Request for Proposal

We invite teams of entrepreneurs and economic development leaders to submit proposals for WealthWorks Northwest in Idaho (WWNW). This program invites engaged communities to learn more about wealth building value chains and to explore applying these principles to your local economy. There is no secret formula to rural economic development, but these principles have led to positive change in a number of other economies across the United States., University of Idaho, Rural Development Initiatives, and Oregon State University Extension services will provide assistance to communities who are interested in adding a systems thinking approach to their current economic development practice.

WealthWorks Northwest Program: Drawing on the experience of other communities we have created an eight-month process to help regions explore the potential to foster a regional wealth creation value chain. The program is designed to help local regions learn about and adapt WWNW to their own local economies. The major components of the program include:  Identifying Sector-Based Opportunities: Learn more about the market conditions and existing assets and industries in a region; identify one value chain to pursue.  Envisioning the Value Chain and Identifying Gaps: Map out the selected value chain as it currently exists in the region.  Identifying Value Chain Stakeholders: Identify businesses and support services that would benefit from the development of the value chain.  Engaging Diverse Partners in Assessing Value Chain Potential: Identify people and resources to further evaluate the value chain’s potential and identify new business opportunities that will positively impact economically marginalized people.

Application Deadline: Regional teams should submit applications by April 30, 2016. An electronic version of the proposal should be emailed to [email protected] by 5 p.m. MDT. Selected applicants will be announced by June 30, 2016. Guidelines and Instructions for Applicants

Qualifications: Applications will be accepted from organizations/residents of Idaho and Eastern Oregon. Applicant organizations/residents should demonstrate a commitment to support rural communities and surrounding regions.

Review: Applications will be reviewed by University of Idaho and Oregon State University extension agents, RDI, and others as appropriate.

Notification Period: Successful applicants will be announced on or before June 30, 2016.

Number of Regions to be supported: Up to two applicant teams will be selected to receive technical assistance and training to help move their value chains forward.

Criteria: Successful communities/regions will be selected considering the following:  Identification of an organization to serve as a coordinator for the project  Appropriate geographic scope of regional collaboration to adequately capture necessary business connections to develop an opportunity  Agreement with existing economic development plans in the region, if plans exist  Demonstration of existing infrastructure and assets in proposed region  Preliminary evidence of market demand  Stakeholder engagement and political support  Evidence the project will positively impact economically marginalized people  Participation in an Introductory Workshop and WWNW Webinars is preferred  Applications from rural regions are preferred  Additional considerations may arise from the review committee

Submission Instructions

Submit application and supporting documents to RDI via email to Chris Lyman at [email protected]. Please direct questions to Chris Lyman via email or by phone at 541.684.9077 x2.

Please expect to receive a confirmation of receipt via email with 48 hours. If not received, please contact Chris Lyman directly. WealthWorks Northwest Idaho Exploration Opportunity Request

1. Provide the name of the organization/agency that will lead the community in this effort:

2. Indicate why this organization is a good fit. If the organization is not an official economic development organization, indicate the existing and proposed working relationships with the relevant economic development organizations within the proposed region.

3. Provide contact information for a primary point of contact from the above organization:

Name: Position Title: Email Address: Organization’s Mailing Address: Organization’s Primary Phone Number: Organization’s Website Address:

4. Describe the current capacity of the organization:

Number of Paid Full-Time Staff Members: Number of Paid Part-Time Staff Members: Average Number of Volunteers per Year:

5. Provide a description of your value chain opportunity. While this is likely to evolve, indicate the sector your region has chosen to explore and the outcomes this work will seek. You may identify more than one value chain opportunity.

6. Proposed Region and Communities included in this request:

3 7. Aligning Economic Development efforts: List and describe economic development efforts, community initiatives, and capacity building efforts that align with or may need to be aligned with the WWNW process and why. (Please describe in 500 words or less.)

8. Political support for this project: Describe your efforts to build political support for this process and include the names and job titles of regional elected officials who support this application.

9. Describe the region’s capacity to do market research and collect data. Who can the project rely upon to assess the potential of this value chain?

10. What is your understanding of the market demand for this value chain potential? Briefly describe the types of market demand within the sector you have chosen to work on. Focus on types of demand that a coordinated effort of strengthening the associated value chain could address.

11. WealthWorks brings a systems thinking approach to economic development. In this framework the impact of business development is broadly considered. Describe how you hope to impact each form of wealth through your work as applicable. See ww w .wealt h works n w .org for more information about all eight capitals.

Intellectual: Social: Individual: Natural: Built: Financial: Political: Cultural:

12. Highlight any opportunities that may be created through your project idea that may positively impact economically marginalized people.

4 13. Successful requests will have a strong team of experienced and committed leaders in economic development and relevant business sectors, and volunteers, to support the success of your endeavor. Please provide the details of your community’s WWNW team:

1 2 Name: Organization: Position Title: Email Address: Phone Number:

3 4 Name: Organization: Position Title: Email Address: Phone Number:

5 6 Name: Organization: Position Title: Email Address: Phone Number:

*list additional team members as needed*

14. Who are the stakeholders you hope to engage with during this process? Please list some of the people who would be important to the process and that you would like to include in your efforts. Also please indicate if you are currently working with this person or organization.

1 2 Name: Organization: Current relationship?

3 4 Name: Organization: Current relationship?

*list additional stakeholders as needed*