Computer Science Principles IT-CSP-1. Demonstrate employability skills required by business and industry.

IT-CSP-7. Gain insight into the operation of the internet, study characteristics of the internet and systems built upon it, and analyze important concerns, such as cybersecurity. Lesson Title: The Internet

Essential Question(s): 1. Who is in charge of the internet? 2. If a government wanted to restrict access to the internet, how would they do it?

Learning Objective(s) Students will: 1. connect a personal experience to one challenge related to the idea that "The Internet is for Everyone". 2. cite one example of how computing has a global affect -- both beneficial and harmful -- on people and society. 3. explain that the Internet is a distributed global system that works on shared and open protocols

October 9, 2017hat is Teacher’s Professional Learning Day – No School for Students a Protocol? 3. What is a number system? 4. 5. Learning Objective(s) Students will : 4. Explain how synchronizatio n and coordination enable the transmission of binary messages. 5. Develop a protocol for exchanging binary messages in two directions. 6. Calculate the bit rate for a binary message exchange. 7. Provide a definition of "bit" and relate it to the binary messages they have seen so far 8. Reason about permutations and symbols as arbitrary abstract concepts that can be used to represent numbers. 9. Invent their own “number system” with symbols and rules for getting from one permutation to the next. October 10, 2017 Assignment (s): Lesson 8: The Internet o The Internet is for Everyone o Why learn how the internet works? As Vint Cerf Says: “You can’t escape from contact with the internet. So why not get to know it? But you don’t have to take Vint Cerf’s word. Some of the largest issues facing society hinge on an understanding of how the internet functions. o Research one of the modern issues and prepare a 2-minute presentation/speech (Your choice of resource for presentation/delivery method) that explains the technical aspects of the internet that underlines that issue. . What does it mean? . Why is it meaningful to you? o Internet is for everyone- but it won’t be if… o 2 – Minute Speech Rubric o 7 Things to Do When You Have to Give a Short Speech October 11, 2017 Dress for Success: Wednesday October 11, 2017 Reading Summary (1 – 2 paragraph summary): o : Summary with in-text citations o The Impact of the Internet on Society: A Global Perspective o Use your own words Below your summary: Please answer each question. 1. From the article: Media often report that intense use of the Internet increases the risk of isolation, alienation, and withdrawal from society, but available evidence shows that the Internet neither isolates people nor reduces their sociability. It actually increases sociability, civic engagement, and the intensity of family and friendship relationships, in all cultures. o Cite your work at the end of document MLA In-Text format o Double space, 1-inch margin (Top, Bottom, Left, Right) o CSP 2nd or 6th period – First Initial Last Name – Date (footer of the page) Save as Last Name Internet Impact in CSP Article folder October 12 - 13, 2017 Internet is for everyone Presentation/Speech