Pass the Vocabulary Parcel

Age/Level: Young Learners – Teens/High Beginner - Intermediate Time: 10 min Resources: vocabulary cards, a paper cup/box/bag, a device that can play music (laptop/IWB with speakers/CD player), music mp3 file. Aim: to review vocabulary and practise giving vocabulary definitions. Procedure: 1. Write down a selection of words the students have learnt during the past month on small cards and put them in a paper cup/box/bag. 2. Ask the students to sit in a circle. Stand outside the circle and control the laptop/IWB/CD player. 3. Play the mp3. Students must pass around the vocabulary box as music plays. 4. Stop the mp3 at intervals during the song. 5. When the music stops playing, the student who has the box has to pick a word from the box and define the word to the other students. If the student doesn't know how to define the word, it can be replaced with another or put back in the box. 6. The student who provides the correct definition for his/her word keeps the card and the game continues. The person who has the most cards at the end wins!