Of the Republican Public

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Of the Republican Public

APPROVED at the 7thExtraordinaryCongress of the Republican Public Association “KazakhstanChess Federation” inthe city of Astana October 11, 2014


RepublicanPublic Association “KazakhstanChess Federation”

Astana 1. General provisions

1.1. Republican Public Association “Kazakhstan Chess Federation” (hereinafter referred to as the “Federation”) is hereby authorized to manage and develop chess in the Republic of Kazakhstan and has the exclusive right to represent the Republic of Kazakhstan in the International Chess Federation (FIDE, francs. FédérationInternationale des Échecs, the International Chess Federation). 1.2. The Federation carries out its activities according to the Constitution, the Laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Rule and Regulation of the International Chess Federation (FIDE, francs. FédérationInternationale des Échecs, the International Chess Federation), and the present Charter. 1.3. Full name of the Federation: Republican Public Association “Kazakhstan Chess Federation”. 1.4. Short name of the Federation: KCF, RPA. 1.5. The Federation is independent of the government, economic bodies, public organizations, isnot accountable and not subject to their control, except in the cases established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 1.6. The Federation was established and operates on the basis of voluntariness, democracy, equality of its members, self-government, legality and openness. 1.7. The legal capacity of the Federation as a legal entity begins from the moment of its registration by the authorized state body in the order established by the applicable legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 1.8. The Federation carries out its purpose, avoiding discrimination of a political, racial, national, religious and social character. 1.9. The Federation may acquire property and non-property rights and bear responsibility, sue and be sued in the courts, take other actions in accordance with charter purposes and objects of activity that is not contrary with the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 1.10. The Federation has accounts, seal, independent balance, stamps and property. 1.11. Location of the Federation’s governing bodies: 2 (two) Otyrar Str., Apt. 63 (sixty-three), Almaty district, city of Astana, zip code 010000, Republic of Kazakhstan.

2. Subject andobjectives of theFederation

2.1. The subjects ofthe Federationare: •development of chessin the Republic ofKazakhstan; •popularizationof chessamong the population; •promotion of the Olympic Movement; •increaseof the prestigeof the Kazakhstanchess in the international arena. 2.2. The objectives of theFederation are: •representation ofthe Republic of Kazakhstaninthe International ChessFederation (FIDE, francs. FédérationInternationale des Échecs, the InternationalChess Federation); •popularizationof chessamong the population ofthe republic; •improvement of the highly skilled sportsmen training system, provideperformancesof national teamsof Kazakhstanin chessat the Asian Games, World Cups, World Championships, Asianand other international competitions; • development and strengthening of theinternational relationswith nationalchessfederationsof foreign countries; • participationin creatingprograms for the developmentof chessin the country; • drawing upa calendarof national competitions, Regulations onholding the competitions, holding thenational and international competitionsaccording to the rulesof the International ChessFederation (FIDE,francs. FédérationInternationale des Échecs, the InternationalChess Federation); • participationin organizing and holdingcoursesfor advanced training oftrainersand judgesof the Republic; •issue ofinformation material; • considerationin the prescribed mannerof materials andassistancein awarding sports and honorary degrees and rewards to the sportsmen, trainers and referees; • socialprotection of the rightsand interestsof sportsmen, trainers, veteransof chess;

3. Rights and obligations of the Federation

3.1. In accordance with the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Federation has the right to: • represent the interests of chess players in the International Chess Federation (FIDE, francs.FédérationInternationale des Échecs, the International Chess Federation) and other international organizations; • hold competitions within the territory of the Republic according to the Rules of the International Chess Federation (FIDE, francs.FédérationInternationale des Échecs, the International Chess Federation); • create teams of the Republic for the training and participation in international competitions; • represent and protect the interests of its members in state and public organizations; • keep direct international contacts and relations, sign relevant treaties and agreements, and joinas a collective member into international public organizations; • create structural units as established by lawin order to fulfill the statutory objectives; • carry out the construction, reconstruction and repair of sports facilities; acquire sports facilities and equipment; • provide paid trips abroad to members of the Federation, host foreign groups and delegations, as well as participate in other activities that do not contradict with legislation and international obligations of the Republic of Kazakhstan; • own property, cash and rent buildings, equipment and other assets; • hold the lottery, auction; • carry out publishing activities; • determine the system of remuneration and financial stimulation for staff members and members of the Federation; • exercise other rights that do not contradictwith the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 3.2. Obligations of the Federation: • observe the Constitution and the Laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan; • be responsible for acts that contradictwith the Constitution, the Laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan and beyond the present Charter.

4. Membership in the Federation

4.1. Membership in the Federation may be individual, collective and honorable. 4.2. Individual members may be citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan, recognizing the present Charter, actively involved in the implementation of the tasks of the Federation. The Executive Committee of the Federation determines the order of adoption and criteria for awarding the title of honorary member of the Federation. 4.3. Admission and withdrawal from the Federation is performed by the Executive Committee of the Federation based onthe written application of the member to be admitted. The Congress of the Federation determines the order of paying membership and entrance fees. 4.4. Members of the Federation have the right to: • nominate and elect its representatives to the governing bodies of the Federation and the Branch; • submit for consideration by the Congress and other bodies of the Federation the offers and requests related to its activities; • participate in the implementation of projects and programs of the Federation on priority basis; • use the property of the Federation; • represent the Federation and act on its behalf by power of attorney issued by the Federation; • receive from the governing and other bodies of the Federation information about its activities in the established order; • use equipment, inventory as well as other property of the Federation; • easilywithdraw from the Federation; 4.5. Members of the Federation are obliged to: • implement the provisions ofthe Charter of theFederation andparticipate indeciding its tasks; •fulfill itsobligationsunder agreementswith the Federation; •implement the decisions ofthe FederationCongresses.

5. The Structure of the Federation 5.1. The Federation is formed by the administrative-territorial basis and bases its activities on the following principles: unity of the Federation and self-sufficiency of the members and Branches in resolving the statutory objectives; the electivity of all bodies, their regular accountability to members and the higher authorities; binding decisions of higher bodies for lower bodies and members of the Federation; collegiality in the work of all elective bodies, personal responsibility for the implementation of decisions and orders made; a single financial policy. 5.2. The regional Branches make up the basis of the organizational structure of the Federation. 5.3. The Branches of the Federation carry out their activities in accordance with the Constitution and the Laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan, within the framework of this Charter and based on the Regulation on Branches, approved by the Congress of the Federation. 5.4. The Branch is formed by the Congress of the Federation. 5.5. The Branchtakes theregistration with thelocal departments of justicefor its recognition as astructural unit ofthe Federation, after which it is granted the right toopen a bank account, as well as to make seal, stamp,and forms of the standard pattern. 5.6.The Branchoperates in accordancewith the civil lawand other regulationsof the Republic ofKazakhstan, is not alegal entity, and vested with the Federationpropertybased on rightsof use. 5.7. The procedure of formation, the term of office, the competence ofthe Chairman, the termination of the Branchare set by the Regulation on Branches. 5.8. The Federationincludes the Branchesof the regions of the Republicof Kazakhstan. 5.9. Chairmanof the Branchis electedand approved by theExecutive Committee of the Federation for3 years.

6. Bodies ofthe Federation. Their term of office and competence

6.1. The supreme body of the Federation - is its Republican Congress convened at least once every 2 years. The Executive Committee of the Federation declares on convocation, date, agenda and venue of the Congress not later than two months before its convocation. • The delegates to the Congress ex-officio are the President of the Federation, the First Vice- President, Vice-Presidents, Executive Director, Executive Secretary and members of the Executive Committee, members of the committeeand delegates of the regional branches. • Extraordinary Congress may be convened at the initiative of the Executive Committee (at least 2/3 of the members of the Executive Committee). • The Congress considered competent if it represented by more than half of the total number of elected delegates. The decision considered adopted if more than half of the present delegates voted for it. Voting on matters under discussion is conducted in an open or closed form. Closed (secret) ballot shall be held at the request of 1/2 of the delegates to the Congress. More than half of the votes of delegates who present to the Congress are required to make a decision on reorganization or liquidation of the Federation, the recall of the President, Vice-Presidents, the Executive Director, and theExecutive Secretary. 6.2. The exclusive competence of the supreme body of the Federation - the Congress of the Federation includes the issues of: • adoption,amendments and additionsto the Charter ofthe Federation; •voluntary reorganizationand termination ofactivities; • determining the competence, organizational structure, order of formation andtermination of terms of powers ofgoverning bodies; •determinationof the orderand timing ofthe financial statementsof the executive bodies, as well as the order ofaudits by supervisory bodyand approvalof the audits results; • makingdecision within the limits established by the legislative acts on the participation of the Federation in creation or activities of other legal entities, as well as itsBranches and representative offices. • determination of the main activities of the Federation for the coming period; • approval of the Regulation on regional Branches, amendments and additions thereto; • approval of the Regulation on the Audit committee and its composition; • election of the President, the First Vice-President, Vice-Presidents, the Executive Director, the Executive Secretary, the coaching council and other committees of the Federation; • hearing and approval of the Audit Committee reports; • discussion and determination of activities conducted by the Federation; • making decision to admit(withdraw) as a corporate memberininternationalnon- governmentaland non-profitassociationswhich activities donot contradictwiththe Constitution and the Lawsof the Republic ofKazakhstan; • making decisionon the reorganizationor termination ofactivities of the Federation, the appointment ofthe liquidation committee; The Congress ofthe Federationshall have the rightto considerother issuesimportant forthe Federation activity. 6.3. The Executive Committee of the Federation: • defines the structure, the number of theFederation office’s full-timeemployees, •approvesjob descriptions andcost estimates forits maintenance; •hears, discussesand approves theannual statementsof the Branches; •decides issues of the material and moralincentives for membersand employees ofthe Federation; • considers and approves theannualthematic work plans andbudget of theFederationfor the coming year, reportson them; • organizes andmonitors the implementation ofthe Congress decisions and thetasks arising fromthe present Charter; • considers andsettles other issuesnot related to thecompetence of the Congress. The members ofthe Executive Committeeareex officio: the President, the First Vice-President, Vice-Presidents, Advisor to the President, state chess trainer, men’s teamhead trainer,women’s teamhead trainer, the Executive Director, the Executive Secretary. •number of the Executive Committeemembersshall not exceed17 people; • in the periodbetween Congresses,the Executive Committeeacts as the governingbody of the Federation. Decisions are takenby simple majority. Meetings of the Executive Committeeshall be deemed competentif attended byat leasthalf of the membersof the Executive Committee, including the President or theVice-President of the Federation. •electedfor a term of3 years andholds meetingnot more than oncea month. 6.4. Committees of the Federation: 6.4.1. Audit Committee: • works on the basis of the Regulation on the Audit Committee; • if necessary, has the right to convene an Extraordinary Congress; • elected for a term of 3 years; 6.5. President of the Federation: • supervises the activities of the Federation; • disposes the property and funds of the Federation with the consent of the Executive Committee; • represents the Federation in the International Chess Federation (FIDE, francs.FédérationInternationale des Échecs, the International Chess Federation), in the government, public bodies and other legal entities; • has the right of first signature on all documents; • concludes contracts and agreements on behalf of theFederation withoutpower of attorney; •determines thestaffing ofthe Federation; •elected for a termof 3 years; •endowed withother powers, notwithin the jurisdiction ofthe Congress; 6.6. The First Vice-President of the Federation: •performs the functions ofthe Presidentin his absence; • provides a directoperational management ofcurrent activities of theworking bodies of theFederation onbehalf of the President; •directlysupervises thecoaching counciland the national teams; • elected for a term of 3 years. 6.7. Vice-President of the Federation (9 persons): • promotes the development of chess in the national media; • exercises their powers to the extent determined by the President of the Federation; • elected for a term of 3 years. 6.8. Executive Director of the Federation: • has the right to sign all documents within its competence; • concludes contracts and agreements on behalf of the Federation without power of attorney; • is responsible for the selection of the Federation office’s full-time employees; • informs the Executive Committee on the financial status of the Federation; • providespractical assistance tostructural unitsin their activities; •is responsible forcommunicationwith the Branches(regional Chess Federations) and the chess clubs; •develops afinancial plan forthe Federation; •cooperateswith other public organizationsandother legal entities; •elected for a termof 3 years. •granted with other powersunder the presentCharter. 6.9. Executive Secretary of theFederation: • responsible for working withthe incoming and outgoingdocuments; •develops theRegulations on thenational competitionsin chess; •responsible for the developmentand coordination ofinternational andnational competitions; • is responsible forthe timelyfamiliarizationof Branches (regional Chess Federations) with the governingdocuments ofthe Congress, the President, the Executive Committee; • keepsthe minutes of meetings; •elected for a termof 3 years. 6.10. Coaching Council: • consistsof 7 members, including the chairperson. •The Couching Councilincludes ex officio:state trainer, men’s team head trainer, and women’s teamhead trainer, head trainer of thejuniornational teamand other honorarytrainers. • participates in thedevelopment and approval ofthe annual nationalsportscalendar and therecruitmentof national teams ofthe Republic of Kazakhstan. •elected for a termof 3 years. Functional duties, rights and powersare determined bythe decision ofthe Executive Committee. 7. Property andassetsof the Federation

7.1. Propertyof the Federationis one and undivided. 7.2. The Federationin accordancewith the current legislationof the Republic ofKazakhstanmay ownbuildings,structures, housing, equipment, inventory,property of cultural,educationalandrecreational purposesand other propertynecessaryfor the operation ofthe Federation, providedby the Charter; 7.3. The following established due to therevenue: •Fundof the statutory activities development; •Uniform wage fund.

8. Symbols of the Federation

8.1. The Federationmay in due coursehaveits own symbolic thatdoes not contradictwith the legislation ofthe Republic of Kazakhstan. The Federationhas asymbolicin the formofan equestrian with a spearatilt galloping the chessfield, symbolizing thechess game. 8.2. The colors- black and white.

9. The order of making amendments and additions to the Charter

9.1 The Congress has an exclusive competence of making amendments and additions to the Federation Charter. 9.2The Executive Committee has the right tosubmit proposalson making amendments and additions to the Charter.The Executive Committeeincludesthe issue of making amendments or additions tothe Charterin the agenda ofthe upcomingCongress. 9.3The Congressis convened, heldand it makes decisionsin accordance with theprovisions laid downin Chapter6 of this Charter.

10. The orderof reorganizationand termination ofthe Federation activities

10.1. Activities of the Federation may be terminated by reorganization or liquidation as decided by the court or the supreme body of the Federation - the Congress. 10.2. By decision of the Congress, reorganization or termination of the Federation activities shall be performed as initiated by the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee includes the issue of reorganization or termination of the Federation activities in the agenda of the upcoming Congress. 10.3. The Congress is convened, held and it makes decisions on the matter in accordance with provision laid down in Chapter 6 of this Charter. 10.4. In the case of reorganization, the Congress of the Federation assigns Balance, and in the case of liquidation - the Liquidation Committee to address the issues of the Federation property and assets. 10.5. In the case of reorganization and termination of the Federation activities, decisions of the Congress shall be immediately communicated to the attention of the registration authority. 10.6. In the case of the Federation reorganization, the residual property and assets are transferred to the assignee. 10.7. Inthe case of the Federation liquidation(dissolution), the residual property and assets are usedfor the purposes providedin this Charter. 10.8.The Federationis considered terminatedafter making a record of it in the stateregister of legal entities. 10.9.In the event oftermination of theFederation activities, the documents,confirming de- registration ofBranches and representative officesof the liquidatedlegal entity shall be sent to the authorized body.


by the Minutes dated 04.07.2015 of the Congress of the Republican Public Association “KazakhstanChess Federation”

AMENDMENTS TO THE CHARTER of the RepublicanPublic Association“KazakhstanChess Federation” (hereinafter - the “Federation”)

Amend and read par. 1.11. of the Federation Charter as follows:

Location of the Federationgoverning bodies: 90 Sharipov Str., Almaly District, city of Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan;

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