142 Training Center Inspection Checklist

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142 Training Center Inspection Checklist

142 Training Center Inspection Checklist

14 CFR Part 142 Training Center


Inspection Areas: Area 1 Management and Administration Area 2 Training Specifications Area 3 Courseware Area 4 Airman Training Programs Area 5 Instructor and Evaluator Training and Qualification Area 6 Facilities Area 7 Flight Training Equipment Area 8 Records Area 9 Training Operations Area 10 Quality Control Measures


References to FAA Order 8900.1 and 14 CFR part 142 have been included to assist the user and are not meant to be all inclusive or limiting. Other references include FAA Advisory Circulars, Notices, Orders, and/or other FAA guidance material.

Revision Summary: Reformatted tables; corrected numbering of some questions and rearranged their order; corrected references to obsolete resources; and revised a number of questions to better reflect current policy. Added Area10—Quality Control Measures.

10/20/2011 1 142 Training Center Inspection Checklist

Inspection Area 1 Management and Administration Requires Action COMMENT/ Item # This inspection area encompasses a description of the management and References administration of the training center. FINDING The following checklist items are provided for guidance and should be Yes No used during the Inspection.

Does any person whose employment or control contributed to the 142.11(e) revocation, suspension, or termination of a part 121, 125, 135, 141, or 142 1-01 V2 C10 S1 operating certificate within the previous 5 years manage, control, or have P2-1153 substantial ownership of this training center? 142.13(a) Does the training center have a sufficient number of instructors for each 1-02 V3 C54 S1 curriculum? P3-4336 Does the training center have a sufficient number of approved evaluators to 142.13(b) 1-03 accomplish required checks and tests within 7 calendar days of training V3 C54 S2 completion? P3-4355 142.17(a)(2) Are the instructors and evaluators at each satellite training center under the 1-04 V3 C54 S1 direct supervision of management personnel of the principal training center? P3-4334 142.13(d) Does each management representative, and all personnel who conduct 1-05 V3 C54 S2 direct student training, understand, read, write, and fluently speak English? P3-4354 142.5(b) and Has the training center certificate been properly issued and does it contain 142.11(d) 1-06 all business names under which the certificate holder may conduct V2 C10 S1 operations and the address of each business office used? P2-1153 Is the training center certificate prominently displayed in a place accessible 1-07 142.27(a) to the public in the principal business office? 142.5(b) 1-08 Has the training center been properly issued training specifications? V6 C8 S1 P6-1603 142.9 and Are all exemptions, deviations or waivers properly approved and contained 1-09 142.11(d)(2) in the center’s training specifications paragraph A005? (vi)

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Inspection Area 1 Management and Administration Requires Action COMMENT/ Item # This inspection area encompasses a description of the management and References administration of the training center. FINDING The following checklist items are provided for guidance and should be Yes No used during the Inspection.

TSpec A005, applicable Does the training center comply with all conditions and provisions of any 1-10 training exemptions, deviations, or waivers? center written procedures Does the training center conduct, or advertise to conduct, any training, 142.31(a) 1-11 testing, or checking that is designed to satisfy part 142 requirements that is V6 C8 S1 not approved by the FAA? 142.31 Does the training center make any statement in its advertising relating to its 1-12 V6 C8 S1 certification and ratings that is false or designed to mislead? P6-1602 142.31 Does the training center, in its advertising, differentiate between courses 1-13 V6 C8 S1 that have been FAA approved and those that have not? P6-1602 If the training center utilizes a part 141 pilot school to provide training, 142.33(a) 1-14 testing, or checking, is there a training agreement between the school and V2 C10 S1 the training center? P2-1153 142.33(c) Are the training course outlines used by each such part 141 pilot school 1-15 V2 C10 S1 under the training agreement FAA approved? P2-1153 142.17 Does the training center have written procedures to ensure management 1-16 V3 C54 S1 control of its personnel at satellite centers and/or remote sites? P3-4334 142.15(d) Based upon review of leases, agreements and contracts, does the training 1-17 V2 C10 S1 center have exclusive use of flight training equipment? P2-1153 NOTE: The following questions 1-18-1 through 1-18-4 concern areas of V3 C20, V3 oversight under the responsibility of the air carrier’s POI. Any findings and/or C54 and concerns in these areas should be referred to the POI for action. 1-18 OpSpec A031 issued to the Does the center conduct training for part 91 subpart K and/or part 119 air air carrier carriers? 10/20/2011 3 142 Training Center Inspection Checklist

Inspection Area 1 Management and Administration Requires Action COMMENT/ Item # This inspection area encompasses a description of the management and References administration of the training center. FINDING The following checklist items are provided for guidance and should be Yes No used during the Inspection.

If so, does the center have a procedure to advise the air carrier of 1-18- V3 C54 S5 changes to its core or other curriculums on which the carrier’s 1 P3-4416 programs are based? Does the center provide a means to enable contract instructors to 1-18- V3 C54 S5 have updated information concerning assigned operators (read files 2 P3-4414 or electronic system)? Does the center provide written procedures that direct their 1-18- V3 C54 S5 instructors/evaluators to review a customers “read file” prior to 3 P3-4414 conducting any instruction or evaluations? 1-18- Does the center have or participate in standardization programs with V3 C54 S5 4 their 91K and/or air carrier customers? P3-4416

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Inspection Area 2 Requires Training Specifications Action COMMENT/ Item # This inspection area encompasses a review of the content of the training References FINDING specifications issued to the training center. The following checklist items are provided for guidance and should be Yes No used during the Inspection. 142.5(a), V3 C54 S1 P3- 2-01 Has the training center been properly issued training specifications? 4334, and V3 C18 142.5, Is the information contained in Part A of the training specifications current, 142.11(d)(2) including names, addresses, other business names (dba), satellite center 2-02 (v-vi), authorizations (including address and contact information), and authorized 142.17(a)(4) exemptions, deviations, and waivers? and (b) Does Part B of the training specifications clearly identify each approved 142.5(a), 2-03 training curriculum and the testing and/or checking authorization for each 142.11(d)(2) training course and location? (i) Does the training center have an approved curriculum that TSpec B001, 2-03- corresponds to each entry in training specification paragraphs B001, B002, and 1 B002 and B003? B003 Is each curriculum’s initial or final approval date listed in TSpec 2-03- B001, B002 and B003 appropriate, accurate and current (in the case 142.5(a) 2 of initial approvals)? Is the personnel and staff information contained in Part A of the training 142.5(a), 2-04 specifications current, including that of management and supervisory 142.47(b) personnel, evaluators, and instructors? 142.5(a), Is the information regarding the maintenance of approved flight training 142.15(d), 2-05 equipment, (flight simulators, flight training devices, and/or aircraft) 142.11(d)(2) contained in Part D of the training specifications accurate? (ii-iv) Is the information regarding record keeping contained in Paragraph A025 of 142.15(c), the training specifications current and accurately identify the specific 2-06 142.71, records and system used by the Training Center to document students, 142.73 instructors, and evaluators? Is the information regarding the instrument (circling approach) procedures V3 C54 S6 P3- 2-07 approved for each simulator and airport contained in Part C of the training 4435 and specifications accurate? TSpec C075 10/20/2011 5 142 Training Center Inspection Checklist

Inspection Area 2 Requires Training Specifications Action COMMENT/ Item # This inspection area encompasses a review of the content of the training References FINDING specifications issued to the training center. The following checklist items are provided for guidance and should be Yes No used during the Inspection. V3 C54 S6 P3- Do the training specifications contain authorization for the use of each 2-08 4435 and “Simulator Component Inoperative Guide”? (or MMI as appropriate) TSpec D096 Is the information entered into the training specifications concerning TSpecs A008, 2-09 satellite centers complete and does it clearly specify the B001, B002, training/testing/checking authorized at each satellite? and B003

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Inspection Area 3 Requires Courseware Action COMMENT/ Item # This inspection area encompasses a review of the courseware used by References FINDING the Training Center in conducting its approved curriculums/courses. The following checklist items are provided for guidance and should be Yes No used during the Inspection. Is the training center’s courseware adequate to support the curriculum goals V3 C54 S6 3-01 and has it been approved by the TCPM? P3-4434 Do lesson plans adequately describe lesson objectives, training elements, AC 60-14, 3-02 schedule, equipment, student and instructor action, and completion Chapter. XI, standards? pgs. 96-102 Does the courseware include Standard Operating Procedures and flight V3 C54 S6 3-03 training event descriptions appropriate to the aircraft? P3-4434 V3 C54 S6 3-04 Do computer based instruction programs meet requirements? P3-4437 Do audiovisual programs contain correct information and conform to lesson V3 C54 S6 3-05 objectives? P3-4437 Do aircraft operating manuals conform to manufacturer procedures and V3 C54 S6 3-06 data? P3-4437 Do weight and balance procedures conform to manufacturer procedures and V3 C54 S6 3-07 data? P3-4437 Do aircraft performance data conform to manufacturer procedures and V3 C54 S6 3-08 data? P3-4437 Have the Checklists or Quick Reference Handbooks used during training, V3 C54 S6 3-09 testing and checking been approved and do they conform to the flight P3-4437 training equipment and the AFM/RFM? Does the training center use a pictorial method to accomplish the preflight V3 C54 S6 3-10 inspection testing requirements and does it represent the flight training P3-4437 equipment being used? 3-10- If pictorial preflights are authorized, does the center have an V3 C54 S6 1 approval for each? P3-4437 Do aircraft mockups, cockpit procedures trainer, or other training aids V3 C54 S6 3-11 conform to the curriculum/courseware requirements? P3-4435 Do workbooks and student handouts and other training materials conform to V3 C54 S6 3-12 other course materials? P3-4437

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142.59(d), V3 Does the simulator component inoperative guide (SCIG) and/or MMI C54 S6 P3- 3-13 procedures conform to national policy and Training Specifications 4435, 14 CFR requirements? part 60, and NSP policy

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Inspection Area 4 Airman Training Programs Requires Action This inspection area encompasses brief description of the training COMMENT/ Item # References programs and individual approved curriculums used for airmen training FINDING by the training center. The following checklist items are provided for guidance and should be Yes No used during the Inspection. 4-01 Are all core and specialty curriculums approved by being listed in the TSpecs B001 center’s training specifications, and is each maintained by the training and B002, center in a form that will enable the user to determine its revision status? 142.37, and V3 C54 S6 P3-4434 4-02 Does the training program identify which curriculums are considered “core” 142.37(d)(1) and which are considered “specialty”? and V3 C54 S6 P3-4434 4-03 Have all curriculums been reviewed to determine if the content meets the Applicable minimum requirements for that certificate rating or training requirement in PTS and V3 accordance with the applicable PTS document? C54 S6 P3- 4434 4-04 Does each curriculum include a statement of which requirements of part 61 142.37(d)(2) would be, and would not be, satisfied by the curriculum? and (3) 4-05 Does each curriculum contain a syllabus and courseware listing, and has 142.39(a) and that syllabus and courseware been approved by the TCPM? V3 C54 S6 P3-4434 4-06 Does each curriculum contain the minimum requirements for flight training 142.39(b) equipment used? 4-07 Does each curriculum contain the minimum qualifications for each instructor 142.39(c) and evaluator designated to instruct/evaluate in the curriculum? 4-08 Does each curriculum contain within it an initial and continuing training curriculum for each instructor and evaluator designated to instruct/evaluate 142.39(d) in the curriculum? 4-09 For each curriculum using fewer than the minimum training hours prescribed in part 61, is there a means of demonstrating the ability to accomplish such 142.39(e) training in the reduced hours and a means of tracking trainee performance after leaving the training center?

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Inspection Area 5 Instructor and Evaluator Training and Qualification Requires Action COMMENT/ Item # This inspection area encompasses a brief description of the instructor References and evaluator qualifications and training requirements at the training FINDING center. The following checklist items are provided for guidance and should be Yes No used during the Inspection. 142.47(a) and Do all instructors meet qualification and training requirements of part 142 5-01 V3 C54 S6 subpart C? P3-4353 142.47(b) Has the training center designated in writing each instructor’s authority to 5-02 and V3 C54 instruct in an approved course, prior to him or her instructing in that course? S6 P3-4354 142.47(c)(1) Prior to initial designation, did each instructor receive at least 8 hours of 5-03 and 142.53(a) ground training in the subjects required? (2) 142.47(c)(2) Prior to initial designation, did each instructor satisfactorily complete a (i) and V3 5-04 written examination on the required subjects? C54 S6 P3- 4353 Was the initial instructor written test accepted as being equivalent in 142.47(c)(2) difficulty, complexity, and scope as the tests provided by the FAA for the (ii) and V3 5-05 “Flight Instructor-Airplane” and “Instrument Flight Instructor” knowledge C54 S6 P3- tests? 4354 Prior to initial designation and within each 12 calendar months thereafter, 142.53(a)(1) has each instructor satisfactorily demonstrated to an authorized evaluator, 5-06 and V3 C54 instructional knowledge and proficiency in representative segments of each S6 P3-4354 curriculum for which that instructor is designated to instruct? Prior to designation and within each 12 calendar months thereafter, has 142.53(a)(2) 5-07 each instructor satisfactorily completed an approved course of ground and V3 C54 instruction that includes the required subjects? S6 P3-4354 Prior to designation and within each 12 calendar months thereafter, has 142.53(a)(3) each instructor who instructs in qualified and approved FSTDs, satisfactorily and (4) and 5-08 completed an approved course of flight simulator training that includes the V3 C54 S6 required subjects? P3-4354

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Inspection Area 5 Instructor and Evaluator Training and Qualification Requires Action COMMENT/ Item # This inspection area encompasses a brief description of the instructor References and evaluator qualifications and training requirements at the training FINDING center. The following checklist items are provided for guidance and should be Yes No used during the Inspection. Prior to designation and within each 12 calendar months thereafter, has 142.53(a)(3) each instructor who instructs in qualified and approved FSTDs, satisfactorily 5-09 and V3 C54 completed an approved course of ground instruction, applicable to the S6 P3-4354 training courses the instructor is designated to instruct? Prior to designation and within each 12 calendar months thereafter, has 142.53(a)(7) each instructor who instructs in qualified and approved FSTDs or aircraft, 5-10 and V3 C54 satisfactorily passed written tests on the subject matter and maneuvers S6 P3-4354 pertaining to each curriculum the instructor is designated to instruct? Prior to designation and within each 12 calendar months thereafter, has each instructor who instructs in qualified and approved FSTDs or aircraft, 142.53(a)(7) 5-11 satisfactorily passed proficiency checks conducted by ASIs or TCEs in that and V3 C54 equipment, on representative segments of each curriculum the instructor is S6 P3-4354 designated to instruct? Prior to designation and within each 12 calendar months thereafter, has each flight instructor who provides training in an aircraft, satisfactorily 142.53(a)(5) 5-12 completed an approved course of ground instruction and flight training in an and 142.53(a) aircraft, flight simulator, or flight training device that includes the required (6) subjects? Does the center hold deviation authority from the requirements of 5-13 TSpec A005 142.53(b)?

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Inspection Area 5 Instructor and Evaluator Training and Qualification Requires Action COMMENT/ Item # This inspection area encompasses a brief description of the instructor References and evaluator qualifications and training requirements at the training FINDING center. The following checklist items are provided for guidance and should be Yes No used during the Inspection. Within the previous 12 calendar months, has each instructor who instructs in a Level C or D simulator met one of the following requirements in the same type of aircraft represented by the simulator:

--2 hours in flight, including 3 takeoffs and landings as sole manipulator in 142.53(b), cat/class/type. (or) 5-14 and V3 C54 S6 P3-4354 --Participated in a line observation program in type under part 121 or part 135, including 1 hour LOFT as sole manipulator in a simulator (in type). (or)

--Participated in an approved in-flight observation training course with 2 hours in type and 1 hour LOFT as sole manipulator in a simulator (in type). If any instructor was given credit for training based upon completion of an 142.53(d) 5-15 instructor course under part 121 or part 135, was granting of credit and V3 C54 approved by the FAA? S6 P3-4354 If any instructor was given credit for training based upon completion of an 142.53(d) 5-16 instructor course under part 121 or part 135, did the course meet the and V3 C54 requirements of part 142? S6 P3-4354 Has each instructor provided instruction or testing/checking in only those 5-17 142.49(a) curriculum for which qualified? Has any instructor conducted more than 8 hours of instruction in any 24 5-18 142.49(c)(1) consecutive hour period (not including briefing and debriefing time)? Does each instructor who instructs in an aircraft in flight while occupying a 142.49(c)(3) 5-19 required crewmember seat hold at least a valid second class medical (iv) certificate? Does each instructor who instructs in an aircraft in flight while occupying a 142.49(c)(3) 5-20 required crewmember seat meet the recency of experience requirements of (v) part 61? Does the Training Center have defined procedures to ensure management 5-21 control of its instructors and evaluators through written procedures?

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Inspection Area 5 Instructor and Evaluator Training and Qualification Requires Action COMMENT/ Item # This inspection area encompasses a brief description of the instructor References and evaluator qualifications and training requirements at the training FINDING center. The following checklist items are provided for guidance and should be Yes No used during the Inspection. 142.55(a)(1), 5-22 Has each evaluator been approved and designated by the TCPM? V3 C54 S2 P3-4355 Are any of the center’s instructors or evaluators also approved as contract 5-23 instructors/check airmen for their customers? 5-23- If so, is the center tracking their time for compliance with the 8-in-24 142.49 1 time limit requirements? 5-23- If so, is the center tracking their proficiency training requirements? 2 142.55(a)(2), Does each evaluator meet all the qualification requirements of an instructor 5-24 and V3 C54 in each curriculum in which evaluations will be given? S2 P3-4355 Unless otherwise authorized by the TCPM, did each evaluator have at least 1 year of experience as an instructor, check airman, designated examiner, or V3 C54 S2 5-25 evaluator in category/class/type prior to selection and 100 hrs. of simulator P3-4355 experience? If evaluating in an aircraft, did each evaluator have at least 100 hours of V3 C54 S2 5-26 experience as PIC in type? (Initial Cadre Excepted) P3-4355 142.55(a)(3), Within the preceding 12 calendar months, has each evaluator completed a V3 C54 S2 5-27 training program, developed and conducted by the FAA that includes all P3-4355 and required subjects? V13 C1 S1 and S2 Has each evaluator satisfactorily passed a written test and annual 142.55(a)(4) 5-28 proficiency check developed and conducted by the FAA in a flight simulator and V3 C54 or aircraft? S2 P3-4355 If any evaluator was given credit for training based upon completion of a 142.55(c) and 5-29 check airman course under part 121 or part 135, did the training meet the V3 C54 S2 requirements of part 142? P3-4355

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Inspection Area 5 Instructor and Evaluator Training and Qualification Requires Action COMMENT/ Item # This inspection area encompasses a brief description of the instructor References and evaluator qualifications and training requirements at the training FINDING center. The following checklist items are provided for guidance and should be Yes No used during the Inspection. If the evaluator conducts evaluations for more than one air carrier, has 5-30 V3 C54 S5 he/she completed the training for each air carrier? Have all evaluators been issued a Certificate of Designation (FAA Form 8000-5), a Certificate of Authority (FAA Form 8430-9), and an LOA stating V13 C1 S2 5-31 make/model/series of simulator (and aircraft if applicable), and the specific P13-31 tests and checks authorized? Do any of the center’s evaluators have approval to conduct testing or V3 C54 S2 5-32 checking in more than two aircraft types? P3-4355

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Inspection Area 6 Requires Facilities Action COMMENT/ Item # This inspection area encompasses a review of the facilities utilized by References FINDING the training center. The following checklist items are provided for guidance and should be Yes No used during the Inspection. 142.15(a)(1) Is each room, training area, or other space used for instruction heated (air 6-01 and V3 C54 conditioned), lighted, and ventilated so as to conform to local codes? S6 P3-4438 142.15(a)(2) 6-02 Are facilities used for instruction free from significant distractions? and V3 C54 S6 P3-4438 Is the training center’s principal business office physically located at the 6-03 142.15(b) address shown on its certificate? 142.15(a) and Do the facilities at all satellite and/or remote training sites meet the 6-04 V3 C54 S1 requirements of 6-01 and 6-02 above? P3-4335 Do the facilities, equipment, personnel, and course content of the satellite 6-05 142.17(a)(1) training center(s) meet the applicable requirements of part 142? Was the FAA notified at least 60 days prior to commencement of operations 6-06 142.17(a)(3) at any satellite training center(s)?

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Inspection Area 7 Requires Flight Training Equipment Action COMMENT/ Item # This inspection area encompasses a brief description of the aircraft, References FINDING flight training devices, and flight simulators used by the training center. The following checklist items are provided for guidance and should be Yes No used during the Inspection.

Does the Training Center have available exclusively, for adequate periods of 142.15(d) V3 time and at a location approved by the FAA, adequate flight training 7-01 C54 S6 P3- equipment, including at least one flight simulator or advanced training 4435 device (Level 6 or 7 Flight Training Device)? 142.59(a)(1), Has each flight training device or simulator been approved for each 7-02 and V3 C54 maneuver and procedure for the make/model/type? S6 P3-4435 AC 120-45, AC Has each level 4 through 7 flight training device and each level A through D 120-40, AC 7-03 flight simulator been issued a Statement of Qualification by the NSP? 120-63 and 14 CFR part 60 142.59(a)(1) Has each level 4 through 7 flight training device and each level A through D and V3 C54 7-04 flight simulator been approved for each curriculum or training course by S6 P3-4435, identifying it correctly in the training specifications? TSpecs A015 and A016 Is each flight training device or simulator maintained to ensure reliability of 142.59(c)(1) 7-05 the performances, functions, and all other characteristics that were required and V3 C54 for qualification? S6 P3-4435 Has each flight training device or simulator been updated to conform with 142.59(c)(2) any modification to the aircraft being simulated, if such modification 7-06 and V3 C54 changes the performance, function or characteristics required for S6 P3-4435 qualification? 142.59(c)(3) Is each flight training device and simulator given a functional preflight check 7-07 and V3 C54 daily before use? S6 P3-4435 142.59(c)(4) 7-08 Is a discrepancy log kept for each flight training device and simulator? and V3 C54 S6 P3-4435

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Inspection Area 7 Requires Flight Training Equipment Action COMMENT/ Item # This inspection area encompasses a brief description of the aircraft, References FINDING flight training devices, and flight simulators used by the training center. The following checklist items are provided for guidance and should be Yes No used during the Inspection.

Does the center provide written instructions to their staff on what to do in 142.59(c)(4) 7-09 the event a required training device or portion of a device becomes and V3 C54 inoperative? S6 P3-4435 142.59(d) Does the center have a policy for managing missing, malfunctioning, or 7-10 and V3 C54 inoperative (MMI) equipment? S6 P3-4435 V3 C54 S6 Is each aircraft owned or leased by the training center, registered as a US or 7-11 P3-4435, foreign civil aircraft? TSpec A003 Does each aircraft used for flight instruction and solo flights have an FAA 7-12 Standard Airworthiness Certificate or foreign equivalent that is acceptable to 142.57(a)(1) the FAA? Is each aircraft used for flight instruction and solo flights maintained and V3 C54 S6 7-13 inspected in accordance with the requirements of part 91 subpart E? P3-4435 142.57(a)(2) Is each aircraft used for flight instruction and solo flight maintained in 7-14 (ii) V3 C54 S6 accordance with an approved maintenance and inspection program? P3-4435 If foreign registered, is each aircraft used for flight instruction and solo flight V3 C54 S6 7-15 maintained and inspected in accordance with the requirements of the state P3-4435 of registry? 142.57(a)(3) Is each aircraft used for flight training equipped to support the associated 7-16 and V3 C54 curriculum? S6 P3-4435 7-16- If not, has the Training Center developed an appropriate differences 142.57(a)(3) 1 module? Is each aircraft used for flight instruction a two-place aircraft with engine 142.57(b) 7-17 power and flight controls easily reached and operated in a conventional and (c) manner from both pilot stations? 7-18 Does the center use actual aircraft in any of its training curriculums?

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Inspection Area 7 Requires Flight Training Equipment Action COMMENT/ Item # This inspection area encompasses a brief description of the aircraft, References FINDING flight training devices, and flight simulators used by the training center. The following checklist items are provided for guidance and should be Yes No used during the Inspection.

If so, is the aircraft only approved for use to supplement the training, 7-18- V3 C54 S6 testing, or checking that cannot be accomplished in a simulator or 1 P3-4435 advanced FTD?

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Inspection Area 8 Records Requires Action This inspection area encompasses a brief description of the record COMMENT/ Item # References keeping system of the Training Center. FINDING The following checklist items are provided for guidance and should be Yes No used during the Inspection.

142.15(c), 142.73(d), V3 Are all records maintained in adequate facilities, as described or referenced 8-01 C54 S6 P3- in the training specifications? 4439, and TSpec A025 V3 C54 S6 Does the Training Center have approval for an electronic recordkeeping 8-02 P3-4439, and system? TSpec A025 142.73(d)(1), Are all records for trainees maintained at the training center or satellite V3 C54 S6 8-03 center, where the training, testing, or checking occurred (or in another P3-4439, and location in accordance with a properly issued deviation)? TSpecs A005 and A025 142.73(d)(2), Are all records for instructors and evaluators maintained at the training V3 C54 S6 center or satellite center, where the instructor or evaluator is primarily 8-04 P3-4439, and employed (or in another location in accordance with a properly issued TSpecs A005 deviation)? and A025 142.73(a)(1)- Does the training center maintain a record for each trainee that includes all (7) and V3 8-05 of the following items: C54 S6 P3- 4439 8-05- Name of the trainee. 142.73(a) 1 8-05- A copy of the trainee's pilot certificate, if any, and medical 142.73(a) 2 certificate, if any. 8-05- The name of the course and the make and model of flight training 142.73(a) 3 equipment used. 8-05- 142.73(a) The trainee's prerequisite experience and course time completed. 4 8-05- The trainee's performance on each lesson and the name of the 142.73(a) 5 instructor providing instruction. 10/20/2011 19 142 Training Center Inspection Checklist

Inspection Area 8 Records Requires Action COMMENT/ Item # This inspection area encompasses a brief description of the record References keeping system of the Training Center. FINDING The following checklist items are provided for guidance and should be Yes No used during the Inspection.

8-05- The date and result of each end-of-course practical test and the 142.73(a) 6 name of the evaluator conducting the test. 8-05- The number of hours of additional training that was accomplished 142.73(a) 7 after any unsatisfactory practical test. For training, testing, and checking conducted under an agreement with a 8-06 part 141 pilot school, has each student’s training record been forwarded to 142.33(d) the training center and included in the permanent training record? Are the trainee records maintained for at least one year following the 8-07 142.73(c)(1) completion of training, testing, or checking? Does the training center provide the trainee with a copy of his/her training 8-08 142.73(e) records when requested? 142.73(c)(2) Does the training center continuously maintain initial training and recurrent 8-09 and V3 C54 qualification records for all instructors and evaluators currently employed? S6 P3-4439 Does the training center maintain initial training and qualification records for 8-10 142.73(c)(2) all instructors and evaluators for 1 year after termination of employment? Does the training center maintain records for at least one year that 142.73(c)(3) 8-11 document the results of the instructor’s recurrent observations and and V3 C54 proficiency check? S6 P3-4439 Do the records of each instructor and evaluator indicate compliance with the 142.73(b) 8-12 requirements of part 142, sections 142.13, 142.45, 142.47, 142.49, and and V3 C54 142.53, as applicable? S6 P3-4439

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Inspection Area 9 Requires Training Operations Action COMMENT/ Item # This inspection area encompasses a review of the training testing and References FINDING checking activities conducted by the training center. The following checklist items are provided for guidance and should Yes No be used during the Inspection. Is the training center conducting any training, testing, or checking in flight 142.1(c) and 9-01 simulation training devices without, or in violation of their training 142.5(a) specifications? Is all training, testing, and checking being provided under agreement by a 9-02 part 141 pilot school approved and conducted in accordance with part 142.33(b) 142? 142.57(a)(2) and During observation of training, testing, or checking, were all of the flight 9-03 142.59(d), training components operative? and V3 C54 S6 P3-4435 If not, was each device restricted in accordance with the 9-03-1 certificate holder’s SCIG/MMI procedures? During observation of testing or checking in a flight training device or 9-04 simulator, was the “freeze,” “slow motion,” or “repositioning” feature 142.65(a)(1) used? During observation of evaluation or line-oriented flight training, was the 142.65(a)(2), 9-05 “repositioning” feature used other than to only advance along a flight V3 C54 V6 route to the point where the descent and approach phase began? P3-4435 During observation of flight testing, checking, or line operational simulation, was each crewmember position occupied by either: 142.65(b), V3 9-06 --A crewmember qualified in the aircraft category, class, and type (if C54 S6 P3- applicable) who was giving instruction, or 4437 --A student in the same specific course During observation of training (either ground or flight) of either students or instructors, was the training being conducted in accordance with the V6 C8 S1 P6- 9-07 approved program and applicable curriculums, using approved 1603 courseware? 142.65(c)(1), Was any trainee recommended for a certificate or rating without having 9-08 V3 C19 S6 satisfactorily completed the approved course? P3-1231

10/20/2011 21 142 Training Center Inspection Checklist

Inspection Area 9 Requires Training Operations Action COMMENT/ Item # This inspection area encompasses a review of the training testing and References FINDING checking activities conducted by the training center. The following checklist items are provided for guidance and should Yes No be used during the Inspection. 142.65(c)(2), Was any trainee recommended for a certificate or rating without having 9-09 V3 C19 S6 passed the final tests? P3-1231 142.65(d), V3 Was any student graduated from a course without satisfactorily 9-10 C19 S6 P3- completing the curriculum requirements of that course? 1231 Does the training center ensure only approved checklists are used during V3 C 54 S6 9-11 training, testing, and checking? P3-4437 Does the center permit the use of a customer-provided checklist during V3 C 54 S6 9-12 training, testing, and/or checking? P3-4437 If so, did the customer provide an FAA-approved checklist or letter 9-12-1 of no objection from the manufacturer or FAA Aircraft Certification Office or Aircraft Evaluation Group? Is each core curriculum supported by an advanced flight training device 142.15, V3 9-13 or a full flight simulator appropriate to the aircraft type, model, and C54 S6 P3- series? 4435 Does the training center explain the proper use of the simulator’s freeze, V3 C 54 S6 9-14 slow motion, repositioning features during training, testing, or checking? P3-4437 9-15 Does the center operate actual aircraft as part of the training program? Part 61, V3 If so, do the subject personnel hold appropriate FAA certificates 9-15-1 C54 S2 P3- and endorsements? 4354 If so, and if a simulator or training device was used to meet 9-15-2 recency of experience requirements, was it’s use part of an 142.63(a) approved course?

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Inspection Area 10 Requires Quality Control Measures Action COMMENT/ Item # This inspection area encompasses a review of the training center’s References FINDING quality control measures. The following checklist items are provided for guidance and should Yes No be used during the Inspection. 142.11 10-1 Does the center have an approved Quality Control Program? V2 C10 S1 P2-1153 Does the Quality Program comply with the guidelines specified in Order V2 C10 S1 10-2 8900.1? P2-1153

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