Syllabus Grade 8 Spanish 1B
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Syllabus Grade 8 Spanish 1B
Course Outline:
I. Repaso A – Amigos, Alumnos y Parientes
A. Objectives: Students will review:
1. Vocabulary associated with friends, family, and home
2. The verb ser 3. The use of nouns, articles, and adjectives 4. The verb tener 5. Possessive adjectives
II. Repaso B – En Casa y en la Escuela
A. Objectives: Students will review:
1. Vocabulary associated with home and school activities 2. The present tense of regular verbs 3. The present tense of ir, dar, estar 4. Contractions
III. Repaso C – Los Deportes
A. Objectives: Students will review:
1. Vocabulary related to sports
2. The present tense of stem-changing verbs 3. The verbs aburrir, interesar, gustar
IV. Capítulo 6 – El Bienestar
A. Objectives: Students will learn to:
1. Describe people’s personality, conditions, and emotions 2. Explain minor illnesses 3. Talk about a doctor’s appointment 4. Learn about a literary genre – the picaresque novel 5. Use the verbs ser and estar 6. Use indirect object pronouns
V. Capítulo 7 – De Vacaciones
A. Objectives: Students will learn to:
1. Talk about summer and winter weather and activities
2. Discuss summer and winter resorts in Spanish-speaking countries
3. The preterite tense of regular –ar verbs
4. Use the preterite of ir and ser 5. Use direct object pronouns
VI. Capítulo 8 – En tu Tiempo Libre A. Students will learn to:
1. Talk about a birthday party 2. Discuss concerts, movies, and museums 3. Discuss Hispanic art and music 4. Use preterite of –er and –ir verbs 5. The verbs oír and leer 6. Affirmative and negative words
VII. Capítulo 9 – ¡Vamos de Compras!
A. Students will learn to:
1. Talk about buying clothes 2. Talk about buying food 3. Compare shopping in Spanish-speaking countries with shopping in the United States 4. Use numbers from 1 to 1,000,000 5. Use the present tense of saber and conocer 6. Use comparatives and superlatives 7. Use demonstratives adjectives and pronouns
Grading Policy: The Grading Scale will be based on category percentages.
Tests/Projects: 46%
Quizzes: 26%
Homework: 12%
Class Participation: 16%
Homework: Homework may be assigned on a daily basis, but will not be assigned before quizzes or tests. If a student misses a homework assignment, he/she may not make up homework for credit unless they have a valid written excuse from a parent/guardian or are absent. Homework will be checked daily for completion and collected at random for correctness.
Absence: In the case of an excused absence:
Students are responsible for making up missed work. The minimal period of time for a student to makeup missed work will be equal to the number of days that the student was absent. In the event of field trips, band/orchestra lessons, students must make arrangements with me regarding when the tests and quizzes will be made up before the event or class.
Late Assignments: In general, assignments, projects, papers will drop one full letter grade (10 points) for every late day.
Assessments Methods: All projects, assignments and homework are due at the beginning of class on their assigned due date.
Unit Tests (includes listening, writing and reading)
Unit Projects
Unit Quizzes
Oral Presentations including skits, dialogues, podcasts, voice recordings, etc.
Homework *Students will be evaluated in speaking, listening, reading and writing skills in Spanish with a strong emphasis on communicative competence in the target language.
Respect Statement: Students in this class are expected to respect each other and the teacher. Students need to be sensitive to the abilities of others. Therefore, no mocking or bullying will be tolerated. Students are expected to follow policy found in the Code of Conduct. If a student violates this respect statement, appropriate consequences will be given.
Extra Help: I am available to meet with students Day 1 & Day 3 during Period EP or by appointment before or after school.
Academic Integrity: Integrity in the authenticity of student work is an essential component of an academic environment. It is the expectation that when a student is assigned work, that particular individual is responsible for submitting work that is fully their own. The use of any online translator will not be tolerated in the Columbia Middle School World Languages Department. Any student who is found in violation of this policy will receive an automatic zero for the assignment.
Student Signature: ______Parent Signature: ______