Career & Technical Education BE52 Marketing I

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Career & Technical Education BE52 Marketing I

Career & Technical Education BE52 – Marketing I

Course #: BE52 Grade Level: 9-12 Course Name: Sales and Marketing I Level of Difficulty: Average Prerequisites: None # of Credits: 2 semesters – 1 Credit The following is a Career and Technical Education (CTE) class under the Marketing Program. Marketing I Units and Understanding Statements Unit 1: Marketing Is All Around Us  Students will be able to examine the scope of marketing. Unit 2: Basic Marketing Concepts  Students will state the marketing concept, explain the marketing mix and define what constitutes a market. Unit 3: Communication  Students will understand communication skills essential in the business world and daily life. Unit 4: Interpersonal Relationship Skills  Students will evaluate key personal traits, interpersonal skills and elements of teamwork which are critical for job success. Unit 5: Management Skills  Students will assess the basic management functions of planning, organizing, and controlling as well as different management structures including vertical and horizontal management. Unit 6: Preparing for the Sale  The student will distinguish between the three basic sales situations: business-to-business, retail and telemarketing. Unit 7: Initiating the Sale  Students will construct an approach using the first two steps of the sales process to determine customer needs. Unit 8: Presenting the Product  Students will simulate the essential steps in the sales process by presenting the product and overcoming objections. Unit 9: Closing the Sale  The students will investigate the last three phases of the sales process by closing the sale, suggestion selling, and relationship marketing. Unit 10: Using Math in Sales  Students will evaluate the sales process by recording the transaction using technology. Unit 11: Promotional Concepts and Strategies  Students will assess the promotional mix by using the four basic types of promotion: advertising, selling, sales promotion, and public relations. Unit 12: Visual Merchandising and Display  Students will discuss the importance of visual merchandising as a promotional strategy. Unit 13: Advertising  Students will differentiate the different types of advertising available to promote a business. Unit 14: Preparing Print Advertisements  Students will analyze the components of advertising with print ads. 1 Career & Technical Education BE52 – Marketing I Unit 15: The Free Enterprise System  Students will understand the operation of the United States free enterprise system as it relates to the role of government and the power of consumers. Unit 16: Global Economies  Students will analyze different global economic systems and concepts. Unit 17: Business and Social Responsibility  Students will distinguish the purpose of business ethics, government regulations, and social responsibility. Unit 18: International Trade  Students will differentiate the role of government in relation to international trade and the benefits of trading.


2 Career & Technical Education BE52 – Marketing I COMMON CORE STANDARDS The following Reading and Writing performance objectives are integrated throughout the entire course: Reading:  9-10.RST.1 Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of science and technical texts, attending to the precise details of explanations or descriptions.  9-10.RST.8 Assess the extent to which the reasoning and evidence in a text support the author’s claim or a recommendation for solving a scientific or technical problem.

Writing:  9-10.WHST.5 Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach, focusing on addressing what is most significant for a specific purpose and audience.  9-10.WHST.9 Draw evidence from informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.

Speaking and Listening  9-10.SL.1 Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grades 9-10 topics, texts, and issues building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively.  9-10.SL.4 Present information, findings, and supporting evidence clearly, concisely, and logically such that listeners can follow the line of reasoning and the organization, development, substance, and style are appropriate to purpose, audience, and task.

Language  9-10.L.6 Acquire and use accurately general academic and domain-specific words and phrases, sufficient for reading, writing, speaking, and listening at the college and career readiness level, demonstrate independence in gathering vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression.

Math  HS.A-CED.1 Create equations and inequalities in one variable and use them to solve problems.  7.RP.3 Use proportional relationships to solve multistep ratio and percent problems.

3 Career & Technical Education BE52 – Marketing I BE52 Marketing I Processes - Suggested Teaching Timeline

4 Career & Technical Education BE52 – Marketing I First Semester Second Semester

August Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. March April May

Participate in DECA Leadership Activities

Unit 1: Marketing is All Around Us 2 weeks Unit 2: Basic Marketing Concepts 2 weeks

Unit 3: Communication 1 week

Unit 4: Interpersonal Relationship Skills 1 week 1 week

Unit 5: Management Skills 2 weeks 1 week

Unit 6: Preparing for the Sale 1 week

Unit 7: Initiating the Sale 1 week

Unit 8: Presenting the Product 1 week

Unit 9: Closing the Sale 1 week

Unit 10:Using Math in Sales 1 week First Semester Second Semester August Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. March April May

5 Career & Technical Education BE52 – Marketing I Unit 11:Promotional Concepts and Strategies 2 weeks Unit 12:Visual Merchandising and Display 1 week 2 weeks

Unit 13:Advertising 1 week Unit 14:Preparing Print Advertisements 1 week 1 week Unit 15:The Free Enterprise System 2 weeks

Unit 16:Global Economies 1 week 1 week Unit 17:Business and Social Responsibility 3 weeks

Unit 18:International Trade 3 weeks

Unit 1: Marketing Is All Around Us Students will be able to examine the scope of marketing. 6 Career & Technical Education BE52 – Marketing I Unit 1: Marketing Is All Around Us Knowledge and Skills Arizona CTE Standards Economic Skills Resources Knowledge: 4.0 Examine concepts, research, and  Marketing  The meaning of marketing information needed to develop and Essentials  The foundations of marketing implement a marketing plan Textbook Chapter 1  The functions of marketing 4.2 Describe marketing functions  Kuder  The benefits of marketing 4.8 Use problem-solving strategies Navigator system  The meaning of economic utility 4.9 Explain the importance of marketing utilizing Navigator  The five economic utilities and how to plans to upload resumes distinguish the four that are related to 4.24 Prepare a multi-media promotion and explore job marketing based on research search functions to 6.0 Apply selling concepts  The importance of marketing careers to the supplement ECAP 6.9 Address the needs of individual US economy personalities  The benefits of working in marketing 6.10 Establish a relationship with  Employment opportunities for people trained clients/customers in marketing  Examples of jobs within marketing occupational areas and at different skill levels

Skills:  Describe marketing functions  Explain the importance of marketing plans  Examine traditional, non-traditional and entrepreneurial occupational choices  Research marketing career opportunity information  Review common marketing job descriptions  Examine industry trends in marketing occupations  Complete self assessment of aptitudes and interests and how they apply to careers  Investigate the level of education needed for certain marketing careers  Research employment opportunities through the use of technology  Use word processing software to prepare letters, memorandums, and reports

7 Career & Technical Education BE52 – Marketing I Unit 1: Marketing Is All Around Us Unit 2: Basic Marketing Concepts Students will state the marketing concept, explain the marketing mix and define what constitutes a market. Knowledge and Skills Arizona CTE Standards Economic Skills Resources Knowledge: 1.0 Analyze factors that influence  Marketing  The marketing concept consumer behavior Essentials textbook  The difference between customers and 1.1 Describe how personal values chapter 2 consumers influence consumer behavior  Glencoe Marketing  What a market is and how it can be 1.2 Describe how diversity influences Series Sports & described purchasing decisions made by Entertainment  What target marketing is and how it can be consumers Marketing chapter 1 described 4.0 Examine concepts, research, and (World of marketing  The four P’s of the marketing mix information needed to develop and and chapter 3 The  What market segmentation is and the four implement a marketing plan sports market) methods used to segment a marketing 4.8 Use problem-solving strategies 4.9 Explain the importance of marketing  The current demographic, psychographic, plans and geographic trends 8.0 Examine fundamental management concepts that affect business decision Skills: making  Explain the importance of marketing plans 8.6 Describe cultural/ethnic differences  Present the marketing plan  Describe cultural/ethnic differences  Create a product prototype

8 Career & Technical Education BE52 – Marketing I

Unit 3: Communication Students will understand communication skills essential in the business world and daily life. Knowledge and Skills Arizona CTE Standards Economic Skills Resources Knowledge: 4.0 Examine concepts, research, and  Marketing  The six primary elements of communication information needed to develop and Essentials  How to arrange the setting for a business implement a marketing plan textbook chapter 8 meeting 4.1 Describe the impact of quality business  Kuder Navigator communications on the success of a  How to use listening skills to improve your marketing organization understanding of messages 6.0 Apply selling concepts  Three blocks to listening with understanding 6.9 Address the needs of individual  Three skills that will help you read with personalities understanding 6.10 Establish a relationship with  The three most common purposes for clients/customers speaking 8.0 Examine fundamental management  The four basic patterns for organizing a concepts that affect business decision formal speech making  The four-step method for training 8.4 Determine personal characteristics of effective leaders  Parliamentary procedure and its purposes 8.5 Compare and contract leadership and  Proper telephone skills management styles  The three basic considerations in writing Skills:  Practice the fundamentals of communication  Foster positive working relationships  Explore the nature of staff communication  Analyze group working relationships  Determine strategies related to customer relations  Participate as a team member  Conduct formal/informal research to collect appropriate topical information  Organize information and develop an outline career portfolio  Write business communication using appropriate format for the situation (CC Standard 9-10.WHST.5)  Using appropriate technology, prepare a draft document (i.e. business letter, email, 9 Career & Technical Education BE52 – Marketing I Unit 3: Communication memo, etc.) using established rules for grammar, spelling and sentence construction (CC Standard 9-10.WHST.9) Unit 4: Interpersonal Relationship Skills Students will evaluate key personal traits, interpersonal skills and elements of teamwork which are critical for job success. Knowledge and Skills Arizona CTE Standards Economic Standard Resources

10 Career & Technical Education BE52 – Marketing I Unit 3: Communication Knowledge: 4.0 Examine concepts, research, and  Marketing  The importance of understanding others information needed to develop and Essentials textbook  How personal traits can be more effective in implement a marketing plan Chapter 10 relations with other people 4.1 Describe the impact of quality business  Personality communications on the success of a  How personal skills relate to successful assessment (i.e. marketing organization interpersonal relations colors) 6.0 Apply selling concepts  How interpersonal skills may be used in 6.9 Address the needs of individual marketing personalities  The importance of teamwork in the business 6.10 Establish a relationship with world clients/customers  Six aspects of successful teamwork 8.0 Examine fundamental management concepts that affect business decision Skills: making  Interpret verbal and nonverbal 8.4 Determine personal characteristics of communication effective leaders  Examine barriers to effective communication 8.5 Compare and contract leadership and management styles  Assess client communication skills through 8.11 Evaluate the nature of leadership role plays  Critique characteristics of an effective team player  Determine characteristics of effective teams  Survey techniques to involve each member of the team  Practice teamwork required for the marketing field  Evaluate the fundamentals of communication  Originate positive working relationships  Explore the nature of staff communication  Analyze group-working relationships  Determine strategies related to customer relations  Validate your positive contributions as a member of a team

11 Career & Technical Education BE52 – Marketing I Unit 5: Management Skills Students will assess the basic management functions of planning, organizing, and controlling as well as different management structures including vertical and horizontal management. Knowledge and Skills Arizona CTE Standards Economic Standard Resources Knowledge: 8.0 Examine fundamental management  Marketing  How horizontally organized companies differ concepts that affect business decision Essentials Chapter from traditionally organized companies making 11  The three levels of management 8.1 Define the five management  Internet  How a self-managing team functions functions: planning, organizing,  Motivating  The three functions of management directing, staffing, and controlling Employees  The management techniques used by 8.3 Describe the roles of support staff, effective managers supervisors, managers, and  How to motivate employees through a technology in achieving business system of rewards goals 8.4 Determine personal characteristics Skills: of effective leaders 8.5 Compare and contract leadership  Examine the five management functions: and management styles planning, organizing, directing, staffing ad 8.7 Describe the concept of controlling management  Illustrate the methods a marketing 8.8 Discuss the role of management in organization can use to effectively manage achieving quality its economic resources  Analyze the roles of support staff, supervisors, managers and technology in achieving business goals  Determine personal characteristics of effective leaders  Compare and contrast leadership and management styles  Investigate the concept of management  Justify the role of management in achieving quality  Compare the types of marketing business ownership including sole proprietorship, partnership and corporations  Analyze management strategies related to business risk  Evaluate the nature of leadership

12 Career & Technical Education BE52 – Marketing I Unit 5: Management Skills Knowledge and Skills Arizona CTE Standards Economic Standard Resources Skills continued:

 Research a leader in management as a potential employer  Demonstrate interviewing skills, including pre-interview preparation and post-interview follow-up  Conduct formal/informal research to collect appropriate topical information  Apply active listening skills  Demonstrate appropriate technologies for a formal presentation in marketing  Prepare and deliver presentations  Conduct formal/informal research to collect appropriate topical information

13 Career & Technical Education BE52 – Marketing I

Unit 6: Preparing For The Sale The student will distinguish between the three basic sales situations: business-to-business, retail and telemarketing. The goals for selling are discussed. Knowledge and Skills Arizona CTE Standards Economic Standard Resources Knowledge:  Marketing  The definition and goals of selling 1.0 Analyze factors that influence Essentials chapter  The various sales situations encountered in consumer behavior 12 the business world 1.3 Analyze customer buying decisions  The definition of feature-benefit selling 4.0 Examine concepts, research, and  How customers make decisions and the information needed to develop and difference between rational and emotional implement a marketing plan buying decisions 4.17 Explain methods and sources of  Sources for developing product information prospecting for new customers 6.0 Apply selling concepts  Prospecting sources and methods 6.1 Explain the importance of sales  How leads are developed forecasting  Preparation for the sale in business-to- 6.2 Discuss the nature and scope of business selling and retail selling selling 6.3 Determine key factors in building a Skills: clientele  Explain the importance of sales forecasting 6.4 Analyze product information to  Role play the steps of the sale identify product features and  Formulate the key factors in building a benefits clientele 6.5 Assess customer/client needs  Develop a rapport with client/customer 6.6 Analyze support activities needed  Forecast client/customer needs for selling 6.7 Analyze technology for use in sales functions 6.8 Facilitate customer buying decisions 7.0 Examine sales pathways 7.1 Compare retail and wholesale sales methods 7.2 Examine business to business sales 7.3 Discuss telemarketing sales techniques 7.4 Examine internet sales

14 Career & Technical Education BE52 – Marketing I

Unit 7: Initiating the Sale Students will construct an approach using the first two steps of the sales process to determine customer needs. Knowledge and Skills Arizona CTE Standards Economic Standard Resources Knowledge: 6.0 Apply selling concepts  Marketing  The seven steps of a sale 6.5 Assess customer/client needs Essentials Chapter  The importance and purposes of the 6.9 Address the needs of individual 13 approach in the sales process personalities  Glencoe Marketing  How business-to-business sales 6.10 Establish a relationship with Series - Retail representatives conduct the initial approach clients/customers Merchandising  The three initial approach methods used by 7.0 Examine sales pathways softbound booklet retail sales people 7.2 Examine business to business sales Chapter 3 (Store  Why determining needs is an essential step 7.3 Discuss telemarketing sales based retailing) in the sales process techniques  Glencoe E-  Three methods used for determining needs 7.4 Examine internet sales Commerce chapter 7.5 Demonstrate approach methods 3 (Retailing on the Skills internet)  Analyze product information to identify product features and benefits  Assess customer/client needs  Analyze support activities needed for selling  Analyze technology for use in sales functions  Address the needs of individual personalities  Establish relationship with client/customer  Assess client/customer needs  Examine business to business sales  Discuss telemarketing sales techniques  Examine internet sales  Demonstrate approach methods

15 Career & Technical Education BE52 – Marketing I

Unit 8: Presenting the Product Students will simulate the essential steps in the sales process by presenting the product and overcoming objections. Knowledge and Skills Arizona CTE Standards Economic Standard Resources Knowledge: 6.0 Apply selling concepts  Marketing  Product presentation 6.6 Analyze support activities needed Essentials chapter  How products are selected for the for selling 14 presentation 6.11 Demonstrate product presentation  Glencoe - Retail  What to say during the product presentation methods Merchandising  Four techniques that will make a lively and 6.12 Demonstrate handling customer softbound booklet effective product presentation objections and questions  Difference between objections and excuses 7.0 Examine sales pathways  The five buying decisions upon which 7.5 Demonstrate approach methods common objections are based  The general four-step method for handling customer objections  Specific methods of handling objections and when each should be used

Skills:  Analyze technology for use in sales functions  Establish relationship with client/customer  Formulate product presentation methods  Devise a plan for handling of customer objections and questions

16 Career & Technical Education BE52 – Marketing I

Unit 9: Closing the Sale The students will investigate the last three phases of the sales process by closing the sale, suggestion selling, and relationship marketing. Knowledge and Skills Arizona CTE Standards Economic Standard Resources Knowledge: 5.0 Demonstrate retail sales techniques  Marketing  The buying signals that a customer sends 5.5 Demonstrate methods of credit Essentials chapter  The rules for closing a sale sales 15  The specialized methods of closing a sale 6.0 Apply selling concepts  Glencoe - Retail  Why suggestive selling is important 6.7 Analyze technology for use in sales Merchandising  The rules of effective suggestion selling functions softbound booklet  Specialized suggestion selling methods 6.8 Facilitate customer buying decisions 6.10 Establish a relationship with  The concept of relationship marketing and clients/customers how it is related to the sales process 6.13 Demonstrate methods of closing a sale Skills: 6.14 Demonstrate suggestion selling  Examine the handling of customer objections and questions  Role play the methods of closing a sale  Implement suggestion selling

17 Career & Technical Education BE52 – Marketing I

Unit 10: Using Math in Sales Students will evaluate the sales process by recording the transaction using technology. Knowledge and Skills Arizona CTE Standards Economic Standard Resources Knowledge: 5.0 Demonstrate retail sales techniques  Marketing  The three general functions of all cash 5.1 Practice proper cash register POS Essentials Chapter registers System (Point of Sale) 16  The arrangement of currency and coins in a 5.2 Display proper cash handling skills  CTE Math coach cash register drawer 5.3 Explain the use of the debit card  Campus Resource  The two methods of making change system for sales Officer for retail  The two most important rules for 5.4 Describe and classify products security issues. safeguarding money at the cash register including convenience goods,  The general content of sales checks and the specialty goods, and impulse goods basic ways of generating them 5.5 Demonstrate methods of credit  The various types of sales transactions sales 5.6 Discuss fraud and security issues  The math calculations necessary to fill out related to retail sales sales checks 5.7 Calculate mark-up and discount pricing Skills:  Compare retail and wholesale sales methods  Calculating business to business and retail sales transactions  Calculate a percent to a decimal and multiply whole numbers and fractions (Math CC Standard 7.RP.3)  Solve mathematical equations related to final cost of product(s) (Math CC Standard HS.A-CED.1)  Create a spreadsheet to prepare effective tables and graphs to communicate numerical data for marketing

18 Career & Technical Education BE52 – Marketing I

Unit 11: Promotional Concepts and Strategies Students will assess the promotional mix by using the four basic types of promotion: advertising, selling, sales promotion, and public relations. Knowledge and Skills Arizona CTE Standards Economic Standard Resources Knowledge: 4.0 Examine concepts, research, and  Marketing  The role of promotion in marketing information needed to develop and Essentials text  The concept of promotional mix implement a marketing plan chapter 17  The characteristics of personal selling and 4.23 Develop a sales promotional plan  Glencoe Marketing advertising 4.24 Prepare a multi-media promotion Series Fashion  The nature and scope of publicity based on research Marketing chapter  The characteristics of sales promotion 4.25 Present the marketing plan 12.2 (Fashion  The concept of trade promotions 10.0 Demonstrate advertising, public Advertising and relations, and visual merchandising Promotion)  The different kinds of consumer sales strategies3  Glencoe Marketing promotions 10.1 Explain the role of promotion Series Sports &  The nature and scope of public relations 10.2 Discuss the components of a Entertainment  The different audiences for public relations promotional mix Marketing chapter 8  The duties of public relations specialists 10.3 Compare types of advertising media (Sports promotion)  How to prepare a news release (i.e., radio, television, outdoor) 10.7 Explain the roles of departments in Skills: an advertising agency  Critique the elements of a promotional mix 10.8 Examine the role of a public  Compare and contrast the types of relations specialist advertising media 10.10 Outline the components of a public  Analyze the career of a public relations relations plan specialist 11.0 Demonstrate business and financial  Report the components of a public relations management practices needed by plan marketing entrepreneurs 11.1 Interpret financial information needed for decision making and planning 11.2 Monitor and adjust business operations based on financial performance 11.3 Explain the purpose and importance of credit

19 Career & Technical Education BE52 – Marketing I

Unit 12: Visual Merchandising and Display Students will discuss the importance of visual merchandising as a promotional strategy. Knowledge and Skills Arizona CTE Standards Economic Standard Resources Knowledge: 10.0 Demonstrate advertising, public  Marketing  The concepts of visual merchandising and relations, and visual merchandising Essentials text display strategies chapter 18  The important display features that contribute 10.6 Explain the roles of merchandising  Glencoe Fashion to a business’s image and visual merchandising Marketing chapter  The various types of displays 12.1 (Visual  The steps used in designing and preparing merchandising and displays display)  The artistic considerations involved in display  Glencoe Marketing preparation Series – Retailing  The maintenance consideration for displays chapter 9 (store design and visual Skills: merchandising)  Construct a display to promote a product  Field trip to the mall  Recommend various aspects of visual merchandising based on business image  Explain the role of merchandising and visual merchandising  Analyze the artistic elements of graphics, signage, color, lighting, and sound  Justify the importance of display maintenance

20 Career & Technical Education BE52 – Marketing I

Unit 13: Advertising Students will differentiate the different types of advertising available to promote a business. Knowledge and Skills Arizona CTE Standards Economic Standard Resources Knowledge: 6.0 Apply selling concepts Economic Concept 5:  Marketing  The concept and purpose of advertising 6.7 Analyze technology for use in sales Personal finance Essentials text  The different types of advertising media functions PO 2: Analyze how Chapter 19  How various media rates are set 7.0 Examine sales pathways advertising influences  Internet examples  The costs of print media 7.4 Examine internet sales consumer choices (Super bowl  The standards for selecting promotional 10.0 Demonstrate advertising, public commercials) media relations, and visual merchandising  How advertising campaigns are developed strategies 10.4 Analyze the components of  The creation of advertising headlines advertisements  The preparation of advertising copy 10.9 Compare costs of advertising  The selection of advertising illustrations methods  The significance of advertising signatures  The importance of advertising layouts  The principles of preparing an ad layout  The advantages and disadvantages of using color in advertising  How typefaces and type sizes can be changed to add variety and emphasis to print advertisements  How to check advertising proofs

Skills:  Compare the types of advertising media (i.e. radio, television, outdoor, online)  Analyze the components of advertisements  Investigate the roles of the various departments of an advertising agency  Compare costs vs potential profit of advertising methods

21 Career & Technical Education BE52 – Marketing I

Unit 14: Preparing Print Advertisements Students will analyze the components of advertising with print ads. Knowledge and Skills Arizona CTE Standards Economic Standard Resources Knowledge: 10.0 Demonstrate advertising, public Economic Concept 5:  Marketing  How advertising campaigns are developed relations, and visual merchandising Personal finance Essentials text  The creation of advertising headlines strategies PO 2: Analyze how chapter 20  The preparation of advertising copy 10.4 Analyze the components of advertising influences  The selection of advertising illustrations advertisements consumer choices  The significance of advertising signatures  The importance of advertising layouts  The principles of preparing an ad layout  The advantages and disadvantages of using color in advertising  How typefaces and type sizes can be changed to add variety and emphasis to print advertisements  How to check advertising proofs

Skills:  Analyze the components of print advertisements  Creation of a print ad layout utilizing technology  Write an effective headline, copy and use appropriate illustrations  Explain the roles of the various departments of an advertising agency  Create slogans, logos and signatures

22 Career & Technical Education BE52 – Marketing I

Unit 15: The Free Enterprise System Students will understand the operation of the United States free enterprise system as it relates to the role of government and the power of consumers. Knowledge and Skills Arizona CTE Standards Economic Standard Resources Knowledge: 8.0 Examine fundamental management Concept 2: Microeconomics  Marketing  Basic principles of a free enterprise system concepts that affect business decision PO 1: Describe how the Essentials Chapter  The role of competition making interdependence of both 3  The importance of risk and profit 8.9 Compare the types of business households and firms is  Virtual Economics  The roles government plays in our free ownership including sole affected by trade, exchange, lessons enterprise system proprietorship, partnership, and money, and banking  Econ EdLink  The supply and demand theory corporations PO 2: Describe how markets lessons 8.10 Analyze management strategies function  NCEE materials Skills: related to business risk PO 3: Describe how  ASU’s Student  Discuss the nature of economics and government policies influence Economics economic activities the economy Association  Evaluate the principles of supply and presentations Concept 3: Macroeconomics demand PO 1: Determine how  Justify the concept of competition inflation, unemployment, and  Contrast and connect similarities and gross domestic product differences of the roles of government and statistics are used in policy the free enterprise system decision PO 2: Explain the effects of inflation and deflation on different groups

23 Career & Technical Education BE52 – Marketing I

Unit 16: Global Economics Students will analyze different global economic systems and concepts. Knowledge and Skills Arizona CTE Standards Economic Standard Resources Knowledge: 2.0 Analyze economic principles and Concept 1: Foundations of  Marketing  What is economics pricing strategies Economics Essentials textbook  The factors of production 2.1 Describe the nature of economics PO 1: Analyze the Chapter 4  The three basic economic questions and economic activities implications of scarcity  Virtual Economics  The difference between a market economy, 2.2 Explain the principles of supply and PO 2: Analyze production lessons command economy, and mixed economy demand possibilities curves to describe  Econ EdLink  Different types of economic philosophies 2.3 Discuss the concept of competition opportunity costs and trade- lessons  The goals of an economy 2.4 Explain the concept of productivity offs  NCEE material 2.5 Describe economic indicators and PO 3: Describe the  The various measurements used to analyze (Focus trends (GDP, CPI, etc.) characteristics of the mixed- an economy Globalization) 2.6 Relate the impact of business market economy of the United  The four phases of the business cycle  Glencoe E- cycles on business activities States Commerce chapter 4.0 Examine concepts, research, and PO 4: Evaluate the economic Skills: 4 (Global e- information needed to develop and implications of current events commerce)  Compare marketing and its importance to a implement a marketing plan from a variety of sources global economy 4.3 Explain marketing and its PO 5: Interpret economic  Describe the methods a marketing importance on the global economy information using charts, organization can use to effectively manage tables, graphs, equations, and its economic resources diagrams  Describe the political, economic and socio- cultural, and technological differences Concept 3: Macroeconomics  Discuss the concept of competition PO 1: Determine how  Relate the impact of business cycles on inflation, unemployment, and business activities gross domestic product  Describe economic indicators and trends statistics are used in policy (GDP, CPI, etc.) decision  Predict the three basic economic questions PO 2: Explain the effects of inflation and deflation on different groups

Concept 4: Global Economics PO 1: Analyze the similarities and differences among economic systems

24 Career & Technical Education BE52 – Marketing I

Unit 17: Business and Social Responsibility Students will distinguish the purpose of business ethics, government regulations, and social responsibility. Knowledge and Skills Arizona CTE Standards Economic Standard Resources

25 Career & Technical Education BE52 – Marketing I Unit 17: Business and Social Responsibility Knowledge: 1.0 Analyze factors that influence  Marketing Essentials  The basic functions of a business consumer behavior textbook chapter 5  How to distinguish businesses from each 1.4 Explain the role of business in other based on general characteristics society  The importance of e-commerce 2.0 Analyze economic principles and  The concept of derived demand pricing strategies  The major types of businesses that comprise 2.5 Describe economic indicators and the industrial market trends (GDP, CPI, etc.)  The areas in which businesses are thought 2.13 Explain factors affecting pricing to have social responsibilities decisions 8.0 Examine fundamental management  The ways that business activities have concepts that affect business decision impacted our environment making  The definition of ethics and how marketers 8.6 Describe cultural/ethnic differences can make ethical choices  The meaning of consumerism and a brief history of the movement  The current trends and concerns in the workplace for employees

Skills:  Investigate career options in E-Commerce marketing  Explore the functions of business  Discover elements that distinguish large vs. small businesses, domestic vs. global, profit vs. nonprofit, public vs. private  Summarize the factors, including personal traits, which contribute to the success of a small marketing company  Evaluate the role of marketing businesses on local, state, national and international economies  Explain the role of business in society  Identify federal regulatory agencies and laws that protect consumers, workers, investors, and the environment

Unit 18: International Trade

26 Career & Technical Education BE52 – Marketing I Unit 17: Business and Social Responsibility Students will differentiate the role of government in relation to international trade and the benefits of trading. Knowledge and Skills Arizona CTE Standards Economic Standard Resources Knowledge: 2.0 Analyze economic principles and Economic Concept 4: Global  Marketing  The interdependence of nations pricing strategies Economics Essentials textbook  The benefits of international trade 2.7 Explain international trade PO 1: Analyze the similarities chapter 6  Government involvement in international 2.8 Determine influences on a nation’s and differences among  Virtual economics trade ability to trade economic systems lessons  Balance of trade 8.0 Examine fundamental management PO 2: Describe the effects of  NCEE materials on  Trade barriers concepts that affect business decision international trade on the globalization  Trade agreement and alliances making United States and other  EconEdLink lessons 8.2 Describe the methods an nations  How businesses can get involved in organization can use to manage its international trade economic resources  The standard business practices involved in importing and exporting  The cultural, economic, and political factors that should be considered when deciding whether to do business abroad

Skills:  Describe the benefits of international trade  Determine influences on a nation’s ability to trade  Discuss the balance of trade  Compare and contrast types of trade barriers  Compare significant trade agreements and alliances  Investigate global marketing strategies


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