Year 7. School Population

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Year 7. School Population

Year 7. School Population

Lesson NC Learning Objectives Suggested Activities Learning Outcomes Who Am I? 1b I will: Give pupils a list of characteristics e.g. Working beyond: 2a hair colour, gender, etc. Set them a task Pupils are able to identify a vast 2b Understand how characteristics to describe each characteristic in number of the characteristics that make make us individuals. relation to themselves and to identify if them individuals. They are able to each characteristic is given or chosen. identify, in detail, the difficulties in Identify my own characteristics. identifying if some characteristics are Compare characteristics with others in given or chosen e.g. socialisation. Define my characteristics as given the class. Find the people with the most or chosen. similar characteristics. Pupils are aware of the reasons why conflict occurs between people on the Compare my characteristics to Create a flag revealing our identity. basis if certain characteristics and are others. able to suggest possible solutions.

Working at: Pupils are able to identify a number of characteristics that make them individuals. They can identify if characteristics are given or chosen and can explain why it is difficult to categorise some in such a manner.

Pupils are able to identify that conflict can occur on the basis of some of these characteristics and give examples.

Working towards: Pupils are able to identify the basic characteristics that make them individuals. They can identify is the characteristics are given or chosen.

Pupils can identify that conflict can occur on the basis of some of these characteristics.

Majorities and 1b I will: Look at the majority groups in schools Working beyond: minorities 2a e.g. Christians, ‘whites’. Pupils can identify a number of 2b Identify the majority and minority majority and minority groups within 2c groups within school. Look at the minority groups in school school. They recognise that some 3a e.g. Muslims, Goths etc. groups have more power than others Examine how some characteristics and can offer detailed explanations for give people power. Split the class by gender. Give the this. majority groups power over the minority Understand that people belong to group e.g. allow the majority group to Pupils are able to explain a real life many groups within school and that decide what game the class plays and if example of one group of people using they can be members of majority the minority group is allowed to play. their power against another. They can and minority groups. Question pupils on how they felt. empathise with groups who have been exploited and produce an articulated Identify the groups that I belong to. Discuss a famous example of how a poem that expresses their feelings and person can be a member of majority and opinions on the matter. minority groups e.g. Jamelia a British born Christian who is of an Afro- Working at: Caribbean origin. Pupils can identify various majority and minority groups within school. Examine an example of one group They recognise that some groups have abusing their power e.g. the apartheid – more power than others and can offer the minority group abusing the majority basic explanations for this. group. Pupils are able to empathise with groups who have been exploited and produce a poem that expresses their feelings and opinions on the matter.

Working towards: Pupils understand that there are majority and minority groups within the school. They recognise that conflict can occur between the groups.

Pupils are able to write a poem on their feelings about exploitation. Equal 1b I will: Examine gender stereotypes. Working beyond: Opportunities 2a Pupils are able to identify numerous 2b Identify that groups of people are Set pupils the task of identifying the reasons why people are discriminated 2c sometimes discriminated against. grounds in which people are sometimes against. They are able to suggest a discriminated against. developed argument as to why such Examine some of the laws aimed at discrimination occurs. preventing discrimination. Examine the laws preventing discrimination in relation to gender, Pupils are able to explain the Question the existence of equality ethnicity etc. importance of laws relating to within school. discrimination. They understand how Interview task. Pupils engage in a role such laws and essential to a developed Question the existence of equality play based on suspected discrimination democratic society. in society. within the employment process. Each person has to explain why they feel they Working at: have been discriminated against and Pupils are able to identify some of the why this is unfair etc. Activity based reasons why people are discriminated upon that detailed in .. against. They are able to suggest basic reasons as to why such discrimination occurs.

Pupils are able to explain the importance of laws relating to discrimination.

Working towards: Pupils are able to explain some of the reasons why people are discriminated against. They are able to understand why discrimination laws are needed. Racism and 1b I will: Examine high profile cases of racially Working beyond: Ethnic Origin 1h motivated crime e.g. Stephen Lawrence, Pupils are able to understand how 2a Understand the term racism. Anthony Walker etc. ethnic groups are defined and are able 2b to identify which ethnic group they 2c Suggest reasons as to why people Discuss feelings in relation to these belong to. They are able to explain the are racist. events. complex nature of ethnic groups and how they differ to racial groups. Discuss how racism makes me feel. Examine the characteristics involved in defining ethnic groups and identify own Pupils are able to suggest a number of Examine how ethnic groups are ethnic group. developed possible solutions to racism. determined. Look at the causes of racism e.g. Working at: Look at measures for reducing Parallel living – Oldham. Pupils understand how ethnic groups racism. are defined and are able to identify Examine how the media dealt with the which ethnic group they belong to. Examine the medias role within attack on Walter Chamberlain – how the community relations. local newspaper received the blame for Pupils are able to suggest possible stirring up racial hatred. solutions to racism.

Working towards: Pupils understand that people belong to different ethnic groups. They are able to identify their own ethnic group. Lifestyle 1b I will: Identify tribes in school e.g. chavs, Working beyond: Choices and 2a Goths, moshers, skaters. Pupils are able to identify various Challenging 2b Examine the existence of tribes tribes within school. They can provide Stereotypes 2c within school. Identify feelings for each of the tribes. a number of detailed reasons as to why 3a Give pupils images of members of tribes people may join tribes. Reflect upon my feelings towards and ask pupils how these images make the tribes in school. them feel. Pupils are able to offer possible explanations of why people engage in Suggest reasons as to why people Examine stereotypes associated with the stereotyping. They are able to explain join tribes. tribes and their accuracy. the implications of stereotyping.

Understand the term stereotyping Start a campaign e.g. ‘Chavs are people Working at: and the reason why people engage too’. Pupils are able to identify tribes within in it. school. They can provide a number of reasons as to why people join tribes. Question the fairness of stereotyping. Pupils understand the dangers of stereotyping. Working towards: Pupils are able to identify some of the tribes within school. They can identify a couple of basic reasons as to why people join tribes. Pupils understand that people make assumptions about members of tribes that are often false. Conflict 1a I will: Examine conflicts within school and the Working beyond: 1g causes. Pupils understand that freedom of 2a Identify the causes of conflict speech is an essential aspect of a 2b within school. Look at the causes of conflict in society. democratic society. They understand 2c that it is a right that comes with a Examine the reasons why people Role play conflict – the causes and how responsibility. engage in conflict. it should be dealt with. Pupils produce a role play through Demonstrate how we should deal working effectively as a team member. with conflict. Within the role play they sensitively demonstrate a cause of conflict and Examine freedom of opinion and its suggest a developed solution. advantages and disadvantages. Working at: Evaluate the existence of freedom Pupils understand that freedom of of speech within school. speech is an aspect of a democratic society. They understand the link between rights and responsibilities.

Pupils produce a role play through working as a team member. Within the role play they demonstrate a cause of conflict and suggest a solution. Working towards: Pupils understand that we have freedom of speech and that it can cause conflict if it is not used wisely.

Pupils produce a simplistic role play based upon the causes of conflict.

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