Commencing at 7.30Pm in the Committee Room, Owslebury Parish Hall

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Commencing at 7.30Pm in the Committee Room, Owslebury Parish Hall


PRESENT Parish Councillor John Chapman (in the Chair). Parish Councillors: Mark Egerton, Will Martin, Roger Page, Paul Phillips, Sally Tattersall, Gerry Tull

IN ATTENDANCE Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer (RFO): Michael Cleary. District Councillor Laurence Ruffell (left 8.45pm). PCSO Amy Stevens (14117) 1 member of the public was present.

APOLOGIES. County and District Councillor Rob Humby (information update provided to the Clerk).

210/14 DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS FOR AGENDA ITEMS. Councillor Martin noted his personal interest in matters concerning Morestead Church, Councillor Phillips (St Andrew’s Church), Councillor Egerton (Sports Club) and Councillor Chapman (as an individual who wrote a letter of objection) in matters concerning the Cranbury Removals planning application.

211/14 CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES OF THE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 13h OCTOBER 2014. The draft minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 13th October 2014 had been previously circulated. All Parish Councillors noted their acceptance of the Minutes, and it was Resolved unanimously that they were a true record.

212/14 POLICE REPORT. PCSO Amy Stevens updated the Council on the latest incidents reported to Police. These included a road traffic accident in Whaddon Lane, a traffic nuisance incident in Main Road and 4 incidents of suspicious behaviour. She commented on the recent developments in the reorganisation of the local police force.

213/14 PUBLIC QUESTIONS AND COMMENTS a) Planning Applications. There were no planning applications for consideration at the meeting. b) Other Agenda Items. Lucinda Chigwell updated the Council on her recent dealings with Hampshire County Council and other agencies in connection with flood mitigation measures at Owslebury Bottom, and responded to questions raised by Councillors. Councillors noted the underlying issue appears to be the culvert which is simply too small to cope with the volume of water during a flood. A larger drainage system is needed. Matters are made more complex by the layout of the existing culvert which is too near to the main water pipe for any significant work to be undertaken on increasing its capacity. Councillors recommended that she continue her discussions with Hampshire Highways for remedial work to be undertaken, and the Council would also endeavour to assist in this process.

214/14 COUNTY AND DISTRICT COUNCILLOR REPORTS. In his report, District Councillor Ruffell commented on a range of matters including:

 Hydes Barn: the planning application is still under consideration in part because of reluctance by the applicant to pay the usual levy for a contribution towards social housing. Councillors noted that the original application was in relation to refurbishing the existing barn into a private dwelling, but there was some confusion as to whether the application had been amended to ‘demolish and rebuild’. District Councillor Ruffell agreed to make further enquiries.  Building activity at a local farm: a monitoring visit would probably be made within the next 3 weeks.  A ‘green bin’ had been arranged following a request from a resident in Beech Grove.  Riverside Leisure Centre: he briefly commented on the 6 options currently under consideration by WCC.

215/14 WINCHESTER DISTRICT LOCAL PLAN PART 2 The Council noted a Travellers site is included in the plans for Colden Common. The Council also noted the additional developments planned for both Colden Common and Fair Oak (Eastleigh plan). The main road from Fair Oak to Winchester is already busy and additional traffic in the Colden Common area will increase the likelihood of people using Owslebury as a short cut. The Council Resolved unanimously to bring its concerns about the additional traffic arising from the planned developments, to the attention of WCC.

Action: Winchester District Local Plan part 2 By When: By Whom:  Clerk and/or Chairman to attend to attend presentation and to register December Clerk OPC’s concern in relation to additional traffic and related improvement in roads

216/14 PLANNING a) Planning Applications. There were no planning applications for the Council to consider. b) Planning Decisions

WCC 14/01624/FUL Cranburys (Humbee Nurseries) Thompsons Lane, Owslebury Proposal: Removal of some existing polytunnels and erection of steel framed storage warehouse with parking spaces. Outcome Approved

Councillors were unanimous in their criticism of the Planning Officer’s decision to approve the application by Cranbury Removals. They were of the view the matter should have been referred to the Planning Committee, given the Council’s strong opposition to the application. The Council’s concerns may not have been upheld by the Planning Committee, but they should have been considered by the Committee.

District Councillor Ruffell understood the Council’s concerns but noted the Officer had followed established procedure. In its submission to the Planning Officer, the Council had not asked for the application to be referred to Committee. Such a request (and the reasons for it) formed part of WCC’s standard procedures. The Council had done so on other applications in the past, but had not done so on the Cranbury application. Accordingly the Officer did not refer the matter to Committee. Furthermore, there had only been 3 objections from individuals. This did not suggest great opposition to the proposal from local residents, and the number of objections was insufficient on its own to require the matter to be referred to Committee. Indeed the number of supportive comments far outweighed the number opposing the application. In future the Council should state – whether by letter or by way of the planning portal – that in the event the Officer is minded to approve an application, the Council would require the application to be referred to the Planning Committee.

The Council acknowledged District Councillor Ruffell’s explanation but remained firmly of the view that the process was flawed. The Council had expressed its ‘strong objection’ to the application which should have been sufficient for the Planning Officer to either refer the matter to Committee, or to at least seek clarification of the Council’s comments and whether it wished the matter to be referred to Committee. In his reasoning supporting his decision to approve, the Planning Officer appeared not to have taken any account of the Parish Plan and, more specifically, the objections to developments of the nature set out in the application.

The discussion became heated at times and Councillor Tull made inappropriate comments impugning the integrity of District Councillor Ruffell, County and District Councillor Humby and another District Councillor (in another Parish and on a different matter), accusations which District Councillor Ruffell stated were ridiculous. The Chairman called for calm and respectful behaviour.

At the end of the discussion the Council Resolved unanimously to bring its dissatisfaction with the process to the attention of Simon Eden (CEO) and Steve Tilbury (Corporate Director) at WCC .The Council would then consider what further action may be necessary.

Action: Cranbury Removals planning application By When: By Whom:  Clerk to draft a letter to Simon Eden and Steve Tilbury. December Clerk  Clerk to research whether representations can be made to haulage licencing authority to restrict large HGVs from using the site.

c) Enforcement. Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting Held on Monday 10th November 2014 The Clerk noted the reports provided by the Enforcement officer. In addition District Councillor Ruffell agreed to enquire whether appropriate consent had been given for the construction of a large barn at Marwell Manor Farm. d) Planning Applications outstanding. Councillors noted the list of planning applications where decisions are still outstanding. In relation to Alpaca Meadows, District Councillor Ruffell agreed to make further enquiries.

Action: Planning By When: By Whom:  District Councillor Ruffell to enquire whether appropriate consents December District obtained re large barn at Marwell Manor Farm Councillor  District Councillor Ruffell to enquire as to reasons for delay in Ruffell determining application by Alpaca Meadows.

217/14 HIGHWAYS. a) Flood Mitigation measures. During the discussions in the Public comments section of the meeting, Lucinda Chigwell had noted that work may need to be undertaken on the pond at Owslebury Bottom. The Council noted the pond is common land and as such is under the Council’s protection. The Council agreed that work could be undertaken on the pond as part of the flood mitigation measures for Owslebury Bottom. b) Emergency Planning. The Clerk noted that a second draft of the Emergency Plan would be circulated in due course and would incorporate many of the comments made by Councillors on the first draft. Councillors noted an Emergency Committee should be created and Resolved unanimously that such Committee should comprise the Chairman and Clerk of the day and 2 Councillors appointed by the full Council. The Committee would determine the actions that should be taken by the Council in the event of an emergency.

Action: Emergency Plan By When: By Whom:  Clerk to circulate 2nd draft of Plan. December Clerk  Council to appoint 2 Councillor to serve on Emergency Committee

c) Bus shelter. The Clerk noted that the necessary consents for the move of the bus stop and construction of a shelter had been obtained. The shelter would be built by an experienced carpenter and builder at his own expense. The Council asked the Clerk to convey its appreciation to the parishioner, Tony Bush, for his community spirit. The Council Resolved unanimously to give consent to the construction of the shelter and to its location near to the junction between Longwood Road and Baybridge Lane. The Council noted a risk assessment would be undertaken after completion of the shelter.

Action: Bus shelter By When: By Whom:  Clerk to advise Council on progress of construction. December Clerk  Risk assessment to be undertaken and sign-off by Council.

d) Kerbing. The Clerk confirmed the work on additional kerbing as part of highways improvement and flood mitigation at Hurst Lane had been completed and the cost to the residents concerned exceed £3,600. The Council had previously agreed in principle to provide a grant of £1,500 (29/14(d)) under Section 96 Highways Act 1980. The Council Resolved unanimously to authorise the Clerk to release the grant to the residents concerned.

218/14 RIGHTS OF WAY (ROW). The Clerk noted Hampshire Highways and WCC had agreed to consider the state of the trees at Owslebury Bottom, following Councillor Tull’s review, and would report back in due course.

Councillor Tull updated the Council on his review of ROW and the work he had undertaken. Councillors shared his concern that certain ROW are seriously neglected by landowners and HCC. The Council agreed the matter should be discussed with HCC with a view to forcing landowners to discharge their legal obligation to maintain ROW and for HCC to undertake maintenance as appropriate.

Action: ROW By When: By Whom:  Chairman and Clerk to discuss with HCC condition of ROW and January JC and 3 enforcement of landowner obligation to maintain ROW. Clerk

219/14 OPEN SPACES, RECREATION AND PLAY GROUNDS. a) Owslebury Sports Pavilion. Councillors discussed ways by which the Council could best help the Sports Club develop, given the costs of the pavilion. It was agreed discussions should continue with the Club and the matter brought back for consideration at a future meeting.

b) Playground. The Clerk noted an interim inspection had taken place and he was awaiting the outcome of the review.

220/14 COMMEMORATION ADVISORY COMMITTE. The Clerk noted the installation of the Stone had been completed. He noted the preliminary financial assessment suggested the net cost of the Remembrance projects would be within the budget set by the Council. The Clerk noted the cost of the foundation for the Stone was £590 and the Council Resolved unanimously that the invoice should be paid.

The Council noted that the transport cost from Yorkshire and the installation of the Stone had been undertaken by Mike Ball at his own expense. The Council asked the Clerk to convey to Mike its appreciation of his community spirit.

Action: Remembrance Projects By When: By Whom:  Clerk to provide final costing of Remembrance projects. December Clerk  Clerk to write letter of thanks to Mike Ball

221/14 COMMUNITY SERVICES. The Clerk noted the defibrillator would be installed at the Parish Hall within the next 14 days.

222/14 FINANCE, ADMINISTRATION AND STATUTORY MATTERS. a) Payments and receipts Councillors Resolved unanimously to note receipts since the last Council meeting and to approve the following payments:

Voucher Amount Payee Purpose (£) PAYMENTS 63 165.00 WCC Dog Waste collection (April-June) 64 369.37 M Cleary October net pay 65 245.60 Post Office October PAYE 66 34.22 M Cleary October expenses (postage £3.70, travel £9.86, cartridges £20.66) 67 87.90 OPHMC Hall hire 68 1500.00 S Davies Release of grant re kerbing (Minute 217/14(d) refers) 69 590.00 D Hitchin Installation of Remembrance Stone 70 165.00 WCC Dog waste collection July-September RECEIPTS

Interest 1.65 Lloyds Business 30 day account (2 months) Donations 375.00 various Public donations re Remembrance Stone Donation 17.01 various Public collections re mini bus fund (S Biggs)

b) Financial estimate for 2014/15 and preliminary budget for 2015/16. The Council noted the RFO’s estimate of the financial outcome for 2014/15. Councillors reviewed the list of possible grants under section 137(1) and asked the RFO bring back a final list for consideration and determination at its December meeting. The Council reviewed the RFO’s preliminary budget for 2015/16 and noted that a final budget would be put before the Council in December or January together with the proposed Precept. c) Reserves. The Council reviewed its policy for the holding of reserves and reaffirmed the policy adopted at its January 2014 meeting: Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting Held on Monday 10th November 2014 i.i. General reserve: for unplanned but necessary expenditure, amounting to between 6 and 9 months annual budgeted expenditure including transfers to specific reserves;

i.ii. Legal and Planning Costs reserve: for advice on planning applications or appeals which the Council consider to be of great importance to the Parish;

i.iii. Election costs reserve: for costs in connection with contested elections, the monetary amount being advised by WCC;

i.iv. Play Equipment reserve: for the Council’s reasonable contribution towards the replacement of the play equipment;

i.v. Community Projects reserve: to enable the Council to fund community projects included in the Parish Plan or subsequently identified by Council, including, traffic calming, pedestrian safety, country kerbing, broadband, sports pavilion, flooding alleviation, community transport, new burial ground and community assets such as the Glebe Field and Ship Inn. Christmas Lights reserve: to enable the Council to participate in the lighting of the village.

223/14 CLERK’S REPORT. The Clerk summarised the progress made on matters determined by Council at previous meetings (Appendix 1).

224/14 INFORMATION EXCHANGE AND AGENDA ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING. There were no matters of report, or for inclusion on the Agenda for the next meeting.

225/14 DATE OF NEXT COUNCIL MEETING. It was agreed the next Council meeting would be held 8th December 2014 commencing at 7.30pm.

The meeting closed shortly before 9.45pm.

Chairman…John Chapman……… .... Date: 8th December 2014



Action: Protection of verges – Hurst Lane By when: By whom:  To obtain confirmation of acceptance of terms of grant to residents and completion of Clerk works. Should commence within 4 weeks

Action: Litter Pick By when: By whom:  Chairman to discuss leadership of Litter Pick with a Parishioner. Clerk Councillor Martin to consider taking forward.

Action: Council’s interest in land By when: By whom:  To note with the owners Council’s ownership of Common Land (CL231) at or near Clerk Whiteflood Farm and to enquire as to the state of the Pond. In hand.

Action: Barbed wire By When: By Whom:  To discuss with owners of Sladford House the removal of barbed wire on the stiles. JC Letter sent to owner; no reply as yet.

Action: Accredited Community Safety Officer By When: By Whom:  Clerk to make further enquiries re role and cost sharing with other councils. July/August Clerk No further developments at this stage.

Action: Parish Hall By When: By Whom:  Clerk to investigate possibility and related obligations of the Council taking on Trusteeship October Clerk of the Hall. Awaiting clarification on ownership of Hall

Action: Woodland View Stables By When: By Whom:  To establish outcome of Enforcement review as to implementation of planning conditions. October Clerk

Awaiting report from Enforcement.

Action: BoomTown traffic By When: By Whom:  Council to consider matter further in due course. October All

Action: Defibrillator By When: By Whom:  Clerk to arrange for acquisition of defibrillator Clerk Defib delivered; awaiting delivery of external box

Action: Building activity By When: By Whom:  Clerk to ask Enforcement to make enquiries re developments on local farm October Clerk Awaiting response from Enforcement

Action: SDNP By When: By Whom:  Clerk to invite SDNP Planning officer to a meeting January Clerk Suggest this be done after the SDNP workshop in November

Action: Police attendance at OPC By When: By Whom:  Clerk to make enquiries and to stress importance of attendance November Clerk Done PCSO to attend meeting on more regular basis

Action: Owslebury Sports Club By When: By Whom:  Clerk to explore financial and ownership options with the Club and report back to Clerk Council In hand

Action: Dog fouling By When: By Whom:  Clerk to arrange for additional signage and public notices. November Clerk WCC advice sought; new signage to be installed

Action: Little Ranch planning Appeal By When: By Whom: Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting Held on Monday 10th November 2014  Clerk to submit Council’s comments on original application to Appeal Inspector. November Clerk Done

Action: SpeedWatch By When: By Whom:  Clerk/Rob Humby to arrange a meeting with Andy Smith; Clerk/Rob Humby  Subject to above, Council/Rob Humby to consider approach to Police Commissioner. Awaiting detail from Rob Humby

Action: Flood mitigation By When: By Whom:  Clerk to complete Emergency Plan November Clerk  Clerk to distribute groundwater readings  Clerk to discuss further with HH outcome of site visits  Clerk to discuss with HH additional protection for Underacre on Main Road,  Councillors/Clerk to discuss with HCC enlargement of Culvert at Owslebury Bottom Awaiting further information/action by HH

Action: Trees at Owslebury Bottom By When: By Whom:  Clerk to make enquiries of HH as to outcome of review. November Clerk Awaiting further information/action by HH

Action: Community transport By When: By Whom:  Clerk to make enquiries as to how other small and relatively isolated parishes Clerk deal with transport requirements. In hand

Action: Sure Signal Scheme By When: By Whom:  Clerk to submit application to Vodafone. Clerk Result not expected until end November

Action: Historical records By When: By Whom:  Clerk to discuss matter further with parishioner re retention of historical records. Clerk Discussed with parishioner


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