Learning Resources Supervisors Meeting

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Learning Resources Supervisors Meeting

MINUTES Learning Resources Supervisors’ Meeting April 8, 2008

The Learning Resources supervisors met on Tuesday, April 8, 2008, at 3:00 p.m. in Library 203. Those in attendance: Linda Bigelow, Betty Linneman, Dena McCaffrey, Sue Morgan, Loretta Ponzar, Dan Smith, Allan Wamsley, Lisa Wolfe, and Amy McKenna-Jones (secretary).


Linda Bigelow updated supervisors on the following items:

Library Building First Floor Renovation Project The construction bids for the Library renovation project came in last week. Linda said they looked very good. The bids came in much lower than anticipated, which means that there is money left for library furniture. Linda is working to put together a timetable for each area impacted by the renovation outlining what needs to happen and in what order. She said the more that can be done ahead of time the better off they will be. As they work on scheduling different projects, Linda said they must keep in mind that after graduation, our maintenance staff begins to cycle in their vacations limiting manpower in the summer. Alexis Wagnon from KI has been working on Library plans, and Linda will share those as they come in.

Annual Performance Reviews – April 30 Linda reminded everyone that annual performance reviews are due by April 30. She has already scheduled appointment times with all of her staff.

Annual Reports – June 15 The Annual Reports are due to Linda no later than June 15. They are to be written in the same format as last year.


Institutional Effectiveness Reviews - Allan Wamsley’s department is working on their Institutional Effectiveness Review. The Learning Center and Library departments need to include an additional column in their report titled “Status.” This is where they will enter information about what has been done to address the goals and/or concerns outlined in the last report that was written. Linda distributed sample copies of what the reports might look like.

Flex Schedule – The proposed flex schedule will run from May 19-August 1 this year. This proposal goes before Cabinet on Thursday. Once it is made official, Linda asked that each department forward their flex schedules to Amy. Amy will enter the schedules on the “Staff Vacations” calendar in STARS so that everyone will have access to it.

Real Estate & Construction Review - There will be an article about the Arnold campus appearing in the Real Estate & Construction Review – St. Louis. Roger Barrentine, Rick Turley, and Linda Bigelow all worked on putting together the information for the article. The article will appear some time within the next six months.

Page 1 of 4 MCCA Call For Presentations – The MCCA has put out a call for presentations for the MCCA convention this year. The convention will be held November 5-7. Proposals forms are due by May 30 and are available on MCCA’s website at www.mocca.org.

Request for Commencement Line Workers - Holly Lincoln is asking for volunteers to work as line workers for the May 10 Commencement. Linda distributed information from Holly and asked that this information be shared in each department. Anyone interested in volunteering should contact Holly.

Technology Innovation Award – Allan Wamsley is looking into submitting a nomination for the MCCA Technology Innovation award for Jim Bianco’s work on the emergency notification system. Linda said the notification system had its first real test when severe weather moved through earlier in the week, and it worked well.

Naming of JC Optional Learning Formats - Prior to our meeting, Linda emailed her departments asking for input on naming our optional learning formats. Since we offer a number of Saturday classes, hybrid Saturday classes, one-day-a-week, evening, and online classes, we are looking to give these options some kind of identity. There were several ideas shared at our meeting. They included JC Select, JC4U, JC@YouChoose, JC Choices Plus, and JC Advantage.

Intersession Hours Linda asked for clarification on intersession hours of operation for each area. Allan said computer labs and Help Desk hours are the same as the regular semester. Library hours are: Hillsboro 8:00-4:30 Monday-Thursday 8:00-4:00 Friday Arnold 9:00-4:30 Monday-Thursday 8:00-4:00 Friday Closed on Saturdays at both locations.

Betty and Dena agreed to talk after the meeting to make the determination on Saturday hours and submitted the following information after the meeting: Once the semester closes on May 9th, JCA and NW will not have Saturday hours again until the fall semester begins with one exception – the registration rally at JCA on June 7th. May 3 is the last Saturday NW is open this semester. NW Saturdays will begin again on August 23.

The following is the Saturday schedule for JCA: May 3 – ACT Center June 7 – Registration Rally & ACT Center Note: Compass tests must be started by noon. Aug23 – ACT Center

Online Course Navigational Tutorial Linda reported that Vickie Morgan is in the process of developing a tutorial for online students which will teach them how to navigate within the course management system. Vickie will have the tutorial up and running this summer. She said the change over from WebCT to Blackboard

Page 2 of 4 will be significant. Her tutorial will include step by step instructions in text format, screen shots, and video demos.

Departmental Reports

Online Courses Amy McKenna-Jones reported on enrollment numbers for summer and fall. As of 10:15 this morning (almost 1 ½ days into registration), the following numbers were reported:

 Summer: 190 seats filled The courses with 10 or more already enrolled include: Art Appreciation Intro to Economics Personal Health US & MO Govt and Constitution General Sociology

 Fall: 138 seats filled

We are offering 33 courses (52 sections) online this summer and 56 courses (72 sections) online this fall. Amy sent an updated advising chart to Kathy Johnston in March outlining the on- campus requirements for our online course offerings this summer and fall. Kathy shares this with the advising staff, and the information is also included in our course schedule.

IS/Academic Computing Allan Wamsley reported that a number of software license renewals have been submitted, including renewals on Auto CAD, Respondus, and Blackboard. Blackboard 6.0 will be replacing our WebCT software this summer. Due to the software changeover, no intersession online courses have been scheduled. All of the summer online courses will be using Blackboard. Allan has been working on the ISAC program review and said the Survey Monkey tool was very helpful. Those who have used the Survey Monkey product have been very impressed with the results. He said it’s a great product, they get great feedback, and the reports are easy to generate. Allan said the HLC Criterion Reports are being finalized. Michael Booker will be writing the final draft this summer. Computers are being purchased for the science lab renovations this summer. There was also discussion about the second floor library computers.

Learning Center Betty Linneman reported that Barb Anderson transferred to JCA on March 24 and is working Monday – Friday as a Learning Center instructor. Betty said the response has been very positive. Beth Stevenson is the Learning Center instructor at Northwest. On Faculty Work Day (April 10), the Learning Center will be closed until 5:00 p.m. at JCH and JCA. At JCNW, they will be closed all day. The Assessment Center will open at 4:00 p.m. at JCA and JCH. On April 12 the ACT test will be administered. The website has been modified to instruct students to arrive at 7:30 a.m. as testing begins promptly at 8:00 a.m. Information has been posted about the GED retest sessions. They had 1 student retest at the first session, and 4 students retest at the last session. The advising chart has been updated due to the creation of the new Introduction to College Reading course and changes in cutoff scores for the Honors program. Summer and Fall Learning Center orientation times are posted on our website. The information on SAT scores is outdated and will be changed soon. Exit exams are in process. Students are still required to

Page 3 of 4 make an appointment so their graduation eligibility can be verified. WorkKeys exams can be scheduled at the student’s convenience. PSB testing will soon be offered online. The next testing window is June 16-October 24, and testing will be offered at JCH, JCA and JCNW. The ARC has been offering nursing/advising workshops. Students are able to sign up and pay for the PSB testing at these workshops. Betty was involved in a Project Success program which gave away a total of $10,000 to students in need. Students had to apply and meet certain criteria to be eligible, but Betty said it was a very good experience for both her and the recipients of the monetary award. Last, Betty reported that COMPASS testing will be available during the registration rallies on April 26 at JCH and June 7 at JCA. All students must begin testing by noon on those dates.

Library Sue Morgan reported that they are at the height of research paper time, so they have been very busy. The Library is conducting a survey using the Survey Monkey tool, and they are getting a decent number of responses. Many of the online faculty have posted a link to the survey on their course page. Sue also reported that they have many new displays in the Library, including a display of swords and a display of documents related to slavery. Lisa Wolfe said this is National Poetry month, and the Library received over 100 entries for the poetry contest. Contest winners will be announced at the Poetry Slam on April 18. Also at the Poetry Slam, the group Word in Motion will be performing. Sue said this summer, they will be setting up the printers for duplex printing. Students will still have the ability to print single-sided pages, but the default will be two-sided copies. There is a new link on the Library website linking to a list of videos. This list is being updated regularly as new videos are added to the collection.

Arnold/Northwest Dena McCaffrey reported that Tommie Collins is due back from maternity leave on April 28. She said the staff at JCNW has done a great job covering in Tommie’s absence. They are looking for part-time advisors to assist with advising at Northwest. Jefferson College is sponsoring the May meeting of the Fenton Chamber of Commerce. Bryan Herrick will be speaking at the meeting promoting workforce development. Also, Dena is sending promotional inserts to the Chamber for their “new resident packets.” These inserts will promote JCA and JCNW in the Fenton area. Dena said advising is picking up at Arnold and new student applications are arriving daily. Special event requests are picking up at Arnold from both internal and external groups. Some of the recent events included a Blood Drive, the Bobby Norfolk event, staff meetings for external groups, student workshops, CE courses, and the Tech Prep Banquet. In April there will be a Jazz Concert held at Arnold.

Around the Table Sue Morgan reported that Lisa Pritchard and Lisa Wolfe submitted a proposal to the Brick N Click conference, and their proposal was accepted. They will be presenting “HTML Meets Humanities,” a workshop on collaborating on web pages. The Brick N Click conference draws their audience from many states, so it will be good exposure for the Library. Lisa Wolfe said Lisa Pritchard wrote the proposal and did an excellent job.

Meeting adjourned at 3:45 p.m.

Next Meeting Date The next meeting will be held on May 13 at 3:00 p.m. in the Board Room.

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