Design And Technology - Scheme Of Work - Year 8 Textiles - Cushions

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Design And Technology - Scheme Of Work - Year 8 Textiles - Cushions

Scheme of work/ Planning Grid Y8 Textiles

Key Les D & T Learning Concepts Learning Teaching & Learning Resources Questions son skills skills /key words Objectives Learning outcomes/succes Activities s criteria

Do you remember 1-2 Independe Speaking Textiles We are Introduction ALL: Understand the Heath and nt learning & Weft/warp learning to: Explain LO. that textiles are Heath and safety and safety issues and  Heath and safely. Rules and routines. (Including used for broad rules and routines rules? Research/ listening Cost expectations of how to work individually, in pairs and range of tasks. posters on wall. evaluation skills Aesthetics  Work safely in groups- listen to each other, take turns, change Contribute in small What do you Function and follow the mind through talk etc.) group task. Key words sheet (1) rules of the already know Small Safety Posters or blank layout of room. Most: Understand about textiles? Size textiles room  Pair work. Set up roles. Each pair given a box of different Plan of room showing What are the group Materials  Use ACCESS textile items. (Some are photos- imagine it is the properties of where equipment is. properties of work Environmen FM to evaluate actual product). E.g. tights, cushion cover, picture of textiles and how textiles? Where t products. curtains, soft toy, picture of textile art work, picture they match Folders for each will you find customer  Understand of duvet cover, item of clothing, dish rag etc. Explain different needs. student. them? the need that going to use a method of evaluation called ACCESS Demonstrate good Have you ever a product is FM. Define words. For each item in box they must co-operation and Blank sheets to fill considered how acronym intended to consider each criteria. Model example. focus in group in. (2) important they serve and Thinking/talking. task. Cards are? judge how well E.g. Pair of tights: Cost: £4, cost to make? customer; Few: Could it meets that female, aged…?, materials; stretchy synthetic transfer ACCESS Observer’s sheet. (3) need. fabric..etc. FM to other tasks.  Work in small HW sheet. (4) group, listening  Plenary: to each others Differentiation: ideas and What needs do textile products serve? How by groupings. building on important are textiles? What different types of (Not essential each others textiles are there- what are the properties of that there is a thoughts, textiles that you need to consider when choosing scribe- can just allocating some one for a product? Of the products you looked at, be discussion.) roles- scribe, are some more successful than others? If so, observer. why? How helpful was it to use the ACCESS FM method of evaluation? Do you think anything was missing? (e.g. durability|) Where else could you

1 Scheme of work/ Planning Grid Y8 Textiles

Key Les D & T Learning Concepts Learning Teaching & Learning Resources Questions son skills skills /key words Objectives Learning outcomes/succes Activities s criteria

use this? (To evaluate own product, when buying something... Ask observers: Who took the lead in group task? Who did the most talking? Who scribed? How well?

HW: Annotated house picture.

(This lesson could be divided into two- lesson 1: Heath and safety and rules and routines of the D & T room. Students produce poster. Lesson 2: ACCESS FM task) What is the big 3 Design Making We are learning Starter: (To set out the learning): Listen to audio tape All: Can explain Tape of cup of tea picture? process charts/ to: of a cup of tea being made. Students must guess what is that there are being made. graphic going on. different stages Cassette recorder. How can an organisers  Know the Cup of tea- audio? What is going on/ What is the in the design advanced stages of the process? (We will come back to cup of tea when looking process. Card sort (5) organiser help design process. at flow charts and stencilling) Most: Understand me? Can you crack the need to ask Level wall/ previous the D & T Introduce LO. Explain that at end of lesson will be questions and examples of the What is the code? asking a student to “become the expert” and answer the carry out cushion. project?  Use graphic key questions. research, keeping organisers to (15 min) in mind the big A3 Brain storm What are the help us. picture. Add to graphic organiser. (6) stages of the The design process: can you crack it? Card sort graphic organiser design process? exercise. Give out 5 “Big point” cards. In pairs students and begin to use it are to put cards in event order. Are there any cards throughout the What will I be that could be put at different places/ times? (E.g. might project. assessed on? go back to choosing idea if didn’t work out in Few: Review development. Or evaluation might come all the way ongoing progress through etc. Then give out “little point cards”. Ask pairs against criteria,

2 Scheme of work/ Planning Grid Y8 Textiles

Key Les D & T Learning Concepts Learning Teaching & Learning Resources Questions son skills skills /key words Objectives Learning outcomes/succes Activities s criteria

to place them under correct headings. Do any have a invite feedback sequence too? and incorporate it (15 min) into work. Use their graphic organiser to help Teacher gives out advanced organiser. (A 3 sheet) them plan and Explain task and big picture. Teacher may show students carry out the work from previous years or direct their attention to project. Use the level wall display of cushion covers. graphic organisers Pairs annotate the graphic organiser with questions and in other subjects. ideas in relation to task given. Use the design sequence to help think up questions and ideas. (20 min) (Alternative task: Big questions, little questions p311 D & T framework)

Plenary: Ask an expert? What is the design process? How does knowing it help you with D & T work? How do Graphic organisers help us with any work? (Overview of whole topic/ project, helps with planning…) (10 mins)

A word on assessment: assessed not just on finished product- but on the design and the design process- did you use your own research- did you use feedback from others? etc. (Cannot get over a level 5 unless share ideas with others and reflect on feedback given).

3 Scheme of work/ Planning Grid Y8 Textiles

Key Les D & T Learning Concepts Learning Teaching & Learning Resources Questions son skills skills /key words Objectives Learning outcomes/succes Activities s criteria

4 Research Multicultur We are learning Starter: Speed race- find the book. Give each student a All: Complete Library Be inspired! Skimming alism to: topic book slip; get them to find a book and record a research sheet on ICT suite and  Use the piece of information about the topic. chosen country What are the key scanning library/ICT Some: complete features of a ICT Dewey and other Blue sky thinking research on Research sheet chosen country? Making sources to images. (countries) How could they notes/ research and Few: Use 2 or be incorporated sketches record key Ask the “fastest” students how they found information: more sources to Research sheet into a design for information/ index, contents page….Explain skimming, scanning and complete (images) the cushion features of close reading. Explain task: students complete research research. cover? different one or more countries. countries and Explain how to use Google IMAGE search- and using this, of design and/ or books, students gather images on images of multiculturalism, their chosen country, stencilling, cushions, lettering, embroidery, cushions. embroidery, and lettering. Plenary: What different ways can a project are researched? (Books, magazines, internet, questionnaire etc.)

HW: Continue research- using magazines, home computer, school library, questioning an adult in the family, e.g. what do you think makes a good cushion design? What image comes to mind when you think of…. (Name your chosen country)..

4 Scheme of work/ Planning Grid Y8 Textiles

Key Les D & T Learning Concepts Learning Teaching & Learning Resources Questions son skills skills /key words Objectives Learning outcomes/succes Activities s criteria

What is a 5 Design and Peer We are Blue sky thinking. All: specification? evaluation feedback. learning to Teacher made mood board on a counties theme. (Include Pictures or examples lettering, colourings, textures, (even smells- e.g. French of 3 cushions made What is blue sky  Write a lavender/ Indian spices- could be used as part of previously. thinking? specificatio stuffing… etc) n. Design process- juggling what must be included- with  Think pushing the limits/ thinking outside box/ blue-sky. This lesson going to draw these two sides together. Hopefully creatively be able to draw on all their research from last lesson. and develop Introduce LO design work Look at A3 brainstorm sheet from lesson 2. Have all for cushion research stuff. Starter: front. Pairs: compare 3 cushions. (Can be pictures) Good/ bad.

Write specification. Pairs: what must my cushion have? Specification sheet What have I found out about what looks good on a cushion? What ideas do I have for the design?

4 x 4 design ideas. (P371 D & T folder). Students draw annotated design in centre box of 4 x 4 sheet. p/c p372 4 x 4 Encourage them to think about the fastening, positioning of image on the cushion cover, colours, explanation of colours and design, texture etc. Pass sheet onto next person. 1 min to look at drawing, then 3 mins to develop idea in top left space. Pass on 4 times until all 4 spaces are filled. Return to originator who can review and select or reject suggestions. (20 mins)

5 Scheme of work/ Planning Grid Y8 Textiles

Key Les D & T Learning Concepts Learning Teaching & Learning Resources Questions son skills skills /key words Objectives Learning outcomes/succes Activities s criteria

HW: Make up a mood board of their own to inspire their work. Use magazines, sketches, colours, lettering from newspapers etc.

Plenary: True or false. Ask students to stand if statement is true, sit if statement is false.

1. A good cushion design has the images and lettering near the edge of the cushion. 2. Letters need to be clear (for stencilling), and words kept to a minimum. 3. Choose an image that is simple, and graphic. 4. Leave space for the hem. 5. Lots of different colours look best.


6 Scheme of work/ Planning Grid Y8 Textiles

Key Les D & T Learning Concepts Learning Teaching & Learning Resources Questions son skills skills /key words Objectives Learning outcomes/succes Activities s criteria

6 We are Starter: What’s the question? Give students the learning to answer, and then in pairs they have to work out the question. The answer is “specification.”  Revise the use and Activities: application 1. Draw up and annotate design idea with of hems. reference to the specification, client, materials, cost, multiculturalism, and processes.  Develop Encourage students to gain feedback on their design work design and amend if necessary. Terms could be and give on flash cards, and students must ensure that reasons why all the words appear on their annotated design sketch. In that way, fewer words could be one design given to some students as a method of is chosen. differentiation.) Encourage students to use their key word list. 2. Hems.

Plenary: what have you learned today from what you saw, what you did, and what you heard?

7 Scheme of work/ Planning Grid Y8 Textiles

Key Les D & T Learning Concepts Learning Teaching & Learning Resources Questions son skills skills /key words Objectives Learning outcomes/succes Activities s criteria

7 We are learning to Starter: mind reader.  Understand Teachers writes list of words on board/OHP including the Tie and Tie and dye, specification, design, etc. Students, working dye process. individually, write down one word from list, and numbers  Learn 1-8 down side of their sheet. Teacher gives clues: different ways “I’m thinking of a process. Change your word if you of tying fabric want”…. to produce “I’m thinking of something that involves coloured different pigment. Change your …” etc. patterns. At the end students say which point they were sure they were correct in their guess. Points can be allocated to each guess- e.g. 8 if right on first guess, 7 on second etc.

Tie and Dye activity

Plenary: Golden rules. In pairs come up with 5 golden rules for Tie and dying.

8 Scheme of work/ Planning Grid Y8 Textiles

Key Les D & T Learning Concepts Learning Teaching & Learning Resources Questions son skills skills /key words Objectives Learning outcomes/succes Activities s criteria

8-9 Planning We are Starter: Hand out cup of tea flow chart. Listen to cup Cup of tea tape. Stencilling learning how of tea recording and tick off each stage on the flow p/c Cup of tea flow evaluation chart as you hear it on the recording. Ask students what diagram to they think the different shapes mean on the diagram.  Stencil Blank flow diagram accurately, Explain that they are going to produce one of these for shapes. Glue and and for the stencilling process, and then they will be able to paper. practice stencilling, using their flow diagram to guide different them, and finally, complete their stencilling on a cushion Practice fabric. finishes. cover. Fabric paints  Draw a flow Cushion front cover. chart Model stencilling process to students, showing different Stencils. finishes to achieve different effects.

Students in pairs then make up flow chart for stencilling. Compare results in fours. Draw out the ongoing evaluation of work. Add in time frame.

Students practice stencilling.

Students stencil on cushion cover.

Plenary 1 : How do flow charts help in the make and do part of D & T? Where else could you use flow diagrams? (Other subjects etc.)

Plenary 2: peer assess each other stencilling- 3 good points, 1 “would be better if….”

9 Scheme of work/ Planning Grid Y8 Textiles

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10 Make and do part of project. -18 Students stencil, embroider, construct cushion.

Include peer evaluations each lesson and self-evaluation of progress. Encourage students to refer to their A3 graphic organisers, and make notes on it of their progress, what they have done well, and what they need to work on next. Suggest that student’s record oral feedback from peers and teacher to refer to next lesson. Post-its can be used for this purpose and stuck on the work as reminder when entering next lesson.

19 Care labels and packaging

20 Evaluation Use ACCESS FM to evaluate each others finished work.


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