Nigeria: Environmental and Social Management Plan-IWO
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Nigeria: Environmental and Social Management Plan-IWO
P095003 NG: Rural Access and Mobility Project- Phase 2
- 7/6/2012
[Type the abstract of the document here. The abstract is typically a short summary of the contents of the document. Type the abstract of the document here. The abstract is typically a short summary of the contents of the document.] TABLE OF CONTENT Detailed engineering design, safeguards studies and Preparation of bidding documents for prioritized 222.83km rural roads in osun state of Nigeria ESMP (IWO Region) LIST OF TABLES
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APHA American Public Health Association ARAP Abbreviated Resettlement Action Plan ESIA Environmental and Social Impact Assessment ESMP Environment and Social Management Plan FMEnv Federal Ministry of Environment HSE Health, Safety & Environment ICB International Competitive Bidding IE Independent Engineer NOC No Objection Certificate OP Operational Policy (World Bank) ROW Right of Way R&R Resettlement & Rehabilitation SPIU State Project Implementation Unit WB World Bank WHO World Health Organization in JV with | Page (5) Chapter 1 : ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT PLAN
The Environmental and Social Management Action Plan (ESMP) is required to ensure sustainable development of the road during construction and operational phases. ESMP is site and time specific. For the proposed construction packages of the project road, ESMP has been designed for each cluster. The ESMP has two main component (i) Generic ESMP and (ii) Specific ESMP. The generic ESMP is applicable for all the road clusters, but the specific ESMPs are applicable only to the specific clusters. The generic and Specific ESMPs are being developed considering the operation policies of World Bank as well as the National Policies on Environment.
The implementation of ESMP is important. For this an institutional framework has been developed and roles and responsibilities of the various line departments are made. Some capacity development program are also identified as part of the ESMP as sub-project. The essence of the project is its proper maintenance during and post rainy season. This is also to be considered and need of community based implementation program suggested.
In general, SPIU of Osun state, Nigeria (with assistance from Contractor and Independent Engineer/Supervision Consultant) is the responsible entity for ensuring that the mitigation measures are carried out. Mitigation measures for generic impacts are listed in Table 1.1. The list provides reference implementing organisation and responsible entity.
The role of SPIU in the implementation of ESMP involves the following activities:
ESIA clearance from Federal Ministry of Environment, if required; Clearance of ESIA from World Bank; Disclosure of ESIA document in Nigeria as well as in the info shop of World Bank and Permission from Forest Department for felling of trees, wherever applicable.
The activities to be performed by the contractor to implement the ESMP shall comprise the following:
Confirm the Tree Cutting Schedule based on the final design and provide modified schedule to SPIU.
Fell the trees after SPIU secures Forest Department permission, wherever applicable;
Fell the trees in farm land after SPIU provides necessary compensation to the farm land owners;
Finalizing the selection of material sources (quarry and borrow material, water, sand etc.) ;( refer Annexure 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4).
Selection, design and layout of construction areas, labour camps etc. (Refer Annexure 1.6)
1.3.1 Cultural Properties
In this project there is no impact on cultural property (e.g. church, mosque etc.). Impact on cultural properties during the road construction phase in the Corridor of Impact will be avoided through adequate scheduling of vehicles and construction machineries. Care shall be taken for the chance found cultural properties. It is the prime responsibility of the contractor to inform the SPIU’s Environment and Social safeguard specialist regarding the chance found cultural property so that necessary safeguard measure can be taken up.
1.3.2 Sensitive Features
Along the various roads identified for development in IWO region, it has been observed that in Road 2, there exists Ogboagbaa hospital (from chainage 3+125 to 3+175). At this place a noise barrier may be required to minimize the future increase in traffic noise level from induced traffic. Noise barriers in the form of compound walls have been proposed to a height of 2m.
1.3.3 Community properties
As such in this section no such community property is going to get affected due to the proposed construction of project road. There is no impact on ground water resources, bus- shelter/bus stop, school, water tank, palm oil production unit.
1.3.4 Farm Lands, Bushes and Tree cutting:
As such in this section no such farm land is adjacent to project has been identified. The farm land is at least 2-3m apart from the road sections and there are naturally grown bushes along the project roads. Private farm land owners shall be compensated if their land is going to be taken for this project for the loss of livelihood, if any.
The Environmental Officer of the contractor should be available for the entire duration of the project and shall be primarily responsible for compliance of ESMP. The Environmental Specialist from the Independent Engineer/ Supervision Consultant shall monitor the compliance of the ESMP and all the design drawings of various civil structures shall be implemented after his approval. The proposed organogram for the implementation and monitoring of ESMP is presented in figure 1.1. The details of the implementation and monitoring schedule of ESMP are described in Chaper-2. The key issues that require special attention along with the mitigations to be implemented have been detailed in Table 1.1.
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TEAM-SPIU-OSUN Project Coordinator
Infrastruc Procure Env. & Social Internal Accoun Communi Monitoring and ture ment Safeguard Audit ts cation evaluation
Team Leader (Independent Engineer / Consultant) Chief Project Manager (Contractor)
Environmental Expert Environmental Officer (Independent Engineer / (Contractor) Consultant)
Figure: 1.1: Organization Structure for Implementation of ESMP
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Table 11: Environmental Management Plan
Environmental Responsibility Cross Impact / Mitigation Measures1 Location2 Implementation Supervision reference Aspect DESIGN STAGE The proposed alignment is selected / adjusted to minimise farm land disturbance Geometric to avoid culturally & Contractor SPIU Design Report Design environmentally sensitive areas – cultural properties, water bodies etc. Various issues raised Issues from were examined & stakeholder suitably incorporated Contractor SPIU ESIA report Consultations based on merit & other road safety measures. A comprehensive Orientation of training / orientation Chapter 2, Implementation schedule has been SPIU SPIU ESMP. Agency prepared at different stages of SPIU. PRE-CONSTRUCTION STAGE
1 Some of the mitigation measures are preventive in nature while some others include additional measures in terms of environmental conservation and involve physical and construction work.
2 Unless otherwise stated, the Project Site covers area beyond ROW, such as borrow areas, and equipment storage sites.
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Environmental Cross Mitigation Measures Location Responsibility Impact / Implementation Supervision reference Aspect Land requirement details to be sent to the Govt. and permission to be taken for the same.
Farm Land Affected farm land Right of Way (ROW) SPIU. SPIU Acquisition owners to be compensated for their livelihood as per OP: 4.12 (Involuntary Resettlement).
Mobilisation & Site Clearance Vegetation will be removed from the ROW Feasibility report and Removal of before the ROW Contractor IE, SPIU design Vegetation commencement of drawings Construction. Specifications of plant and machinery to be International procured need to standard Procurement of comply to the relevant specifications plants and international standard Contractor IE, SPIU and Air & machineries norms and with the Noise requirements of Standards of emission control FMEnv legislations in Nigeria Setting up of The construction camps construction campsite Contractor IE, SPIU Annexure 1.6
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Environmental Cross Mitigation Measures Location Responsibility Impact / Implementation Supervision reference Aspect will be located at least 500m away from habitations and there construction must be necessary camps (temporary) living accommodation and ancillary facilities as approved by the IE/SC. Plants and machineries Setting up of shall be located at least plant and At plant location Contractor IE, SPIU 1000m away from the equipments nearest habitation. CONSTRUCTION STAGE Land Loss of farm Temporary impact on RoW Contractor IE, SPIU land due to farm land is envisaged heavy due to movement of movement of construction vehicles. construction Proper scheduling of vehicles vehicles to be made to bring and dispose of construction materials. Since the road lengths are smaller, hence the storage of material can be made at one end of the road.
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Environmental Cross Mitigation Measures Location Responsibility Impact / Implementation Supervision reference Aspect Temporary acquisition of farm land due to vehicle movement shall be compensated as per OP:4.12. Soil Erosion Main reason of soil Throughout Project Corridor, Contractor SPIU Standard and erosion is rains. and equipment storage sites, etc. engineering practices, Sedimentation Contractor should plan community control the activities so that based proper surface pitching maintenance is done to avoid loose program soil. Following preventive measures to be taken such as: Embankment slopes to be covered, soon after completion. Vegetation growth along the project roads to be maintained for soil stability; Proper road side drainage will be given to minimize erosion. Top soil from borrow area, construction site to be protected / covered for soil erosion.
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Environmental Cross Mitigation Measures Location Responsibility Impact / Implementation Supervision reference Aspect Along sections abutting water bodies, stone pitching needs to be carried out. Community based maintenance of road be made during and after rainy season
Loss of farm The top soil will be All along Project Corridor, where Contractor IE, SPIU Standard land top soil covered; productive land is acquired practice, WB Top soil to be safeguard stripped to a documents specified depth of 150mm Top soil to be stored in stockpiles and shall be covered. Stockpiles to be designed in such a way that slope do not exceed 1:2 (vertical to horizontal). Silt fencing to protect the edges of the pile and height of stockpiles to be
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Environmental Cross Mitigation Measures Location Responsibility Impact / Implementation Supervision reference Aspect restricted to 2m. Construction vehicles should operate within the Corridor of Impact avoiding damage to soil and vegetation. Diversions, access road used during construction period will be redeveloped by Contractor, to the Compaction of satisfaction of the Soil and Throughout Project Corridor and all areas owner / villagers. Concessionaire / Contractor IE, SPIU Damage to temporarily acquired. Construction vehicle, Vegetation machinery and equipment shall move or be stationed in the ROW only. While operating on temporarily acquired agricultural land for any construction activities, top soil will be preserved in stockpiles. Contamination Oil & fuel spills from At fuel storage areas – usually at Concessionaire / Contractor IE, SPIU Guidelines of of soil construction equipment construction camps, temporarily acquired FMEnv and site. shall be controlled by World Bank good O&M practices;
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Environmental Cross Mitigation Measures Location Responsibility Impact / Implementation Supervision reference Aspect Contaminated soil shall be disposed of as per guidelines of FMEnv; Vehicle maintenance and refueling in construction camps should be confined to areas with traps oil / grease to prevent wastewater from entering into rivers and streams 1. Quarrying Quarry material shall Contractor IE, SPIU be sourced from approved and licensed 2. Material aggregate and sand sources quarries. Copy of licenses to be submitted to the IE. For operating new quarries, the Contractor shall obtain materials from quarries only after consent of concerned authorities and only after development of a comprehensive quarry’ redevelopment plan. Adequate safety precautions shall be
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Environmental Cross Mitigation Measures Location Responsibility Impact / Implementation Supervision reference Aspect ensured during transportation of quarry material from quarries to the construction site. Vehicles transporting the material shall be covered to prevent spillage. Operations to be undertaken by the Contractor as per the direction and satisfaction of the IE. Debris generated due to the dismantling of the existing culverts and other concrete structures Generation of and cutting materials Debris Throughout Project Corridor. Contractor SPIU shall be suitably reused in the proposed construction as fill materials for embankments Air Dust Vehicles covering Throughout Project Corridor, all access Concessionaire / Contractor SPIU Generation construction roads, temporarily acquired sites. materials shall be covered; All plants and
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Environmental Cross Mitigation Measures Location Responsibility Impact / Implementation Supervision reference Aspect machineries shall be at least 1 km away in the downwind direction from nearest human settlements; Regular water sprinkling at morning and evening hours at the construction yards. Regular pollution under check for construction vehicles shall be made; Equipment Further, idling of Selection, vehicles to be stopped Throughout Project Corridor, all access roads, sites temporarily acquired and all Concessionaire / Contractor IE, SPIU Maintenance during construction borrow areas. and Operation period; Automatic diesel logger may be installed in vehicles to minimise idling Water Alteration of Diversions will be Throughout Project Corridor, all access Concessionaire / Contractor IE, SPIU drainage due to constructed during dry roads, temporarily acquired sites. construction season, with adequate /replacement of drainage facility, and
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Environmental Cross Mitigation Measures Location Responsibility Impact / Implementation Supervision reference Aspect will be completely removed before the onset of the rainy season. Debris generated due to the excavation of foundation or due to the dismantling of existing culverts structure will be removed from the water course. Temporary Silt fencing to be provided on the mouth of discharge into natural streams.
Throughout Runoff and continuous drain is Throughout Project Corridor Concessionaire / Contractor IE, SPIU drainage provided.
Water Contractor will Throughout Project Corridor, all access Concessionaire / Contractor IE, SPIU requirement for provide a list of sources roads, temporarily acquired sites. project (surface / ground) for approval from IE. Prior to use of source Contractor will take written permission from
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Environmental Cross Mitigation Measures Location Responsibility Impact / Implementation Supervision reference Aspect authority, to use the water in construction activity, and submit a copy to IE
Measures suggested under “Soil Erosion and Sedimentation control” will be enforced. Silt fencing is provided around water bodies. Silting / Construction Concessionaire / Contractor IE, SPIU sedimentation activities will be stopped near water bodies during the rainy season. Soil trap are suggested / will be provided in all ancillary sites and camps. Contamination Measures suggested All areas in immediate vicinity of Contractor SPIU of water under “Contamination construction campsite chosen by the Concessionaire / Contractor. of soil” will be enforced. Construction work close to water bodies will be avoided during
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Environmental Cross Mitigation Measures Location Responsibility Impact / Implementation Supervision reference Aspect the rainy season. Labour camps will be located away from water bodies. Car washing / workshops near water bodies will be avoided. Noise Noise from Construction Throughout Project Corridor, all access Contractor IE, SPIU Vehicles, activities near roads, sites temporarily acquired and all borrow areas. Plants and habitation areas shall Equipment be prohibited between 9 p.m to 6 a.m. Maintenance of vehicles, equipments and machinery shall be made. All plants and equipments to confirm to the noise standards of FMEnv. Provision of ear- plugs to contractors exposed to high noise levels. Noise barriers to be given at sensitive
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Environmental Cross Mitigation Measures Location Responsibility Impact / Implementation Supervision reference Aspect location Flora & Fauna Plant a minimum of 2 times of trees as compensatory afforestation for the number of tree cutting along the ROW. Cost of plantation included in Loss of trees the ESMP Budget. and Avenue Concessionaire / Contractor IE, SPIU Concessionaire / Planting Contractor has to make sure that no trees / branches to be fell by labourer for fuel, warmth during winter. Enough provision of fuel to be ensured. Construction workers must protect natural resources and wild animals. Fauna Hunting will be Concessionaire / Contractor IE, SPIU prohibited. Nesting grounds & migratory paths, if any are protected. Socio – Economic Environment Accidents The Concessionaire / Concessionaire / Contractor IE, SPIU
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Environmental Cross Mitigation Measures Location Responsibility Impact / Implementation Supervision reference Aspect Contractor will provide, erect and maintain barricades, including signs marking flats, lights and flagmen as required by the Independent Engineer. Affected population Resettlement will be compensated as Concessionaire / Contractor, Action of IE, SPIU per WB policy and SPIU People entitlement framework. The works shall not interfere with or cause inconvenience to public or restrict the access to use and occupation of Temporary public or private roads, All along the Project corridor Concessionaire / Contractor IE, SPIU Loss of Access and any other access footpaths to or of properties whether public or private.
Road Safety And Construction Safety Risk from Adequate precautions Entire Project site. Concessionaire / Contractor IE, SPIU Electrical will be taken to prevent Equipment danger from electrical equipment. No material or any of
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Environmental Cross Mitigation Measures Location Responsibility Impact / Implementation Supervision reference Aspect the sites will be so stacked or placed as to cause danger or inconvenience to any person or the public. All necessary fencing and lights will be provided to protect the public. All machines to be used in the construction will conform to the relevant Nigerian Standard, will be free from defect and will be kept in good working order, will be regularly inspected and properly maintained as per IS provisions and to the satisfaction of the Independent Engineer. Risk caused by All reasonable Entire Project site Concessionaire / Contractor IE, SPIU Force’ Majure precaution will be taken to prevent danger of the workers and the public from fire, flood, drowning, etc. All
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Environmental Cross Mitigation Measures Location Responsibility Impact / Implementation Supervision reference Aspect necessary steps will be taken for prompt first aid treatment of all injuries likely to be sustained during the course of work. Safety To ensure safety of All construction sites Concessionaire / Contractor IE, SPIU Measures the temporary During accesses during Construction construction, safety devices shall be installed. Traffic rules and regulation shall be strictly adhered to local laws. Workers undertaking various operations during construction shall be protected by providing helmets, masks, safety goggles, hand gloves and rubber boots etc. First aid kits shall be provided at construction site for workers to meet minor
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Environmental Cross Mitigation Measures Location Responsibility Impact / Implementation Supervision reference Aspect accidents during construction . At every workplace, good and sufficient water supply shall be maintained to avoid waterborne / water-related / water-based diseases to ensure the health and hygiene of workers. . Adequate Hygiene All Worker’s Camps Concessionaire / Contractor IE, SPIU Annexure 1.4 drainage, septic tanks, soak pits and wastewater disposal shall be provided at workplace. . Preventive Medical care shall be provided to workers. . An action plan shall be prepared and implemented
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Environmental Cross Mitigation Measures Location Responsibility Impact / Implementation Supervision reference HIV/AIDSAspect . Camps will be Construction Camps and Surrounding Contractor IE/SPIU The EHS from located at least Villages policy of construction 500-1km away World Bank crews from habitation; and its . The entry and partners exit from the camps will required to strictly monitored with details of visitors; . Arranging HIV/AIDs awareness campaign in villages at regular intervals; . Crews need to be rotated in the project and they need to be allowed to meet their partner (back home) at regular intervals. . Contractor through the IE need to inform the location of such
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Environmental Cross Mitigation Measures Location Responsibility Impact / Implementation Supervision reference Aspect camps to SPIU in advance. OPERATION STAGE Silt fencing, Oil & Grease traps, etc. shall be provided at sensitive water bodies to ensure that the water quality is Water quality As per not impaired due to At sensitive water bodies identified. degradation due SPIU SPIU Monitoring plan contaminants from road As specified in the monitoring plan to road run-off in chapter6. run-off and sediment load. Monitoring shall be carried out as specified in the Monitoring plan Contamination Contingency plans to Entire Project corridor. SPIU SPIU of Soil and be in place for cleaning Water up of spills of oil, fuel Resources from Spills Accidents and toxic chemicals. Spill of oil, fuel and automobile servicing units without adequate disposal systems in place to be discouraged. Accidental spills are potentially disastrous, but its probability is quite low as one of the objectives of this project is to enhance
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Environmental Cross Mitigation Measures Location Responsibility Impact / Implementation Supervision reference Aspect road safety. The Public will be informed about the regulations on land pollution. Land pollution monitoring program has been devised for checking pollution level and suggesting remedial measures. Depending on the level of congestion and traffic hazards, traffic management plans will be prepared. Traffic control measures including speed limits to be Through Traffic and All along the Project corridor and enforced strictly. SPIU SPIU Operation Accident Safety surrounding areas. Road control width to Stage. be enforced. Local government bodies and development authorities will be encouraged to control building development along the highway.
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Environmental Cross Mitigation Measures Location Responsibility Impact / Implementation Supervision reference Aspect Trees planted along the corridor shall be maintained for a period of three years. Maintenance works include, watering of the saplings, and all necessary measures for survival of the sapling. The avenue plantation Road side tree All along the corridor Immediately from the should be completed, SPIU SPIU plantation planting of sapling maintained and casualties to be replaced. Discouraging local peoples from cutting tree / branches for fuel, cattle food etc. Educating people about the usefulness of trees. The monitoring of Air, land, water and Noise to Monitoring at be carried out identified critical critical locations besides SPIU SPIU ESMP Budget. locations locations identified by IE along the project corridor.
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Environmental Cross Mitigation Measures Location Responsibility Impact / Implementation Supervision reference Aspect HORN PROHIBITED sign post will be enforced Maintenance of noise barriers Discouraging local After completion of construction State Police, State Transport Noise people from Throughout and after project SPIU Dept., SPIU establishing sensitive development period receptor near the road. The public will be informed about the regulations on noise pollution.
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The Environmental Monitoring Programme has been detailed out in chapter 3. Successful implementation of the Environmental Monitoring Program is contingent on the following:
The Independent Engineer is to request the Contractor to commence all the initial tests for monitoring (i.e. for Air, Water Quality and Noise Levels) early in the Contract to establish 'base' readings (i.e. to assess the existing conditions prior to effects from the Construction activities being felt).
The Independent Engineer is to request the Concessionaire / Contractor to submit for approval a proposed schedule of subsequent periodic tests to be carried out.
Monitoring by the Independent Engineer’s Officer of all the environmental monitoring tests, and subsequent analysis of results.
Where indicated by testing results, and any other relevant on-site conditions, IE to instruct the Concessionaire / Contractor to:
o Modify the testing schedule (dates, frequency)
o Modify (add to or delete) testing locations
o Verify testing results with additional testing as/if required
o Require recalibration of equipment, etc., as necessary
o Request the Concessionaire to stop, modify or defer specific construction equipment, processes, etc., as necessary, that are deemed to have contributed significantly to monitoring readings in excess of permissible environmental "safe" levels.
1.5.1 Monitoring of Earthworks Activities
Most of the environmental problems related to the construction works are anticipated to be associated with the earthworks, particularly for the Quarries and Borrow Areas. Details regarding the guidelines and procedures adopted to minimise the environmental impacts of opening, operating and closing of Quarries and Borrow Areas are presented in Annexure 1.1 to 1.4. Other environmental effects associated with the earthworks including the development of adequate temporary drainage to minimise detrimental effects (e.g. erosion) due to run-off, and safety aspects related to Works implementation.
1.5.2 Monitoring of Concessionaire / Contractor's Facilities, Plant and Equipment
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All issues related to negative environmental impacts of the Contractor's Facilities, Plant and equipment are to be controlled through: The Contractor's self-imposed quality assurance plan Regular / periodic inspection of the Concessionaire / Contractor’s plant and equipment Monthly appraisal of the Contractor.
Other environmental impacts are to be regularly identified and noted on the monthly appraisal inspection made to review all aspects of the Contractor's operation. The officer is to review all monthly appraisal reports, and through the team leader is to instruct the Contractor to rectify all significant negative environmental impacts.
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The environmental budget for the various environmental management measures proposed in the ESMP is detailed in Table 1-2. There are several other environmental issues that have been addressed as part of good engineering practices, the costs for which have been accounted for in the Engineering Cost. The rates adopted for the budget has been worked out on the basis of market rates and the Schedule of rates. Various environmental aspects covered/will be covered under engineering costs are listed below:
Turfing and Pitching of slopes Construction of slope protection works as retaining walls; breast walls toe walls, drains, and gabions. Construction of roadside amenities as bus stops etc.
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Table 12: Environmental Budget
Total cost (Naira) Ite Cost m Component Description Unit Unit cost (Naira) Detailed (Millio No. Cost n) 1 MITIGATION / ENHANCEMENT COST Compensatory Re-plantation of trees for timber grade 13,00,000.0 1.1 trees @5 trees per km and compensation for 2 tree to be No. 2000.00 1.3 0 Horticulture cut Bamboo tree guard as per design provided by the 10,00,000.0 1.2 No. 1000.00 1.0 engineer 0 1.3 Compensation for Economic Trees COVERED IN ARAP Providing Oil Interceptors as per design and drawing at vehicle parking areas and as per directions of the 1.4 Soil Nos. 1,00,000.00 5,00,000.00 0.5 Environmental Specialist / Environmental Engineer of the Engineer. Silt Fencing around soil stockpiled near water bodies 1.5 Water Quality m 4000.00 6,00,000.00 0.6 and at areas identified by the engineer. Provision of Noise barriers in the form of compound 1.6 Noise Barrier m 6000 3,00,000.00 0.3 walls TOTAL MITIGATION / ENHANCEMENT COST 3.7 2 MONITORING COST 2.1 Construction Stage
Sampling of Ambient Air Quality for PM2.5, PM10, at 6 2.1. locations including the plant and machinery site , once No. of Air 10,000.00 1,80,000.00 0.18 1 in a season for both dry and wet season for a period of Samples 20 months 2.1. Water Quality Grab sampling, once in a month for culverts culvert No. of 10,000.00 28,00,000.0 2.8 2 location in dry season and twice in a month for wet Samples 0
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Total cost (Naira) Ite Cost m Component Description Unit Unit cost (Naira) Detailed (Millio No. Cost n) season and analysis of locations near the cross drainage site for 1.5 years as per the Monitoring Plan. The location of monitoring shall be 10 at major culvert locations for a period of 20 months (12 months dry and 8 months wet) Dry Season: 10x12=120 Wet Season: 10x2x8=160 The parameters to be monitored are TSS and TDS, BOD, COD, E.Coli, Phosphate and Nitrate Monitoring of noise level – weekly at 2 construction camp and once in a season for the other 5 baseline monitoring locations for the 20 months construction 2.1. Noise period. Nos. 5,000.00 8,75,000 0.875 3 Camp site samples: 1x4x2x20=160 Other areas: 1x5x2x1.5=15 Total: 175 Sampling and analysis of soil quality - once in season 2.1. (dry, wet ) at 10 locations for 20 months of Soil Nos. 20,000.00 6,00,000.00 0.6 4 construction period Samples: 2x10x1.5=30 2.1. Transportation cost for monitoring of noise, air and Transportation Cost L.S. - 3,00,000.00 0.3 5 water during construction period for 20 months Monitoring Cost during Construction Stage 4.755 2.2 Operation Stage 2.2. Air Sampling of Ambient Air Quality and gaseous No. of 20,000.00 12,00,000.0 1.2
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Total cost (Naira) Ite Cost m Component Description Unit Unit cost (Naira) Detailed (Millio No. Cost n)
pollutants (PM10, PM2.5, CO, SOx, NO2) once in a 1 season for 2 seasons (dry and wet) at 6 locations for Samples 0 first 5 years as per the Monitoring Plan Grab sampling, once in a season for 2 seasons at 15 2.2. locations (10 Surface and 5 Ground) for every year for No. of 18,00,000.0 Water Quality 20,000.00 1.8 2 the first 3 years as per monitoring plan and parameters Samples 0 as per APHA standard. Monitoring of noise level - once in a season for 2 seasons in a year for the first 5 years (at baseline 2.2. Noise monitoring locations) at 5 locations. The monitoring to Nos. 5,000.00 2,50,000.00 0.25 3 be carried out for 60 seconds interval for every hour, Day time and Night time Sampling and analysis of soil quality - once in a season 2.2. Soil for two season (dry and wet) for first 3 years as per the Nos. 20,000.00 3,60,000.00 0.36 4 Monitoring Plan at 3 locations 2.2. Transportation cost for monitoring of noise, air and Transportation Cost L.S. 300,000.00 0.3 5 water during operation period for first 5 years Monitoring Cost during Operation Stage for first 5 3.91 years TOTAL MONITORING COST 8.665 3 MISCELLANEOUS COST 20,00,000.0 3.1 Training Training L.S. 2.0 0 Holding meetings for policy planning and subsequent 3.2 Advocacy and Policy Making review meetings with Revenue Department, Forest Year 50,000.00 1,00,000.00 0.1 Department, local representatives, NGOs, etc. regarding
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Total cost (Naira) Ite Cost m Component Description Unit Unit cost (Naira) Detailed (Millio No. Cost n) development controls. Administrative Charges Maintenance of vehicle with the Environment Cell, Data 24,00,000.0 3.3 Months 1,00,000.00 2.4 including logistics processing, administrative support, stationery etc. 0 3.4 Digital Camera for the Environment Cell No. 50,000.00 50,000.00 0.05 Miscellaneous Items 3.5 Portable sound level meter No. 4,00,000.00 4,00,000.00 0.4 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS COST 4.95 TOTAL COST 17.315 Contingency @ 5% on Total Environmental Cost 0.87 GRAND TOTAL 18.2
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This chapter provides an assessment of the existing institutional arrangement within SPIU and, reflects on capacity building / training issues that need to be addressed to ensure timely implementation of ESMP. The institutional arrangement proposed for this project has been presented here with newly defined roles and responsibilities. The responsibility of implementing the mitigation measures lies with the SPIU, Osun state. All construction activities being taken up by the contractor through International Competitive Bidding. The Independent Engineer shall monitor the implementation of the work on behalf of SPIU. The contractor will be responsible for planning all Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) activities. In the pre- construction phase of the project the concessionaire shall study the ESMP to identify environmental issues and arrive at a suitable strategy for implementation.
SPIU already has an organizational and institutional capacity at the headquarters created to meet the requirements for implementation of the environmental mitigation measures in the ESMP. As part of the project it is envisaged that they will continue to:
Monitor progress of the implementation of the ESMP measures in consonance with the timeline for the project within the allotted budget; Maintain interaction with the various other statutory bodies like Federal Ministry of Environment and Forest Department and Land Revenue Department; Interact with the Environmental Expert of the Independent Engineer on the state of the environment and mitigation and enhancement measures adopted; Occasionally inspect the environmental measures being implemented by the Contractor; Report progress of works, both in terms of physical progress and quality for transmission to statutory authorities such as the Ministry of Environment and Forests; Document and disseminate good practices, bottlenecks and their resolution during the implementation of environmental measures.
The SPIU is responsible for the implementation of the provisions made within the ESMP through its site offices. The services of Independent Engineer will be procured to assist the site offices for monitoring the environmental aspects of the project during implementation. The organization chart for implementation arrangements is shown in Figure 1-1.
2.2.1 Independent Engineer (IE)
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The Independent Engineers, to be procured through International Competitive Bidding (ICB) shall assist the SPIU with the implementation of project, once the project documents are ready. The Environmental Expert of the IE shall be the key personnel to ensure the successful implementation of ESMP provisions. Since ICB procurement is envisaged, the selected consultants are expected to have the necessary professional(s) to tackle the issues that the project is likely to bring up. The Environmental Specialist of the Independent Engineer will be a key position, which can be leveraged to ensure that the contractor complies with the various ESMP requirements.
In case it is not feasible the field engineers supervising construction can be trained on environmental aspects, which then shall perform additional duty of apprising the Team Leader and the Environmental Specialist of any significant development on environment.
2.2.2 Contractor
For effective implementation and management of the ESMP, The BOT / Annuity concessionaire shall contrive to establish a Safety, Health and Environment (SHE) Cell headed by an Environment Officer to deal with the environmental issues of the project. This officer shall interact with the contractor, SPIU, IE and other line departments to ensure that the mitigation and enhancement measures mentioned in the ESMP are adhered. The Environmental officer of the concessionaire shall be the interface between the Environmental Specialist of IE and the Environmental Officer of the contractor. His prime responsibility shall be to apprise the Environmental Specialist of the IE about the ground conditions. He shall also procure the requisite clearances and the NOCs for the project and shall also strictly supervise that the contractor adheres to the ESMP. The environmental officer can also look after the additional charges of safety and health.
Box 21: Qualification and Responsibilities of Environmental Officer of Independent Engineer
Qualifications & Experience
Postgraduate in Environmental Science / Environmental Management / Zoology / Botany / Ecology / Environmental Planning / degree in Civil Engineering with specialisation in environment.
5 years of total experience with a minimum of 3 years in the implementation of ESMP of highway projects and an understanding of environmental, health and safety issues.
Prior practical experience in State and National Highways would be an advantage.
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Roles & Responsibilities
He / She shall be reporting directly to the Chief Project Manager of the Concessionaire.
Primarily responsible for implementation of the ESMP on site and ensuing that the environmental quality is meeting the standards laid down by Federal ministry of Environment and other related authority.
The EO shall implement the ESMP by assigning the necessary resources (manpower, money and machinery) and attend such meetings as are required for the effective implementation of the ESMP on site.
He shall maintain a “Complain Register” to record any grievances from members of public.
He shall maintain a register of all road side trees planted and present within ROW.
The EO shall be the interface of the concessionaire with the client and the IC.
2.2.3 Contractor
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Execution of works will be the responsibility of the contractor. The contractor shall employ an Environmental Officer whose qualification and responsibilities shall be as per Box 2.2. The contractor shall be responsible for both the jobs done by the petty contactor (if Sublet) as well by him. In both the cases the concessionaire will implement the environmental measures (either through the contractors or themselves). This has been done with a view to ensure that road construction and environmental management go together.
Box 22: Qualification and Responsibilities of Environmental Officer of Contractor
Qualifications & Experience Postgraduate in Environmental Science / Environmental Management / Zoology / Botany / Ecology / Environmental Planning / Environmental Engineering. 3 years of experience with a minimum of 2 years in the implementation of ESMP of highway projects and an understanding of environmental, health and safety issues. Prior practical experience in State and National Highways would be an advantage. Roles & Responsibilities The Environmental Officer shall report directly to the Resident Construction Manager / Project Manager so that the pertinent environmental issues that he raises are promptly dealt with. He shall also have a direct interaction with the Environmental Expert and the Environmental Officer of the IC and the concessionaire respectively. Monitor / implement measures laid out in the ESMP and or as directed by the IE for the work executed both by petty contractors and the contractor. Provide key inputs in the development of the Contractors’ implementation plan for all construction activities, including haulage of material to site, adhering to the requirements of the ESMP and getting approval of concessionaire and the IC on the same before start of works. Ensure that the regulatory permissions required for the construction equipment, vehicles and machinery (given in the ESMP) have been obtained and are valid at all times during the execution of the project. Prepare / fill up the environmental and safety related forms given in the ESMP Prepare Safety Plans, Emergency Response Plans and Quarry Management and other safety, health and environment related Plans for approval of the IC and the concessionaire. Identify locations for siting construction camps and other plants, machinery, vehicles and equipment, as well as locations for storage and disposal of wastes, both from the construction camps and from the site and obtain approval for the same from the concessionaire and the IC. Detail out site-specific environmental mitigation and enhancement measures and obtain approval of concessionaire and the IC for the same Carry out the measurements of environmental mitigation and / or enhancement works and prepares bills for the same for approval and payment through the Concessionaire’s Environmental Officer Ensure that the safety of the workers and other site users is not compromised during construction Ensure that adequate monitoring facilities are available for collecting samples of all discharges from the Contractor’s plants, equipment and camps Verify the extent of environmental compliance at sites from where the Contractor is procuring the material – quarries, sand and suggest appropriate mitigation measures, if required
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Responsible for implementation of safety and health regulations if also acting as safety officer
The environmental officer shall have a small environmental, health and safety team to help him in implementing the ESMP. These team members may / may not report to him / her directly but shall apprise him of all the incidents and mark a formal report of any incident having an impact on the Health, Environment and Safety issues.
Duty Officers (DO)
The Duty Officers shall, on day to day basis, monitor the Project Facilities and report to the EO on activities that adversely affect the environment in the vicinity.
They shall take the necessary mitigation measures.
Plant Engineer
The Plant Engineer has the responsibility of managing and controlling the plant and machineries fleet of vehicles shall ensure that the environment is not degraded at his plant site. Even though the Environmental Officer shall routinely monitor to detect any negative issues due to operations and bring it to the knowledge of Plant manager for taking rectification works. In case of emergency the Plant Engineer shall immediately notify the Environmental officer for necessary actions.
Reporting system provides necessary feedback for project management to ensure quality of the works and that the program is on schedule. The rationale for a reporting system is based on accountability to ensure that the measures proposed as part of the Environmental Management Plan get implemented in the project. Reporting system for the suggested monitoring program operates at two levels as:
Reporting for environmental condition indicators and environmental management indicators Reporting for operational performance indicators at the SPIU site level.
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The reporting system will operate linearly – contractor who is at the lowest rung of the implementation system reporting to the Concessionaire, who in turn shall report to IE and the SPIU as per figure 8-1. All reporting by the concessionaire shall be on a quarterly basis, while the reporting time of the contractor shall be decided upon by the concessionaire. The SPIU Site Office will be responsible for setting the targets for the various activities anticipated during construction phase in consultation with the IE/SC and obtaining agreement from the Contractor after mobilisation but before beginning of works on site. The contractor will report from then on regarding the status on each of these. The SPIU Site Office will monitor the activities through its own staff or the consultant’s Environmental Specialist after it has obtained the Contractor’s report with the Consultant’s remarks on it during the construction phase. During the operation phase, the supervision as well as reporting responsibilities will lie with the SPIU Site Office.
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Table 23: Summary of Reporting of Environmental components and Responsibilities
SPIU PIU / Independent Engineer Format Site office Item Timing No. Overseeing / Supervision Reporting Compliance CONTRACTOR MOBILIZATION AND SITE CLEARANCE Reporting by contractor to IC for dumping Before start of M1 As required Quarterly As required locations & construction construction and labour camp site Reporting by contractor Before start of M2 to IC for construction As required Quarterly As required construction and labour camp site Target sheet for Tree Before start of After M3 As required As required cutting work cutting Reporting for borrow Before start of M4 As required Quarterly As required areas construction CONSTRUCTION PHASE After Target sheet for As per C1 As required Monitorin As required Pollution Monitoring Monitoring Plan g Before start of C2 Top soil Conservation As required Quarterly As required work OPERATION PHASE After Target sheet for During O1 As required Monitorin As required Pollution Monitoring Operation g After After Redevelopment of completion of O2 As required Monitorin As required Borrow Areas usage of Borrow g Area After During O3 Survival Rate of Trees As required Monitorin As required Operation g
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Training of staff will be done at a number of levels. Some short-term training is required for the Environment Manager, other staff members of the Environment Unit and the contractor staff to raise their levels of environmental awareness. The training can be conducted by either some external agency or through the help of in-house expertise of the SPIU and the consultants and help of Federal Ministry of Environment and World Bank. In the long-term training, special environmental issues will be examined and likely solutions provided to the Environment Unit.
The main focus of future training programmes has to be on implementation with special ESMP basis. Since project preparation is drawing to a close, the officials can concentrate on the progress of the project. The following modules can be taken up:
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Table 24: Modules for Training
S l. Mode of Responsibil N Timing Target Group Short Description training ity o . Members of the Osun-SPIU Overview of site office, responsibilities Environmental . The roles and After Lectures, responsibilities of the Specialist of finalization Presentatio IE and the Contractor External the IE, 1 of Contracts ns, . Reporting Agency or Concessionaire arrangements for Civil Discussion SPIU and the . Contractual Works s Environmental obligations, staff of the Environmental Protection and Social Civil Development Contractor Members of Inter-Departmental the SPIU site Co-ordination office, Lectures, . Clearance requirements and Counterpart Discussion External During prescribed procedures 2 staff from s, Agency, implementat . Expectations of . other Presentatio other departments – Consultan ion departments ns, documentation and ts, SPIU such as Role Play follow-up . Developing Revenue, formats for ease of Forests, etc. reporting
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Environmental monitoring is an effective tool in making necessary recommendations and adopt suitable control strategies so that menace of rising environmental pollution could be minimized and a relief be extended to the people including labours in case of any damage caused under occupational health hazards. The monitoring is necessary for the following reasons:
To assess what impacts have occurred; To evaluate the performance of mitigation measures proposed in the ESMP. To ensure that the conditions of necessary consent and approvals are adhered to. To suggest improvements in management plan, if required To see that benefits expected from the EA are achieved as the project proceeds. To meet legal and community obligations.
The physical, biological and social components, which are significant in affecting the environment at critical locations, have been suggested as Performance Indicators. The following specific environmental parameters can be qualitatively measured and compared over a period of time and therefore selected as Performance Indicators for monitoring due to their regulatory importance and the availability of standardized procedures and relevant expertise.
Ambient Air Quality Noise Levels Water Quality Soil Quality Plantation and Survival Rate
3.2.1 Ambient Air Quality (AAQ) Monitoring
The baseline air quality in these project sections do not show any significant pollution as the areas is still in a virgin condition. However, with the construction of roads there is estimation of movement of heavy vehicles during the construction phase as well chance of increase in induced traffic during the operation phase.
in JV with | Page (47) Detailed engineering design, safeguards studies and Preparation of bidding documents for prioritized 222.83km rural roads in osun state of Nigeria ESMP (IWO Region) The major increase of pollution in the region during the construction phase would be dust
as the existing roads are earthen in nature. Hence constant monitoring of PM10 and PM2.5 may be required. These parameters are to be monitored at selected locations such as plant and machinery sites, concrete mixer site excavation works, etc. starting from the commencement of construction activity. The chance of increase in other pollutants like
SO2, NOx and CO but are estimated to be negligible and will be intermittent in nature during the construction stage.
However, during the operation stage monitoring is required to be done for all the
parameters like Particulate Matter (Size less than 10micron or PM10), Particulate Matter
(Size less than 2.5 or PM2.5), Sulphur Dioxide (SO2), Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx) and Carbon Monoxide (CO). These parameters need to be monitored at the first 5 years of the operation stage to establish a data bank to ensure that the project has not made any significant impact to the nearby settlements and vegetation. The monitored results are to be checked with the standards of FMEnv/State Ministry of Environment.
3.2.2 Ambient Noise Monitoring
The measurement for monitoring the noise levels to be carried out at sensitive locations and at construction sites along the project road in accordance to the Ambient Noise Standards of FMEnv. Sound pressure level would be monitored on twenty-four hour basis.
3.2.3 Water Quality
Water quality of local water resources that is used by local community shall be monitored.
The water quality during the construction phase shall be monitored at the major culvert construction site at the downstream mainly for pH, total solids, total suspended solids, total dissolved solids. In addition, the parameters like BOD, COD, Phosphate, Nitrate as well as E.Coli be monitored during the construction stage.
During the operation stage in order to capture information on impact on surface and ground water quality at least a trend shall be set for the first 3 years of the operation stage for 2 seasons in the year for the parameters as suggested in American Public Health Association (APHA)/State Ministry of Environment (Osun).
3.2.4 Soil Quality
The soil quality of the surround fields close to the construction site and plant site will be monitored to understand the impact of soil quality. The physic-chemical parameters recommended for analysis are physical Parameter: Texture, Grain Size, Gravel, Sand, Silt, Clay; Chemical Parameter: pH, Conductivity, Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium, Nitrogen, Absorption Ratio.
3.2.5 Plantation and Survival Rate
in JV with | Page (48) Detailed engineering design, safeguards studies and Preparation of bidding documents for prioritized 222.83km rural roads in osun state of Nigeria ESMP (IWO Region) The widening and up gradation of the project requires felling of roadside trees. This loss will be compensated by compensatory afforestation. The compensatory avenue plantation shall be made as per the guidelines of forest department. Two times of the tree cutting will be compensatory afforested (cost of the plantation budgeted in ESMP).
A separate budgetary provision has been made for implementation of Environmental Monitoring Plan. The environmental monitoring cost is estimated based upon the environmental monitoring program being considered in Table 3.1. A budgetary provision of Naira 4.755 million has been kept for environmental monitoring during construction stages. For operation stage Naira 3.91 Million has been considered for first 5 years of operation stage.
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Table 35: Environmental Monitoring Plan
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Environ Institutional Responsibilities ment Project Compo stage Parameters Standards Locations Frequency Implementation Supervision nent Contractor Once in a season Plant site, and at through approved Constr PM g /m3, PM for 2 seasons 10 μ 2.5 locations of baseline monitoring IE & SPIU u-ction g/m3, SO , NO , CO (dry, wet ) for 20 μ 2 X FMEnv/State monitoring agency/Lab months Ministry of Air Environment Contractor Once in a season through approved Operat PM g /m3, PM At locations of baseline for 2 season in a 10 μ 2.5 monitoring IE & SPIU ion g/m3, SO , NO , CO monitoring year for the first μ 2 X agency/Lab 5 years. Surfa Constr pH, temperature, DO, Standard parameters At locations of baseline Grab sampling, Contractor IE & SPIU ce uction BOD, COD, Total for Surface water monitoring once in a month through approved Wate Suspended Solid, quality as per APHA during dry season monitoring r turbidity, Total Hardness, and State Ministry of and twice in a agency/Lab Quali Coliform/E.Coli Environment month for wet ty season for the entire construction period i.e 20 month at 10 locations
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Environ Project Institutional Responsibilities ment stage Parameters Standards Locations Frequency Implementation Supervision Grab sampling, Standard parameters once in a season Contractor pH, temperature, Oil & for Surface water for 2 seasons at through approved Operat Grease, Total Suspended At locations of baseline quality as per APHA 10 selected monitoring IE & SPIU ion Solid, turbidity, Chlorine, monitoring and State Ministry of locations every agency/Lab Iron, sulphate, nitrate Environment year for the first 3 years. Grab sampling, Grou pH, Temperature, once in a season Contractor nd Ground Water TSS, Total hardness, At identified location for 2 seasons at through approved Wate Operat Quality Standard as Suspended Solid, in the settlement areas 10 selected monitoring IE & SPIU r ion per APHA Chlorine, Iron, Sulphate, locations every agency/Lab Quali Nitrate year for the first ty 3 years.
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Environ Project Institutional Responsibilities ment stage Parameters Standards Locations Frequency Implementation Supervision Once in a week for the entire construction period at the Contractor Leq dB (A) (Day and At equipment yards construction through approved Constr Night) Average and Peak and at locations of yard. monitoring IE & SPIU uction values baseline monitoring Once in a season agency/Lab for the entire construction Ambient Noise Noise period at the Standard Level baseline FMEnv s locations. Once in a season for all the season in every alternate SPIU through Leq dB (A) (Day and year for first 5 approved Operat Night) Average and Peak At locations of baseline years,– 60 monitoring IE & SPIU ion values monitoring Seconds interval agency/Lab for every hour, Day time and Night time
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Environ Project Institutional Responsibilities ment stage Parameters Standards Locations Frequency Implementation Supervision Physical Parameter: Texture, Grain Size, Near Construction Contractor Gravel, Sand, Silt, Clay; Once in every sites along the road through approved Constr Chemical Parameter: pH, season for the and at locations of monitoring IE & SPIU uction Conductivity, Calcium, construction baseline monitoring agency/Lab Magnesium, Sodium, period Nitrogen, Absorption Ratio Soil Physical : Texture, Grain Size, Gravel, Sand, Silt, Contractor Clay; Chemical Once in every through approved Operat Parameter: pH, At the baseline year for the two monitoring IE & SPIU ion Conductivity, Calcium, monitoring locations season for the agency/Lab Magnesium, Sodium, first 3 years. Nitrogen, Absorption Ratio Tree Constr Tree Survival rate 90% Tree Throughout the Once in a month Contractor IE & SPIU plant uction Survival Rate Project in through approved ation/ substantially monitoring green completed section horticulture belt agency devel
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Environ Project Institutional Responsibilities ment stage Parameters Standards Locations Frequency Implementation Supervision Contractor through approved 90% Tree Throughout the opme Operat Tree Survival rate Once in three monitoring Survival Rate Project stretch IE & SPIU nt ion month horticulture agency
As specified by At the drains, Constr Turbidity in Storm the engineer Dry and wet Contractor and tanks construction IE & SPIU Water quality Wate uction Water bodies load in site/ along the ROW season r receiving water bodies standards Bodie s Turbidity in Storm As specified by Dry and wet Operat water the engineer / At the drains, Water quality and tanks construction season Contractor IE & SPIU ion Silt load in receiving standards site/ along the ROW water bodies
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Annexure 1-1: Guidelines for New Quarry Management
1. Management Plan for New Quarry
The contractor shall prepare a quarry management plan for operation of new quarries and submit it to the IE for approval and necessary actions. The plan shall consist of the following:
1.1 Selection Details
1.1.1 Location and Layout
Sketch plans and photographs to be provided along with adequate details:
. A map and sketch plan of the area showing the location of the proposed quarry site with respect to the project road, nearby villages, plants and worker accommodation locations along with indicative distances of the different sites from each other and from the road.
. A detailed sketch plan of the quarry area showing approach and haulage roads, location of the rock outcrops to be quarried, indicating which sites will be quarried in which year or phase, location of stock piles, location of guard house, perimeter fence, location of water sources, amenities, and any further details.
. Photographs of the site
1.1.2 Selection Criteria
. A brief statement as to how the site was chosen.
. Alternative sites that were considered to be mentioned.
. Record any public consultations involved while choosing and what the public concerns were, if any.
1.1.3 Agreement with landowners
Statement of ownership of the land along with lease / purchase agreements.
1.1.4 Licenses and permits
Contractor to state the licences and permits that are necessary for operation, and attach them as appropriate.
1.2 Operation
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1.2.1 Method of extraction
. A brief method statement of extraction indicating the techniques to be used, use of explosives if any, if so how are the charges laid, how often the blasting shall be done, etc.
. Appropriate reference should be made to the contractor’s safety manual.
. A copy of the operator’s licence to handle explosives should be submitted to the IE.
1.2.2 Loading and haulage
Contractor to describe the process in a few sentences of loading of rocks fragments; means of transportation to the site.
1.2.3 Crusher Plant
Per say there is no such crusher plant is expected in the project, hence the chances of fugitive emission is less. Concrete mixers will however be used in the project.
1.2.4 Storage of explosives
Contractor to state where these are to be procured from, where they will be stored and how the supply of explosives will be kept secure (if they are to be kept off site, state what precautions will be given for transportation).
1.2.5 Products
A list of aggregate sizes and any other products from the quarry. Make sure the sketch map states where these will be stock piled.
1.2.6 Testing and quality assurance
. Refer quality assurance plan of contractor if any.
. If not, contractor to provide details of sampling frequency, who takes the does the testing, which standards are to be complied with, and any further pertinent details.
1.2.7 Water sourcing
Contractor to indicate the operations that shall need water, and its source (an indication on the sketch map will suffice).
1.2.8 Safety
. Contractor to divulge safety measures to the IE.
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. Ensure that workers at the quarry sites are aware of the appropriate sections of the safety plan.
1.2.9 Workers Accommodation
Contractor to provide details of how many workers will be accommodated on site and what the accommodation arrangements and standard will be.
2. Environmental Management
2.1 Environmental Management during Operation
2.1.1 Removal of trees and plants
Contractor to describe briefly the floral species that have had to be removed (it will be helpful give local names if English or scientific names are not known), and roughly how many.
2.1.2 Overburden
Contractor to state where this will be deposited (indicate on the sketch map), and what methods will be taken to contain it, if any.
2.1.3 Silt management
Contractor to state how silt arising from quarry operations will be managed, e.g. provision of a silt retention pond, and show where this is on the sketch map. Say how the silt retention pond will be managed (i.e. how often it will be dredged).
2.1.4 Surface water drainage
If it will be necessary to provide drainage channels, contractor to show on the sketch map where these are and confirm that they will be kept free of blockages.
2.1.5 Soil and water contamination
Contractor to list sources of possible contaminants to the soil (fuel stores, etc) and what will be done to control it (minimise spillages, control leaks from plant, etc).
2.1.6 Air pollution
. What are the sources of air pollution?
. Details of air pollution control measures in each case.
. Details of worker protection equipment along with appropriate reference to the safety plan.
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2.1.7 Noise
Sources of noise, distance from settlement, labour camp and proposed mitigation to the population / workers exposed.
2.1.8 Traffic
Impact of quarry operations on traffic and how this may be controlled.
2.1.9 Approach road
Contractor to state whether this will be maintained, and if so in what condition.
2.2 Environmental Management at Closure of the site
2.2.1 Dismantling and removal of machinery
Contractor to state whether and when this shall be done.
2.2.2 Slope stabilisation and / or protection
Measures taken to protect the slope and to guard against any possible serious rock fall, or any measures to safeguard against hazards like this.
2.2.3 Rehabilitation
. Rehabilitation plan of the quarry.
. The contractor shall be responsible for the Redevelopment Plan prior to completion after five years, during the defect liability period. The IC and the APRDC shall be responsible for reviewing this case of redevelopment prior to the issuing the defect liability certificate.
2.2.4 Hand-over
Terms of hand-over of the quarry site to the owner/authority at the end of its use.
2.2.5 Removal of debris and solid waste
Confirmation of Contractor in removal of debris and solid wastes and disposal at a suitable site.
For each aggregate-cum-quarry sand source, the plan should be the same. The table below gives the format:
SI. Remarks by Item Unit Details No. IE, if any 1. Name / identity of the location 2. Nearest project road Chainage.
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SI. Remarks by Item Unit Details No. IE, if any 3. Name of the owner 4. Area involved m2 Existing land use (verification from land records with revenue 5. department) 6. Land use of the area surrounding the proposed site including a map Access roads – existing conditions, proposed development and 7. maintenance Tree cutting and vegetation clearance if any, along with 8. Nos. compensation measures Arrangement with the owner (agreement with land owner should be 9. attached as an Annexure) 10. Quantity of material to be withdrawn vis-a-vis the material available Cum 11. Particular areas to be quarried should be clearly identified 12. Machinery & equipment to be used 13. Drainage plans 14. Top soil management 15. Description of the operating practices to be adopted. 16. Health facilities Safety provisions made including fire protection systems and the 17. availability of different personal protective equipment 18. Monitoring plans for air, noise and water quality 19. Copy of the license from Mining & Geology, Police & Fire dept. Conditions laid down in the clearances / licenses and plans to ensure 20. compliance Information on whether or not the quarry will be closed under this 21. project. If yes, the proposed closure & restoration plan. Concerns of the local people living in the immediate / near vicinity 22. should be identified and appropriates measures should be reflected 23. Photograph of the quarry prior to commencing operations. 24. Sketch of the layout of the quarry
Attach Photograph of Proposed Site, Location Map, Consents, licenses, safety plan, tree compensation plan, restoration plan, drainage plan, monitoring plan, Agreement with land owner etc. as annexure
Submitted Checked & Approved
Signature Signature Name Name Designation Designation Contractor Independent Engineer
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Annexure 1.2: Guideline for Rehabilitation of Quarries and Borrow Areas
Quarries and Borrow Areas
The contractor shall use materials from the existing and licensed quarry areas only. In case any new quarries are opened by the contractor, he shall secure permissions for the same and shall follow the rehabilitation plan.
The objective of the rehabilitation programme is to return the borrow pit sites to a safe and secure area, which the general public should be able to safely enter and enjoy. Securing borrow pits /quarry sites in a stable condition should be a fundamental requirement of the rehabilitation process. This could be achieved by filling the quarry / borrow pit floor to approximately the access road level.
It is important to plan restoration from the outset and coordinate restoration with quarrying activities. In addition to the bio-diversity issues, land planning considerations are also taken into account when defining a rehabilitation project in order both to preserve the environment and to generate income for the local communities. In this framework quarry rehabilitation often leads to the creation of wetlands and natural reserves or recreation areas.
Special quarry / borrow pit rehabilitation plan should be specified according to the location and shaping of the mining slopes after exploitation and overburdened dump, with different subsequent uses e.g. forest, meadow, water body etc., the re-greening and replanting methods..
Other criteria which should be followed for rehabilitation of quarry/ borrow pits are as given below:
Quarries and borrow pits will be backfilled with rejected construction wastes and will be given a vegetative cover. If this is not possible, then slopes will be smoothed and depression will be filled in such a way that it looks more or less like the original ground surface.
During works execution, the contractor shall ensure preservation of trees during piling of materials; spreading of stripping material to facilitate water percolation and allow natural vegetation growth; reestablishment of previous natural drainage flows; improvement of site appearance; digging of ditches to collect runoff; and maintenance of roadways where a pit or quarry is declared useable water source for livestock or people nearby. Once the works are completed, and at own expense the contractor and contractor shall restore the environment around the work site to its original splits.
To create a safe environment, the faces of borrow pit excavation sites have to be reduced to a naturally stable slope or be adequately fenced to prevent access to the top and
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bottom of the faces. Such a fence must be of a height as prescribed under local mine act with a barbed wire top strand designed to exclude the public from the quarry area. Depending on the location of the site presence of a permanent lake is considered to be a satisfactory alternative to a fence.
Appropriate plant species for the planting programme have to be selected in consultation with ecological consultant and local forest department and farm land owners for the loss of economic trees made during the quarry and borrow operations.
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Annexure 1.3: Guidelines for Existing Quarry Management
The Contractor will finalise the locations from the list given by Consultant's for procuring materials. The Contractor shall establish a new quarry only with the prior consent of the Independent Engineer (IE) only in cases when: (i) Lead from existing quarries is uneconomical and (ii) Alternative material sources are not available. The Contractor shall prepare a Redevelopment Plan for the quarry site and get it approved by the IE.
The construction schedule and operations plans to be submitted to the IC prior to commencement of work shall contain a detailed work plan for procuring materials that includes procurement, transportation and storage of quarry materials.
Development of site: To minimise the adverse impact during excavation of material following measures are need t o be undertaken:
i) Adequate drainage system shall be provided to prevent the flooding of the excavated area
ii) At the stockpiling locations, the C o n t r a c t o r shall construct sediment barriers to prevent the erosion of excavated material due to runoff
iii) Construction of offices, laboratory, workshop and rest places shall be done in the up- wind of the plant to minimize the adverse impact due to dust and noise.
i) The access road to the plant shall be constructed taking into consideration location of units and also slope of the ground to regulate the vehicle movement within the plant.
iv) In case of storage of blasting material, all precautions shall be taken as per The Explosive Rules, 1983.
Remarks SI. Item Unit Details by IE, if No. any 1. Name / identity of the location 2. Nearest project road Chainage. 3. Name of the owner 4. Area involved Arrangement with the owner (agreement with the third party / contractor should be attached as an Annexure and should necessarily require the 5. Cum adaptation of good quarry management practices - a description of the requirements should be included) 6. Quantity of material to be withdrawn vis-à-vis the material available 8. Machinery & equipment to be used Cum
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Remarks SI. Item Unit Details by IE, if No. any 9. Drainage plans 10. Top soil management 11. Description of the operating practices 12. Health facilities Safety provisions made including fire protection systems and the 13. availability of different personal protective equipment Conditions laid down in the clearances / licenses and plans to ensure 14. compliance 15. Monitoring plans for air quality 16. Information on whether or not the quarry will be closed under this project. If yes, the proposed closure & restoration plan. 17. Photograph of the quarry prior to commencing operations. 19. Sketch of the layout of the quarry i) During excavation, slopes shall be flatter than 20 degrees to prevent their sliding. In cases where quarry strata are good and where chances of sliding are less this restriction can be ignored. ii) In case of blasting, procedure and safety measures shall be taken as per The Explosive Rules, 1983 iii) The contractor shall ensure that all workers related safety measures shall be dune as per guidelines for Workers and Safety. Topsoil will be excavated and preserved during transportation of the material measures shall be taken to minimize the generation of dust and prevent accidents. The IC shall review the quarry site for the management measures during quarry operation, including the compliance to pollution norms.
P O S T C O N S T R U C T I O N S T A G E The Contractor shall restore all haul roads constructed for transporting the material from the quarries to construction site to their original state. The IE shall be entrusted the responsibility of reviewing the quarry site for the progress of implementation of Redevelopment Plan. The redevelopment of exhaust quarry shall be the responsibility of the agency providing the permit to ensure the implementation of Redevelopment Plan.
For existing quarry managed directly by a third party / contractor from whom the contractor is sourcing the materials, the plan should contain the following:
Attach Photograph of Proposed Site, Location Map, consents, licenses and Agreement with land owner
Submitted Checked Approved
Signature Signature Signature
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Name Name Name Designation Designation Designation Contractor Contractor Independent Engineer
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Annexure 1.4: Guidelines for Siting, Operation & Redevelopment of Borrow Areas
(A) Siting
Specific locations of borrow areas to be used will be identified by contractor based on the recommendations of the ESIA report. In case the contractor or the contractor wants to open any new borrow areas other than mentioned in this report, and then the selection and recommendations for borrow areas will be based on environmental as well as civil engineering considerations.
Certain precautions have to be taken to restrict unauthorised borrowing by the contractor and the contractor. No borrow area shall be opened without permission of the Engineer.
Table 1: Probable Borrow Area along the Project Corridor
Approximate Quantity Site identification (Cum) Availa Offset Nam ble Surroun Sam Mat Neare Le from e of Tot Land ding Rem ple erial st ft / neare Len Bre De Villa al / Land / arks no. type Chain Ri st gth adth pth ge (Cu Terrai Terrain age gh Chain (m) (m) (m) m) n (Km.) t age (m)
(B) Criteria for Evaluation of Borrow Areas
i. Existing land use (Agricultural / Barren / Scrub / grazing / any other type) ii. Vegetation / trees to be removed iii. Erosion/degradation potential iv. Distance and name of the nearest settlement v. Distance from the nearest surface water body vi. Drainage pattern of the area vii. Distance of the nearest Reserve Forest (if any) viii. Distance of the nearest Sacred Tree (if any) ix. Distance from the nearest school / hospital / primary health centre x. Daily / Occasional use of borrow area by the community xi. Any schemes or avenues for generation of income for adjoining community
(C) Documentation of Borrow Pit
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The contractor must ensure that following data based must be documented for each identified borrow areas that provide the basis of the redevelopment plan.
Chainage along with offset distance Area (in Sq m) Type of Access/width from carriageway Soil Type Slope / Drainage Characteristics Water Table of the area or identify from nearest well etc/ask people Existing Land-use such as barren/agricultural/grazing land Location/Name/Population of Nearest Settlement/Community & distance from Borrow Area/Type and characteristics of settlement Daily / occasional use of the Borrow Area by the community, if any Identification of any other community facility in the vicinity of the borrow pit
(D) Guidelines for Stripping, Stocking, Preservation of Top Soil
During the excavation of the borrowing material contractor must ensure that the topsoil from all areas of cutting and all areas to be permanently covered shall be stripped to a specified depth of 150mm and stored in stockpiles. At least 10% of the temporarily acquired area shall be earmarked for storing topsoil. The stockpile shall be designed such that the slope does not exceed 1:2 (vertical to horizontal), and the height of the pile is restricted to 2m..
(E) Guidelines for Enhancement
As far as possible borrow area selected for enhancement shall be on government / community land in the vicinity of settlement. The contractor must ensure that any enhancement design proposed should be workable, maintenance free and preferably worked out in consultation with the community and proposed enhancement materials should be locally available. The borrow area can be developed either of the following:
Vegetative Cover:
Vegetative cover must be established on all affected land. Topsoil must be placed, seeded, and mulched within 30 days of final grading if it is within a current growing season or within 30 days of the start of the next growing season. Vegetative material used in reclamation must consist of grasses, legumes, herbaceous, or woody plants or a mixture thereof. Plant material must be planted during the first growing season following the reclamation phase. Selection and use of vegetative cover must take into account soil and site characteristics such as drainage, pH, nutrient availability, and climate to ensure permanent growth. The vegetative cover is acceptable if within one growing season of seeding:
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The planting of trees and shrubs results in a permanent stand, or regeneration and succession rate, sufficient to assure a 75% survival rate; The planting results in 90% ground coverage. The site shall be inspected when the planting is completed and again at one year to ensure compliance with the reclamation plan.
Certificate of Completion of Reclamation
Contractors have to obtained certificate of satisfaction from the landowner and submit it to the Engineer before final payment is to done.
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(F) Drawings to be Prepared
The contractor have to prepared the drawings showing both cross-section as well as plan of the identified borrow areas incorporating following inputs: Contours if any, depth if any Location of trees, height, foliage spread and afternoon shaded area on ground Any other existing details at the road / property interface such as signage/railing/etc. Details of immediate surrounding for at least 5m on either sides
(G) Photographs to be Include
The contractor must ensure that photographs are to be taken before and after the excavation of borrow materials and also after the implementation of redevelopment plan, incorporating the following:
Overall View from access side Any other community resource in the vicinity All spots to be detailed such as access to borrow pit /cluster of existing trees etc.
The contractor must ensure based on the above-mentioned guidelines following outcomes must be evolved:
Working plan Cross Section Longitudinal Section/Elevation of Site Details of all proposed Enhancements including signage etc. BoQ
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Annexure 1.5: Guidelines for Sediment Control
Prior to the start of the relevant construction, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval, his schedules for carrying out temporary and permanent erosion / sedimentation control works as are applicable for the items of clearing and grubbing, roadway and drainage excavation, embankment / sub-grade construction, culverts and other structures across water courses, pavement courses and shoulders. He shall also submit for approval his proposed method of erosion / sedimentation control on service road and borrow pits and his plan for disposal of waste materials. Work shall not be started until the erosion / sedimentation control schedules and methods of operations for the applicable ' construction have been approved by the Engineer.
The surface area of erodible earth material exposed by clearing and grubbing, excavation, borrow and fill operations shall be limited to the extent practicable. The Contractor may be directed to provide immediate control measures to prevent soil erosion and sedimentation that will adversely affect construction operations, damage adjacent properties, or cause contamination of nearby streams or other watercourses. Such work may involve the construction of temporary berms, dikes, sediment basins, slope drains and use of temporary mulches, fabrics, mats, seeding, or other control devices or methods as necessary to control erosion and sedimentation.
The Contractor shall be required to incorporate all permanent erosion and sedimentation control features into the project at the earliest practicable time as outlined in his accepted schedule to minimize the need for temporary erosion and sedimentation control measures.
Temporary erosion, sedimentation and pollution control measures will be used to control the phenomenon of erosion, sedimentation and pollution that may develop during normal construction practices, but may neither be foreseen daring design stage nor associated with permanent control features on the Project.
Silt Fencing:
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Silt fencing may be provided to prevent sediments from the construction site entering into the nearby watercourses. The silt fencing consists of geo textile with extremely small size supported by a wire mesh mounted on a panel made up of angle / wooden frame and post. It is expected a single person will be able to drive the angles by pressing from the top. The frame will be installed at the edge of the water body along which construction is in progress. Silt fencing is proposed for a length of 150m. This is based on the primary survey data inventory of cross drainage structures to be developed/replaced in the project. Depending on the length of the individual water body, the number of units of silt fencing to be installed is decided by the Independent Engineer. A typical drawing of silt fencing is given below:
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Annexure 1.6: Guidelines for Siting & Layout of Construction Camp
The contractor based on the following guidelines shall identify the location of the construction site. The construction site shall be located:
. The construction camps will be located at least 500 m away from habitations at identified sites. The living accommodation and ancillary facilities for labour shall be erected and maintained to standards and scales approved by the resident engineer.
. On non-agricultural lands, as far as possible
. Not within 1000m of either side of locations of Forest areas.
. All sites used for camps must be adequately drained. They must not be subject to periodic flooding, nor located within 300 feet of pools, sink holes or other surface collections of water unless such water surface can be subjected to mosquito control measures.
. The camps must be located such that the drainage from and through the camps will not endanger any domestic or public water supply.
. All sites must be graded, ditched and rendered free from depressions such that water may get stagnant and become a nuisance.
A conceptual layout of a typical construction site has been presented in Figure A. The Contractor during the progress of work will provide, erect and maintain necessary (temporary) living accommodation and ancillary facilities for labour to standards and scales approved by the engineer. All temporary accommodation must be constructed and maintained in such a fashion that uncontaminated water is available for drinking, cooking and washing. Safe drinking water should be provided to the dwellers of the construction camps. Adequate washing and bathing places shall be provided, and kept in clean and drained condition. Construction camps are to be sited away from vulnerable people and adequate health care is to be provided for the work force.
Sanitation Facilities: Construction camps shall be provided sanitary latrines and urinals. Sewerage drains should be provided for the flow of used water outside the camp. Drains and ditches should be treated with bleaching powder on a regular basis. The sewage system for the camp must be properly designed, built and operated so that no health hazard occurs and no pollution to the air, ground or adjacent watercourses takes place. Compliance with the relevant legislation must be strictly adhered to. Garbage bins must be provided in the camp
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Shelter at Workplace: At every workplace, there shall be provided free of cost, four suitable shelters, two for meals and two others for rest, separately for use of men and women labourers. The height of shelter shall not be less than 3m from floor level to lowest part of the roof. Sheds shall be kept clean and the space provided shall be on the basis of at least 0.5m 2 per head.
Canteen Facilities: A cooked food canteen on a moderate scale shall be provided for the benefit of workers wherever it is considered necessary. The contractor shall conform generally to sanitary requirements of local medical, health and municipal authorities and at all times adopt such precautions as may be necessary to prevent soil pollution of the site.
First aid facilities: At every workplace, a readily available first-aid unit including an adequate supply of sterilized dressing materials and appliances will be provided as per the Factory Rules. Workplaces remote and far away from regular hospitals will have indoor health units with one bed for every 250 workers. Suitable transport will be provided to facilitate taking injured and ill persons to the nearest hospital. At every workplace an ambulance room containing the prescribed equipment and nursing staff will be provided.
Health Care Facilities: Health problems of the workers should be taken care of by providing basic health care facilities through health centres temporarily set up for the construction camp. The health centre should have at least a doctor, nurses, duty staff, medicines and minimum medical facilities to tackle first-aid requirements or minor accidental cases, linkage with nearest higher order hospital to refer patients of major illnesses or critical cases.
The health centre should have MCW (Mother and Child Welfare) units for treating mothers and children in the camp. Apart from this, the health centre should provide with regular vaccinations required for children.
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