gatsby 28. Zelda Fitzgerald (1920s) a. Served as an example of the social independence of women b. Montgomery, AL 29. Crusades a. Led to the discover of America because traders were looking for a water route to Asia instead of a land route 30. Columbian Exchange a. The mixture of European culture with the newly discovered (Native) American Culture b. Diseases, Language, Food, Animals, ETC. 31. NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) a. Organized by W.E.B. DuBois in 1909 32. Niagara Movement a. Organized by DuBois in 1905 b. Black intellectuals with the goals of ending segregation, equal economic/political rights, and ending discrimination 33. Open Door Policy (China) a. Sec. of State John Hay formed an agreement between Britain, Japan, France, Germany, Russia, and Italy that kept China open for trade to all nations 34. Marbury v. Madison a. Established judicial review aa. Deciding whether or not laws passed by Congress were unconstitutional 35. Constitutional Convention a. The meeting of delegates in Philadelphia in 1787 that resulted in the drafting of the Constitution 36. Rousseau a. The right to rule comes from the people and not a king 37. Montesquieu a. Three Branches of the Government 38. Locke a. Government should get its power from the people 39. Reformation a. Reform of the Catholic Church b. Protestant Reformation 40. Martin Luther a. The leader of the Reformation 41. Holocaust a. The persecution of over six (6) million Jews led by Hitler b. WWII c. Prostitutes, handicapped, and others also killed 42. Emancipation Proclamation a. The speech/document delivered by President Lincoln ending slavery in the rebelling states 43. “No taxation without representation” a. The statement promoted by those who wanted to break away from Great Britain 44. Henry Clay a. The Senator who introduced the Missouri Compromise 45. Missouri Compromise a. Stated that Missouri would be admitted into the Union as a slave state and Maine as a free state 46. Great Compromise a. The combination of the New Jersey (small states) and the Virginia (large states) Plans b. Created the Senate (equal representation) and the House of Representatives (representation based on population) 47. Homestead Act (1862) a. Congress offered 160 acres of western land free to any American citizen who was a family head and over 21 years old 48. Manifest Destiny a. Belief that it was God’s will for the US to expand and eventually reach the entire continent 49. Transcontinental Railroad a. Industrial Revolution b. Allowed for the mass shipping of goods and people throughout the US 50. Trail of Tears a. The forced removal/journey of Cherokee Indians from their homes in Georgia to the West 51. Sojourner Truth a. Former Slave who spoke for women’s rights and the abolition movement 52. War of 1812 a. US v. Britain b. Ended with no territorial change 53. French and Indian War a. Also known as the Seven Years’ War b. Britain and France battled for control of North America c. British victory 54. Treaty of Paris of 1783 a. Britain officially recognized US independence 55. Compromise of 1850 a. California was admitted as a free state b. Utah and New Mexico would be open to slavery based on popular sovereignty, or the people’s vote 56. Fugitive Slave Law a. Northern states had to return escaped slaves to their Southern owners 57. Mayflower Compact a. The document signed by all the Pilgrims aboard the Mayflower which guaranteed just and equal laws for all 58. House of Burgesses a. The first Colonial Assembly b. Established in Jamestown 59. Battle of Bull Run a. The first major clash of the Civil War b. Confederate Victory 60. Battle of Horseshoe Bend a. The Cherokee Indians helped Andrew Jackson defeat the Creeks b. The Creeks had to give up their land to the US 61. Battle of Lexington/Concord a. The battle that began the Revolutionary war 62. Renaissance a. Means rebirth b. A rebirth of learning that began in Italy 63. New Deal a. FDR’s plan to bring the US out of the Great Depression b. Based on three (3) R’s: 1-relief (provided direct money payments or jobs to the unemployed) 2-recovery (provided aid to farmers, business owners and workers) 3-reform (regulation of business and banks) EX. : TVA-Tennessee Valley Authority (dams built to bring electricity to the South) 64. WWI a. Germans invented/used the U-Boat aa. Submarine b. The sinking of the Lusitania c. Archduke Franz Ferdinand assassinated 65. Kansas-Nebraska Act a. Allowed the previously free and unorganized territories of Kansas and Nebraska to choose (voters) whether of not to permit slavery b. Repealed the Missouri Compromise c. Led to “Bleeding Kansas” aa. An internal Civil War within the state of Kansas 66. Battle of Saratoga a. American Victory over the British that resulted in the French entry on the side of the Americans during the Revolutionary War 67. Imperialism a. The establishment of economic control over other countries b. Expansion c. The policy of the US before the World Wars 68. Munich Conferences a. Attempt to maintain peace with Germany/Hitler and avoid WWII 69. Jacksonian Democracy a. Andrew Jackson b. Property qualifications for voting white males were dropped 70. Spoils System a. Placing friends and supporters in high office 71. Black Codes (1850) a. An attempt to limit the rights of African Americans 72. Northwest Ordinance of 1787 a. Provided for freedom of worship, civil liberties, and free public education in the Northwest Territory 73. Thomas Edison a. Designer of the country’s first electrical power plant 74. Muckrakers a. Progressive Era Writers who investigated social and political evils EX. : Upton Sinclair (author of The Jungle) 75. Preamble to the Constitution a. “We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union…” 76. Harlem Renaissance a. Followed WWI b. Time period of advancement in jazz, blues, and literature for African Americans 77. Populist Party a. The people’s party of the 1800s 78. Federal Trade Commission (1914) a. Investigated companies for unfair business practices 79. Horace Mann a. The leader/father of public education in America 80. Balboa a. “Found” the Pacific Ocean by crossing Panama 81. Yellow Journalism a. Writing without regard for the truth b. Used by Hearst and Pulitzer during the Spanish-American War 82. Treaty of Paris of 1763 a. Drew the territorial boundaries in America for Britain and France 83. Republican Party (1800s) a. Most noted for opposing the expansion of slavery b. Abraham Lincoln was the first Republican President 84. “All men are created equal” a. The philosophy that all men are created equal under the law 85. Industrialization a. Took place largely throughout the Northeast b. Heavy Industry 86. Marshall Plan a. American aid program to help European nations recover from the devastation of WWII