The Life and Times of Andrew R

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The Life and Times of Andrew R

The Visual Bonus Round TTGT11 VI: Lick My Love Pump Written by Andrew R. Juhl and The University of Iowa Academic Quiz Club. Edited by Andrew R. Juhl of The University of Iowa Academic Quiz Club.

Theme: Every bonus in this round is a visual bonus. Because visual bonuses are a real time sink, all tossups in the round have been designed to be attainably answerable.


1. He trained as a mining engineer at the University of California because he wanted a fallback position if his art didn't work out. He spent two years drawing sports art for San Francisco papers before moving to New York in 1909. His "Foolish Questions" series debuted in 1911, but his best- known work did not appear until 1914. Editorial (*) cartoons earned him a Pulitzer in 1948. FTP, blow on tube (a) until balloon (b) bursts to frighten turtle (c), causing him to retract neck (d) and forcing string (e) to slide cover (f) off bucket (g) and release ball (h) onto buzzer (i) to name this cartoonist, famous for his complicated inventions. Answer: Rube Goldberg

2. "When you have a wonderful mother-in-law who takes sides with you in squabbles with her own daughter – that’s something. When you have a father and a mother who work all their lives so you can have an education and (*) build your body – it’s a blessing. When you have a wife who has been a tower of strength and shown more courage than you dreamed existed – that’s the finest I know. So I close in saying that I may have had a tough break, but I have an awful lot to live for." FTP, what Hall of Famer considered himself "the luckiest man on the face of this earth"? Answer: Lou Gehrig

3. The third floor of this building collapsed in 1893, killing 22. The building has served as an office building, a medical museum, and a storage shed. It was taken over by the (*) Park Service in 1932. Following its restoration in 1968, it features 600 seats, a white plaster balcony, a high proscenium arch, and a 42-foot stage. FTP, name this historic theater in Washington, D.C., which hosted the play "Our American Cousin" for a few months in 1865. Answer: Ford's Theater

4. It has been ascribed to both John Roulstone and Sarah Hale, but it definitely dates from 1829, when it was first published in "Ladies' Magazine". It was popularized in the 1870s, when copies of it were sold to raise money to preserve the Old North Church (*). The copies claimed that it was an authentic tale of happenings at the Redstone Hill schoolhouse in 1817. FTP, name this poem, concerning a young woman and her devoted ovine companion. Answer: Mary Had A Little Lamb

5. The setting of Guy de Maupassant’s L’Aventure de Walter Schnaffs and Les Deux Amis, this is one of many losing experiences for France, especially Parisiens (*), who were reduced to eating cats, dogs, and rats for a part of this period. Provoked by Otto von Bismarck but declared by France, this war eventually was surrendered by France who also agreed to pay $1 billion over the course of three years. FTP, name this war, which resulted in the Treaty of Frankfurt. Answer: Franco-Prussian (OR Franco-German) War 6. Invites to this are now being sold on eBay, due to the fact that this service is only being tested in its beta phase (*). Some of its features, or privacy concerns, as some may put it, include scanning the text of emails so that relevant links can then be posted alongside the email and filing its users’ deleted messages. FTP, what is this email service provided by Google that will—when publicly released—offer 1 gigabyte of storage to its users? Answer: Gmail

7. For three years, he taught at Hales Franciscan High School, an all-black inner city school. Previously, he worked at Goldman Sachs, (*) where he attained his eight-figure net worth and was made partner. A man with an MBA and a law degree from Harvard, he also has a son, Alex, with the former Miss Illinois. FTP, identify this former Republican candidate for Senate, whose 5-year-old divorce with Jeri cost him the election in Illinois. Answer: Jack Ryan

8. Originally recognized by fisherman off the coast of South America, it occurs at irregular intervals of 2-7 years, usually lasting 1-2 years. Along the west coast of South America, southerly winds (*) promote the upwelling of cold, nutrient-rich water. Near the end of each calendar year, a warm current of nutrient-poor tropical water replaces the surface water, hurting the fishing industry and, when lasting for many months, causing drought as far away as Africa. FTP, identify this Pacific weather phenomenon which may play a role in global warming. Answer: El Niño

9. MRI creates images by affecting these polar molecules, which are abundant in (*) animals, and recording the time lapse before they return to equilibrium. Microwaves cause these molecules to vibrate, with the resulting friction creating most of the heat that warms your food. For ten points, what is this substance, sometimes referred to as dihydrogen oxide, which occupies 70% of the human body? Answer: Water OR H2O

10. He wrote the government a letter warning that if he did not get justice for his people, he would be “forced to seek revenge of the human race for the future,” and explained his killing of police at (*) Stringy Bark as self-defense. His death sentence was protested by thousands of supporters, who were charmed by his romantic image as a brave and daring bushranger. FTP, name this man, probably Australia’s most famous outlaw. Answer: Ned Kelly

11. He played viola in the Bohemian Provisional Theatre Orchestra. He wrote a cello concerto when influenced by a performance he saw in (*) the US. He wrote his first symphony at age 24. He wrote his ninth in the United States. Starting it in New York, completing it in Iowa. FTP, name this Czech-born classical composer famous for his New World Symphony. Answer: Antonin Dvorak

12. While training in music, he was a copyist for other composers. Often regarded as the first to prefer the pianoforte over older keyed instruments, he used The Well Tempered Clavier (*) to begin his training before being commissioned by Teatro Regio to write Artaserse. There are two others in his family sharing his full name, only one performing music, and many others sharing his surname. FTP, name the composer of Orione and the son of another famous composer. Answer: Johann Christian Bach 13. It’s industry suffered a near disaster in the 1970s when a volcano on Weimay erupted, nearly closing a major harbor. That major industry is (*) fishing, which explains why this country has repeatedly tried to take control of its waterways by extending its boundary waters all the way to 370 kilometers. FTP, name this country on the edge of the European Plate that fired on British ships in 1975 over boundary issues. Answer: Iceland

14. In September 1998 the Baha’i Institute of Higher Education here was forced to close. The previous July, a Baha’i was hanged for converting a (*) Muslim. They have no diplomatic representation in the U.S. but have a Special Interests section in the Pakistani Embassy. The CIA Factbook says this country’s economy is “marked by a bloated, inefficient state sector, over reliance on the oil sector, and statist policies that create major distortions throughout.” Zing! FTP, name the country known as Persia until 1935. Answers: Iran (do not accept Persia, even before it’s said)

15. He said, “Generality is the enemy of art.” His work inspired Lee Strasberg,(*) Harold Clurman, and Cheryl Crawford to form the Group Theatre in 1931. He coined the phrase “stage direction,” and held that an actor’s main responsibility is to create a “believable truth.” His book, An Actor Prepares, is still a prominent text in acting classes. FTP, name the acting coach associated with “Method acting.” Answer: Konstantin Stanislavski

16. His contemporaries said that this man was fond of the “crudest sort of practical jokes” and drank heavily. During travels abroad, he was trained as a gunnery expert and shipbuilder. He had to rule jointly (*) until his sister was exiled to a convent and his brother died, and later convicted and executed his eldest son for high treason against him. FTP, name the tsar, who is considered the father of modern Russia. Answer: Peter the Great OR Peter I

17. His story was told in a Randy Shilts’ book which promulgated the myth about the last years of his life. A Canadian airline steward (*), the CDC gave him this more widely-known nickname when he became the subject of an epidemiological study on HIV. The CDC, under the impression that the incubation time of HIV was no more than a year, centered their study on him because 40 of the 248 people diagnosed with AIDS by 1982 had either had sex with him or with someone who had. FTP, identify the nickname given to Gaëtan Dugas, who is erroneously believed by many to have been the first person to introduce HIV to North America. Answer: Patient Zero (accept Gaëtan Dugas before it is mentioned)

18. In later years, he began wearing so many medals his shirts would often tear from the weight. He granted himself a series of increasingly grand titles, including President for Life, Conqueror of the British Empire (*), and even King of Scotland. By the end of his reign, his full title was “His Excellency President for Life, Field Marshal Al Hadji Doctor [BLANK], VC, DSO, MC, Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Sea, and Conqueror of the British Empire in Africa in General and Uganda in Particular.” FTP, identify this dictator who ruled Uganda from 1971 until his ouster in 1979. Answer: Idi Amin Dada Oumee

19. Fill in the blank. Blank is one method that can be used to solve an initial value problem in differential equations. The blank of sine (at) is a/( s2 + a2 ). The blank of 1 is 1/s. (*) The blank of eat is 1/(s-a). If blank is a function of lowercase f, the result of blank is denoted by a capital F, and the inverse blank of capital F is denoted by a lowercase f. FTP, what is this linear operator, which is equal to the integral from 0 to infinity of a given function multiplied by e-st? Answer: Laplace Transform (prompt on Laplace) 20. Its name comes from a Sanskrit word meaning “Lord of the World”. It is found in Puri on the northeast coast of India, in a nine-hundred-year old temple. Every year, it and its siblings Balabhadra and Subhadra are placed on forty-five foot carts (*) with sixteen wheels, each seven feet in diameter. Worshippers pull the carts through the streets, and, according to legend, some used to hurl themselves under the carts. FTP, name this wooden statue of Krishna, whose name has been adapted into an English term meaning “an unstoppable force”. Answer: Jaganath OR Juggernaut

21. His fame grew posthumously, thanks to novels written by Woshi Shanren. His father, Kai Ying, was known as one of the “Ten Tigers of Canton.” (*) He learned Hung Gar from his father’s master, Luk Ah Choy. At his Po Chi Lam clinic, he practiced medicine, and, like his father, was willing to treat any patient. The creator of the tiger-crane form, this is, FTP, what folk hero, who was portrayed by Jackie Chan in Drunken Master and Jet Li in Once Upon A Time in China? Answer: Wong Fei Hung or Huang Fei Hong Visual Bonuses

1. [Hand out sheet before you read this.] Identify the following games for the Nintendo Entertainment System, 5 points each. You’ll have 10 seconds. Answers: A = Excitebike B = Contra C = Final Fantasy D = R.C. Pro Am E = Super Mario Brothers 2 F = Techmo Bowl

2. [Hand out sheet before you read this.] Given the Madonna painting, give both the title and the artist, 5 points per part. You’ll have 10 seconds. Answers: A = Madonna with the Long Neck OR Long-necked Madonna by Parmigiannino B = Madonna of the Rocks by Leonardo da Vinci C = Madonna of the Harpies by Andrea del Sarto

3. [Hand out sheet before you read this.] Given the molecular structure of a commonly known substance, name that substance, 5 for one, 10 for two, 20 for three, 30 for all four. You have 10 seconds. Answers: A = nicotine B = benzene C = caffeine D = aspirin OR acetaminophen

4. [Hand out sheet before you read this.] Give the letter that best points the to following structures FFPE: Ejaculatory Duct, Epididymis, Prostate, Symphsis Pubis, Urethra, and Vas Deferens. You’ll have 15 seconds. Answers: Ejaculatory Duct = G Symphsis Pubis = B Epididymis = L Urethra = K Prostate = F Vas Deferens = D

5. [Hand out sheet before you read this.] Given a flag from a member of the E.U., name that member, 5 for one, 10 for two, 20 for three, 30 for all four. You have ten seconds. Answers: A = Lithuania B = Latvia C = Denmark D = Malta

6. [Hand out sheet before you read this.] Given a list of position from the Kama Sutra and corresponding images of those positions, match the name of the position to the image FFPE. You will have 15 seconds. Answers: A = Union of the Cow B = Union of the Elephant C = Position of the Courtesan D = Union of the Tiger E = Position of the Andromaque F = Position of Perfect Alignment

7. [Hand out sheet before you read this.] So you think know classic Street Fighter and Street Fighter 2 like the back of your hand? Good for you! Won’t help you now, though. Given an image of a Capcom character that has made it into at least 3 Street Fighter games, name that character FFPE (you have 10 seconds): Answers: A = Akuma B = Dan C = Rolento D =Sakura E = Guy F = Rose 8. [Hand out sheet before you read this.] Identify the Broadway play or musical from its original playbill, FFPE (you have 10 seconds): Answers: A = Miss Saigon B = Les Miserables C = You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown D = Nunsense E = Phantom of the Opera F = Kiss of the Spider Woman

9. [Hand out sheet before you read this.] Given the location and a picture of a presidential gravesite, name the president buried there FTPE (you have 10 seconds): Answers: A = James Monroe B = Warren Harding C = Herbert Hoover

10. [Hand out sheet before you read this.] Here is a right triangle with length of one side labeled, please calculate values requested on the sheet based on your knowledge of triangles. You will have 20 seconds from now. Answers: A (5 points) = x equals 5 B (10 points = theta equals 30 degrees C (5 points each): sin(ө) = .60 or 3/5, cos(ө) = .80 or 4/5, tan(ө) = .75 or 3/4

11. [Hand out sheet before you read this.] Identify the constellation from pictures, FFPE (you have 10 seconds): Answers: A = Andromeda B = Virgo C = Aquila D = Cygnus E = Lepus F = Orion

12. [Hand out sheet before you read this.] These are six rank insignias used by (among others) the U.S. Marines. You will have ten seconds from the end on this intro to place them in order from lowest to highest rank, receiving 5 points for each correct answer: Answers: Lowest: D (Private First Class) A (First Lieutenant) F (Captain) C (Lieutenant Colonel) E (Brigadier General) Highest: B (Major General)

13. [Hand out sheet before you read this.] Here are the first two lines of piano sheet music for four different works by the same composer. Name each piece of music FFPE, and name the composer of these four works for another ten points. You will have 15 seconds from now. Answers: Composer: Beethoven A = 5th Symphony B = Fur Elise C = Moonlight Sonata D = Ode to Joy OR 9th Symphony

14. [Hand out sheet before you read this.] Identify the noted 20th-century dictator from his photo, FFPE. You will have 10 seconds from now. Answers: A = Leonid Brezhnev B = Moammar el-Gadhafi C = Robert Mugabe D = Francisco Franco E = Kim Il-Sung F = Francois (OR "Papa Doc") Duvalier 15. [Hand out sheet before you read this.] Identify the parts labeled ‘A’ through ‘E’ on this diagram of a flower, FFPE and a bonus 5 for all. You will have 10 seconds from now. Answers: A = stigma B = pistil C = stamen D = ovary E = sepal

16. [Hand out sheet before you read this.] Identify these letters of the alphabet from American Sign Language FFPE and a bonus 5 for all. You will have 10 seconds from now. Answers: 1 = U 2 = I 3 = A 4 = Q 5 = C

17. [Hand out sheet before you read this.] Here are four of Salvador Dali’s best known works. See if you can identify them, FTPE (30 points max). You will have 15 seconds from now. Answers: A = Sleep B = The Persistence of Memory C = The Three Sphinxes of Bikini D = Metamorphosis of Narcissus

18. [Hand out sheet before you read this.] Name the film from which the following Really Scary Images come, FFPE. You will have 15 seconds from now. Answers: A = The Phantom of the Opera B = The Shining C = Pee-Wee's Big Adventure D = Un Chien Andalue OR An Andalusian Dog E = Poltergeist F = Psycho

19. [Hand out sheet before you read this.] Think you know geography? Well, let’s see how well you do at identifying countries when we take away all the words and don’t draw it to scale! Name these five countries from an outline, FFPE and 30 for all. You will have 15 seconds from now. Answers: A = China B = Iceland C = New Zealand D = Columbia E = Turkey

20. [Hand out sheet before you read this.] Identify these movies that have nothing in common except for that they appeal to the question author from posters with important test removed, FFPE. Answers: A = Ali B = Candyman C = The Craft D = From Hell E = Remember the Titans F = We Were Soldiers Visual Bonus #1

A) B)

C) D)

E) F) Visual Bonus #2

A) B)


A. B.


Give the letter that points the following structures:

Ejaculatory Duct Epididymis Prostate Symphsis Pubis Urethra Vas Deferens VISUAL BONUS #5

A. B.


A. B.

C. D.

E. F.

Choices: Position of the Andromaque Position of Perfect Alignment Position of the Courtesan Union of the Cow Union of the Elephant Union of the Tiger VISUAL BONUS #7

A. B.

C. D.


A. B. C.


A. Burial Location: Richmond, Virginia

B. Burial Location: Marion, Ohio.

C. Burial Location: West Branch, Iowa VISUAL BONUS #10

x 3

Ө 4

Part A: Give the length of side x (5 points).

Part B: Give the value of theta in degrees (10 points).

Part C: Give the values of sine, cosine, and tangent of theta, in either decimal or fraction form (5 points each). VISUAL BONUS #11

A. B.

C. D.


A. B. C.

D. E. F.

U.S. Rank Insignias (Marine): Place in order from lowest in rank to highest in rank. VISUAL BONUS #13

A. B.


1. 2.

3. 4.


A. B.

C. D. Visual Bonus #18 VISUAL BONUS #19


A. B.

C. D.

E. F.

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