2/8/06 Received 73 cases in Word compatible format from High Court law clerks as attachments to two e-mails – These are Chief Justice Kruse’s and Justice Richmond’s decisions rendered during the period covered by Volume 1 - BCAIII

2/9/06 Assigned each file a consecutive number based on the order same was attached to e-mail from law clerks. Sent Sherwood the even numbered ones (36) as attachments to an e-mail and retained rest to work on myself – BCAIII

2/10/06 Prepared and uploaded 1st case of volume one (Suani v. ASG, Case Number AP02-96) – BCAIII

2/11/06 Prepared and uploaded 2nd case of volume one (Lefiti v. Tema, Case No. 3-96) – BCAIII

2/11/06 Prepared and uploaded 3rd case of volume one (Tuaolo v. Fruean, Case Nos. 06-95, 07-95, Denial of Rehearing) – BCAIII

2/11/06 Prepared and uploaded 4th case of volume one (Pule v. ASG, Case No. 09-06) – BCAIII

2/19/06 Prepared and uploaded 5th case of volume one (Bradcock v. ASG, Case No. 16-95) – BCAIII

2/19/06 Prepared and uploaded 6th case of volume one (Bendall v. Samoa Aviation, Inc., AP No. 18-95) – BCAIII

2/20/06 Prepared and uploaded 7th case of volume one (Ale v. Reid Stevedoring, Inc., AP No. 19-95) – BCAIII 2/22/06 Prepared and uploaded 8th case of volume one (Eseroma v. Fuimoano, CA No. 5-97) – BCAIII 2/24/06 Prepared and uploaded 9th case of volume one (Star-Kist Samoa, Inc. v. Commissioner, CA No. 15-97) – BCAIII

2/24/06 Prepared and uploaded 10th case of volume one (Bank of Hawaii v. Randall, CA No. 22-95)-BCAIII

3/2/06 Uploaded 11th and 12th cases of volume one (Tuaolo v. Fruean, AP No. 07-95 and ASG v. Meredith AP No. 08-95, LT No. 19-94) – These cases were prepared by CES – BCAIII

3/13/06 Prepared and uploaded 13th-28th cases, reorganized and corrected spelling and format errors contained in reporter-CES

4/08/06 Corrected errors and uploaded 29th case (Faumuina v. American Samoa Government Employees Retirement Fund, CA No. 126- 96)-CES

4/13/06 Network Error-Restored Previous versions of Activity Log and 1 ASR3d files. Also, uploaded 30th , 31st, and 32nd cases (G.H.C. Reid & Co., Inc., v. K.M.S.T., CA No. 78-89; Gatolai v. A.S.G. CA No. 104-93; Interocean Ships, Inc. v. Samoan Gases, CA No. 123-85)-BCAIII

4/14/06 Restored 29th case to reporter. Corrected errors in cases uploaded on April 13th-CES

4/16/06 Uploaded 33rd case (Elisara v. Togiola, CA157-94) to Word version of Volume 1 (1 ASR3d.doc.). Also updated Word version of Table of Cases for the volume (1 ASR3d-TOC.doc).- BCAIII

4/25/06 Uploaded: 34th (ASG v. Lavata’I, CR No. 4-97) 35th (ASG v. Atafua, CR No. 16-97) 36th (ASG v. Fa’atulu, CR No. 25-97) 37th (ASG v. Samana, CR No. 26-97) 38th (ASG v. Pu’aa, CR No. 29-96), and 39th (ASG v. Pino CR No. 43-97) cases to Volume 1. Updated Volume 1 Table of Cases.- BCAIII

5/8/06 Uploaded 40th case (Ah Soon v. Tafa’ifa, LT No. 03-97) to Volume 1. Updated Volume 1 Table of Cases. – BCAIII

5/8/06 Uploaded 41st case (Moeilagi lauvao, et al. v. AmericanSamoa Gov’t., et al, CR No. 10-97) to Volume 1. Updated Volume 1 Table of Cases. – BCAIII

5/9/06 Uploaded 42nd case (Mailei v. Faumuina, et al., LT No. 12-90, LT No. 76-90, LT No. 78-90, LT No. 79-90, LT No. 25-96, LT No. 14-96, CR No. 43-97) to Volume 1. Updated Volume 1 Table of Cases. – BCAIII

5/9/06 Uploaded 43rd case (I’aulualo v. I’aulualo, LT No. 15-97) to Volume 1. Updated Volume 1 Table of Cases.- BCAIII

6/01/06 Uploaded remaining 12 cases assigned to CES for Volume I. (These are the 44th-55th cases.) Reorganized, rearranged, and corrected cases. Also highlighted remaining problems in first volume. –CES

7/30/06 Two cases were noted to fall outside of time frame and were removed from the reporter. These are Pritchard v. Pritchard, LT 27-97, and A.S.G. v. Amerika Samoa Bank, CA 157-96.- CES

7/31/06 Missing dates supplied. Final Table of Contents prepared. Final Reporter prepared. All final cases individually prepared and put in HTML format. –CES. 8/3/06 Updated Index to include headnotes from cases through Nelson & Robertson Pty. Ltd v. K.M.S.T., Inc., 1 A.S.R.3d 87.- BCAIII

8/8/06 Updated Index to include headnotes from all cases included in Volume 1. Also revised volume to correct some minor spacing errors. BCAIII

10/11/06 Revised Case Volume, Table of Contents and Index files to reflect handwritten corrections to printed copies of the files received from Gwen Tauilili-Langkilde.- BCAIII

12/11/06 Uploaded 2ASR3d. Half of volume (20 cases) completed as of this date, aside from Table of Contents and Index. Also uploaded revised files for digest (1st & 2nd Reporter). Thirty-one files (all save the TOC) were reformatted and all links to reports contained therein are now functional. –CES

12/11/06 Uploaded twenty-six (26) TOC files (A-Z) previously created which were waiting for 1ASR3d to be finalized. All links should work, making 1ASR3d files easily accessible, for the public, by name. –CES

1/29/07 Contacted court. Notified them that missing page 8 of Civil No. 92-96 (5/7/99- Order on MSJ).

1/30/07 Uploaded 3ASR3d—half of volume (19 cases) completed as of this date, aside from Table of Contents and Index.—CES

2/14/07 Contacted court and notified them of problems with numbers, missing hard copy of CR No. 66-99 “Motion for Severance”, and suggested that AP No. 14-98 (Tulifua v. Tuitele)- Opinion & Order dated July 27, 1999 be added to 3ASR3d—CES

2/15/07 Uploaded 4ASR3d—half of volume (23 cases) completed as of this date, aside from Table of Contents and Index.—CES. Missing page 11 of LT06-98. Noticed that previously completed ½ of 2ASR3d was not present. Uploaded 2ASR3d—half of volume (20 cases) previously completed at end of 2006—CES

2/16/07 Uploaded missing page of LT No. 06-98 and renamed to MT No. 06-98. Also relocated case in the order given its status as Matai case. Made other, minor adjustments to the reporter.—CES

2/27/07 Troubleshot website and figured out reason previous reporter drafts were not being displayed-they were posted to wrong directory. Fixed problem. Posted 7 cases for 5ASR3d. Contacted Court regarding missing date for CA129-99 (Motion to Dismiss).—CES

3/05/07 Rec’d missing page (13) for CA No. 146-95 (Opinion & Order). Added CA No. 128-99 (Order on Summary Judgment) and CA No. 30-99 to (Opinion & Order) to 4ASR3d. CA No. 30-99 had wrongly been allocated to 5 ASR3d and CA No. 128-99 was done to more evenly distribute workload on this reporter. Also, posted ½ of 5ASR3d consisting of 17 cases, and 8 cases for 6ASR3d—CES

4/19/07 Contacted court regarding missing page to CA No. 133-99 (Opinion & Order)—CES

4/20/07 Received missing page from Court. Posted remaining 15 cases of ½ of 6ASR3d—CES

7/13-7/19 Communicated extensively with Court regarding extra 7ASR3d cases for publishing and cases which could be scratched. Also, discussed cases for 8 & 9ASR3d. Court suggested cases which were not on spreadsheet. Other cases suggested to scratch—CES

7/22/07 Posted ½ of 7ASR3d to the website—consisting of 27 cases. Notified Court and other parties to contract—CES 8/07/07 Posted ½ of 8ASR3d to the website—consisting of 17 cases. Also, added 6 cases to 4ASR3d which were received by B.Adams on 8/01/07. Notified Court and other parties to contract. Mailed B.Adams hard copies for his half of 7ASR3d— CES

8/26/07 Contacted Court for missing pages from CA04-03 (9ASR3d) and missing text from LT18-04 (5ASR3d-Bentley’s case)—CES

8/27/07 Follow up w/Julia at Court—CES

8/29/07 Received missing pages from Julia. Finished half of 9ASR3d (22 cases) and posted draft of 9ASR3d to website—CES

9/22/07 Incorporated Bentley’s cases into 4ASR3d. Proofread entire volume and uploaded to site. Notified law clerks—CES

10/1/07 Posted ½ of 10ASR3d to the website—consisting of 26 cases— CES.

10/12/07 Received transmission from Court clerks regarding formatting issued with 4ASR3d. Clerks also would like TOC and headnotes in format to drag and drop into new digest.—CES

10/13/07 Resolved most formatting issues with volume.

10/18/07 Received 18 cases from Bentley. Incorporated into volume. Still missing 3 cases from Bentley.—CES

10/25/07 Received 2 of the 3 remaining cases from Bentley.—CES

10/28/07 Fixed all remaining issues with 4ASR3d, including some newly spotted errors. Created TOC and headnotes in proper format for digest.—CES 10/29/07 Finished final case for 5 ASR3d (LT No. 10-01) and incorporated into volume. Proofread entire volume, correcting many errors and updating numerous cites contained therein. Contacted clerks and sent them copy of 5ASR3d draft. Described highlighted passages. Uploaded draft to website.— CES

11/05/07 Able to fix quirk in 5 ASR3d draft. Performed other minor changes and sent Revised volume to clerks. Also, received PDF copies of 4 cases from clerks which had been previously requested (CA113-01 (Partial SJ), CA113-01 (Answer & CC), CA113 (Recon Partial SJ) and CA89-02). It was decided that 89-02 would be scratched from 6 ASR3d and that 113-01 (Recon Partial SJ) would be added to 7 ASR3d. PDF copy of CA113-01 (Answer & CC) forwarded to Bentley & Ted—CES