Subject: Art Grade Level: 4Th and 3Rd Teacher: Kelly Case

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Subject: Art Grade Level: 4Th and 3Rd Teacher: Kelly Case

Combining Tone and Contour Subject: Art Grade level: 4th and 3rd Teacher: Kelly Case Date: September 8, 2012 Mentor Teacher: Mollie Deeb Campus: Cowan Elementary

TEKS/Standards: Homework:

4.1B Choose appropriate vocabulary to discuss the use of art elements such as color, texture, form, line, space, and value and art principles such as emphasis, pattern, rhythm, balance, proportion, and unity.

4.2 Creative Expression/performance. The student expresses ideas through original artworks, using a variety of media with appropriate skill.

4.4A Describe intent and form conclusions about personal artworks. (L) Identify contour, sketched, and action lines. (L) Create contour, sketched, and action lines. (L) Create artwork using contrasting value.

Time Procedures & Objectives for Lesson Activities Materials needed

Warm-Up/ Teacher’s materials: Anticip- Objective: Students will recall what tone and Image of car (see tory Set shading is from the previous day and will attached), a piece of demonstrate their understanding of it by making a tracing paper, a 15 tonal drawing of a car (see attached image). crayon-unwrapped minutes and broken in a Teacher will do a demonstration at the blue table. small piece. Teacher will invite the yellow, green, and red tables to stand around the blue table for a demonstration. Teacher will first show the class Student’s materials: the image of the car they will be shading over. Image of car (see Teacher shows students the small piece of attached), a piece of tracing paper they will each receive and instructs tracing paper, a to write their name on it immediately. Teacher crayon-unwrapped will then place the tracing paper over the car and broken in a image. Teacher will turn their crayon on its side small piece. and use it to shade areas of dark and light they see in the car onto their tracing paper. Teacher will press hard in dark areas and will use less pressure in lighter areas. Combining Tone and Contour Subject: Art Grade level: 4th and 3rd Teacher: Kelly Case Date: September 8, 2012 Mentor Teacher: Mollie Deeb Campus: Cowan Elementary Teacher then will instruct all students to return to their tables. Teacher will ask the students sitting in #1 seat to get tracing paper and a car image for every classmate at their table.

Once they get all of the materials students will write their name on their piece of tracing paper. They will then place tracing paper over the car image. Students will turn their crayon on its side and use it to shade areas of dark and light they see in the car onto their tracing paper. Students will press hard in dark areas and will use less pressure in lighter areas.


Teacher’s materials: 1st Activity Teacher will stop students with the beeper and “Combining” Power will continue with the rest of the power point. Point, computer, Teacher will explain what pointillism is. screen, projector

__10____ Pointillism is when you shade a drawing by using Student’s materials: min a series of points or dots. none

Teacher will then introduce famous artist, Georges Seurat. Teacher will read, “Georges Seurat was a painter whose technique for portraying the play of light using tiny brushstrokes of contrasting colors became known as Pointillism. Using this technique, he created huge compositions with tiny, detached strokes of pure color too small to be distinguished when looking at the entire work but making his paintings shimmer with brilliance”.

Teacher will then stop at the slide of the strawberries and transitions into another drawing activity. Combining Tone and Contour Subject: Art Grade level: 4th and 3rd Teacher: Kelly Case Date: September 8, 2012 Mentor Teacher: Mollie Deeb Campus: Cowan Elementary

2rd Activity Teacher’s materials: Students will practice pointillism by drawing from “Combining” Power 5 observation the image of strawberries (see Point, computer, min attached picture) using only points and dots to screen, projector shade.

Students will look carefully! They will apply more Student’s materials: dots where the object is darker and will use very Computer paper, few lines. pencil.

3th Activity Teacher’s materials: Students will then proceed to draw the lemon, “Combining” Power using only points and dots to shade. Point, computer, screen, projector Again, students will look carefully! They will apply __5__ more dots where the object is darker and will use min. very few lines. Student’s materials: Computer paper and pencil.

4th Activity With whatever time is left, students will create a Teacher’s materials: small line drawing of their preference. They will No more power then bring the drawing to life using contour lines, point. Teacher is 5 min. tone, and pointillism. walking around the class

Student’s materials: Computer paper and pencil.

CLOSUR Teacher’s materials: E Teacher sets timer to go off 5 minutes before Timer, super kid class is out to alert the class it is time to clean up. awards. Students will put their tonal drawings in their Combining Tone and Contour Subject: Art Grade level: 4th and 3rd Teacher: Kelly Case Date: September 8, 2012 Mentor Teacher: Mollie Deeb Campus: Cowan Elementary personal folders and then place their folder in the Student’s materials: large color-coded folder for each table. (Red They are putting 5 table has a red marked folder; blue table has a their materials min blue one, etc.) Teacher announces it is time to away. give out Super Kid awards. Teacher then looks to see what two students are exemplifying exceptional behavior and awards them with a “Super Kid Award”. (The students are very familiar with this reward system as it is used in all special area classes) Teacher then calls each table one at a time by color to line up.

Assessment(s): (attach copies of assessment documents, criteria and rubrics) Since these are just learning activities and warm-ups, they will go toward their participation grade. Mrs. Deeb typically doesn’t grade any of their practice drawings, only final projects.

ILL/504/SpEd accommodations:

SpEd students will be doing the same activities with everyone else with the assistance of their TA.

Robert: Robert is autistic and has a TA who helps him stay on track. He will need no further accommodations.

Haleigh: Haleigh has speech impairment, but has no problem keeping up with the rest of the class. She might just need some extra encouragement throughout the lesson, which I will be sure and give to her.

Caleb: Autistic and speech impaired. He likes to have warnings before an activity changes or before a major transition. Mrs. Deeb, the TA, or myself will be sure and use the “first, then next” strategy with him to prevent any anxiety or frustration. I will be very clear about instruction and the order of which the class will run.

Lesson Overview / teacher notes: Combining Tone and Contour Subject: Art Grade level: 4th and 3rd Teacher: Kelly Case Date: September 8, 2012 Mentor Teacher: Mollie Deeb Campus: Cowan Elementary By the end of this lesson the students will have completed the three lessons on line and will then be ready to proceed to their major project!

Be sure and remember to use the timer that Mrs. Deeb uses! The students are very familiar with the beeping sound and respond well to it. It is an excellent tool to use for getting the class’ attention and for transitioning to another activity.

Image for the tonal drawing activity.

Image for the pointillism drawing activity Combining Tone and Contour Subject: Art Grade level: 4th and 3rd Teacher: Kelly Case Date: September 8, 2012 Mentor Teacher: Mollie Deeb Campus: Cowan Elementary

Image for the pointillism drawing activity Combining Tone and Contour Subject: Art Grade level: 4th and 3rd Teacher: Kelly Case Date: September 8, 2012 Mentor Teacher: Mollie Deeb Campus: Cowan Elementary

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