Seminole Junior High Choir Handbook

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Seminole Junior High Choir Handbook

Seminole Junior High Choir Handbook 2017 – 2018

Varsity Treble

Varsity Tenor-Bass

Non-Varsity Treble


I. Welcome to Parents and Students...... 2 II. Explanation of Performing Choirs...... 3 1 III. General Information & Performance Expectations...... 3 IV. Classroom Rules, Discipline, and Tardy Policy...... 4 V. Grading Policy...... 4 VI. Uniforms...... 5 VII. Fundraising and Money Matters...... 5 VIII. Calendar of Events...... 6 IX. Remind...... 6 X. Choir T-Shirt Order Form*...... 7 XI. Handbook Return Sheet*...... 8 XII. Uniform Rental*...... 8 XIII. Parent Volunteer Sheet*...... 8 XIV. Travel Release Form*...... 9 *Forms to be returned by Friday, September 1st Seminole Junior High School Choral Department

Cryse Bodine, SJHS Director Seminole JH Choir Whitney Ellison, SJHS Director (432) 758-9431 Eric V. Hindman, SHS Director

August 21st, 2017 Greetings to the Students and Parents of the SJHS Choirs! It is our honor to welcome you to a new year at Seminole Junior High School and to the award-winning choir department! You have chosen to be part of an organization that can offer you many opportunities for growth, as well as provide experiences in music that you will remember for a lifetime. Being a member of the SJHS choral department is both an honor and a privilege. All students are placed in the choir where they will contribute and enjoy the most success. This handbook is designed to introduce you to the many facets of the SJHS Choral Department and to answer as many questions as possible. In an active program like this one, your cooperation helps to ensure a successful experience for all. We know that parent support and involvement is the greatest asset we have. Last year, the Parent Volunteers group, organized and cataloged uniforms, chaperoned various trips, helped in the classroom, at concerts, and during contests. This is an excellent way for parents, and the community, to help the students in choir at Seminole Junior High School. We urge you to be a part of this wonderful group. Over the past twenty years, our choirs have earned many awards from the 63 U.I.L. superior trophies to performances at several music festivals where our choirs have received recognition for being the Top Choir in Class. Annually, we have numerous students who qualify for the All-Region Choirs as well as Solo & Ensemble awards. We are confident that this year will be a strong continuation of that commitment to excellence and growth as a department. Thank you for your continued support of choir at Seminole Junior High School. We are excited to work with each and every one of you, and we look forward to many enriching experiences throughout this year.

“Sing”-cerely, Cryse Bodine Whitney Ellison [email protected] [email protected] Cell: 405.694.9079 Cell: 432.209.1026 Performing Choirs

Varsity Treble Directed By: Mrs. Cryse Bodine 2 Varsity Treble Choir is comprised largely of 8th Directed By: Mrs. Cryse Bodine grade ladies who will learn advanced vocal techniques, a high level of sight reading skills, and Non-Varsity Treble Choir is comprised of 7th grade are encouraged to participate in All-Region ladies who will learn advanced choral reading skills, auditions, U.I.L. solo, and U.I.L. ensemble contest. improve their sight reading skills, and are They will read choral literature divided into two, encouraged to participate in All-Region auditions, three, and four part selections. This choir will U.I.L. solo, and U.I.L. ensemble contest. They will attend U.I.L. Concert & Sight Reading Contest. read choral literature divided into two and three part selections. This choir will attend U.I.L. Concert Varsity Tenor-Bass & Sight Reading Contest. Directed By: Mrs. Whitney Ellison 6 th grade Choir Varsity Tenor-Bass Choir is comprised of Directed By: Mrs. Whitney Ellison gentlemen in the 7th and 8th grade who will learn advanced vocal techniques, a high level of sight 6th grade choir is comprised of both ladies and reading skills, and are encouraged to participate in gentlemen, who will learn to read choral music, All-Region auditions, U.I.L. solo, and U.I.L. basics for sight reading, and proper rehearsal, ensemble contest. They will read choral literature performance, and singing techniques. Students are divided into two and three part selections. This encouraged to participate in the All-Region Honor choir will attend U.I.L. Concert & Sight Reading Choir auditions, which occur in the fall, and the 6th Contest. gr. Solo Contest, which occurs in the spring. This choir will read unison and two part voiced choral Non-Varsity Treble literature.

GENERAL INFORMATION Eligibility Requirements Students will need to meet the eligibility requirements as set forth by Seminole ISD, the governing bodies of U.I.L., TMEA, and SJHS Choir Program. Students who fail a class at the end of a six weeks grading period will not perform in any competition for 3-6 weeks (No Pass, No Play.) Events affected by this rule would include any choir concert where ratings are awarded, any choir performance associated with an award, and any contest, competition, or field trip off campus. Also, all 7th and 8th grade students in choir must abide by Seminole I.S.D’s drug testing policies. Classroom Philosophy Choir is an elective and electives are FUN! Good attitudes and behavior help keep it fun. Goals Choir is made from a team of individuals with common goals. If you do not have the same goals for the choir as the rest of us, you are not respecting us. We will sing every day! If you do not want to sing, you are in the wrong class. Rehearsal time is VERY VALUABLE. The pace of the classroom is fast, and the activities are varied; please keep up! If you have a question or need to say something, raise your hand. The accomplishments are work all of the hard work. Choir Officers The director will hold interviews for the officer candidates within the first two weeks of the school year. Officers are chosen on the basis of leadership, service, and participation in the choir program. These students are expected to exhibit outstanding behavior, excellent leadership, and a positive attitude at all times. Officer positions are President, Vice President, Secretary, Chaplain, Librarian, and appointed section leaders. Performances We will have approximately five concerts throughout the year. These concert dates are listed in the Choir Calendar and are for a test grade. We expect your best behavior and attention. Seminole Junior High Choirs have a reputation of being a very well behaved choir. Live up to the standard! Expectations for all Choir Performances 1. Students are performers and will stand in their assigned place on the raisers, as practiced in class rehearsals. 2. Correct singing posture is expected: feet shoulder width apart, hands at your side (unless holding a folder with music), chest high, and head erect. 3. Students will sing. Anyone not singing will be escorted off the raisers. It is a privilege to perform for an audience. Students who are not singing are not performing and are not contributing to the overall goal of singing as a choir/team. 4. Performers will keep their eyes on the director at all times, unless looking momentarily at their music, should a song require music on a concert. During the applause portion, students will momentarily acknowledge the audience by looking and presenting as a choir and then will return to face/look at the director. 5. Disruptions from performers, such as, but not limited to, not looking at the director, inappropriate movement/behavior at any moment on stage, outbursts that are not specific to the music being sung, will not be allowed at any point and time during the stage or audience portion of the concert. 6. Students will need to be dressed in their uniform attire and in their assigned place approximately 30 minutes prior to a performance’s start time. 7. While performers are participating as audience members, students are expected to sit and be attentive during other choirs’ performances, applaud at the appropriate moments once a director has presented their choir after a song, and to not be a disruption at any point and time. Students who are unable to do so will be asked to see Mr. Ritchey and Mr. Scott about further disciplinary actions. 8 th grade Appreciation This will be for those 8th grade students who have been an upstanding choir member for their entire Junior High School career, 6th-8th grade. CLASSROOM RULES 2. Be in your position on risers, ready with 1. Follow directions the first time given supplies, when the tardy bell rings 3 3. Show respect to peers, staff, and visitors at 1. Verbal reminder all times 2. Student / Director conference 4. Stay in your assigned area, keeping hands, 3. Office referral feet, and objects to yourself 4. I reserve the right to send a student to the 5. Gum and candy pose threats when you are principal’s office immediately if a disruption singing, so NONE ARE ALLOWED occurs. 6. Electronics (iPads, iPods, phones, etc.) are not needed in class unless otherwise specified TARDY POLICY

Students will be given a punch card at the REWARDS beginning of the Fall and Spring semesters that will include 8 punch places for tardies. Once the 8 1. Being a member of an award winning team! punches have been used, students will be given an 2. Developing as an outstanding musician! office referral. An excused tardy will only be 3. Participating in exciting performances such granted if a student presents a signed note from as concerts, contests, and shows! another teacher or a ticket from the main office. Cards are to be kept in their music folder. 4. Fun, fun, fun events, trips, and so much ---Rewards will be granted for fully unused cards MORE! at the end of each semester. DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURES

***For safety reasons, backpacks will NOT be allowed*** ***in the Choir room or in the music hallway. Please use your locker*** ***Failure to comply will result in a tardy***


Participation: Students will receive one grade for participating for the entire week.

Daily Work: Students will be graded on written and oral tests such as theory/sight reading/etc. Cheating and lying on any type of work will not be tolerated and will result in a zero without make-up and a parent conference will be scheduled.

Concerts: Concerts are the ultimate evaluation of many weeks of preparation and class work – much the same as a research paper. Choir members are expected to be present for the duration of each required concert. An unexcused absence from a concert will lower the student’s grade dramatically. Absences and tardies will be excused for cases of medical emergency or death in the family. Prior notification of any conflict with a concert or rehearsal is required. Students are held responsible for keeping up with dates and times of scheduled activities. Every concert is worth three test grades. Concerts are MANDATORY. Excused absences will require a “make-up” grade.

Points are earned by: auditioning for All-Region Choir and for participating at U.I.L. Solo and Ensemble Contest.

Points are lost for: a lack of effort (participation) in daily rehearsals and at concerts, being “off-task,” failing to attend a required concert performances, lack of organization of choral materials, and cheating.

All grades begin at 100% at the first of each 6-week period.

Uniforms 4 The Seminole Junior High Choir will provide formal uniforms to Varsity and Non-Varsity Choir members. Uniform items will be checked-out to the student and should be kept on hangers, un-wrinkled, and clean. All uniforms, excluding the bow tie, are machine washable and can be pressed with and low-degree iron.

A Uniform Rental/Cleaning Fee of $10 will be charged to each student who uses an SJHS Choir Uniform, which will be used to have uniforms dry cleaned at the end of the school year.

***Items not returned will result in a replacement charge to be paid before the last day of school, Fri. May 11 th , 2017.***

Varsity & Non-Varsity Ladies Varsity Men Provided: Long Black Formal Dress ($65) Provided: Black Tux Pants ($25), White Tux Shirt ($15), WILL NEED: Black closed toed dress shoes & & Black Bow Tie ($5) black knee-highs or hosiery WILL NEED: Black dress shoes & tall black socks

6th grade Choirs WILL NEED: Men – dress slacks, dress shirt (polos are acceptable), & dress shoes. *NO DENIM/JEANS. Ladies – a dress / skirt with dress shirt or dress slacks with dress shirt, & dress shoes. *NO DENIM/JEANS.

An Alternate uniform, consisting of the SJHS Choir shirt with jeans, may be worn ONLY WHEN SPECIFIED by a director. All notes being sent home will specify which uniform must be worn.

All Seminole Junior High Choir members must have a choir shirt. Please see Choir T-Shirt Order Form in the SJHS Choir Handbook on page 7.

Money Matters

The primary need for fundraising in the choral department is for a spring festival/competition. Students may “bankroll” money for future years as this money stays with them throughout their Junior High School singing career as long as they are consecutively enrolled in the SJH choir classes.

Money that is deposited in the student’s account, by either the parent or student, is called personal money. Profit amounts from fundraisers are automatically bankrolled for each student depending on the profit percentage.

1. All money – cash/check – must be place in a DEPOSIT ENVELOPE. These are located in the choir room, just outside of Mrs. Bodine’s office. 2. Envelopes must have the student addressee portion filled out completely with the following information: student name, class period, and fundraising event name. Example Name: Cryse Bodine Period: 5th F.R.: Century Resources

3. **Checks must read: Pay to the Order of Seminole ISD or they CANNOT be deposited. Checks not written correctly will be returned. We are sorry for the inconvenience. 4. Please include the student’s name on the memo line of checks. 5. Please do not fold dollar bills.

Envelopes need to be sealed and turned into the SAFE located in the choir uniform closet. Each envelope will have a processing receipt located on the right for personnel use only. This will serve as a receipt and will be kept on file for the school year and may be returned to the student and parents at the end of the year. ***All outstanding balances are to be paid before the last day of school, Fri. May 11th.***

5 Seminole Junior High Choir CALENDAR OF EVENTS 2017-2018 September 2017 ***Tues. Sept. 19th ***Century Resources Fundraiser*** ***Choir Room*** ~ Tues. Sept. 19th Region Kick-Off Rehearsal MEN 5:30-7:00 JH Choir Room ~ Tues. Sept. 19th Region Kick-Off Rehearsal LADIES 7:15-8:45 JH Choir Room ~ Fri. Sept. 22nd Tech JH Women’s Region Workshop All Day Tx Tech Campuses ***Tues. Sept 26th ***Fundraiser Orders & Money are due IN***

October 2017 ~ Fri. Oct. 6th Tech JH Men’s Region Workshop All Day Tx Tech Campuses ~ Sat. Oct. 14th JH All-Region Auditions All Day OL Slaton, LBK Tues. Oct. 17th SJHS Choir Fall Concert 7:00 pm HS PAC ~ Thurs. Oct. 19th 6th grade Honor Choir Auditions 4:15 pm JH Choir Room

November 2017 ~Sat. Nov. 11th JH All-Region Clinic (All Day) & Concert (TBD) Coronado HS, LBK ~ Sat. Nov. 11th 6th grade Honor Choir Clinic (TBD) & Concert (TBD) Coronado HS, LBK

December 2018 Tues. Dec. 12th SJHS Choir Christmas Concert 7:00 pm HS PAC

February 2018 ~Sat. Feb. 3th UIL Solo & Ensemble Contest All Day Frenship HS, LBK ******FUNDRAISER MONTH******POPCORN******TBD******7th & 8th only****** ~ Tues. Feb. 20th 6th grade Solo Contest 4:15 pm JH Choir Room

March 2018 Tues. Mar. 6th JH UIL Clinic (7th & 8th only) All Day TBD Tues. Mar. 20th JH Pre UIL Concert (7th & 8th only) 7:00 pm HS PAC Wed. Mar. 28th & 29th UIL Concert & Sight Reading Contest Date: TBD Time: TBD UIL Locations: Broadway Church of Christ, 1924 Broadway St., Lubbock

April 2018 Fri. Apr. 20th 6th gr. Spring Choir Festival (bankroll $50) TBD Lubbock

May 2018 Tues. May 1st SJHS Choir Spring Show 7:00 pm HS PAC Fri. May 4th Greater Southwest Music Festival (bankroll $100) TBD Amarillo ~ Fri. May 11th 8th gr. Appreciation Trip TBD Lubbock

Bold = MANDATORY ATTENDANCE REQUIRED ~ only those who have signed up/accepted by audition

Remind Remind is a great way to keep ‘in the know’ about upcoming choir events. It is a FREE text messaging service, which allows the teacher to send a mass text to parents and/or students. This service does allow for response text messages. (Easy 100% extra credit for students when parents sign up for Remind). Send a text to: 81010 6th grade choir MSG: @sisd6 7th & 8th grade ladies MSG: @sisdladies 7th & 8th grade men MSG: @sisdmen CHOIR T-SHIRT ORDER FORM 6 T-Shirts will be REQUIRED for each Seminole Junior High Choir member. These shirts will be worn for various concerts, festivals, and events. We will order each student a shirt at the beginning of the year.

Shirts are $10 each and students will receive their shirt(s) upon payment.

Extra choir shirts are available, as well. All shirts are $10 with no limit of purchases. We are proud of our shirts and we love seeing them worn on our parents, family, and friends. This year, we have a GIRLS and BOYS shirt design. Please be vary specific when ordering the style you would like.

Please fill out the form and return to Mrs. Bodine or Mrs. Ellison by Friday, September 1st.


White glitter pocket emblem w/ yellow “Choir,” Yellow vest & bow tie, grey ‘S’ on back Grey glitter ‘S’ Girls Shirt Boys Shirt SIZES QUANTITY ------SIZES QUANTITY YM ------YM YL ------YL YXL ------YXL AS ------AS AM ------AM AL ------AL AXL ------AXL A2XL ------A2XL A3XL ------A3XL

Office Use Only:

Total T-shirts Ordered ______x $10 ea. = Total Owed ______

Order Only ______Money w/ Order ______Date ______Initial ______Seminole Junior High Choir Return Sheet I have read and agree to abide by the rules and regulations set forth in the Seminole Junior High School Choir Handbook 2017-2018.

______Student Signature Date

______Parent Signature Date

Uniform Rental Fee 7th & 8th grade students, a $10 Uniform Rental Fee is for cleaning all uniforms at the end of the year and is due before uniforms are handed out.

8 _____ $10 Turned In with Form _____ Will pay soon

Parent Volunteers

Seminole Junior High Choir is proud to have several opportunities, throughout the year, for parents to volunteer their time to accompany us at various auditions, competitions, uniform distribution, trips, and concert performances. We couldn’t do our very best without these parents giving their time for us. If you would like to be contacted to assist us, please sign-up via our Remind. Text to 81010 msg: @sisdparvol To better assist us, when it asks for your name, please sign in with your name (-dash-) your choir student’s name (ex: Cryse Bodine – Linocln B’s mom).

_____ Yes, I have signed up _____ Sorry, but I am not able to volunteer at this time

If you do not wish to sign-up for Remind, please provide a contact name and number.

Name______Cell ______


We do have a Facebook group that is set on private: Seminole (TX) JH Choir and we would love for you to join us. Updates concerning up-coming events, concerts, auditions, etc. will be located on this page, as well as updated via Remind.

*** To be turned in by Friday, September 1 st with money.*** ***Extra credit if turned in by Aug.25th . ***

Seminole Junior High Choir Travel Release Form

Student trips are a privilege and all students are expected to behave in a manner that best represents the school, the district, and the student. A school administrator will be called immediately in cases of inappropriate behavior. Abuses of this policy may result in the student being sent home at the parents’ expense and/or ineligibility for future school trips.

Student’s Name ______Grade______Class Period______

Student’s Cell______Date of Birth______


Father’s Name ______Cell #______Work #______

Mother’s Name ______Cell #______Work #______

I agree to let my child participate in all SJHS Choir related activities and trips for the 2017-2018 school year. 9 Parent Signature ______Date ______or Guardian


I/We, the undersigned, are the legal parents/guardians of the minor listed above and therefore authorize any medication, x-ray examination, anesthetic, dental, medical, or surgical diagnosis or treatment by any licensed physician or dentist and hospital service that may be rendered to the said minor under the general, specific, or special consent of CRYSE BODINE, WHITNEY ELLISON, or ERIC HINDMAN, choral directors at Seminole ISD.

Whether such diagnosis or treatment is rendered at the office of the physician or dentist or at a hospital, I/we authorize the physician or dentist to call in any necessary consultants in his/her/their discretion. It is understood that this consent is given in advance of any specific diagnosis or treatment being required, but is given to encourage those persons who have temporary custody of the minor, and said physician or dentist to exercise his/her/their best judgment as to the requirements of such diagnosis of medical or th dental treatment. This consent shall remain effective until 12:00am of the 20 day of June 2018.

Insurance Company ______ID/Group # ______

List of allergies______

List of current medications______

Emergency Contact’s Name ______Relation______

Emergency Contact’s Cell Phone ______

*Every effort to contact a parent will be made prior to contacting the Emergency Contact.


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