Jim Hancock Rural Institutions and Natural Resources Specialist

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Jim Hancock Rural Institutions and Natural Resources Specialist

Curriculum Vitae

Jim Hancock Rural institutions and natural resources specialist

Address: Via Filippo Casini 16, Roma, 00153, Italia. Tel: +39-06 58335785; Mobile: +39-3488811028 Email: [email protected]

Born: 25th May 1966, Finland. Citizenship: UK

Personal profile  Jim Hancock has over 14 years experience in project and programme development, management, monitoring and evaluation (M&E) and research in relation to livelihoods development and natural resources. A particular focus has been on the assessment and strengthening projects and programmes dealing with rural institutions and livelihoods diversity.  Over 7 years of his experience has been in communities in coastal areas in the Philippines (EU, AsDB), but he has also been directly involved with local organizations in the UK, the Caribbean and other countries, mainly in Asia, through the work of NGOs and international agencies (DFID, FAO, World Bank, IFAD).  He has provided donor-level advice through strategic research and policy and programme reviews to donors and other rural support institutions in relation to regional and global initiatives in rural development (E.g. World Bank rural strategy implementation; DFID natural resources research; EU support to ACP countries’ fisheries policies; FAO livelihoods support programme). The strategic work include identifying and conceptualising new programmes, reviews of scaling-up of the impact of rural development initiatives, identifying principles and methods for successful participatory processes and identifying and communicating priorities for environmental policy and coastal livelihoods.  His advice is solidly grounded in field experience, where he has successfully developed participatory resource management and livelihood development projects and programmes - often relating to small- scale fisheries, and conflict over resources, but also to marginal agriculture and alternative livelihoods (such as community based tourism) and emergencies (avian influenza and tsunami) - by building stronger local institutions and equitable partnerships between different stakeholders, from community to national government, and supportive donor coordination.  Jim has contributed directly to successful changes by delivering participatory assessments of rural, natural resource and institutional issues; designing and facilitating key decision-making and strategic objective setting workshops, at times with large multiple stakeholder groups; and building key rural stakeholder capacity through hands-on experiences of participatory planning, M&E and managing implementation. Increasingly the emphasis of his work has been on building up institutional learning systems, and appropriate M&E systems and indicators to track and manage institutional change.  Jim speaks several languages and routinely convenes and works in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams.

Qualifications M.Sc. Aquatic Resources Management, King's College, University of London, 1990. B.Sc. Environmental Biology, Honours (2-i), Queen Mary College, University of London, 1988.

Languages Fluent: English, Swedish Good: Italian, Spanish, Waray (Filipino). Some French and Finnish.

Page 1 May 2005 (V.8) Career Summary

At present - Freelance Consultant:

Advising the cross-departmental, multi-disciplinary FAO Livelihood Support Programme (LSP) in developing a learning strategy, to assist sub-programmes draw lessons on from their field activities relating to sustainable livelihoods and people centred approaches, and how to integrate and mainstream findings into appropriate FAO and partner systems (since March 2005), such as FAO’s Special Programme for Food Security (SPFS). For the SPFS, Jim assisted in the facilitation of workshop on scaling-up special programs on food security to the national level for Latin America held in Guatemala.

Since February 2004, through FAO Investment Centre, providing FAO Emergency and Animal Health Services coordination and supervision support on investment design to address avian influenza crisis in Asia (FAO and World Bank projects particularly in Vietnam, but also Cambodia and Indonesia). Work includes developing multidisciplinary assessment and project communication tools, as well as reviewing financing arrangements. Jim has also strongly contributed to the initiation of the first collaborative activities between WHO and FAO/OIE on risks and impacts in the poultry market chains.

In February 2005 provided support through FAO, assisting the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries of Indonesia to consolidate a Strategy for Rehabilitation and Reconstruction of the Fishery Sector in Aceh and Sumut, ensuring coordination with AsDB and World Bank, now adopted by the Ministry.

Researcher/advisor on strategic issues (scaling-up, M&E and communication) on a research project developing policy relevant knowledge for alternative/supplementary livelihood in the coastal Caribbean (in case study countries St Lucia, Grenada, Belize, lead by University of West Indies, and DFID-funded). The focus is examining in particular the challenges to making community-based sustainable tourism and micro- credit accessible for those living in poverty in coastal areas.

August 2003 – December 2003 Coordinator, ACP Fish II Feasibility Study (EU funded) UN - FAO Fisheries department/SIFAR Assisting the team leader of a feasibility study, Jim provided central coordination for the design of a programme to support fishery policy development and implementation in 78 African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries’ governments, to be funded by the EU (Programme on Strengthening Fisheries Management in ACP Countries, or ACP Fish II). The Programme design focuses on the institutional capacity and knowledge management needs, and the mechanisms needed for delivering these across a very large number of countries and institutions. Responsibilities included the design and management of regional and final stakeholder workshops, the monitoring and evaluation aspects of the future Programme, as well as the design of associated support projects, focusing on regionally specific fisheries policy and institutional issues.

Also designed a prototype web-based knowledge exchange tool for policy stakeholders, based on recommendations arising from the above activities, under the FAO Support Unit for International Fisheries and Aquatic Research (SIFAR).

October 2002 – July 2003 Consultant, Natural resources and livelihoods specialist UN - FAO Investment Centre, Rome Jim examined best practice for, and development of new investment programmes in Asia with a focus on rural livelihoods support and institutional development. Through the Investment Centre (TCI), he was responsible for the lesson learning, M&E and institutional aspects in the formulation of a Livelihoods

Page 2 May 2005 (V.8) Support Programme in the Dry Zone of Sri Lanka for IFAD. Similarly through TCI support to the World Bank, he assisted in logframe and process design for a Bank funded project to support community-driven development through a social fund in Bangladesh, and the setting up of a Bank funded study comparing approaches and lessons on community-driven development in Vietnam. Complementing an ongoing review of best practices in integrated coastal management, Jim was also responsible for the fisheries aspects of WB preparations for a diversified agricultural income and institutional reform project in the Philippines. He also undertook the review of project results on coastal livelihoods in the evaluation of a GEF protected areas project in the same country, administered by the World Bank.

April 2002 – October 2002 Consultant, Rural development UN - FAO Investment Centre, Rome Jim was responsible for co-ordinating and writing a review of Scaling-up good practice and innovations for the World Bank Rural Development Strategy. Through discussions at the Bank and with other development agencies, Jim developed an appropriate analytical framework for assessing cases of scaling-up, coordinated consultants, co-wrote and synthesised case studies. Case studies examining apparent success of scaling-up included zero-tillage in South America, a microfinance institution in Bangladesh and participatory watershed management in India. A key focus of the review was the assessment of processes of institutional learning and change. The review draws out recommendations for enhancing targeting and mechanisms for larger scale impact.

August 2001 – March 2002 Freelance consultant, natural resources management and participatory development Designed and delivered stakeholder workshops for local authority in the UK, to enhance its capacity to generate user and economic benefits from integrating biodiversity with landscape management. For a UK estuary partnership facilitated a stakeholder process to integrate environment and socio-economic research with decision-making. This has resulted in widely endorsed proposals ready for accessing European funding. Delivered strategic research advice to DFID research programme on strengthening natural resource systems research (socio-economic methodologies and common pool resources). Produced case study on Southern Africa as part of a policy paper on transboundary water conflicts for the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.

August 1999 till July 2001 Senior Scientist, Natural Resources Institute, University of Greenwich, UK As community-based natural resource management (CB-NRM) specialist identified, designed and implemented projects to strengthen NGO, government and donor NRM support. Co-wrote review and ran workshop on scaling-up the impact of natural resources management research and projects (DFID). Provided DFID environmental advisor with strategic advice on environmental management and sustainable development for the Caribbean region. Under DFID research programme conducted field studies with local partners (Jamaica, Tobago) to identify opportunities and constraints to coastal livelihoods, and presented these in regional conference as a major basis for future research in the Caribbean. Designed the initial stages of participatory research into water supply and sanitation in watershed management (India and South Africa). Advised and designed a participatory learning system for a regional network of natural resources and environment NGOs in Thailand, Philippines and Indonesia.

Page 3 May 2005 (V.8) January 1996 – April 1999. Institutional Development & Coastal resources management Specialist. Western Samar Agricultural Resources Development Programme (WESAMAR), Philippines through RWA International. Developed the EU/Philippine government programme's institutional development strategy, ensured its participatory annual planning and budgeting, and implementation to sustain the programme's community resource management and livelihood development process. In support of the above developed and co- ordinated a rigorous but widely accepted partnership contracting process, training/workshops and performance review with NGOs and local government units to ensure community saw delivery of development results. Personally ensured the strengthening and continued engagement of a gender balanced fisher community federation. Led team in designing a proposal for a post-programme sustainability mechanism, incorporating community controlled micro-credit and commercial enterprises.

As coastal resources management specialist convened and co-ordinated negotiation on the CRM strategies and new local legislation in the area, in particular to minimise conflicts between trawlers and small-scale fishers. Undertook participatory studies of coastal management capabilities of NGOs and communities in a large bay, subsequently used as a locally accepted basis for capacity building and contracting. Designed guidelines incorporating environmental management criteria and participatory processes into micro-projects.

May 1995 - December 1995 Childcare and contracting delays

February 1992 - April 1995 Coastal Resources Management Adviser - volunteer professional Labrador Inc. (local NGO), Leyte, Philippines Initiated technical support for coastal resource management activities in pilot areas under an Asian Development Bank funded nation-wide programme. This consisted of designing and conducting of participatory resource assessments, CRM planning activities, managing participatory drafting of local legislation for resource management institutions to reduce conflicts over coastal resources. At the request of NGO management developed and delivered training to field staff, designed participatory monitoring and evaluation systems. Developed new pilot project proposals and guidelines (on bay management, artificial reefs and mangrove management) with communities and by engaging with local government and national agencies.

Designed and researched a widely circulated report comparing community based coastal resource management projects in the Philippines (through a VSO supported and EU-funded project).

November 1990 - February 1992 Environmental Technologist, University of Leicester, UK and Universidad de Concepción, Chile, UNDP. Working largely independently designed, gathered, reported and analysed biological and social information on the nature of an important fishery. Identified simple, low cost and participatory methodologies for studying pelagic fishery dynamics.

May 1990 - September 1990 Assistant Biologist, Western Uusimaa's Water Protection Board, Hanko, Finland Conducted study on the effects of an iron smelter including benthic sampling and extensive multivariate statistical analysis, incorporating historical records. Assisted in regular water quality monitoring.

Page 4 May 2005 (V.8) Selection of Reports and Publications

Hancock, Jim, 1993. Fishery Sector Program - Coastal Resource Management (FSP-CRM) Phase I in Carigara Bay' in "OUR SEA, OUR LIFE", the proceedings of the seminar workshop on community-based coastal resource management, February 7-12, 1993, Dumaguete, Edited by Lenore Polotan de la Cruz. Published by VSO Philippines. Hancock, Jim, 1994. Putting Fisherfolk First: Non-government organizations and the process of community based coastal resource management. Published by VSO Philippines. Hancock, Jim, Paul J. B. Hart and Tarcisio Antezana, 1995. Searching behaviour and catch of horse mackerel (Trachurus murphyi) by industrial purse seiners off south-central Chile' – ICES Journal of MarineScience. Volume 52, Issue 6, Pages 889-1018 (December 1995). Hancock, Jim, 1996. Assessment of the CERD-FIRMED Samar Program's Sustainable Fisheries component: indicators of community resource management capability and resource management status. Prepared on behalf of CERD- FIRMED (Helvetas). Hancock, Jim (ed.) 1999. Options and Recommendations for the Legal Entity to be established to Replace WESAMAR at programme closure scheduled for December 2000. Occasional Paper for WESAMAR (EU-GOP ALA/PHI/9215). Ridgway, Robert and Jim Hancock. 2001. Strategic Environmental Framework for DFID Caribbean. April, Report for DFID Caribbean. Guendel, Sabine, Jim Hancock and Simon Anderson, 2001. Scaling-up strategies for research in natural resources management - a comparative review. Chatham, UK: Natural Resources Institute. Downloadable in English and Spanish: http://www.livelihoods.org/static/sgundelNN_211.htm Willoughby, Nick, Alan Mills, Jim Hancock, Richard Pole, Peter Espeut, Kamau Akili, 2001. Opportunities and constraints for coastal livelihoods in the Caribbean. DFID NRSP Project R7797. Final draft. Campbell , K. Hancock, J. Robbins, M., Milner, S. Albright, K, and Tingle, C. (2001). Integrating Environmental Services into Decision Making: a discussion paper. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham , UK Guendel, Sabine and Jim Hancock, 2001. Review of outputs of DFID's portfolio of socio-economic methodologies (SEM) projects. NRSP - PD 103 Final Report. Hancock, Jim, 2003. Scaling-up for Increased Impact of Development Practice: Issues and options in support of the implementation of the World Bank’s Rural Strategy. Rural Strategy Working Paper, World Bank, Washington. http://lnweb18.worldbank.org/ESSD/ardext.nsf/11ByDocName/StrategyImplementationScalingUpInvestmentsandIn novativeApproaches SIFAR, FAO, 2003. A Feasibility Study for a programme on Strengthening Fisheries Management in ACP Countries: a Sectoral Approach. Final Report, December 2003, SIFAR/Fisheries Department, FAO, Rome. Pantin, Dennis, Dennis Brown, Michelle Mycoo, Christine Toppin-Allahar, Judith Gobin, Winston Rennie and Jim Hancock, 2004. Feasibility of alternative sustainable coastal resource-based livelihood strategies. A report for the research project commissioned by DFID NRSP. Published by SEDU, UWI St Augustine Campus, Trinidad and Tobago. Departemen Kelautan dan Perikanan, 2005. Strategy and Program for Rehabilitation and reconstruction of the Fishery Sector in Aceh and Nias – Post Earthquake and Tsunami Wave Disaster. Consultation document. Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Republic of Indonesia, Jakarta, 2005.

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