Patient Participation Group Meeting 10th December 2012

Apologies: Ruth Thurston, Malcolm Minns, Len Lanigan, Pauline Maynard

1. Minutes of meeting held on 25th June 2012 The minutes were approved as a true record.

2. Matters Arising Suggested changes to seating in waiting room The suggestion had not been actioned as timescales for expected move to new development not yet finalized. The practice would wish to ensure that any new seating at the present site would be transportable and interchangeable at the new site.

PPG Group Membership Jenny circulated posters that had been drawn up by Evans Scott (practice IT Manager). These had been displayed in the practice with date of next meeting in the hope of attracting new members.

A member of the group circulated a newsletter from Haven Health which was eye-catching and informative. Jenny would consider some of the topics for inclusion in our next newsletter.

One of the group gave details of Mr. Keith Cameron who had expressed an interest in joining the group. Jenny would send a copy of the minutes with an invitation to attend the next meeting.

Dr. Moon Sickness Absence Dr. Moon continues to improve and the practice is hopeful that he will return to work around April 2013. The group asked that their best wishes be conveyed to Dr. Moon.

3. Redevelopment Update Jenny provided update that the practice was currently involved in the legal aspects associated with the move. We were still hopeful that the move and opening would take place around March 2014.

4. Central Surgery GP and Nurse Practitioner Recruitment Drive The surgery is in an unprecedented period of change at the moment. Dr. Heidi McDowell will leave us on 31st December 2012 to be with her fiancé in Cambridge. The practice will be interviewing for a replacement GP before Christmas.

Nurse Practitioner Rita Foreman will leave on 31st December 2012 to take up a community based role working closer to her home.

Nurse Practitioner Teresa Bryden will leave on 4th January taking up a position in Essex to be nearer to her family.

The practice will be interviewing for replacement Nurse Practitioners over the next 2 weeks.

Recruitment of GP’s nationally, but particularly in Suffolk is very difficult. The Commissioning Locality Group is looking to put plans in place to attract GP’s to this area. Patient Participation Group Meeting 10th December 2012

5. Chairperson Mr. Minns had telephoned Jenny to convey he was stepping down from the Chairperson position with immediate effect. Jenny had thanked Mr. Minns for his contributions to the group.

We discussed whether any existing member would be prepared to take on the Chairperson position. Several members felt that Mrs. Pauline Maynard may be willing to take on this position and Jenny would pose this question when sending the minutes.

Marilyn Dawson confirmed that if Pauline did not wish to take this role on then she would be happy to oblige.

6. Patient Satisfaction Survey Progress Jenny apologized for the delay in arranging the survey. With the new computer system and the work that had entailed the survey had to be delayed and was currently in progress. Jenny hoped to have the survey completed by the end of December ready to send away for analysis. The results would hopefully be available towards the end of January for discussion at the next meeting.

7. Would we be interested in meeting with other Felixstowe PPG Groups? Jenny had been approached by Walton Surgery to ask if we would be willing to have one meeting with their group to try and identify common themes.

Our group felt this would be helpful to have one meeting to identify similar themes but would not wish to lose our independence.

James Glaysher suggested that there was a room available at Margery Girling House that could be used to host a joint meeting.

Jenny would liaise with the other surgery to identify a suitable date. It was felt that our next meeting would be needed to discuss our survey results so a joint meeting would need to be later in the year.

8. Date of next meeting Calendar not available. Jenny to check and propose next date.

Proposed date: Monday 18th February 2013 at 7p.m

Attendees: Name Representing Jenny Molloy Practice manager James Glaysher PPG Member Sue Brace PPG Member Marilyn Dawson PPG Member Gina Widdowson PPG Member Jan Apthorpe PPG Member