Homeowners Association, Inc

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Homeowners Association, Inc

Homeowners Association, Inc. Board of Directors Meeting June 15, 2016

1On June 15, 2016 the HOA Board of Directors Meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by our President, Marvin Ott. After the Pledge of Allegiance and moment of silence, roll call was taken with all Board Members in attendance.

A Motion was made by Lynda Pratt and seconded by Tracy Johnson to approve the Minutes from the May 18, 2016 Meeting. Motion carried; all Board Members accepted.

Treasurer’s Report – Bob Coleman Bob Coleman presented the Treasurer's Report noting that as of May 31, 2016, we have $915,000 in Reserves. Also, we have 24 homeowners with past due fees, 4 properties in bankruptcy, 3 in collections, 2 foreclosures, 4 with liens, 1 Association managed from foreclosure, and 7 on payment plans. A motion was made by Chris Evans and seconded by Larry Cordisco to accept this report; Motion carried; all Board Members accepted. A Budget Timeline for 2017 was given to Board members and Committee Chairs for their reference and review prior to the Budget Meeting on November 9, 2016. Bob Coleman also noted that there are outstanding invoices for advertising in our Newsletter totaling $1,600.

Maintenance Committee – Marvin Ott Marvin Ott reported that the new transformer to be replaced at the Dover fountain had still not been done by FPL. Other items for this committee include: the Bismarck Palm at entrance has been replaced; curbing at entrance is now complete; still working with the City of PSL to install the Boulevard Palms; LED lights in the parking lot have been installed; cleaning, sanding and sealing on the pavers around the pool is complete. A Motion was made by Marvin Ott and seconded by LeRoy Hoff to proceed with the Shenandoah bid to clean drains where needed at a cost of $8,025. Motion carried; all Board Members accepted. Other Maintenance items noted: Center Islands at Dover, Sheffield and Stratford are in need of improvement. LeRoy Hoff is researching to come up with a solution; Sprinklers on Canterbury have not been functioning because of a lightning strike. We are waiting on quotes for a solution with lightning protection.

Lakes & Preserves – Clem Lagala A meeting will be held in July to decide on recommendations to provide aeration in problem lakes.

Restrictions & Covenants Enforcement Committee – Tracy Johnson Tracy Johnson reported that she had not received any new violation information that would require further action at this time. Hearing Committee - Bob Evans Bob Evans reported that there was only one concern that was subsequently taken care of prior to a meeting with the homeowner and that there is nothing else pending.

Architectural Committee – Lynda Pratt Lynda Pratt reported that there has been a total of Sixty (60) requests submitted since January; Fifty- Three (53) are completed and Seven (7) are canceled or on hold.

Security Committee – Tru Hall Tru Hall reported that the only ongoing problem seems to be parking on the street. Questions were brought up regarding the use of the Builder’s parking lot at the end of Dover and it was decided that it was, for the time being, OK to park there.

Cable Committee – Bob Evans Bob Evans announced that Hotwire has given us a new time line for completion dates; Pods A,B & C will be complete, with cable to the homes, by late Friday, June 17; June 30, 2016: Pods D, E and F will be complete, with cable to the homes; June 30-July 4, 2016: All work completed and tested; July 7-July 8, 2016: all complete and installed to Board and Committee Members’ homes; July 7, 2016:complete and installed to Clubhouse, Gate House and Exercise Facility. On July 7, 2016, Hotwire will host an event in and around the Clubhouse so homeowners can see how the new Cable and WiFiWi-Fi System works. October 1, 2016: all installations should be complete with the exceptions of snowbirds. Bob Evans also made a recommendation that we look into the possibility of purchasing new higher resolution cameras for our Security System. This would enable us to see the license plates of those individuals who break our front gates.

New Business: The Lawn Maintenance Contract with Yellowstone was approved and will be signed pending questions to be answered by the company regarding some verbiage in the Contract

A motion was made by Marvin Ott and seconded by Larry Cordisco to adopt the new name of “St James Community,” since the adjoining golf course is no longer called “St James,” This will be given to our attorney for his research, with the option of adding “PSL” if “St James Community” cannot be used. Motion carried, all Board Members accepted. Bob Coleman reminded us that Work Orders or Action Requests need to be filled out for problems related to lawn maintenance, i.e., broken sprinkler heads, weeds in lawns, etc. A Motion was made by Marvin Ott and seconded by Larry Cordisco to adjourn the meeting at 8:10 PM. Motion carried, all Board Members accepted.

The next regular HOA meeting will be July 20, 2016.

Respectfully Submitted by: Jane Cordisco

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