Minutes of the Executive Committee
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Minutes of the Executive Committee Georgia Chapter Air & Waste Management Association December 6, 2007 Board Meeting Conference Call
(EB) Karen Dorman* (EB) Susan Jenkins Tommy Sweat Melissa Eller * Brian Queen (EB) Rick Turner (EB) Albert Edwards Della Ridley (EB) Les Engel Rochelle Routman (EB) Russell Griebel* Joan Sasine* (EB) Marlin Gottschalk* Jill Stachura
EB= Executive Board *Present (2 out of 7 Executive Board members)
Secretary’s Report (Susan Jenkins): Group approved minutes dated November 9, 2007.
Treasurer’s Report (Les Engel): CD Balance $$8,825.81 Matures 12/03/07 APY 1.45% - Monthly Renewal Interest Paid Year-to-Date $121.70
CD #2 Balance $10,225.89 Matures 11/7/07 APY 2.4 % - 5 Month Renewal Interest Paid Year-to-Date $221.91
Checking Balance $19,853.88 Karen will ask Les to look into what paperwork is needed by the bank to allow for two signees for checks. Russ will look at by-laws to check if we need to modify them to allow for two signees.
Check to Southern Section for conference profit has been sent. Les to confirm whether we have been reimbursed $1,000 for the Southern Section scholarship.
Education (Rochelle Routman): No report.
Web Site (Della Ridley): o Need to update scholarship winners. Rochelle to send Della the information. o Russ to delete questionnaire for regulatory update conference.
Programs (Joan Sasine): o Notices for the January 11 brown bag to go out on 12/10 and again at the beginning of January. o For Holiday get-together, everything is set-up (thanks Russ!). Karen will bring a box with membership information left over from the Southern Section conference. 22 people have RSVPed. Georgia Chapter A&WMA Minutes of December 6, 2007 Board Meeting Page 2 of 2
o Joan will work getting a speaker on chemical security requirements under the new Dept. of Homeland Security regulations.
Membership (Melissa Eller): 130 National members. Mel will send out by mid-December a reminder to renew Georgia and National memberships, including information on the national membership specials.
Awards: (Rick Turner and Al Edwards) o No update. We’ll need to start working at the beginning of the year.
Publications (Melissa Eller and Susan Jenkins): o Mel to get out draft of newsletter by next week. She’ll also include a brief article thanking Marlin (past director) and Tommy (past chair) for their service and welcoming Ron Methier (new vice chair) and Heather Abrams (new director) to the board.
2008 Spring Regulatory Update Conference – o Results of the questionnaire: - Format: prefer the current consecutive format. - Prefer doing air section then the waste session. However, the comments after last year’s conference indicated a preference to do waste then air. Since we have always done the air and then the waste session, it was decided to do waste and then the air session for a change. - Topics: prefer discussing hot topics.
o Hopefully Ron and Heather with Marlin’s help can set-up getting speakers for the conference. We need to start setting up the list of speakers/topics at the beginning of the year.
2008 Fall Conference – o Mel presented preliminary information on costs for conference locations (see attached). o In our next meeting (January), we need to decide on a location and a theme. Shortly thereafter, we need to send out solicitations for speakers and industry awards (target sending out in early February 2008).
Election for Open Chapter Leadership Positions – o Congratulations to Heather Abrams (new Director) and Ron Methier (new Vice Chair)!
New Business – o None
Next Meeting – Before Brownbag: Friday, January 11, 2008 at 10:00 AM