Task 13 Helpdesk Support of Company Promotion of New Iq City Car

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Task 13 Helpdesk Support of Company Promotion of New Iq City Car

Task 13 HelpDesk Support of Company Promotion of New iQ City Car

http://parkhowell.com/green-advertising-and-marketing/toyota-creates-powerful-green-marketing- product-demo-for-its-new-iq-city-car http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2010_Commonwealth_Games

QUESTIONS 10 marks per question Additional Resources: 2010 Commonwealth Games http://www.google.com.au/search? hl=en&safe=active&q=2010+Commonwealth+Games&btnG=Search&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq =&gs_rfai= e-brochure samples http://hospitality.fifa.com/Downloads.aspx Brochure templates http://office.microsoft.com/en-au/templates/CT101043031033.aspx

Time Zone Converter http://www.timezoneconverter.com/ OVGuide http://www.ovguide.com/sports.html Media http://www.google.com.au/search? hl=en&safe=active&q=2010+Commonwealth+Games+media&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&gs_r fai= Marketing flyer templates (free) http://www.google.com.au/search? hl=en&source=hp&q=marketing+flyer+templates+free&aq=1sx&aqi=g-sx2g- msx2&aql=f&oq=marketing+Flier+template&gs_rfai= The Dummies* Guide to Podcasting http://www.usrbingeek.com/a/000690.php http://www.marketingshift.com/2005/3/eric-rice-podcasting-for-dummies.cfm QUESTIONS 10 marks per question Help Desk Support of Company Promotion of New iQ City Car Lander Toyota marketing manager Pinko contacts the HelpDesk as he wishes to invite major clients to a screening of Australia’s matches in the first round of the 2010 Commonwealth Games and introduce them to Toyota’s New iQ City Car. He wants you to do the following: 1. Brochure: Set up a brochure showing the Australian Draw for an event e.g. men's 4x400 metres relay team or badminton in the 2010 Commonwealth Games include: a. Timing: work out the local time and day. b. Venue: the venue is Conference Room Lander Toyota, Main St Blacktown c. Advise that the matches will be catered show an appropriate fare/menu for the time of day d. A background of the Australian team e. A picture, position and short background of each player f. Advertising of Toyota’s New iQ City Car

2. Inform client Pinko how the matches may be watched and/or listened to in Australia e.g. internet radio, Fox Sports / Streaming Video, SABC/BBC/ABC/SBS and of additional support or services available a. Option A video: Fox Sports / Streaming Video Go online and go to the websites that have the video streaming b. Option A audio: /BBC/ABC/SBS Go online and find the internet radio station websites that you desire to listen to

3. Give examples of two contingencies if the video is not received: a. Contingency 1 – Have a television to watch on ONE or TEN b. Contingency 2 – Have a radio set up, or listen to the radio on the computer

4. What hardware and software is required for a. Contingency 1 - A television with an aerial and possibly HD capabilities b. Contingency 2 – A computer with internet connection 5. Give a sketch and explain how the match may be recorded for later viewing if the conference room is overbooked: a. Audio: you can record the online radio show

Computer Internet modem download software Record b. Video: you can record it from the television to a recorder, either VHS, DVD, HDD, etc

Television Recorder Storage media Record

6. Explain to Pinko how the email system may be used for the clients, for example, If a podcast available the audio be emailed to customers as a podcast from: BBC http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/commonwealth_games/delhi_2010/default.stm ABC http://www.abc.net.au/sport/ Create and use email and send to the clients, with all the information about the podcast and why it is being sent. Then, make sure to send the link in the email and tell them to select the link in order to get the podcast. Tell them to go to the podcast section of the website and browse through the list until they find the one that is relevant.

7. Is it a good contingency to time record the transmission for later podcasting?

It is a good contingency to time record the transmission for later podcasting, in case there is an overload on the site and it gets slow, or if you have computer or internet problems. a. Explain to Pinko in plain terms with a sketch how you would do this. You will need to download any software that allows you to play, and then record or download any transmissions. Then look through the list and find the transmission you wish to record and select it.

Computer Download software Set time Record

b. What are the copyright issues in doing this? "Podcasting" allows users to subscribe to and download digital audio files onto their computers and portable digital music players. If you wish to podcast material (i.e. make it available online) so that others can download it, then the audio content you use must not infringe the copyright owned by someone else. Infringement will occur if you use audio content that you do not own the copyright for or clear permission to use, for example, including in your podcast a song ripped from a CD without permission from the copyright owner of the track.

If you download podcasts provided by others that infringe copyright then you will also be technically infringing copyright. Amateur podcasts that contain commercial audio content are more likely to infringe copyright than podcasts from well-known broadcasters such as the ABC. It can be difficult to determine whether a podcast infringes copyright. However, the risk of personally incurring liability for downloading a podcast that contains infringing content may not be great.

c. Find a podcast sample to show Pinko and put on your wikispace. Posted link on wikispaces

8. A client requires an explanation of Podcast. Put your explanation in a short report suitable for general use by all departments of Lander Toyota.

Podcasting is a convenient way of automatically downloading audio or video files to your computer. You can then play this audio or video on your computer or transfer the files to a portable MP3 or video player. A podcast is an audio or video file that is made available on the Internet for download and playback using a computer or a mobile device such as an IPod.

9. A department would like to use Podcast to reduce its radio advertising. Explain the steps in doing this:

 Listen to a few podcasts to get a feel for what others are doing.  Plan your podcast. Who is your target market? What do they want to listen to? How will your podcast be unique from others in your industry? What's your format (interview others, or record yourself)? How long will your podcast be? How frequently will you deliver your podcasts?  Record your podcast. Many people choose to record their podcast with a free piece of software. It has an easy learning curve and advanced features for more experienced podcasters. For best recording sound, don't use the microphone that came with your computer or that is built into your laptop. You'll want to get a more professional one.  Save and upload your podcast to your server. Once you've created your podcast in an mp3 file, now you have to save it and upload it to a server via an FTP program so that it's readily available. You can upload it to your website, or use one of the many podcasting hosting services available. The problem with uploading it to your website is that audio files are space hogs, and you can quickly exhaust all the storage capacity of your hosting account, not to mention your monthly bandwidth capacity if your podcast is popular and is downloaded frequently.  Create your podcast feed. You can create your podcast feed from scratch, but it is recommended that you use a feed service to do so. If you use a podcasting hosting service, this feature is included in your service package.  Publish and promote your podcast. If you use a podcasting hosting service, the service will publish your podcast and notify various podcast directories about the availability of your new podcast. Or, you can enter the info directly into the major podcast directories. You'll also want to promote the podcast on your website, blog, and in your email newsletter. One of the easiest ways to do this is to add feed subscription buttons to your sites. You can get directions on how to publish subscription buttons from the various podcasters you want to feature. Lastly, you'll want to create "album art" for your podcast, or a graphic representation that many pod catchers upload with the mp3 file. Album art may be from 170x170 to 300x300 pixels square at 72 dpi. Any graphic designer can help you create this graphics file.  Make money from your podcast. Advertise on podcasts. 10. A. Recommend a Podcast software for use:

Audacity® is free, open source software for recording and editing sounds. It is available for Mac OS X, Microsoft Windows, GNU/Linux, and other operating systems.

The latest release of Audacity is 1.3.12 (Beta). This is the active "work in progress" version with the latest features. Documentation and translations into different languages are not quite complete. We recommend this version for more advanced users, and for everyone on Windows 7, Windows Vista and Mac OS X 10.6. See New Features in 1.3 for more information about the 1.3 Beta series.

B. What are the likely savings and Quality of Service (QoS) issues: QoS is a needed feature for anyone considering deploying an IP telephony or video solution. QoS is essentially prioritization of network traffic. There are many applications and data that run over a network. These tend to stretch a network’s bandwidth. With QoS, you can assign real-time voice or video traffic a higher priority than say e-mail. This way, telephone conversations are not affected by employees sending or downloading large files. QoS is important both for the users and also so a business can manage its network resources. So if a switch does not include quality of service, then voice packets cannot be prioritized over data and some of those packets may get fragmented. Meaning, things may get lost making it hard to understand.

C. Create an instruction manual for installing and using Podcast software that includes screen captures. Installing Audacity Sound Editing Software Open up a web browser such as Internet Explorer and type the following Internet address in to the address field: http://audacity.sourceforge.net/download/ The following window should appear. Click on the download link, for example, Audacity 1.2.3 installer, or the version of Audacity that is suitable for your computer’s operating system (Windows, Mac, etc). See below.

A new browser window will appear with the following message at the top of the page. If the download does not start simply choose one of the other download links further down that page. When you click on the link to begin the download the following window will appear in Windows XP, for example. Click on Save.

The following window will appear. Choose a suitable directory on your computer to save the file that you will download. Click Save. After you have selected or created a folder or directory and clicked Save, a progress window will appear to indicate the progress of the download.

When the download has completed a download completed window will appear. Click on Open to commence the installation.

This is the first window of the Installation process. Click on Next.

Click on the “I Accept The Agreement” radio button and then click Next.

The following window will appear. Click on Next. Choose a suitable directory on your computer to save the Audacity programme and then click Next.

The following window will appear. Click on Next.

The ready to install window will appear. Click on Install.

The completing the audacity setup wizard window will appear. Click on Finish.

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