Unit: Year 2 E3 Securing Number Facts, Relationships and Calculating

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Unit: Year 2 E3 Securing Number Facts, Relationships and Calculating

Planning a Unit in mathematics Unit: Year 2 E3 Securing Number facts, Relationships and Calculating Lessons: 10 Learning objectives - Most children will learn to: Vocabulary Building on previous learning Children's targets Check that children can already:  When I have worked out the answer to a 1. Identify and record the information or calculation problem, solve, calculate, calculation, problem I can look again at the problem and needed to solve a puzzle or problem; carry out inverse, answer, method, explain, then check that the answer makes sense predict, pattern, order the steps or calculations and check the solution in  I can explain how I worked out the the context of the problem answer to a problem and can show the 2. Present solutions to puzzles and problems in an place value, partition, ones, tens, working I did organised way; explain decisions, methods and hundreds, one-digit number, two-digit results in pictorial, spoken or written form, using number, add, subtract, plus ( ),  I can use arrays to help me work out mathematical language and number sentences minus (-), sign, equals ( ), operation, multiplication 3. Represent repeated addition and arrays as symbol, number sentence, number I can do multiplication and division in different multiplication, and sharing and repeated line ways and show how I do them subtraction (grouping) as division; use practical  I can work out the missing numbers in and informal written methods and related count on, count back, lots of, groups number sentences vocabulary to support multiplication and division, of, equal groups of, grouping, array, including calculations with remainders row, column, multiply, multiplication,  When I think I have the answer, I can put 4. Use the symbols , -, , and to record and multiplied by ( ), multiple, share it in the number sentence and check interpret number sentences involving all four equally, divide, division, divided by ( whether it is correct operations; calculate the value of an unknown in ), remainder, round up, round down,  I can double all numbers up to 20 and a number sentence (e.g. 2 6, 30 - 24) double, halve can find matching halves 5. Understand that halving is the inverse of doubling  I know my 2, 5 and 10 times-tables and derive and recall doubles of all numbers to fraction, part, equal parts, one whole, I can work out divisions that go with the 20, and the corresponding halves parts of a whole, number of parts, left tables 6. Derive and recall multiplication facts for the 2, 5 over, fraction, one half, one quarter, and 10 times-tables and the related division facts; three quarters, one whole  I can find three quarters of a set of objects or recognise multiples of 2, 5 and 10 of a shape 7. Find one half, one quarter and three quarters of shapes and sets of objects 8. Adopt appropriate roles in small or large groups  I can work in a group and help the group and consider alternative courses of action to think about different ways to do things Target Pupils

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