A Level S.O.W. M. Nichols SCIE, 2011-12 SCHEME OF WORK FOR A LEVEL HISTORY – PAPER 5 (THE HISTORY OF THE USA c1840-1968) FIRST TOPIC: I. WESTWARD EXPANSION AND THE TAMING OF THE WEST (c.1840-96) TIME: 4 WEEKS THEME ASPECT CONTENT & AIMS RESOURCES TIME ASSES. HWK. 1. The Doctrine of a. Geographical & Political  Map of states and geography Text:Brogan:map 1 & 4 Semester Timed Complete Manifest Destiny Background  Diagram of US constitution Glossary & Blank Maps 1 Essay Maps & Basic Terms  Glossary of terms Booklet (MN) Week 1 Tests to be Glossary part of b. American Colonial  Colonial attitudes summarized ‘ Week 1 ACW & Its Origins: continuous thinking  Differences between the 1846-61’ Alan Farmer assess. WASP and Hispanic/Gallic ‘Penguin History of criteria approach the USA’ Hugh Brogan along with c. Doctrine of ‘Manifest  Ideology or Excuse? Booklet (MN) Week 1 tests on Destiny’  The Real Motives behind US other expansionism themes (= 4 tests in 2. Wars and a. The Annexation of  Reasons Booklet (MN) Week 2 total of Conquests Texas  Nature – ‘Myth versus Reality’ ‘The Alamo’ (film 40%  Discussion of film, ‘The Alamo’ clips) weighting  Consequences ‘American History’ by of S1 final Farmer & Sanders grade; EST b. War with Mexico  Causes Booklet (MN) Week 2 exam = Complete  Nature Maps 60%) booklet  Consequences http://www.worldatlas.com/webi exercises mage/testmaps/maps.htm All lessons 3. Westward a. Mormons & Utah  Mormon beliefs Booklet (MN) Week 2 will include Expansion  Brigham Young Maps ‘starters’ as  Salt Lake City Internet Site: a way of  Opposition www.wwnorton.com/america6 reinforcing including: b. The Oregon Expansion  Mountain Men Booklet (MN) Week 2 splatt,  The Pioneer Trails & Means Maps historical-  Settlement in the North-West hangman, c. The Railroads  Significance of the railroads: Booklet (MN) Week 3 spelling social, economic and political Maps bee, word d. Native Americans  Culture and Tribes Booklet (MN) Week 3 searches, Complete  Impact of whites Maps etc. Mix &  Why Natives defeated Matches e. Forty-Niners and  Gold rush of 1849 Booklet (MN) Week 4 California  How California became a state Maps Plenary f. The 1850 Compromise  Terms of the Kansas-Nebraska Booklet (MN) Week 4 Exercises settlement and its implications Maps g. The Wild West – Myth  Compare and Contrast Clips of 1950s & Week 4 and Reality traditional & revisionist images modern Western films A Level S.O.W. M. Nichols SCIE, 2011-12 h. The Later West  Summary of Inventions Booklet (MN) Week 4 Study for  End of the Frontier (Turner) Maps Test  Why Wild West ended Internet A Level S.O.W. M. Nichols SCIE, 2011-12


THIRD TOPIC: III. CIVIL WAR AND RECONSTRUCTION (1861-1877) TIME: 5 WEEKS THEME ASPECT CONTENT & AIMS RESOURCES TIME ASSES HWK 1. The Civil a. The Sides  Map of states involved Tracing paper Semester Timed test War  Strengths Booklet (MN) 1 essays (1861-1865)  Weaknesses Maps Weeks 10- (part of http://www.worldatlas.com/webi 12 cont. mage/testmaps/maps.htm assess. b. The Leadership  Abraham Lincoln Booklet (MN) weighting Table to fill  Jefferson Davis Feature film: ‘Lincoln’ procedure- in c. The Border States  Kansas Booklet (MN) set four  Missouri Maps essays in S1; total d. The Military Aspects  The nature of the armies Feature film: ‘Glory’ weighting =  Campaigns & Battles Booklet (MN) th 40%, i.e.  54 Massachusetts Regt. Maps each essay e. The Europeans  British attitudes Booklet (MN) is worth  Diplomatic initiatives Maps 10% of final f. The Emancipation  Why passed by Lincoln Booklet (MN) grade; EST Proclamation  Consequences Maps = 60%) g. The Confederate State  Weaknesses of political system Booklet (MN) h. Wartime Union politics  Civil liberties Booklet (MN) All lessons will include  1864 elections ‘Gangs of New York’ ‘starters’ as i. Grant & Lee  Comparisons and Contrasts https://marknicholshistory.wikisp Table to fill aces.com a way of reinforcing in j. Why did the South lose?  Reasons for Confederate Spider diagram including: failure splatt, 2. a. Effects of the War  Comparison bt. North & South Table to fill in Week 13- historical- Reconstruction b. Reconstruction  Lincoln and Johnson’s Booklet (MN) 14 hangman, spelling (1865-1877) programs ‘ American History’ bee, word  Congressional attitudes Farmer & Sanders searches,  Impeachment of Johnson etc. c. Effects of Reconstruction  On blacks Booklet (MN) Plenary Compare  On White Southerners Hugh Brogan: ‘The Exercises &  The Younger-James gang Penguin History of the Contrasts US’ table d. Grant’s Presidency  New emphases Booklet (MN)  Policies towards blacks e. End of Reconstruction  Reinstatement of status Booklet (MN) quo in the South? A Level S.O.W. M. Nichols SCIE, 2011-12 SCHEME OF WORK FOR A LEVEL HISTORY – PAPER 5 (THE HISTORY OF THE USA c1840-1968)

SIXTH TOPIC: VI. CIVIL RIGHTS (1895-1968) TIME: 5 WEEKS THEME ASPECT CONTENT & AIMS RESOURCES TIME ASSES HWK 1. The Position of a. Black Approaches  Condition of Blacks in 1900 Booklet (MN) Semester Timed test Research Blacks in 1900  Washington v. Du Bois 2 essays on early Week 11 (part of leaders b. NAACP  Aims and Achievements Booklet (MN) continuous assess.  Weaknesses and failures weighting 2. WWI and Black a. Black Soldiers  Experiences in army Booklet (MN) Week 12 procedure; People  Achievements on Western front set four essays in b. Black Civilians  Experiences on Home Front S2; total weighting = 40%, i.e. each essay is worth 10% of final 3. Racism a. The KKK  Origins Booklet (MN) grade;  Aims and Actions Mock =  Revival 60%) b. The South  Jim Crow, etc. All lessons c. The North  Nature of discrimination will include  Which was worse: North or ‘starters’ as South? a way of 4. The 1930s and 40s a. The New Deal  How did Roosevelt affect blacks? Booklet (MN) Week 13 reinforcing b. WWII  What was the role of blacks? Clip from ‘American including:  ‘Zoot suit’ riots Me’ splatt, historical- hangman, 5. The Fight for Civil a. Schools  The Brown Case Booklet (MN) Week 14 spelling bee, word Rights b. Martin Luther King Jnr.  Biography of King Excerpts of searches,  Non –Violent tactics Feature Films: etc. c. Violent action  Malcolm X, Carmichael, Cleaver ‘Malcolm X’ Table of  Black Muslims ‘Mississippi Burning’ comparing  Black Panthers & Sam Cooke’s music MX & MLK Plenary th 6. Achievements and a. Legal Progress  Civil rights Acts/24 Amendment Booklet (MN) Week 15 Exercises Tragedies b. Violence  Assassinations Obituaries of Rosa www.dailyteleg raph.co.uk  Riots – Watts, etc. Parks c. Native Americans &  Civil rights of Indians Other Minorities  Civil rights of Chinese, etc. d. The Overall Bill  Assessment of the struggle A Level S.O.W. M. Nichols SCIE, 2011-12 SCHEME OF WORK FOR A LEVEL HISTORY – PAPER 5 (THE HISTORY OF THE USA c1840-1968) SECOND TOPIC: II SOURCEWORK: THE ORIGINS OF THE AMERICAN CIVIL WAR (1846-1861) TIME: 5 WEEKS THEME ASPECT, AIMS & CONTENT RESOURCES TIME ASSES. HWK 1. The Question  Debate over slavery – pro and abolitionist viewpoints ‘The American Civil Semester Timed test of Slavery  Debate over extension of slavery into new states War & Its Origins 1 essays  Compromise solutions like the Mason-Dixie line 1848-65’ Alan Farmer Week 5 (part of cont Booklet (MN) assess. weighting procedure; set four 2. States’ Rights  Debate on whether states had the right to secede Booklet (MN) Week 6 essays in  Views of states rightists and unionists S1; total  The Constitution – was it flawed? weighting = 40%, i.e. each essay is worth 10% of final 3. The Economic  Mutually exclusive economic systems – incompatible? Booklet (MN) Week 7 grade; EST Create Divide  Diagramatic and graphical representations of the Graphs = 60%) graphs on economic systems Statistics North- All lessons South will include ‘starters’ as divide 4. The Leading  Biographies and roles of major figures including: Clay, Booklet (MN) Week 7 a way of Finish Protagonists Calhoun, Douglas, Seward, Buchanan and Lincoln reinforce. papers for  Fill in biographical details on pre-War presidents and includ: Hwk their culpability for the events of 1861-65 splatt, historical- hangman, spelling 5. The Key Crises  1848-50 Booklet (MN) Week 9 bee, word  1860-1861 searches,  Could War have broken out before 1861? etc.

6. The  Traditional Views Booklet (MN) Week 9 Historiography  Revisionist views Plenary Exercises

7. Practice Papers  Go over source techniques UCLES Past papers Week 9-  Practice past papers www.teachers.cie.org.uk 10  Timed test essays www.students.cie.org.uk A Level S.O.W. M. Nichols SCIE, 2011-12

SCHEME OF WORK FOR GCE LEVEL HISTORY – PAPER 5 (THE HISTORY OF THE USA c1840-1968) FIFTH TOPIC: V BOOM AND BUST(1920-1941) TIME: 7 WEEKS THEME ASPECT CONTENT & AIMS RESOURCES TIME ASSES HWK 1. The Post-War a. Against  Reasons for US isolationism Booklet (MN) Semester 2 Timed test Why US Reaction Internationalism  Attitudes towards League of Week 1 essays stayed out Nations (part of of continuous LEAGUE assess. b. Against Progressivism  Reasons for new weighting conservatism procedure; c. Election of  Harding/Coolidge and their ethos set four Republicans essays in 2. Prohibition a. Motives  Why prohibition passed Booklet (MN) Week 2 S2; total b. Nature  Gangsterism ‘The Untouchables’ weighting =  Corruption feature film 40%, i.e. c. Impact  Criminalisation of USA each essay is worth 3. The 1920s a. Society  Culture: Music, Dance, Fashion Booklet (MN) Week 3 10% of final Boom b. Economy  Investment ‘The Great Gatsby’ grade;  Industry and Farming feature film Mock =  Financial Scandals 60%)  Bigotry & Prejudice All lessons 4. The Great a. Causes  Overproduction Booklet (MN) Week 4-5 will include Complete Depression  Innate Poverty Flow diagrams to ‘starters’ as flow  Credit systems explain causation of a way of diagrams  Protectionism Great Depression reinforcing b. Nature  Unemployment including:  Homelessness splatt,  Internal Migration historical- hangman, Feature film: ‘The  Bankruptcies spelling c. Impact  Hoovervilles Grapes of Wrath’ bee, word  Riots, Marches and Strikes Encourage students searches,  Danger of revolution? to read Steinbeck etc. 5. The New Deal a. Purpose & Aims  ‘Nothing to fear, but fear itself’ Booklet (MN) Week 9 b. Nature  Various bodies that were Plenary Mix/Match created: CCC, AAA, NRA, WPA, Exercises Exercises c. Opposition  Supreme Court, etc. 6. Assessment of a. Positives  Alleviation of suffering Booklet (MN) Week 10 the New Deal b. Negatives  Did it conquer unemployment? c. Role of WWII  The real cure for the Depression? A Level S.O.W. M. Nichols SCIE, 2011-12


FOURTH TOPIC: IV. THE USA’S RISE AS A WORLD POWER (1890-1945) TIME: 4 WEEKS THEME ASPECT CONTENT & AIMS RESOURCES TIME ASSES. HWK 1. The Rise of US a. The Old Myth  Debunk idea America was Blank Maps of World Semester Timed test Map of US Imperialism not an imperialist nation 1 essays (part of colonies b. 1898  Annexation of Spanish Maps of Americas Week 14 continuous empire: Cuba, Puerto Rico & Feature Film: ‘The assess. weighting the Philippines Rough Riders’ procedure; set c. The Canal  Control over Panama and Booklet (MN) four essays in motives behind it S1; total d. Teddy Roosevelt  Roosevelt’s Policies Booklet (MN) weighting = 40%, i.e. each 2. US and WWI a. 1914-17  Neutrality and reasons behind it Booklet (MN) Week 15 essay is worth b. 1917-1918  Reasons for entry into WWI Booklet (MN) 10% of final  US contribution to victory grade; EST =  Effects of War on US incl. debts 60%) and reparations All lessons will c. Woodrow Wilson  The Fourteen Points Booklet (MN) include  Versailles ‘starters’ as a  The League of Nations way of 3. Post-WWI a. Isolationism  Rejection of Versailles Booklet (MN) Week 16 reinforcing Policy  Refusal to join League of Nations including: b. Neutrality  Washington Conferences Booklet (MN) splatt, Table to fill  Kellog-Briand Pact historical- in on  Dawes and Young Plans hangman, confers. 4. FDR’s Policy a. Partial Isolationism Booklet (MN) Week 17 spelling bee,  ‘Good neighbour’ policy word searches,  Policy in the Far East etc. b. WWII  Neutrality acts Booklet (MN)  Lend-Lease Feature Film: ‘Pearl  War with Japan and Germany Harbor’  US contribution to victory

Plenary Exercises 5. Post-WWII a. Wartime Conferences  Yalta Booklet (MN) Week 17 Policy  Potsdam  San Francisco & UNO b. The First Superpower  The USA in 1945 Booklet (MN) A Level S.O.W. M. Nichols SCIE, 2011-12


2. a.  b.  c.  d.  3. a.   Timed Essay in Class 4.   

Timed Essay in Class 5.   

Timed Essay in Class 6.   

Timed Essay in Class