Inspire! Tutor Awards 2017

Guidance & Categories What are the Learning and Work Institute Inspire! Tutor Awards?

Behind every successful adult learner there is an inspirational tutor. Every day in Wales the outstanding effort and commitment made by tutors is helping adult learners to pursue their goals and realise their dreams.

We invite nominations for outstanding individuals whose commitment, knowledge and communication skills have given adult learners the encouragement to enjoy and benefit from their learning experience.

The Awards Presentation will take place in September at the Senedd in Cardiff. The presentation is a partnership involving Learning and Work Institute and Welsh Government.

What are we looking for?

We are looking for tutors who are ‘outstanding’ in their field and give ‘over and above’ what is expected of them, e.g:

 Have made some special contribution to curriculum or material development or to teaching;

 Are active in more than one learning situation;

 Have overcome particular, personal circumstances and / or are working in particularly difficult circumstances;

 Have demonstrated a particular commitment to learners;

 Have inspired learners to progress onto other courses or opportunities to learn.

 Have developed innovative ways of supporting learners online or succeeded in creating a successful online learning community. What are the categories?

For more information about each of the categories please read the Inspire! Tutor Award 2017: Categories guidance below.

A guide to submitting your nomination

. Entries are free and open to tutors living and working in Wales. . You can nominate a tutor if you are a learner, a provider or employer / work colleague, another tutor or a member of the community. . If you are a learner, you must obtain a statement of support for your nominee from someone who knows them in a professional capacity . Tutors must not nominate themselves or initiate the process. . All nominees must be aware that they are being nominated and be willing to talk to the media. . All those nominated will receive a certificate of achievement. This will be sent to the person identified on the form. Please ensure that the spelling of the tutor’s name is correct. This name will appear on the certificate. . Your application will be judged on the information you provide in your entry so please make sure you read the Inspire! Tutor Awards Categories criteria to be successful. Remember to submit by the closing date – Friday 7th July 2017

How does the selection process work? . An independent panel of judges from the education and media sector will select the 12 finalists, and then the 4 category winners. . All 12 finalists (3 per category) will be notified by the Learning and Work Institute by the week commencing 31st August 2017, and will be invited to the Inspire! Tutors Awards Presentation at the Senedd, Cardiff in September 2017.

How can I submit my nomination form?

Inspire! Tutor Awards 2017: Categories


Higher Education Tutor

The outstanding Higher Education Tutor would have transformed a course and inspired students. It is open to academics in all Wales’ higher education institutions. The nominator should focus on the following points:

 Explain how the tutor evaluates and develops his/her own professional progress.

 How has his/her engagement with students impacted positively in and beyond his/her academic role? If applicable, explain how it has had an effect beyond his/her own institution.

 Judges will be looking for evidence of sustained commitment to advancing and positively influencing the student experience.

 Testimonials from students, learners and colleagues is encouraged Further Education Tutor The Further Education Tutor may have inspired students to success and / or has made a major contribution to educational life. It is open to all Wales’ further education institutions, including colleges and training providers. The nominator should focus on the following points :

 Give evidence of excellent impact on learners’ progress, attainment and growth

 How has this tutor brought about positive change beyond his/her own learners?

 How does this tutor demonstrate commitment and achievement in his/her own professional development?

 This award is open to anyone working as a tutor, lecturer or trainer in the FE sector in Wales  Testimonials from students, learners and colleagues is encouraged.

Workplace Tutor

The Workplace Tutor may have helped his/her learners to:

 learn new skills for personal or professional development within the workplace  achieve something they never thought was possible  completely transformed their lives and the lives of those around them  gain promotion or change career direction

Community Learning Tutor

The Community Learning Tutor would have offered flexible learning opportunities for adults, delivered in community venues to meet the local needs of their residents, including both formal and informal/non-accredited learning opportunities.

Although it embraces learning opportunities which are offered by further education (FE) and higher education (HE) institutions, we are looking for tutors from local authority and voluntary settings.

The Tutor would have gone over and above, to help learners in the following areas :  first steps learning  skills for life and embedded basic skills  skills for independent living  skills for work  personal development and well being  learning for active citizenship and/or community development