Maury Elementary PTA After School Programs
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Maury Elementary PTA After School Programs FALL SESSION 2012 REGISTRATION On-line registration begins Monday, 9/10 at 6:00 pm and closes on Thursday, 9/13 at 11:00 pm. To register go to under after-school programs. Registration will be on a first-come, first-served basis. You have the option of paying online when you register or paying by check to MAURY PTA (send check in with your teacher in an envelope labeled “Rebecca Anderson-PTA”). Email Terri Dykes at [email protected] for questions about registration.
SCHOLARSHIPS To request a scholarship, please fill out the Scholarship Request Form (other side) for EACH child. Send the form in with your child to give to the teacher. If you can, either .pdf the form and e-mail to rebecca8anderso [email protected] or send an e-mail with the required information. You can also send it back in your child’s folder. Several requests for scholarships were “lost” last session so please label the envelope: Rebecca Anderson, PTA. Scholarship Forms must be received by Monday, September 10th. A student may receive a maximum of 2 scholarships, if space allows. If you request a scholarship for more than one class, please indicate the first, second, or third choice on the registration form. Scholarships will be confirmed by Monday, September 17th- via an e-mail or telephone call. Students must attend the classes; if students do not attend most of the class for which they have requested a scholarship, additional scholarships may not be granted in the future.
Parent Volunteers and Priority Registration Volunteers are vital for these after school programs to be safe and effective. Some activities require assistance in the classroom, while others require assistance with dismissal. Some classes can only be offered if volunteers are available, so please consider volunteering your time to your child's class. In addition, we will be asking for volunteers to help with dismissal. We will need at least five volunteers to stay at the school until the activity buses arrives, which is usually at 4:00. If you are able to volunteer during a class or at dismissal please let Rebecca Anderson know before registration and you will have priority registration. Please email her by Saturday, September 8 th so you may be given priority. [email protected]
Dismissal Parent Pick-Up: Parent or caregiver must pick up students in front of the main doors of the school promptly at the completion of their child's after school program. Riding the Bus: Children who plan to ride the bus home or to after-school must sign up for the Activity Bus. You must separately sign the Activity Bus permission slip (or the corresponding section on the Scholarship Form). Please make sure that the address for drop-off is clear. Walking: Due to safety concerns, children are not permitted to walk home alone. Campagna: Your child will be escorted to Campagna Kids (Maury’s after school care) at the completion of her/his after school program. Be sure to notify Campagna that your child has enrolled in After School Programs. Expected Behavior Please note that all children are expected to behave according to school rules. Disruptive behavior will not be tolerated and may result in the student being removed from the program. Please discuss this policy with your child so that everyone can enjoy our programs to the fullest.
Questions? If you have questions about the particular programs please contact Rebecca Anderson, via email: [email protected] . If you have questions about registration or scholarships, please contact Terri Dykes, via email: [email protected] .
FALL SESSION 2012 8 sessions October 1st – December 5th (unless noted otherwise)
MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY No class 10/8 and No class 11/6 No class 11/14 and No class 11/22 No class 11/23 11/19 and 11/20 11/21 Chess Club- Beg. Art Club Drama Club Art Club Tae Kwon Do- 1st- 3rd Graders 1st – 2nd Graders 1st – 5th Graders 3rd – 5th Graders Adv. 1st -5th graders Chess Club-Adv. Maury Players Tae Kwon Do- Beg. Adv. Guitar Club Beg. Guitar Club 4th-5th Graders Musical- DRAMA 1st – 5th Graders 3rd-5th Graders 1st – 2nd Graders **2:45-4:15 2nd – 5th Graders **2:45-3:30 **2:45 – 3:15
Science Club Maury Players Upcycle Kids K-1st Graders Musical-Singing & Workship Choreography K-3rd Graders 2nd -5th Graders **no class on 10/12 & 11/23 **ends 12/7 Basketball Club Creative Dance Club 1st-5th Graders 1st-5th Graders
All clubs run from 2:45 – 3:45 unless noted. No classes on holidays, early release, professional days or week of 11/19. Maury Art Club goes to Africa! Course Description Join Maury mom and art teacher, as well as accomplished artist, Luisa Tio as we explore many ways to make fabulous art. Luisa holds a B.A. and an M.A. in Art, has taught the Maury Art Clubs at for many years while also serving as a docent at several museums. After School Art Club goes to Africa! Pack your bags and join Ms. Tio as we look at art work from countries from Ghana to South Africa. We’ll dye fabrics like they go in Nigeria. We’ll make mini houses inspired by the Ndebele of South Africa. We’ll work with beads, make masks, and weave cloth. Join the fun!
Art 3rd - 5th Teacher Luisa Tio Enrollment 18 students Snack Will be provided by ACPS Date/Time Thursdays, 2:45-3:45pm, (8 classes). No class on November 22nd. Cost $95.00 per student, includes supply fee Please note Parent volunteer needed to assist with dismissal
Art 1st - 2nd Teacher Luisa Tio Enrollment 18 students Snack Will be provided by ACPS Date/Time Tuesdays, 2:45-3:45 pm, (8 classes). No class on November 6th and November 20th. Cost $95.00 per student, includes supply fee Please note Parent volunteers needed to assist with dismissal ______Hoop Life Basketball Club
Course Description Does your child like basketball? Well, here is an after-school activity that is guaranteed to keep them smiling. Students will be taught the rules and fundamentals of the game. In addition, they will get an opportunity to demonstrate those learned fundamentals in scrimmages and skill competitions. They will learn about the history of the game and key players past and present. There are prizes, fun and so much more. No previous experience is required.
Basketball 1st - 5th Teacher The House of Hoops, Kevin Harris and staff Enrollment 25 students (10 student minimum or class may be cancelled) Snack Will not be provided due to the schedule of the course. Date/Time Monday, 2:45-3:45pm, (8 classes) No class on October 8th and November 19th. Cost $110.00 per student Please note Parent volunteer needed to assist with dismissal ______Beginning and Advanced Chess
Course Description Sharpen your mind by learning chess! Beginning students will learn the fundamentals of chess, and build upon what they already know to strengthen their skills. Advanced students will also build upon what they know and have 30 minutes extra for advanced instruction. If you took beginning chess last year- the beginner class may still be appropriate. Coach Charles Edelman is a former state champion who has taught lessons in the area for many years.
Beginner chess, grades 1st-3 rd (students with little or no prior experience) Teacher Charles Edelman, aka “Coach Charlie” Enrollment 10 students (8 student minimum or class may be cancelled) Snack Will be provided by ACPS Date/Time Mondays, 2:45-3:45 pm, (8 classes). No class on October 8th and November 19th. Cost $75.00 per student, all supplies provided Please note Parent volunteer needed to assist with dismissal. Advanced chess, grades 4 th -5th Teacher Charles Edelman, aka “Coach Charlie” Enrollment 10 students (8 student minimum or class may be cancelled) Snack Will be provided by ACPS Date/Time Mondays, 2:45-4:15 pm**, (8 classes). No classes on October 8th and November 19th. Cost $100.00 per student, all supplies provided Please note Parent volunteer needed to assist with dismissal. **Advanced chess students will stay for 1 hour and 30 minutes. This will allow a mixed-level group to play and learn the first hour and then 30 minutes extra for just the advanced children for more advanced work. ***This class is not available to bus riders due to late dismissal time
Introduction to Guitar
1st – 2nd Grades
Course Description We are excited to continue this club for basic primary guitar education for 1st - 2nd grades. Program curriculum encompasses basic note reading on the first three strings and several primary chords allowing your child to play several songs by the course’s end. Our talented instructor, Chris Galvan, is on the faculty of Northern Virginia Community College where he teaches guitar and jazz studies.
Teacher Chris Galvan Enrollment 10 student maximum (an additional class may be added if needed) Snack Will NOT be provided due to nature of the course Date/Time Fridays, 2:45-3:15** pm, (8 classes). No class on November 23rd. Cost $148, Class only, student provides own guitar (we have loaner guitars if needed) Please Note Parent volunteer needed to assist with dismissal
**This class is not available to bus riders due to early dismissal time **Please note: this class is only 30 minutes. This shorter period accommodates the shorter attention span of students in this grade range so that they can get the most out of the class.
Advanced Guitar 3rd- 5th Grades
Course Description We are excited to welcome back one of our fabulous guitar teacher, Rick Irby, from the Rock of Ages Music in Del Ray. This class is for 3rd – 5th grade students who have already mastered the basic guitar concepts.
Teacher Rick Irby Enrollment 10 student’s maximum (3 student minimum) Snack Will NOT be provided due to nature of the course Date/Time Thursdays, 2:45-3:30** pm, (8 classes). No class on November 22nd. Cost $133, Class only, student provides own guitar (we have loaner guitars if needed) Please Note Parent volunteer needed to assist with dismissal
**This class is not available to bus riders due to early dismissal time **Please note: this class is only 45 minutes. ______Maury Drama Club- Creative Drama and Players Musical Theatre
Course Descriptions
Creative Drama: 1st – 5th grades In partnership with the Little Theater of Alexandria (LTA), experienced drama instructors will provide educational and fun-filled classes that will nurture creativity, confidence and imagination for aspiring Maury thespians. Goals for the students will include learning theater terminology and history, age-appropriate theater games that will exercise their minds, bodies, voices and imaginations; and basic acting techniques and stage movements. There will also be a field trip to the Little Theater of Alexandria to learn about the stage, props, costumes, lights and special effects. The session may conclude with an informal musical performance that will showcase what they have learned. *** This class is a prerequisite for subsequent drama classes we plan to bring to you.
Teachers Rachel Alberts and Annie Vroom (provided by LTA) Enrollment 20 students (8 student minimum or class may be cancelled) Snack Will NOT be provided by due to the nature of the course Date/Time Wednesdays, 2:45-3:45 pm, (8 classes). No class November 14th and November 21st. Cost $121.00 per student, includes one-time supply fee ______
Please note: The following two classes make up the Players Musical Theatre class. Students must register for both classes in order to be in the Players Musical Theatre class. In registering for this class, students will also be required to take one Players Musical Theatre class in the winter session.
Players Musical Theatre-Drama: 2nd – 5th grade In partnership with the Little Theater of Alexandria (LTA), experienced drama instructors will coordinate with Maury music teacher Laura Koss to direct the students in a musical play and teach them about every aspect of the production process. Students will memorize dialogue, learn stage direction, hone their acting skills, sing, dance, assist in the technical aspects of the production including costumes, props and scenery and learn about "behind the scenes" action. An informal musical production will be performed at the end of the winter session. Parent volunteers are needed for dismissal and to assist the instructors and students with costumes, scenery and props. ***This class must be taken along with Tuesday's Players Musical Theatre-Drama class. Please register for both Tuesday and Thursday’s Players Musical Theatre classes.
The final Players Musical Theatre production will take place at the end of the winter session. The two fall Players Musical Theatre classes are being combined into one class for the winter session, which will be called the Players Musical Theatre class. So by registering a student for the two fall Players Musical Theatre classes, you are also making a commitment to registering the student for the combined Players Musical Theatre class in the winter session.
Teachers Rachel Alberts and Annie Vroom (provided by LTA) Enrollment 20 students (8 student minimum or class may be cancelled) Snack Will NOT be provided by due to the nature of the course Date/Time Tuesdays, 2:45-3:45 pm, (8 classes). No class on November 6th and 20th. Cost $121 per student, includes one-time supply fee Players Musical Theatre-Singing/Choreography: 2nd – 5th graders Our own talented Maury music teacher Laura Koss will coordinate with Players Musical-Drama instructors to produce a musical play for students interested in musical theatre. Goals for the students will include learning songs as well as choreography for an informal musical production to be performed at the end of the winter session. Parent volunteers are needed during class and for dismissal.
Teacher Laura Koss Enrollment 20 students (8 student minimum or class may be cancelled) Snack Will NOT be provided by due to the nature of the course Date/Time Thursdays, 2:45-3:45 pm, (8 classes). No class on November 22nd. Cost $121 per student, includes one-time supply fee Please note Parent volunteers needed to assist with dismissal
***This class must be taken along with Tuesday's Players Musical Theatre-Drama class. Please register for both Tuesday and Thursday’s Players Musical Theatre classes.
The final Players Musical production will take place at the end of the winter session. The two fall Players Musical Theatre classes are being combined into one class for the winter session, which will be called the Players Musical Theatre class. So by registering a student for the two fall Players Musical Theatre classes, you are also making a commitment to registering the student for the combined Players Musical Theatre class in the winter session.
______Science Club- K-1st Grades
Course Description Your budding scientist will explore force and motion in a fun and developmentally appropriate way led by Peggy Ashbrook, preschool science teacher, Mount Vernon Elementary School Intersessions instructor, The Early Years columnist, and Author “Science is Simple.” This class offers dynamic introduction to basic principles. How far will the ball roll? Can I build a ramp to make a marble turn a corner? Can a top spin forever? Your child will find out the answers to these questions and more in this fantastic class. Ms. Ashbrook uses open ended activities to challenge children to understand design limits so they can solve problems.
Science Club K- 1 st Grades Teacher Ms. Peggy Ashbrook Enrollment 15 students maximum (8 minimum or class may be cancelled) Snack Snack will be provided by ACPS Date/Time Mondays, 2:45-3:45 pm, (8 classes). No class on October 8th and November 19th. Cost $100 Please note Parent volunteer needed to assist in classroom and dismissal
______Tae Kwon Do
Course Description In partnership with Yang’s Tae Kwon Do Academy in Del Ray, Grand Master Yang will teach the students the basics of Tae Kwon Do, a Korean martial arts form known for its high-flying kicks. Tae Kwon Do builds strength, discipline, concentration, self-control and confidence. Master Yang has over 35 years experience in the martial arts. He is a master not only in Tae Kwon Do but a variety of other art forms including Hapkido, Gum Do, Kung Fu, Kick-Boxing, Judo and Jujitsu. In consultation with Master Yang, we continue to evolve the classes to accommodate students’ schedule and skill levels. Master Yang also applies practices from the studio by combining grades so that younger students will benefit from the exposure to older students, while older students get a chance to mentor the younger students. Good behavior at home and high academic achievement are also reinforced in class. ) *** Students who want to test for the next belt need to take 10 classes and pay the test feed of $20-$35 (for a new belt, board and certification).
Beginning and Yellow Belt: Grades 1st - 5th Teacher Master Yang Enrollment 20 students Snack Will NOT be provided due to nature of the course Date/Time Wednesday, 2:45-3:45 pm, (8 classes). No class on November 14th and November 21st. Cost $85.00 per student. If you need a replacement uniform, please let Master Yang know the first day of class and pay him directly. Please note Parent volunteer needed to assist in classroom and dismissal
Advanced Yellow Belt and Higher: Grades 1st - 5th Teacher Master Yang Enrollment 20 students Snack Will NOT be provided due to nature of the course Date/Time Friday, 2:45-3:45 pm, (8 classes). No class on November 23th. Cost $85.00 per student If you need a replacement uniform, please let Master Yang know the first day of class and pay him directly). Please Note Parent volunteers needed to assist in classroom and dismissal ______Creative Dance Club
Course Description Dance instructor and fellow Maury Mom, Silvia Burstein-Hendi will instruct this dynamic class. Born in Buenos Aries, Argentina, Silvia has been a Dancer/Choreographer with Choreographer's Collaboration Project, a local dance company based in Del Ray. Silvia is also a Staff Teacher at Ballet Nova in Arlington and teaches the after school Dance Club at Mount Vernon School as well as many workshops around the city. The class curriculum will start with a warm-up, moving on to games that develop the creativity and individuality of each child. The class will explore four different styles over the eight sessions: Jazz, Lyrical, Latin and “Create Your Own Style” because Sylvia believes in children creating new moves and being original.
Dance 1st - 5th Teacher Silvia Hendi Enrollment 14 students maximum (8 student minimum or class may be cancelled) Snack Will be provided by ACPS Date/Time Thursdays, 2:45-3:45pm, (8 classes). No class on November 22, 2012. Cost $100.00 per student, includes supply fee Please note Parent volunteer needed to assist in class and with dismissal UpCycle Kids Workshop
K – 3rd Grade
Course Description Come explore the possibilities of creating and learning with recycled materials! The UpCycle Creative Reuse Center is an organization working to promote and support artistic expression and experiential learning through the collection and redistribution of reusable materials. Both Susan Miranda and Kelley Organek have been working with children for over 15 years; Susan as an artist and art teacher and Kelley as a teacher and an administrator. The UpCycle Kids Workshop offers hands-on opportunities for participants to explore a variety of media that can be used to experiment,create and share ideas.
Teacher Susan Miranda and Kelley Organek Enrollment 15 students maximum/8 students minimum Snack Will be provided by ACPS Date/Time Fridays, 2:45-3:45 pm, (8 classes). No class on October 12thor November 23rd. Class ends December 7th. Cost $90.00 per student, includes supplies & sketchbook