Goal 1, Strategy 1: Common Core State Standards
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Academic Plan SY 2016-17
1. Reflect. Briefly summarize your school’s progress on implementing all six of the Department’s priority strategies/Other Complex-wide and/or School strategies, and meeting key performance targets set in the prior year Academic Plan. Solomon Elementary School has systematically incorporated all of the HIDOE High Priority Strategies in the following manner throughout the and 2015-16 school year: ● Educator Effectiveness System: District support staff offered support and worked with individual teachers per administrative request. FAD (field assessment data) 3 ● Induction and Mentoring: We have increased the number of on campus mentors from 3 to 5 to meet the demands of the high number of beginning teachers. We added on a SPED teacher to assist with the federal guidelines and compliance measures for special education. The mentors attend quarterly meetings and provide support, guidance, and camaraderie for their mentees on a regular basis. They are available to consult and collaborate with teachers both in and out of the classroom. FAD (field assessment data) 4 ● Academic Review Team: The ART team plans, implements, and monitors all of our school initiatives. We have members who collect and analyze the data. Their findings are shared quarterly and summarized at the end of the year. The information was also used for our WASC documentation. FAD (field assessment data) 3 ● Formative Instruction: We started having data team meetings during the school day so teachers could meet more frequently for 60 minutes during the 2014-2015 SY. We currently have Data Teams every 9 days for 75 minutes, an increase of 15 more minutes, to allow more time to address ELA as well as Math concepts. Their focus is math problem solving as part of our targeted instructional area for ILT. Teachers are using the data from these meetings to adjust instruction and maximize learning for all students. FAD (field assessment data) 3 ● Response to Intervention: We began implementing a new universal screener, easy CBM, for grades K-5 for reading and math in the 2014-2015 SY. Identified Tier 3 students in grades K-2 were pulled out for RtI. We expanded services to Tier 3 students in grades 3-5 starting in the Fall of 2015. We have 3 PTTs to work with our testing grade levels who provide direct RtI services to the teachers in the classroom as well. This added to our current number of teachers and PTTs from 5 to 8. As part of the DOD grant this program is funded for our school. We work closely with District Support Staff for RtI. The principal and RtI Coordinator attend quarterly meetings. FAD (field assessment data) 3 ● Comprehensive Student Support: Our counseling team used the Longitudinal Data System to glean data to support their efforts with behavioral issues. We are currently revamping our PBIS with the focus of student behavior supports for all students, meeting quarterly with a committee made up of various members of the school. FAD (field assessment data) 3 ● Common Core State Standards:. Both ELA and Math coaches are assisting teachers to create and utilize their curriculum maps to ensure that the CCSS are being addressed throughout the grade level data team meetings. Teachers increase their instructional autonomy by continuing to review, revise, and supplement their curriculum maps to include components of the mandated Wonders and Stepping Stones programs. This year we began to create a school-wide assessment plan to include grade level common assessments which can be used to determine curriculum effectiveness. The assessment plan will ensure that teachers have student data at critical times of the year to guide instruction. FAD (field assessment data) 3 2. Organize. Identify your Academic Review Team members, assign them specific strategies or activities to oversee, and set the cycle for the Academic Review Team to monitor implementation quality. Number of strategies/activities will vary across schools. Name of lead who is responsible for reporting during ART process Responsible for 1 Academic Plan SY 2016-17 (can change if roles change) (link to strategy) 1. K. Durkee 1. Common Core State Standards/Math 2. N. Sakamoto 2. Comprehensive Student Supports 3. T. Jones 3. Formative Instruction/Data Teams 4. T. Fujimoto 4. Educator Effectiveness 5. A. Denzer 5. Induction & Mentoring 6. J. Fujimoto 6. Academic Review Team (ART lead needs to be on the team, yet the strategy doesn’t need its own page in the plan) 7. A. Denzer 7. Common Core State Standards/ELA 8. 8. 9. 9. 10. 10.
Goal 1 Student Success: All DOE students demonstrate they are on a path toward success in college, career and citizenship.
State Priority Strategies to Improve Student Achievement and Reduce Achievement Does your Financial Plan If not, why? Gaps (Required, and defined within the support this strategy? Implementation Continuums) 1. Fully implement the Hawaii Common Core X ☐ Standards YES NO 2. Tier and provide comprehensive student X ☐ supports for all students YES NO 3. Implement data teams process within each grade span/content area and formative YES X NO ☐ instruction within classrooms
Does your Financial Plan Additional Strategies (Optional) If not, why? support this strategy?
2 Academic Plan SY 2016-17 1. AVID implementation YES X NO ☐ 2. 21st Century Technology Skills YES X NO ☐ 3. Fulfill all requirements as mandated by Title I, related to student success that are not X ☐ currently specifically addressed in the 6 priority YES NO strategies
Data Driven Rationale for Additional Priorities: Number of students attending feeder middle school. Need for the consistency of the program in the complex (K-12). To provide students with technology skills needed to be college and career ready. Solomon Elementary is a Title I school and professional development is a vital component to fulfill federal guidelines. Having teachers attend trainings and collaboration days will help them become better at their craft, which will result in greater student achievement.
Goal 1, Strategy 1: Common Core State Standards Desired Outcome for this Strategy: Create a solid foundation for academic success and to increase our Growth Percentile in both reading and math.
Planning Capacity Evidence of Progress Enabling Activities Name of lead responsible Target Source of Funds What leading indicators will you monitor Provide clarity on sequence for reporting during ART Population(s) Choose all that progress against during your ART routine and timing across the two process Choose all that apply, and list that will show progress against your goal? years. apply amounts Please include any short term measurable objectives.
3 Academic Plan SY 2016-17 1. Implement Reading A. Denzer X All Students X WSF $ Each articulation opportunity will Wonders program. ☐ Economically X Title I $ include dialogue around the ELA ● Align content and Disadvantaged $81,003 (coach) Common Core expectations and links instruction to address to curriculum and instruction as ☐ English $9716 the expectations of the evidenced by agenda and minutes and Language (consumables) ELA Common Core State monitored by A. Denzer. Learners ☐ Title III $ Standards, HCPS Social Studies Standards, and ☐ Students with ☐ IDEA $ 100% of classroom teachers will utilize NGSS Science Standards Disabilities ☐ CTE $ the grade level curriculum map as ● Curriculum Coordinator ☐ Other: ☐ Focus/Priority $ evidenced by classroom walkthroughs to provide technical ☐ CTE $ and data team minutes. assistance to teachers in A. Denzer X Other $ DoDEA implementing the X Other CAS Provide professional development in Reading Wonders Supplementary the form of mini-lessons for teachers Program. Grant for RtI by teachers on strategies for ● Reading coach will assist Coordinator and differentiation as evidenced by N. Sakamoto teachers in closing the curriculum agendas and teacher feedback; achievement gaps and coordinator monitored by A. Denzer. address student learning $175,000 needs via collegial days, 100% of classroom teachers will utilize ☐ N/A data team meetings, the Universal Screener and other grade and professional level assessments to identify student development. tiers, set targets, and adjust instruction ● Differentiate to meet as evidenced by Universal Screener student needs reports, easyCBM school created data - Content, Process, collection sheets, and/or grade level Product item analysis reports. - Utilize supports from the district Students will show a 5% increase from DoDEA grant to the Fall benchmark to the Winter target special benchmark for easyCBM (reading & education student math), and will increase 5% from the needs in an effort to Winter benchmark to the Spring
4 Academic Plan SY 2016-17 close the benchmark for easyCBM (reading & achievement gap. math). -consumable materials for reading and math -RtI Coordinator to assist teachers in creating intervention plans for struggling students.
SW 2: Identify school-wide reform strategies that provide opportunities for all students to meet proficiency SW 8: Include teachers in decisions 2. Utilize the enVision X All Students X WSF $ Each articulation opportunity will Math and Stepping ☐ Economically X Title I $ include dialogue around the Common Stones curriculums and Disadvantaged $81,003 Core expectations and links to other supplemental curriculum and instruction as ☐ English ☐ Title III $ resources to teach basic evidenced by agenda and minutes and Language math skills, strengthen ☐ IDEA $ monitored by K. Durkee. Learners procedural fluency, K. Durkee ☐ CTE $ ☐ Students with develop conceptual ☐ Focus/Priority $ Quarterly, 100% of teachers will utilize Disabilities understanding, and ☐ CTE $ the grade level math curriculum map ☐ become adept at Other: X Other $ DoDEA and include differentiation options as problem solving. & CAS grant (see evidenced by classroom walkthroughs ● Align content and K. Durkee above) and data team minutes. instruction to address ☐ N/A the expectations of the Provide professional development in 5 Academic Plan SY 2016-17 Common Core State the form of mini-lessons for teachers Standards by teachers on strategies for ● Curriculum Coordinator differentiation as evidenced by to provide technical agendas and teacher feedback. assistance to teachers in N. Sakamoto implementing the Quarterly, 100% of teachers will utilize Stepping Stones Universal Screener data and data from Program. Admin grade level common assessments to ● Math coach will assist identify student tiers, set targets, and teachers in closing the adjust instruction as evidenced by achievement gaps and Universal Screener reports, Data Team address student learning records, and grade level item analysis needs via collegial days, reports as monitored by N. Sakamoto data team meetings, and K.Durkee.. and professional development. Students will show a 5% increase from ● Differentiate to meet the Fall benchmark to the Winter student needs benchmark for easyCBM (reading & - Content, Process, math) and/or grade level assessments, Product and will increase 5% from the Winter - Utilize supports benchmark to the Spring benchmark from the district for easyCBM (reading & math) and/or DoDEA grant to grade level assessments. target special education student needs in an effort to close the achievement gap.
SW 2: Identify school-wide reform strategies that provide opportunities 6 Academic Plan SY 2016-17 for all students to meet proficiency SW 8: Include teachers in decisions
3. Refine and implement K. Durkee X All Students X WSF $ Provide professional development in technology and the use ☐ Economically ☐ Title I $ the form of mini-lessons for teachers of technology aided by teachers and outside sources on Disadvantaged ☐ Title III $ instructional programs strategies for technology aided ☐ English to support student ☐ IDEA $ instruction as evidenced by agendas Language learning and ☐ CTE $ and teacher surveys as monitored by Learners differentiation and use ☐ Focus/Priority $ K.Durkee ☐ Students with of data to inform ☐ CTE $ Disabilities Quarterly, 100% of classroom teachers instruction, such as: ☐ Other $ ● Accelerated Reader ☐ Other: will implement technology support ☐ ● Discovery Education N/A programs into their curriculum maps ● Education City as documented by grade level ● Reading Wonders & curricular maps. enVision MATH (Pearson SuccessNet) Quarterly, 100% of student body will ● SOAR access and use technology to improve ● Brain Pop proficiency as evidenced by student ● Kid Biz work, on-line data reports and/or ● IXL observations. ● Reading Eggs ● Google (GAFE) Each semester, 100% of classrooms teachers will give technology aided feedback as evidenced by an online survey to be used in determining efficacy of the program in meeting student needs.
SW 8: Include teachers in decisions 7 Academic Plan SY 2016-17 4. Effective use of PPTs T. Fujimoto X All Students X WSF $ Provide professional development for to support differentiated ☐ Economically X Title I $ PPTs that addresses the expectations instruction and support Disadvantaged $24,642 (18902) and supports for reading and math in in reading and the classroom as evidenced by training ☐ English $4500 (52002) mathematics. logs supported by K. Durkee, A. Denzer Language ☐ Title III $ and J. Fujimoto and monitored by T. Learners ☐ IDEA $ Fujimoto. ☐ Students with ☐ CTE $ Disabilities ☐ Focus/Priority $ 100% of teachers whose students are ☐ Other: ☐ CTE $ being serviced by a PPT will measure ☐ Other $ the effectiveness of the PPT supports in their classroom as evidenced by an ☐ N/A online teacher survey and classroom PPT logs.
Students will show a 5% increase from the Fall benchmark to the Winter benchmark for easyCBM (reading & math) and/or grade level common assessment, and will increase 5% from the Winter benchmark to the Spring benchmark for easyCBM (reading & math) and/or grade level common assessment.
8 Academic Plan SY 2016-17
Goal 1, Strategy 2: Comprehensive Student Supports
Desired Outcome for this Strategy: Provide all students with CSSS appropriate to their needs on a timely basis so that all students are successful.
Planning Capacity Evidence of Progress Enabling Activities Name of lead Target Source of Funds What leading indicators will you Provide clarity on sequence and timing responsible for Population(s) Choose all that apply, monitor progress against during your across the two years. reporting Choose all that and list amounts ART routine that will show progress during ART apply against your goal? Please include any process short term measurable objectives. 1. Create and implement an RtI N. Sakamoto X All Students X WSF $ 100% of classroom teachers will process which supports the ☐ Economically ☐ Title I $ implement, on a timely basis, the academic needs of all students CSSS/RtI and referral process and Disadvantaged ☐ Title III $ ● CSSS provide interventions to target ☐ English ● Response to Intervention (RtI) ☐ IDEA $ student needs as monitored by N. Language ● Universal Screener ☐ CTE $ Sakamoto. Learners ☐ Focus/Priority $ ☐ Students with ☐ CTE $ 100% of students will be screened Disabilities by the end of 1st quarter and ☐ Other $ ☐ Other: identified students will receive ☐ N/A interventions as evidenced.
100% of classroom teachers will use student data from the Universal Screener and other data points to determine tiers, set targets and adjust instruction as documented by Universal SW 2: Identify school-wide reform strategies that provide opportunities for all students to meet Screener reports and data team 9 Academic Plan SY 2016-17 proficiency reports as needed. SW 9: Identification of non-proficient; timely assistance
2. Develop and Implement a multi- R. Sanbei X All Students X WSF $ 100% of counselors will be trained tiered system of support to address ☐ Economically ☐ Title I $ in LDS and use the data to track student behavior and target at risk student’s behavioral needs through: Disadvantaged ☐ Title III $ students for additional supports as ● Classroom expectations: Diana ☐ English ☐ IDEA $ documented in counseling logs as Day’s Code of Conduct and/or other Language ☐ CTE $ monitored by R. Sanbei. Behavioral Management ideas and Learners ☐ techniques Focus/Priority $ ☐ Students with 100% of teachers will review and ● Continued implementation of ☐ CTE $ Disabilities teach students the 3-Be's and Positive Behavior Supports/3-Be's ☐ Other $ ☐ Other: school/classroom rules and system (• Be Safe • Be Kind• Be ☐ N/A expectations eliciting input and Responsible) to teach and recognize student buy in during the first 2- expected school-wide student weeks of school as evidenced by behaviors the Beginning of the Year School ● Continued implementation of Checklist as monitored by R. Character Education and anti Sanbei. bullying. ● Guidance counseling to build • Outreach Counselor position Coping• Problem Solving funded to support PBIS, Wellness •Resiliency skills Center, Character Education, Anti- ● Outreach Counselor: Wellness bullying Program; specifically Center working with at risk students.
100% of teachers and counselors will embed GLOs, character
10 Academic Plan SY 2016-17 education and anti-bullying lessons throughout the curriculum to promote social, emotional and physical well-being of students as evidenced by PBIS recognition, guidance lessons and student work (collected per semester) as SW 2: Identify school-wide reform strategies that monitored by R. Sanbei. provide opportunities for all students to meet proficiency Reduction of student behavioral referrals to the office by 5% each quarter as evidenced by LDS data.
Targeted students will participate in the wellness center under the guidance of the outreach counselor to develop appropriate social interaction skills resulting in a reduction of individual student behavioral referrals to the office by 5% each quarter as recorded in the LDS system. 3. Maintain the operation of M. Watanabe X All Students X WSF $ The Transition Center personnel Solomon’s Transition Center to help ☐ Economically ☐ Title I $ and administrators will use the new and departing students and quarterly data from the student Disadvantaged ☐ Title III $ their families adjust to the school and parent evaluations to improve ☐ English and to help address the needs of ☐ IDEA $ the Transition Center services, as Language military-dependent families. ☐ CTE $ measured by the school’s Learners ● Assist preschool children transition ☐ Focus/Priority $ Transition Questionnaire for new ☐ Students with from early childhood programs to ☐ and departing students and their Disabilities CTE $ local elementary school program as ☐ Other $ parents as monitored by M. appropriate (i.e., Headstart, CDC, ☐ Other: Watanabe. ☐ etc.) N/A
11 Academic Plan SY 2016-17 ● Embed evaluation process for all 100% of the students from the parties (PCNC, Transition Center, DOH early childhood program are PSAP, SWEP, MFLC) working with transitioned to Solomon with a parents to allow them a variety of pre-enrollment meeting with venues to share what their needs PCDC. are and how they can best be supported. 100% of students entering Kindergarten will follow a transition plan to slowly integrate them to our school schedule.
100% of parents will be offered the opportunity to attend an orientation to assist with the transition of their child into Kindergarten. SW 7: Incorporate transition plan for assisting preschool programs 100% of new students will be provided a structured orientation within the first month to ease student/parent transition into the school, as measured by the Transition Center log.
12 Academic Plan SY 2016-17 4. Provide appropriate school-based R. Sanbei X All Students X WSF $ Provide professional development mental health services to students ☐ Economically ☐ Title I $ in the form of mini-lessons for through the partnership between teachers by teachers and outside Disadvantaged ☐ Title III $ the Solomon Wellness and sources on effective strategies to ☐ English Education Program (SWEP) and ☐ IDEA $ identify and support the Language Tripler Army Medical Center. ☐ CTE $ behavioral needs of students as Learners ☐ Focus/Priority $ evidenced by the completion of ☐ Students with ☐ SWEP checklist and ongoing Disabilities CTE $ ☐ Other $ teacher feedback regarding ☐ Other: student’s behavioral status as ☐ N/A evidenced by bi-monthly triage SWEP meetings as monitored by R. Sanbei.
100% of teachers will continue to identify students needing mental health services based upon teacher observations, referrals, and/or parent-teacher conferences.
100% of students receiving SWEP services will be monitored weekly in SWEP meeting. Appropriated personnel will follow students with services, as evidenced by SWEP SW 7: Incorporate transition coordinator logs.
13 Academic Plan SY 2016-17 Goal 1, Strategy 3: Formative Instruction/Data Teams Process
Desired Outcome for this Strategy: Teachers will be able to successfully use the Data Team process to identify and address student needs so as to increase the reading and math each by 2% and close the achievement gap. Planning Evidence of Progress Enabling Activities Name of Target Population(s) Source of Funds What leading indicators Provide clarity on sequence and timing lead Choose all that apply Choose all that apply, and list will you monitor progress across the two years. responsib amounts against during your ART le for routine that will show reporting progress against your goal? during Please include any short ART term measurable objectives. process 1. Utilize the data team process to T. Jones X All Students ☐ WSF $ 100% of all teachers will identify and provide appropriate ☐ Economically ☐ Title I $ participate in the data interventions to targeted students on a team process on a 9 day Disadvantaged ☐ Title III $ timely basis. cycle to identify ☐ English Language ● Use the data from a variety of sources ☐ IDEA $ targeted students as Learners to determine the appropriate ☐ CTE $ documented by student ☐ Students with interventions needed ☐ Focus/Priority $ observations and/or Disabilities ● Provide appropriate interventions in ☐ CTE $ student work monitored ☐ quarterly. small groups or individually Other: ☐ Other $ ● Monitoring of Data Team Process for ☐ effectiveness N/A 100% of teachers will provide the appropriate interventions in a timely manner and monitor the effectiveness of the interventions as SW 1: Needs assessment SW 2: Identify school-wide reform strategies that provide documented by student opportunities for all students to meet proficiency observations, student SW 8: Include teachers in decisions SW 9: Identification of non-proficient; timely assistance work, and common 14 Academic Plan SY 2016-17 grade level assessments in the Data Team binder logs (reviewed quarterly).
100% of teachers will analyze student data following data team process as documented in the grade level Data Team binder - which is reviewed quarterly by Data Teams/RTI Teams. 100% of teachers will collaborate on instructional adjustments to be made in teaching and learning to improve students’ achievement of intended benchmarks, as evidence by student observation and/or student work as evidenced by Data Team Binder
100% of targeted students will receive appropriate interventions as documented by student observations, student
15 Academic Plan SY 2016-17 work, and common grade level assessments as evidenced by the Data Team binder.
16 Academic Plan SY 2016-17 Goal 1, Optional Additional Strategy:
Desired Outcome for this Strategy: To fulfill all requirements as mandated by Title I, related to student success, that are not currently specifically addressed in the 6 priority strategies. Planning Evidence of Progress Enabling Activities Name of Target Population(s) Source of Funds What leading indicators Provide clarity on sequence and timing lead Choose all that apply Choose all that apply, and list will you monitor progress across the two years. responsib amounts against during your ART le for routine that will show reporting progress against your goal? during Please include any short ART term measurable objectives. process 1. Implement AVID (Advancement Via VP X All Students X WSF $ Provide professional Individual Determination) strategies to ☐ Economically ☐ Title I $ development for support college and career readiness teachers to include best Disadvantaged ☐ Title III $ and implement with fidelity. practices and develop ☐ English Language ☐ IDEA $ the WICOR strategy. Learners ☐ CTE $ ☐ Students with ☐ Focus/Priority $ 100% of AVID trained Disabilities ☐ CTE $ teachers will implement X AVID strategies with Other: Teachers ☐ Other $ fidelity in their ☐ N/A classrooms.
100% of students in AVID-trained teachers’ classrooms will utilize goal-setting and organizational strategies in their daily work and assignments reviewed 17 Academic Plan SY 2016-17 quarterly.
2. Enhance students’ application of S. Fong X All Students X WSF $ The use of technology in various programs and technology tools. ☐ Economically ☐ Title I $ the classroom will be ● Monitor the use of technology in the monitored quarterly as Disadvantaged ☐ Title III $ classrooms quarterly. evidence by walk- ☐ English Language ☐ IDEA $ through observations Learners ☐ CTE $ and student work ☐ Students with ☐ Focus/Priority $ through data collection Disabilities ☐ CTE $ system reviewed ☐ Other: ☐ Other $ quarterly and monitored by S. Fong. ☐ N/A 3. Provide professional development in A. Denzer X All Students X WSF $ 100% of classroom ELA and/or Math for teachers to deepen K. Durkee ☐ Economically X Title I $ teachers will participate their understanding of the relationship in ELA and/or Math Disadvantaged ☐ Title III $ to Common Core Standards and tools professional ☐ English Language available to assess and analyze student ☐ IDEA $ development sessions to Learners progress. ☐ CTE $ align instruction to the ☐ Students with ☐ Focus/Priority $ Common Core State Disabilities ☐ CTE $ Standards to improve ☐ Other: ☐ Other $ student achievement as evidenced by student ☐ N/A observation, student work, and/or collegial SW 4: Provide high quality and ongoing professional development day minutes regarding on-going curriculum
18 Academic Plan SY 2016-17 map implementation and revisions.
4. Implement and monitor Professional A. X All Students X WSF $ 100% of classroom Learning Communities (Collegial Days) Nakamats ☐ Economically X Title I $ teachers will utilize to allow for the analysis of student data appropriate data u Disadvantaged ☐ Title III $ and to collaborate on effective collection system ☐ English Language instructional strategies to increase ☐ IDEA $ reports to analyze Learners student achievement. ☐ CTE $ student data and ☐ Students with ☐ Focus/Priority $ collaborate on Disabilities ☐ CTE $ instructional ☐ Other: ☐ Other $ adjustments to be made SW 8: Include teachers in decisions regarding use of in teaching and learning assessments to improve student achievement ☐ N/A to improve students’ achievement of intended benchmarks, as evidence by student observation, and/or student work reviewed quarterly (i.e. DT binder).
19 Academic Plan SY 2016-17 5. Coach will assist teachers and K. Durkee X All Students X WSF $ Teachers will work students with math curriculum and ☐ Economically X Title I $ collaboratively with instruction, data team focus for math, Math Coach to impact Disadvantaged ☐ Title III $ and with the SES school-wide student learning as ☐ English Language Instructional Learning Target (ILT) of ☐ IDEA $ documented in coaching Learners Math Problem Solving. ☐ CTE $ logs and school-wide ☐ Students with ☐ Focus/Priority $ Instructional Learning Disabilities ☐ CTE $ Targets. ☐ Other: ☐ Other $ ☐ N/A
Goal 2 Staff Success
State Priority Strategies to Improve Student Achievement and Reduce Achievement Does your Financial Plan If not, why? Gaps (Required, and defined within the support this strategy? Implementation Continuums) 4. Provide all teachers with evaluation and feedback based on student growth and teaching YES X NO ☐ practice 5. Fully implement beginning teacher induction X ☐ and mentoring standards YES NO
20 Academic Plan SY 2016-17 Does your Financial Plan Additional Strategies (Optional) If not, why? support this strategy? YES ☐ NO ☐ YES ☐ NO ☐ YES ☐ NO ☐ YES ☐ NO ☐
Data Driven Rationale for Additional Priorities:
21 Academic Plan SY 2016-17 Goal 2, Strategy 4: Educator Effectiveness Systems
Desired Outcome for this Strategy: All teachers will receive the supports necessary for student success/achievement. Planning Evidence of Progress Enabling Activities Name of Target Population(s) Source of Funds What leading indicators Provide clarity on sequence and timing lead Choose all that apply Choose all that apply, and list will you monitor progress across the two years. responsib amounts against during your ART le for routine that will show reporting progress against your goal? during Please include any short ART term measurable objectives. process 1. Provide continuing professional VP X All Students ☐ WSF $ 100% of teachers will development to all teachers on the ☐ Economically ☐ Title I $ participate in various components to maximize the professional Disadvantaged ☐ Title III $ Educator Effectiveness System. development ☐ English Language ● Student Growth Percentile ☐ IDEA $ opportunities focused on Learners ● Tripod Survey ☐ CTE $ the components of the ☐ Students with ● Framework for Observation ☐ Focus/Priority $ Educator Effectiveness Disabilities ● Student Learning Objectives ☐ CTE $ System to improve ☐ ● Formative Instruction (Jay Trujillo) Other: ☐ Other $ teaching and learning and positively impact ☐ N/A student learning.
Evidence will include teacher SLO completion proficiency rate and teacher professional reflection logs.
22 Academic Plan SY 2016-17 ☐ All Students ☐ WSF $ ☐ Economically ☐ Title I $ Disadvantaged ☐ Title III $ ☐ English Language ☐ IDEA $ Learners ☐ CTE $ ☐ Students with ☐ Focus/Priority $ Disabilities ☐ CTE $ ☐ Other ☐ Other $ ☐ N/A Goal 2, Strategy 5: Induction and Mentoring
Desired Outcome for this Strategy: All new teachers will receive support from school level mentor and grade level colleagues.
Planning Evidence of Progress Enabling Activities Name of Target Population(s) Source of Funds What leading indicators will you monitor progress Provide clarity on sequence and timing lead Choose all that apply Choose all that apply, and list across the two years. responsib amounts against during your ART le for routine that will show reporting progress against your goal? during Please include any short ART term measurable objectives. process 1. Provide training and support to A. Denzer X All Students ☐ WSF $ 100% of all new probationary teachers and teachers ☐ Economically ☐ Title I $ teachers will receive needing assistance to meet federal additional support from Disadvantaged ☐ Title III $ Highly Qualified requirements: school level mentor (as ☐ English Language ● New Teacher Mentor program ☐ IDEA $ evidenced by quarterly Learners ● Grade level support ☐ CTE $ PDE 3 logs) and grade ☐ Students with ☐ Focus/Priority $ level colleagues. This Disabilities ☐ CTE $ will be monitored by 23 Academic Plan SY 2016-17 Admin ☐ Other: ☐ Other $ mentor/teacher meeting ☐ N/A minutes and dates/times.
100% of Non Highly SW 3: Provide instruction by highly qualified teachers. SW 4: Provide high quality and ongoing professional Qualified Teachers development (NHQT) will complete SW 5: Strategies to attract high quality, highly qualified teachers and implement the Highly Qualified Teacher Action Plan to become Highly Qualified. ☐ All Students ☐ WSF $ ☐ Economically ☐ Title I $ Disadvantaged ☐ Title III $ ☐ English Language ☐ IDEA $ Learners ☐ CTE $ ☐ Students with ☐ Focus/Priority $ Disabilities ☐ CTE $ ☐ Other: ☐ Other $ ☐ N/A
24 Academic Plan SY 2016-17 Goal 2, Optional Additional Strategy:
Desired Outcome for this Strategy: Planning Evidence of Progress Enabling Activities Name of Target Population(s) Source of Funds What leading indicators Provide clarity on sequence and timing lead Choose all that apply Choose all that apply, and list will you monitor progress across the two years. responsib amounts against during your ART le for routine that will show reporting progress against your goal? during Please include any short ART term measurable objectives. process ☐ All Students ☐ WSF $ ☐ Economically ☐ Title I $ Disadvantaged ☐ Title III $ ☐ English Language ☐ IDEA $ Learners ☐ CTE $ ☐ Students with ☐ Focus/Priority $ Disabilities ☐ CTE $ ☐ Other: ☐ Other $ ☐ N/A
☐ All Students ☐ WSF $ ☐ Economically ☐ Title I $ Disadvantaged ☐ Title III $ ☐ English Language ☐ IDEA $ Learners ☐ CTE $ ☐ Students with ☐ Focus/Priority $ Disabilities ☐ CTE $ 25 Academic Plan SY 2016-17 ☐ Other: ☐ Other $ ☐ N/A
OPTIONAL: Goal 3 Successful Systems of Support
Optional Strategies to Improve Student Does your Financial Plan If not, why? Achievement and Reduce Achievement 26 Academic Plan SY 2016-17 Gaps support this strategy? YES ☐ NO ☐ YES ☐ NO ☐ YES ☐ NO ☐
Data Driven Rationale for Additional Priorities:
OPTIONAL Goal 3 Optional Strategy: Desired Outcome for this Strategy: Parents will be notified of school events and relevant information in a timely manner.
Planning Evidence of Progress Enabling Activities Name of Target Population(s) Source of Funds What leading indicators Provide clarity on sequence and timing lead Choose all that apply Choose all that apply, and list will you monitor progress 27 Academic Plan SY 2016-17 across the two years. responsib amounts against during your ART le for routine that will show reporting progress against your goal? during Please include any short ART term measurable objectives. process 1. Refine systems for dissemination of M. X All Students X WSF $ All school information information to parents linking home to Zukeran ☐ Economically ☐ Title I $ will be shared through school and providing timely notification the monthly newsletter Disadvantaged ☐ Title III $ about important initiatives and updates. and posted on school ☐ English Language ● Newsletters ☐ IDEA $ website. Learners ● Conferences ☐ CTE $ ☐ Students with ● School Website ☐ Focus/Priority $ 100% of parents will Disabilities ● Automated Voice Messaging System ☐ CTE $ receive timely and ☐ appropriate notification ● Weekly Wednesday Communication Other: ☐ Other $ Envelope and/or services, as ☐ N/A needed regarding SW 6: Implementing strategies to increase parent absences, tutoring involvement opportunities, academic concerns, etc 2. Conduct parent and community M. X All Students X WSF $ Each semester,100% of informational sessions and school-wide Zukeran ☐ Economically X Title I $ teachers will participate parent involvement activities that Disadvantaged $2564 in the planning and address student achievement of the implementation of ☐ English Language $2000 standards such as: School-wide standards- Learners ☐ Title III $ ● Read aloud techniques based parent activities ● Questioning techniques ☐ Students with ☐ IDEA $ for their grade level and ● Math Strategies Disabilities ☐ CTE $ involving parents ● Literacy activities ☐ Other: ☐ Focus/Priority $ helping their child at ● Scientific Process ☐ CTE $ home with reading or (one parent-child literacy activity by ☐ Other $ math or science literacy grade level per semester) activities as ☐ N/A documented by sign in 28 Academic Plan SY 2016-17 SW 6: Implementing strategies to increase parent sheets. involvement PCNC/PSAP/Transition Center and Teachers will provide activities for parent involvement such as coffee hours, informational meetings, parent workshops, school-wide activities, and grade level literacy activities as documented by notification flyers and sign in logs reviewed quarterly.
40% of parents will participate per grade level per event. This will result in an improvement in positive responses by parents on the School Quality Survey.
OPTIONAL Goal 1, 2 or 3, Additional Strategy:
29 Academic Plan SY 2016-17 Desired Outcome for this Strategy: Planning Evidence of Progress Enabling Activities Name of Target Population(s) Source of Funds What leading indicators Provide clarity on sequence and timing lead Choose all that apply Choose all that apply, and list will you monitor progress across the two years. responsib amounts against during your ART le for routine that will show reporting progress against your goal? during Please include any short ART term measurable objectives. process ☐ All Students ☐ WSF $ ☐ Economically ☐ Title I $ Disadvantaged ☐ Title III $ ☐ English Language ☐ IDEA $ Learners ☐ CTE $ ☐ Students with ☐ Focus/Priority $ Disabilities ☐ CTE $ ☐ Other: ☐ Other $ ☐ N/A
☐ All Students ☐ WSF $ ☐ Economically ☐ Title I $ Disadvantaged ☐ Title III $ ☐ English Language ☐ IDEA $ Learners ☐ CTE $ ☐ Students with ☐ Focus/Priority $ Disabilities ☐ CTE $ ☐ Other: ☐ Other $
30 Academic Plan SY 2016-17 ☐ N/A
Title I Addendum (for Title I schools only)
Title I School Requirements for Schoolwide Components
Schoolwide Components Covered in the Academic Plan/ If not, how will the school address the Accountable School Lead School Plan? If so, where? schoolwide components? 31 Academic Plan SY 2016-17 The plan must… (location in Academic Plan/Schoolwide Plan, page #, section) SW 1: Incorporate a comprehensive Goal 1, Strategy 3, EA 1 J Fujimoto/T. Jones needs assessment of the entire school (including taking into account the needs of migratory students) that is based on information that includes student achievement relative to the State’s academic content and achievement standards SW 2: Identify schoolwide reform Goal 1, Strategy 1, EA1 A.Denzer strategies that - Goal 1, Strategy 1, EA2 K. Durkee a) Provide opportunities for all students to Goal 1, Strategy 2, EA 1 N. Sakamoto meet proficiency Goal 1, Strategy 2, EA 2 N. Sakamoto b) Use effective methods and instructional Goal 1, Strategy 3, EA 1 T. Jones strategies c) Include strategies to address the needs of all students in the school, but particularly the needs of low achieving students and those at-risk of not meeting the State’s student academic achievement standards d) Address how the school will determine if such needs have been met e) Are consistent with, and are designed to implement the state and Complex Area/Charter Governing Board improvement plans, if any SW 3: Provide instruction by highly Goal 2, Strategy 5, EA1 A.Denzer qualified teachers
SW 4: Provide high quality and on- Goal 1, Optional Strategy, EA3 A.Denzer going professional development for Goal 2, Strategy 5, EA1 A.Denzer teachers, principals, paraprofessionals, and if appropriate, pupil services personnel SW 5: Implement strategies to attract Goal 2, Strategy 5, EA1 A.Denzer high quality, highly qualified teachers SW 6: Implement strategies to increase Goal 3, Optional Strategy 5, EA1 M. Zukeran parental involvement, such as family Goal 3, Optional Strategy 5, EA2 M. Zukeran 32 Academic Plan SY 2016-17 literacy services SW 7: Incorporate transition plan for Goal 1, Strategy 2, EA 3 M. Watanabe assisting preschool children from early Goal 1, Strategy 2, EA 4 R. Sanbei childhood programs, such as Head Start, Early Reading First, or a State-run preschool program to local elementary school program SW 8: Include teachers in the decisions Goal 1, Strategy 1, EA1 A.Denzer regarding the use of academic assessments Goal 1, Strategy 1, EA2 in order to inform and improve individual Goal 1, Strategy 1, EA3 student achievement and the overall Goal 1, Strategy 3, EA 1 instructional program Goal 1, Optional Strategy, EA4
SW 9: Ensure that students who Goal 1, Strategy 2, EA 1 N. Sakamoto experience difficulty mastering the Goal 1, Strategy 3, EA 1 T. Jones proficient or advanced levels of academic achievement shall be provided with effective, timely, additional assistance. This assistance shall include measures to ensure that students’ difficulties are identified on a timely basis and provide sufficient information on which to base effective assistance
SW 10: Coordinate and integrate Sources of funds sections in FRF/WSF federal, state, and local services and and Title I funds in Academic Plan programs, including programs supported under No Child Left Behind: violence prevention program, nutrition program, housing programs, Head Start, adult education, vocational and technical education, and job training
33 Academic Plan SY 2016-17
Key Enabling Activity(ies) Target Measureable Applicable Federal Accountable Funding Request Findings/Contributin Include all that apply Outcome/Evid Turnaround Principle(s) Select Lead (Description of g Causes of Strength Population(s) ence of all that apply Expenditures and and Challenges from Choose all that Progress Cost) and Needs Assessment apply Justification 1. ☐ All Students ☐Strong Leadership ☐ Economically ☐Effective Teachers Disadvantaged ☐Redesigned day/week/year ☐Strengthen instructional ☐ English program Language ☐Use data to inform instruction Learners ☐Improve safety and discipline ☐ Students with ☐Engage families and Disabilities communities ☐ Other:
2. ☐ All Students ☐Strong Leadership ☐ Economically ☐Effective Teachers Disadvantaged ☐Redesigned day/week/year ☐Strengthen instructional ☐ English program Language ☐Use data to inform instruction Learners ☐Improve safety and discipline ☐ Students with ☐Engage families and Disabilities communities ☐ Other:
34 Academic Plan SY 2016-17 3. ☐ All Students ☐Strong Leadership ☐ Economically ☐Effective Teachers Disadvantaged ☐Redesigned day/week/year ☐Strengthen instructional ☐ English program Language ☐Use data to inform instruction Learners ☐Improve safety and discipline ☐ Students with ☐Engage families and Disabilities communities ☐ Other: