A Copy of the “Open Meetings Act” Has Been Posted on the Bulletin Board on the East Side in the Council Chambers.

LYONS CITY COUNCIL AGENDA July 5, 2016 – 5:30 P.M.

The City Council reserves the right to go into Executive Session at any time as deemed appropriate and in accordance with State Statute. I. ROUTINE BUSINESS

1. Meeting called to order.

II. PUBLIC HEARING 1. Mayor Fuston to open a Budget Public Hearing to consider AMENDING the Adopted 2015-2016 budget. Close Hearing.

III. CONSENT AGENDA Recommended Action: Approval of Consent Agenda NOTE: All items are automatically approved when the Consent Agenda is approved unless moved to the Regular Agenda by the request of any single Council member. 1. Dispense with reading of minutes of meetings held June 7 and June 16. 2. Claims as presented. 3. Treasurer report. Motion and second to approve the Consent Agenda/Tabulation of Vote.

IV. REGULAR AGENDA / NEW BUSINESS Consideration and Action:

1. Katie Kyker of The Bridge and Abby Simonsen – Request permission to close the street downtown and alert businesses on August 3 to host a film screening event at the Lyons’ Storefront Theater.

2. Robert Byrnes – Discuss utilities.

3. Consider Ordinance 726: Amend the adopted 2015-2016 Budget. a. Motion to suspend the Statutory requirement of reading on three separate days. b. Motion and second from Council Members to adopt Ordinance 726. c. Tabulation of votes.

4. Police report by Chief Buck.

5. Library & Grant reports by Mike Heavrin.

6. Pool Report by Fae Fuston.

7. Utilities report. a. State St Water Services. b. EAI Water Tower Proposal. c. Swimming Pool. d. Auditorium. LYONS CITY COUNCIL AGENDA July 5, 2016 – 5:30 P.M.

8. Clerk’s Report. a. Income Statement – General. b. Income Statement – Utility. c. Budget Reports – General and Utility. d. Are there any special projects to budget for Fiscal Year 2016/2017 from the Council? What percentage for wage increases? Need amounts to budget. e. Set up a Budget Workshop meeting for later July or August.

9. Discuss having a deposit and rental amount for the Main Street Theater.

10. Discuss the new ruling on Overtime effective December 1, 2016.

11. Executive Session - Personnel Review of Jorma Hedges.

12. Motion and second by Council members to adjourn the meeting. a. Tabulation of vote.