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 FILM/MEDIA COURSES SPRING 2011  (all courses are 4 units unless otherwise specified) PLEASE CHECK ON GOLD FOR TIME CHANGES 5/8/2018

Film/Media 46 INTRODUCTION TO CINEMA A. Brusutti _____ Prerequisites: Film Studies 46; open to film/media studies majors only. (Required for majors) Surveys the Concurrent enrollment in Film/Media 46MS is highly recommended for Film/Media Majors. {Required for history of television from 1945 to the present. Analysis of this fifty year old important cultural institution, majors} An introduction to the study of film as an aesthetic and social phenomenon, and to various forms of helping students to understand the interconnected relationships between programming, industry, audiences, critical analysis. social contexts, and technology. Lecture: MW 10:00 – 11:50 am Buchn 1920 Lecture: TR 11:00-12:50pm Pollock Theater F 10:00 – 12.50 pm Buchn 1920 T 7:00 – 8:50pm Buchn 1940 Plus one required discussion section: Plus one required discussion section: 1) T 9:00- 9:50 SSMS 2013 #20156 6) T 1:00- 1:50 pm SSMS 2013 #20206 1) W 8:00- 8:50 SSMS 2013 #20321 4) W 6: 00-6:50 SSMS 2013 #20354 2) T 2:00- 2:50 SSMS 2013 #20164 7) M 1:00- 1:50pm SSMS 2013 H #20214 2) W 9:00- 9:50 SSMS 2013 #20339 5) W 4:00-4:50 SSMS 2013 #20362 3) T 10:00- 10:50 SSMS 2013 #20172 8) R 12:00-12:50pm SSMS2303 #55830 3) W 11:00- 10:50 SSMS 2017 #20347 6) W 5:00-5:50 SSMS 2013 #20370 4) T 11:00- 11:50 SSMS 2013 #20180 9) R 1:00- 1:50pm SSMS 2017 #55848 5) T 12:00- 12:50 SSMS 2013 #20198 10)R 2:00- 2:50pm SSMS 2017 #55855 Film/Media 102 ACTING / DIRECTING J. Apodaca 68387 102 is a hands-on, intensive, workshop that looks deeply at the acting and directing disciplines. The first four Film/Media 46MS MAJOR SEMINAR (2.0 Units) A. Brusutti #20222 weeks are devoted to acting exercises and scenework. In week five we move into directing exercises/scenework. Prerequisites: Concurrent enrollment in Film/Media 46 with consent of instructor. There will be assigned reading, quizzes, and guest speakers as well. For the final, each student directs and edits Designed for Film/Media majors and students contemplating a major concentration in film. An intensive a scene on video, while also acting in two other scenes, shooting, and recording sound on his or her classmates’ introduction to the study of film and various methods of critical analysis. projects. Seminar: R 1:00- 2:50pm SSMS 2013 Lecture: TR 11:00-12:50pm Pollock F 2:00-3:50pm Pollock

Film/Media 54 HOLLYWOOD: ANATOMY OF AN INDUSTRY J. Apodaca #20230 Film/Media 104 VIDEO TECHNOLOGY J. Apodaca ______An in-depth analysis of the changing cinema world developed in intimate dialogues with major Hollywood players. Focus may be on areas such as directing, producing, screenwriting, acting, etc . Prerequisite: Film and Media Studies 46; open to film and media majors only. Not open for credit to students Lecture: F 5:00- 6:50 pm Pollock Theater who have completed Film and Media Studies 105. {Satisfies the Production requirement} This lecture-based course addresses the fundamentals of moving image production and technology from the perspective of Film/Media 95 INTERNSHIP (2 UNITS) L. Parks #21121 television and video practices. Historical and contemporary methods and breakthroughs are examined. Prerequisite: Film/Media majors only. Workshop exercises in digital video are included.. An opportunity for training career sampling, and contacts in the film or TV industry. Required are Lecture: TR 9:30-10:45pm Pollock Theater approximately 100 hours of work a quarter, a final five-page report, and a supervisor’s letter of Plus one required section: verification. 1) T 3:00- 3:50 Pollock Stage #20404 2) T 4:00- 4:50 Pollock Stage #20412 3) T 5:00- 5:50 Pollock Stage #20420 Upper-division Film/Media courses have a prerequisite of Film/Media 46 or upper-division standing or consent of instructor unless stated otherwise. Film/Media 108 INDIVIDUAL PRODUCTION D. Driskel #48033 Prerequisites: Film/Media 46; and, Film/Media 104 or 107; consent of instructor; open to film/media majors only. A workshop approach to the production of individual short 16mm film projects. Each student produces a Film/Media 101C HISTORY OF NEW WAVES FILM (5.0 units) C. Venegas ______double system, non-dialogue project for public screening at the end of the quarter. Admission to this course is Prerequisites: Film Studies 46; open to film/media studies majors only. (Required for majors) determined by creative portfolio. International film history since 1959. Historical accounts of film as an aesthetic form, a social force, an Seminar MW 1:00- 2:50pm SSMS 2303 economic institution, and a technology is considered. Lecture: TR 1:00 - 3:50pm Pollock Film/Media 109WM WRITING THE MUSICAL C. Steinkellner #69054 F 10:00 - 12:50PM Pollock A Hands- on writing-intensive workshop exploring the elements of dramatic writing ( Plot, character, scene Plus one required discussion section: structure, dialog) through the lens of the “all-American art form “ Musical Comedy”. Professor Steinkellner has 1) R 8:00- 8:50 SSMS 2303 # 20271 4) W 8:00-8:50 SSMS 2017 #20305 authored musicals for stage and film, including Sister Act, opening on Broadway this spring. 2) R 9:00- 9:50 SSMS 2303 # 20289 5) W 9:00-9:50 SSMS 2017 #55863 Seminar W 4:00- 6:50pm SSMS 2017 3) R 10:00- 10:50 SSMS 2303 # 20297 6) W 10:00-10:50 SSMS 2017 #55871

Film/Media 112 LIGHTING D. Driskel #48041 Prerequisites: Film/Media 10; and consent of instructor.A workshop/seminar approach to explorations in how lighting affects the moving image, from theater to film to the computer. Lecture MW 9:00-11:50am SSMS 2303

Film/Media 101T HISTORY OF TELEVISION (5.0 units) J. Holt Film/Media 119ML FILM PROGRAMING: MAGIC LANTERN L. Parks #20461 Prerequisite: Film and Media Studies 46 or upper-division standing; and consent of instructor. Prerequisite: Film/Media 46 or upper-division standing. {Satisfies Elective (Area D) requirement.} May be repeated for credit to a maximum of 12 units provided letter designations are different, but only 8 units Students enrolled in this course will learn the ins and outs of organizing and executing a film series, using the may be applied toward the major. {Satisfies Seminar (Area A) Requirement.} IV Theater as their “lab.” They will gain hands on experience programming, tracking down prints, contacting Lecture: TR 4:00-6:50pm SSMS 2013 and working with distributors and filmmakers, fundraising, advertising, engaging in audience outreach, theater managing, exhibiting, researching, and reviewing. Lecture: M 10:00- 11:50pm SSMS 2013 Film/Media 187DT COMEDY THEORIES C. Wolfe #48074 F 6:00- 11:50pm IV THEA1 Prerequisite: Film and Media Studies 46 or upper-division standing; and consent of instructor. M 9:00- 11:50pm IV THEA1 May be repeated for credit to a maximum of 12 units provided letter designations are different, but only 8 units may be applied toward the major. {Satisfies Seminar (Area A) Requirement.} Film/Media 122CA CANADIAN CINEMA C. Felando #48058 Lecture: TR 10:00-12:50am SSMS 2017 Prerequisites: Film and Media Studies 46 or upper-division standing. May be repeated for credit provided the letter designations are different, but only 12 units may be applied toward the major. {Satisfies the National Film/Media 187MI MEDIA INDUSTRIES J. Holt #48116 Cinemas (Area B) requirement} This course looks at issues of national identity. This class explores the industry side of media analysis “the business of entertainment” and relates industrial Lecture: MW 2:00- 4:50pm Buch 1930 structures and practices to the tangible products of contemporary media culture. Focusing on film, television and digital media, we will look at the ways in which regulatory and technological shifts, as well as globalization and changing cultures of production have all affected the landscape of entertainment. Film/Media 122PC PALESTINIAN CINEMA G. Menicucii #48066 Lecture: W 2:00- 4:50pm SSMS 2013 Prerequisites: Film/Media 46 or upper-division standing {Satisfies the National Cinemas (Area B) requirement}.This class is surveys the various "New Wave" cinemas-primarily Italian Neorealism, the French Film/Media 188AD WRITING ADAPTATIONS P. Portuges #48132 New Wave, New German Cinema-that emerged in post-World War II Europe in opposition to Hollywood Prerequisites: upper-division standing; consent of instructor.{Satisfies Elective (Area D) requirement.} Open to cinema. Our chief focus will be to analyze and describe how individual film texts function both as works of art non-majors. Not open to students who have completed Film and Media Studies 113AD.Theory and practice of and as historical documents within specific cultural and political contexts. adapting screenplays from other genres — novels, stories, plays, poems, video games, comics, articles, etc. Lecture: W 7:00- 9:50pm Buch 1910 Lectures and readings in the theory of adaptation. Screenplays written in short form and/or long form, narrative TR 5:00- 6:15pm Buch 1940 and/or post-modern. Lecture: MW 3:00- 4:50pm SSMS 2303 Film/ Media 134 FRANCOPHONE FILM P. Bloom #20503 {Satisfies the National Cinemas (Area B) requirement} This course addresses the roots of French Film/Media 190GM GLOBAL MEDIA M. Curtin #48140 multiculturalism and immigration politics as derivative of the postwar housing question through Francophone Prerequisites: Consent of instructor. {Satisfies the Seminar (Area A) Requirement} The course explores the Cinema. You will be required to write weekly filmographic feuilletons pertaining to each screening and historical development of video technology, considers the properties of video as a medium, critically examines complete a midterm and final. the work of various media artists and activists, and allows students to collaborate on an artistic or activist media Lecture: TR 5:00- 7:50pm North 1006 project. Lecture: TR 1:00- 2:20pm SSMS 2303 Film/Media 148PF PUZZLE FILMS Branigan #48082 Prerequisites: Film/Media 192B CONTEMPORARY THEORY B. Sarkar ______Lecture: MW 2:00-3:50 Buchn 1920 Prerequisites: Film and Media Studies 46with a minimum grade of a C. {Required for majors} F 2:00-4:50 Buchn 1920 Surveys the major theoretical film debates from the late 1960’s to the present day. The course explores how the post-WWII crisis in Eurocentric ideologies contributed to an epistemological shift in ideas about the nature of Film/Media 150PG PORNOGRAPHY C. Penley #20511 Western societies and their cultural production. Prerequisite: Film Studies 46 or upper-division standing. (Satisfies Elective (Area D) Requirement} MW 4:00- 6:50 Buc hn 1920 The study of pornographic film as a major American genre and institution. P lus one re quire d sec tion : Lecture: MW 12:00-1:50pm Buchn 1940 1) W 12:00-12:50 SSMS 2013 #20636 6) R 10:00-10:50 SSMS 2017 #20685 W 7:00-8:50pm Buchn 1920 2) W 10:00-10:50 SSMS 2013 #20644 7) R 11:00-11:50 SSMS 2013 #20693 3) W 11:00-11:50 SSMS 2013 #20651 8) R 12:00-12:50 SSMS 2013 #20701 Film/Media 150VG SEMINAR: VIDEO GAMES A. Everett #20529 4) R 8:00-8:50 SSMS 2013 #20669 9) R 1:00-1:50 SSMS 2013 #20719 Prerequisite: Film/Media 46 or upper-division standing. Course may be repeated an unlimited number of times, 5) R 9:00-9:50 SSMS 2013 #20677 provided the letter designations are different. However, only 12 units may count toward the major. {Satisfies Elective (Area D)Requirement.} Film/Media 195I INTERNSHIP: FILM/TELEVISION L. Parks #20727 Lecture: TR 12:00-1:50pm Buchn 1920 Prerequisites: upper-division standing, a minimum 3.0 grade point average for the preceding three quarters, T 7:00-8:50pm Buchn 1920 and consent of department. Open to Film/Media Majors only. Use instructor codes to enroll. YOU MUST FILL OUT AN INTERNSHIP CONTRACT IN THE FILM/MEDIA OFFICE BEFORE ENROLLING. Film/Media 163 WOMEN AND FILM CANCELED An opportunity for training, career sampling, and contacts in the film or television industry. Required are approximately 100 hours of work a quarter, a final five-page report, and a supervisor’s letter of verification. Film/Media 169 FILM NOIR A. Brusutti #48108 Prerequisite: Film/Media 46 or upper-division standing. {Satisfies Social Issues (Area C) requirement.}. Film/Media 196 SENIOR HONORS SEMINAR Staff #20735 {Satisfies Elective (Area D) requirement} Study of the conventional themes structures, and visual motifs of the Prerequisite: admission to senior honors program. A one-quarter directed study, to be conducted detective film. American films of the forties and fifties and contemporary American and European works will as outlined in the description of the Senior Honors Program. (Found in the Film/Media Office) be considered. Lecture: MW 5:00-7:50pm Buchn 1930 Film/Media 199 INDEPENDENT STUDIES Staff #20743 Film/ Media 187AU AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL DOCUMENTARIES J. Walker #48124 Prerequisites: Instructor approval required prior to registration. Use instructor codes to enroll. Production: 104 Upper-division standing; 3.0 GPA for preceding 3 quarters; have completed at least 2 upper- Seminar: 187AU, 187DT, 187MI, 190GM division Film/Media courses. Variable units 1-4. YOU MUST FILL OUT AN INDEPENDENT National Cinema: BL ST 162, 122CA, 122PC, 134 STUDIES Social Issues: 150PG, 163 Electives: 148PF, 150VG, 169, 188AD No Credit Towards Major: 46MS, 54, 102 H - Indicates section for Honors students only, Instructor approval required GRADUATE FILM COURSES:

Film/Media 240 FILM THEORY P. Bloom #48157 OTHER FILM COURSES: Studies works and concepts in the philosophy of history that have informed the researching and writing of film As Am 120 DOCUMENTARY Staff #50864 and media history. Will also consider the ways in which film and media texts have extended debates and concepts of historiographic practice. {Satisfies the Social Issues (Area C) Requirement} An examination of the representation of Afro- M 7:00-8:50 pm SSMS 2017 Americans in the Hollywood feature film, from 1915 to the present. The course explores the W 1:00–3:50 pm SSMS 2017 relationship between screen icons and the racial attitudes held by black and white Americans. MWF 11:00-11:50 Y 387 101

Film/Media 242MG MEDIA AND GEOGRAPHY M. Curtin #48173 As Am 146 RACE, SEX, FILM H. Chung _#45716 R 4:00-6:50 SSMS 2013 Explores race and sexuality in Asian American moving image visual cultures, with particular attention to the production of the hypersexual "Asian Woman" in film and performance. Theories Film/Media 249 POSTCOLONIAL MEDIA B. Sarkar #48165 of visuality and perception in the contexts of racial, gendered, and queer representation and T 4:00-6:50 SSMS 2013 visibility. T 8:00-9:50 SSMS 2013 TR 2:00-3:15 GIRV 1112

Film/Media 501 TA PRACTICUM Staff #20792 Black Studies 162 AFRICAN CINEMA J. Akudinobi #03848 Explores important theoretical writings concerning electronic and digital media. Course readings {Satisfies National (Area B) requirement.} Critical perspectives on African cinema from its inception to the define the unique properties of these mediums, consider their ontological status, and discuss how present. Production contexts, aesthetic/narrative strategies, ideological/representational concerns will be they differ from one another and other cultural forms. examined along with issues of authorship, culture, gender, identity, post-coloniality, etc. {Required for majors} Lecture: T 5:00 - 7:50PM WEBB 1100 M 6:00- 7:50 PM BRDA 1640 Film/Media 596 DIR READING & RESEARCH Staff #20800 (1-6) Prerequisite: graduate standing; consent of instructor. Individual tutorial. Wmst 144 REPRESENTATION & ACTIVISM J. Bobo #45583 Prerequisite: upper-division standing. Not open for credit to students who have completed Women’s Studies Film/Media 597 MA/PHD EXAM PREP Staff #20818 186JB. Letter grade required for majors and minors. Exploration of the strategies by which social groups resist Prerequisite: graduate standing. No credit allowed toward advanced degrees. Master’s oral exam systems of oppression through readings and works from independent filmmakers. preparation W 1:00-4:00pm KERR ST A Film/Media 598 PROSPECTUS PREP C. Wolfe #20826 BL ST 172 CONTEMPORTARY BLACK CINEMA C. Robinson #03889 Prerequisite: graduate standing; to be taken prior to the qualifying exam. TR 9:30-10:45 PSYCH 1924 Preparation for the Ph.D. qualifying exam and writing of the dissertation prospectus. W 5-6:50 PM HSSB 1174 Lecture: M 1:00-3:50 SSMS 2017 Fil m/Me dia 599 DISS RESEARCH/ WRIT ING Sta ff #20834 SOC 151 GENDER IN FILM/TV D. Bielby #44891 Prerequisite: graduate standing. Only for the research and writing of dissertation. Instructor should W 6:00-8:50 PM WEBB 1100 be chair of the student’s doctoral committee.

Instructor Code Numbers: | Anders, A 11 | Branigan, E R 03 | Brusutti, A 04 | Driskel, D B 06 | | Everett, A 02 | Felando, C L 25 | Holt 15 | Kawalek, N L 07 | Parks, L 12 | Penley, C 10 | | Portugés, P 05 | Sarkar, B 14 | Siegel 13 | Venegas, C 16 | Walker, J 08 | Wolfe, C 09 |


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