Projects at a Glance

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Projects at a Glance

Projects at a Glance (March 2012)

No Name Funding Objective Expected Outcome Budget Duration Agency (Rs/US$) 1. 1. Cost of Economic The Asia Analyse the reasons for Enhancement of intra- 2,282,500 03/11-03/12 Non-Cooperation Foundation economic non- regional trade and (51,220) to Consumers in cooperation between investment relations in South Asia South Asian countries, South Asia and www.cuts- assess the costs thereof resultant gains in in terms of loss of consumer welfare in OSA consumer welfare and the region derive recommendations for minimising such welfare loss 2. 2. A Study of The Ministry of Promote appropriate and Generation of 36,903,693 01/11-12/12 Environmental Foreign Affairs optimal use of eco- understanding on how (827,483) Standards and their through the labels as a means for standards and quality Trade Impacts on Royal enhancing attributes related to Indian Textiles and Norwegian environmental environmental Clothing Sector Embassy, New sustainability, especially concerns including www.cuts- Delhi with regard to climate carbon credits in T&C change, consumer are defined, developed welfare in the North and and managed both in producer profitability in the Northern and the South Southern hemisphere

3. 3. Government The British High Lead to more efficient By 2013, Government 12,003,598 07/11-03/13 Procurement – An Commission government of India adopts (269,198) emerging tool of procurement system in necessary policy global integration India with greater changes towards a and good transparency, efficiency more transparent and governance in and good governance for open government India both domestic as well as procurement system www.cuts- foreign enterprises supporting its possible accession to the WTO Plurilateral Agreement on Government Procurement 4. 4. 'Environmental Norwegian Raise awareness among Ascertain the 18,58,000 03/10-12/12 Sustainability Research stakeholders in cotton sustainability (40,689) Impact Assessment Council and value chain regarding component in the of Cotton Value coordinated by environmental supply chains and Chain in India’ is National Institute sustainability issues consumption of Cotton part of project for Consumer titled Regulations, Research in Markets And collaboration Consumer Self- with the Centre Regulation in for International Global Sustainable Climate and 1 Development: A Environmental Comparison of Research Three European Countries www.cuts- V 5. 5. CUTS-FES FES India Elicit views and How to overcome 10,00,000 03/12-12/12 Stakeholder concerns of business NTBsand prepare an (18,361) consultations on community about non- advocacy agenda for Intra-Regional tariff barriers (including the Trade procedural NTBs) removal/harmonisation hindering intra-regional of NTBs between trade South Asian countries 6. Business Ministry of Explore how business Enhanced awareness 50,509,900 02/11-12/12 Regulation and Foreign Affairs, regulation can balance of how elements of (11,13,411) Corporate Conduct Norway through the dual and often enterprise/sectoral www.cuts- the Royal divergent goals of development can be Norwegian stimulating investment amalgamated with Embassy, New and entrepreneurship on responsible business Delhi the one hand, and conduct in promote responsible state/national policies business conduct in a and practices few selected states in India on the other 7. India Competition Ministry of A report providing Better understanding 23,853,000 11/10-10/12 and Regulation Foreign Affairs, background information among key (525,801) Report (2011) Norway through about the prevailing stakeholders of the www.cuts- the Royal state of competition various competition Norwegian (both in terms of policy concerns across Embassy, New and practices) in a few sectors of the Indian Delhi select sectors in India economy and the way forward 8. Demand Side ClimateWorks Increase long term More cognisant civil 6,317,000 12/10-11/12 Management & Foundation, US capacity/awareness of society groups on (141,791) Renewable Energy through Shakti CSOs to demand for issues pertaining to in India: Capacity Sustainable DSM & RE initiatives; DSM & RE; increase Building of CSOs Energy train CSOs to participate in demand from the -- DREC Project Foundation in regulatory processes; consumer end which www.cuts- (SSEF), India and develop a can result in policy mechanism to take the initiatives; and views of the CSOs to the effective policy policy level and vice- actions by the versa government for enhancement of DSM & RE 9. Evolving Effective Indian Institute Study how regulatory Legislative and 10,00,000 07/11-03/12 ) Cooperation of Corporate conflicts between the administrative reforms (22,527) between Affairs competition authority to enhance inter- Competition and sector regulators can agency cooperation Authority and be resolved deriving and effectiveness in Sector Regulators from the approaches promoting and –Lessons From followed by other preserving the Indian and countries and tailoring competition process. A 2 International them to our needs as congenial environment Contexts well as to develop a for interaction between www.cuts- structured, systematic the competition and sustainable process agency and sector of interactions/dialogue regulators. More between the competition effective enforcement authority and sector of competition and regulatory bodies sectoral laws. Better coherence and efficiency in the economic governance system

10. Grassroots Consumer Build a strong consumer Create an enabling 69,24,400 01/10-12/12 Reachout & Welfare Fund, movement at the environment at the (1,54,908) Networking in Department of grassroots by equipping grassroots in 12 Rajasthan through Consumer consumer activists with selected districts of Consumer Action Affairs, Ministry skills and create a Rajasthan. This, in www.cuts- of Consumer network of zealous turn, will help building Affairs, Food grassroots activists a capable, dedicated CART/GRANIRCA and Public through intensive and sustainable Distribution, training, capacity network for Government of building and orientation strengthening effective India programmes on relevant service delivery with consumer protection enhanced transparency issues and accountability in the processes 11. Developing a Affiliated Promote good Forming a strong CSO 28,45,700 04/10-03/12 culture of good Network for governance through network to promote (60,000) governance and Social increased people’s transparency and to accountability in Accountability – participation by using ensure accountability the state of South Asia various tools and at all levels of Rajasthan, India Region and techniques governance through through involving Global capacity building CSOs Partnership Fund www.cuts- art/CUTS- CAG.htm 12. National Ministry of Create awareness on 229 NGOs with 24,03,900 08/11-07/12 Environmental Environment & issues related to greater awareness on (45,301) Awareness Forests, biodiversity and taking the theme ‘forest for campaign (NEAC): Government of action sustainable livelihood’ RRA for Rajasthan India creating awareness and (2011-12) action in the www.cuts- neighbourhoods art/NEAC.htm 13. District Level Telecom Build awareness among Better and hindrance- 5,00,000 08/11-03/12 Telecom Consumer Regulatory local telecom consumers free services to (8,896) Education Authority of regarding emerging consumers of telecom 3 Workshop India consumer issues and services and better 10 (10 workshops in a grievance redressal redressal of grievances workshops financial year) mechanism in the telecom sector 14. Indian Consumers Department of Research, advocacy, Create an enabling 1,00,00,000 11/11-10/12 in the New Consumer networking and environment for (177,880) Age: A Affairs, Ministry knowledge enhancement protection and Forward of Consumer to strengthen and take promotion of Looking Affairs, Food the Indian consumer consumer interest Agenda to and Public movement forward contributing towards Address the Distribution, the national interest Concerns of Government of the Common India Man (Consumers Up) www.cuts- CART/ConsumerU p/

15. Community of Affiliated Enable and Formation and 28,50,000 01/12-12/12 Practice on Social Network for institutionalise the strengthening of (57000) Accountability Social process, mechanisms network among the Tools in South Accountability- social accountability organisations inclined Asia Region South Asia (SAc) tools among towards SAc tools will Region (ANSA ANSA-SAR partners in enhance the visibility SAR) Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, of SAc work and Nepal, Pakistan and approaches India

16. Micro Credit Zila Parishad Ensure socio-economic Providing a platform 24,00,000 05/08-04/12 project for Poverty development and to women to discuss (52,749) Alleviation enhance livelihood their problems; a http://www.cuts- security in rural areas mechanism for poverty alleviation; hd/Micro-credit- opportunity for Project.htm employment; ensuring economic security; empowering women & weaker sections; checking migration; promoting water and environment conservation; and ensuring access to basic services 17. MNGOs Scheme, Improve the quality of Enhance the 4,500,000 06/09-05/12 Bhilwara reproductive and child managerial skills of (92,006) (Preparatory health services in un- FNGOs for better Phase) Ministry of served and under-served implementation of http://www.cuts- Health & Family areas MNGO Scheme; 4 Welfare, facilitate the provision hd/Mother-NGO- Government of of RCH services; Scheme- India resolve the FNGO’s Bhilwara.htm problems/challenges; and ensure better MNGOs Scheme, implementation of the 4,500,000 06/09-05/12 Chittorgarh project at the grassroot (92,006) (Preparatory level through Phase) monitoring & http://www.cuts- evaluation hd/Mother-NGO- Scheme- Chittorgarh.htm 18. Stronger Voice to Save the Build a conducive SC/ST children living 5,000,000 06/09-12/13 Excluded Children Children – Bal societal atmosphere for in 28 villages of (102,206) in Government & Rakhsha Bharat overall development and Chittorgarh district in NGO protection of children Rajasthan are Policies and from various kinds of mainstreamed into Programmes exploitation and abuse formal and informal http://www.cuts- structures; their voices are heard and hd/IPAP.htm recognised institutionally 19. Community Based Sightsavers Advocacy work at Strengthen the 5,538,360 08/10-07/13 Rehabilitation various levels for ongoing government (122,084) Project sustainable, accessible, initiatives so as to http://www.cuts- affordable and ensure that persons acceptable quality with disabilities, hd/CBR.htm comprehensive eye children with specific services need and the persons with curable eye diseases have a better access to the services; make PwDs aware of their rights and mobilise them into groups so that collectively they can ensure that their rights are protected; influence and involve various stakeholders on the issue of social inclusion which will take forward the mainstreaming initiatives 20. Training of Village Health Create awareness in the Knowledge gained Pratapgarh 12/10-03/12 Health & Department, village about available about health 3,510,000 Sanitation Chittorgarh and health services and their rights, National Rural (77,372) Committees Pratapgarh health entitlements; Health Mission and (VHSC) in develop a Village Health service guarantees; Chittorgarh Chittorgarh and Plan based on an clarity about 5,670,000 5 Pratapgarh districts assessment of the importance and (124,986.23 situation and priorities functioning of VHSC; ) of the community; able to use the maintain a village health community register and health monitoring tools, information board and collation and sharing calendar; analyse key format; and work/time issues/problems plan for community pertaining to village monitoring process level health and nutrition activities and provide feedback to relevant functionaries and officials; present an annual health report to the Gram Sabha 21. Study on Unfair International Generate and promote Expected to lead and 18,442,048 12/10-12/12 Trade Practices in Development substantive contribute to the (414,328) Select ASEAN Research Centre discussions/dialogues in improvement of the Countries the Association of relevant legal and http://utp.cuts- Southeast Asian Nations institutional (ASEAN) on issues frameworks in related to unfair trade ASEAN countries that practices (UTPs) seek to sustain a fair business environment therein and ensure equitable market outcomes in the long run 22. Holding Consumers Empower consumer Better broadband 66,863 2011/2012 Broadband Service International organisations around the services for consumers (1,500) (Phase I) world to demand more Providers to (for Vietnam) as a necessary Account equitable and accessible condition of achieving broadband service a socially-inclusive offerings, respecting information society consumers' rights and broader human rights

23. Promoting Swedish Multi-stakeholders Development of better 226,136,101 10/11-09/14 Agriculture- International capacity building on understanding and (4,261,893) Climate Trade Agency for trade-climate change- capacity regarding Linkages in the Development food security linkages trade-climate change- Eastern African Cooperation and improving EAC food security linkages Community (SIDA) participation in the among all relevant (PACT EAC) WTO stakeholders in the www.cuts- EAC; better capacity to participate in the c/ multilateral trading system; and development of holistic approaches to utilise trade to face the challenge of climate

6 change on food security 24. Fostering Equitable The William and Contribute to the Generation and 27,134,998 04/11-03/12 Agricultural Flora Hewlett development of an dissemination of (600,000) Development in Foundation, US enabling environment recommendations with sub-Saharan Africa for private sector led a buy-in from relevant http://www.cuts- and farmer-friendly stakeholders for an agricultural enabling environment Project.htm development, and to for private sector led strengthen the pro trade, and farmer friendly pro equity credible development of Southern voice in agriculture; Geneva strengthening the pro trade, pro equity voice in Geneva; and establishment/strength ening of national and international networks of key stakeholders consisting of trade negotiators in Geneva, trade and agriculture policy officials, representatives of regional bodies, private sector umbrella organisations, farmers organisations and CSOs 25. Better Exploration Embassy of Build capacity of state A culture of dialogue 11,867,991 12/10-12/12 of Trade as a Finland and non-state actors in and inclusiveness for (262,5) Means for Poverty order to strengthen and ‘policy ownership and Reduction: An influence participation coherence’ will be Inclusive in the Enhanced developed in Zambia Approach to Aid Integrated Framework and expected to be for Trade and process thus helping replicated in other Enhanced promote the utilisation least developed Integrated and ownership of the countries in future Framework in process Zambia http://www.cuts- RC/Lusaka/BETA MPOR/index.htm 26. Consumer Rights Akiba Uhaki Empower the Development in the 544,224 02/12-07/12 Empowerment For Foundation marginalised consumers socio- economic (10,000) Socio-Economic (AUF) to demand their rights welfare of consumers Justice and Good and actively participate in Kenya; increased Governance in in ensuring good awareness, knowledge, Kenya governance for better information and (CONSREG) service delivery in support from the www.consumerfor Kenya (electricity, society on consumer healthcare, telecom, protection issues; an transport and water informed active and 7 sectors) vigilant mass of consumer groups; and improved consumer justice system and accountable governance structure in the provision of goods and services that meet consumer expectation 27. Assessment of the Trust Africa Analyse the institutional Findings to influence 1,361,603 01/12-12/12 Regulatory and through the and regulatory policy choices to be (25,000) Institutional ICBE Research challenges facing certain considered while Challenges Fund SME clusters in four developing SME Affecting SMEs selected provinces in strategy in Kenya for Development in Kenya the development of Kenya (RICS) SMEs at the county www.cuts- level. RC/Nairobi/RICS/i ndex.htm 28. Anti-competitive Ministry of An assignment for the A mechanism to 2,905,972 04/12-07/12 Practices in Trade and Rwanda Ministry of monitor and evaluate (53,394) Rwanda Industry, Trade & Industry to competition in Rwanda develop background Rwanda; and technical information about anti- skills to the competitive practices in Competition and three sectors in the Consumer Protection country – Banks, Unit in professional Breweries and Insurance anticompetitive practice investigation and law enforcement 29. Hands Off the Fian Analyses the experience Increased awareness 1,001,122 01/12-06/12 Land International and of investment promotion on the negative (18,379) Transnational in Zambia, especially in impacts of land Institute identifying how policy grabbing on food and practice might have security in Zambia an adverse impact on ordinary Zambians’ access to land 30. Consumer West Bengal Build consumer capacity Awareness amongst 7,530,150 10/10-04/12 Assistance Cells State Electricity on the rights and consumers about their (141,907) for Electricity Distribution responsibilities of rights and Consumer at Company Ltd electricity consumers, as responsibilities; Grassroots Level (WBSEDCL) laid down by the efficient grievance (CONASC) Electricity Act 2003 and redressal machinery at www.cuts- relevant regulations the grassroots; greater awareness/action on rc/CONASC/index. plugging of power htm theft; improved consumer interface for WBSEDCL; and a channel for two-way communication 8 between grassroot consumers and WBSEDCL 6. 31. BRICS Trade and Self-supported Research organisations - - 01/12 Economics in BRICS countries to (ongoing) Research Network work together on issues (BRICS-TERN) of trade and investment, http://cuts- and jointly produce outputs which can assist RICS-TERN/ policy making in BRICS countries 32. Quality of Self-supported Demonstrate the use of a Evolve ideas about the - 09/09-06/12 Regulation: An general model for factors that determine Analytical Case- assessing the quality of quality of regulation study Approach regulation which can be www.cuts- put to use by developing/developed of_Regulation.htm countries alike 33. Consumer Self-supported Prepare a report entitled A ready reckoner on - 04/08-06/12 Protection Regimes ‘Consumer Protection consumer protection in the World Regimes in the World’, from across the globe www.cuts- which would contain that can be used as a essays on the state of reference book r-project.htm consumer protection from across 50 countries


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