The Division Operating Budget Summary provides the Vice Presidents an overall view of historical and current expenses for each of their respective departments. The summary also provides proposed budget changes, populated by the BUDZEROs for the upcoming fiscal year in order to meet the final budget targets. Each Vice President will present their Division Budget Summary to the Budget Committee.

The Division Budget Summary provides the following detail information:  3 Years of Historical Actual Expenses  Current FY2018 Budget  Current FY2018 Expended  Projected Year-End Expended FY2018  Continuing Budget Expenses FY2019  New Budget Expenses (Decision Package) FY2019  Projected Budget Total FY2019  Dollar Budget Change FY2019 (compared to FY2018 Budget)  Percentage Budget Change FY2019 (compared to FY2018 Budget)

Please follow the instructions below to run the new BUDGET SUMMARY in Cardinal Financials.

1. Log into Cardinal Financials

2. Navigate on the left side menu: a. Reporting Tools - PS/nVision - Click on “Define Scope”

1 | P a g e 3. In Define Scope screen, set the following criteria: a. SetID: CUA b. Report Scope: BUDSMRY c. Click on “Search”

4. In Scope Definition screen: a. Select Value – Search for or enter the respective area a.i. PRESIDENT a.ii. VP FINANCE a.iii. VP ENROLLMENT MGT a.iv. VP STUDENT AFFAIRS a.v. VP INST ADVANCEMNT GEN’L INSTITUTIONAL a.vii. ACADEMIC b. Click on “SAVE” c. On the same screen, Click on “Report Request”

2 | P a g e 5. In the NVision Report Request screen a. *As of Reporting Date – keep as “Today’s Date” b. Click on “Save” c. Click on “Run Report”

6. A new window, the Report Manager, will open to provide the Budget Summary or list of summaries. a. Click “refresh” button to update the screen until report runs and the status is ‘Posted’ b. Click on title and the report will open up in Excel c. Save or print out the report

3 | P a g e 7. The Budget Summaries will automatically provide the division’s list of departments.  If a department is missing, please following the directions below: i. In the “ADDED NEW ORGS” section, enter the Org # and Org Name. ii. The data will be populated once the org’s BUDZERO tab is copied and moved into the Budget Summary. iii. Please ensure the org # entered and the BUDZERO org # matches. If there is a mismatch the data will not populate.

Directions to COPY and MOVE the BUDZERO into the respective BUDGET SUMMARY:

1. Locate and open the saved Budget Summary.

2. In the same Budget Summary workbook, open the BUDZERO associated with the Budget Summary.

3. The following are CRITICAL instructions for the data to be accurately populated.

a. Right click on the BUDZERO tab (Org Number) and select Move or Copy

4 | P a g e b. The Move or Copy command window will open

5 | P a g e c. In the command window, check the box “Create a copy”

d. Under the “To book:”, using the drop-down menu, to select the Budget Summary

6 | P a g e e. Select the associated Budget Summary

f. Click “OK”

7 | P a g e g. After clicking “OK”, select "(move to end)

h. Click “OK”

i. After clicking “OK”, the BUDZERO will be copied and moved to the Budget Summary

8 | P a g e 4. Once the BUDZERO has been copied and moved, the total data for each respective column will automatically populate into the “SUMMARY” tab.

5. Continue with the same process for listed orgs.

6. Again, if orgs are not reflected, please use the “ADDED NEW ORGS” section. The respective totals will be automatically reflected in the above “Totals” row.

7. Review the Division Budget Summary to make sure it agrees to your individual BUDZERO reports. If you have any issues, please contact your Budget Office representative.

8. Please have the VP sign the Budget Summary and the BUDZERO reports as well as email the completed attachments to the appropriate Budget Office staff member. For more information or have any questions, please contact the appropriate budget staff.


Rita Kovach, Non-academic: Director President’s Office (includes General Counsel, Office of Email: [email protected]; Compliance, University Relations & Public Safety) Phone: x6300 Finance (includes HR, Technology Services, and Facilities) Institutional Advancement (includes Alumni Relations) Student Life (includes Athletics & Auxiliary Services) Enrollment Management

Paula Blackwell, Non-academic: Enterprise Budget Systems President’s Office (includes General Counsel, Office of Email: [email protected] Compliance, University Relations & Public Safety) Phone: x6283 Finance (includes HR, Technology Services, and Facilities) Institutional Advancement (includes Alumni Relations) Student Life (includes Athletics & Auxiliary Services) Enrollment Management

Tom Peters Provost and Academic Departments Assistant Director, Financial Planning (includes Columbus School of Law) Email: [email protected] Phone: x6356

Allyson Handley Provost and Academic Departments Senior Budget Analyst (includes Columbus School of Law) Email: [email protected] Phone: x6108

Jonathan Aaron Provost and Academic Departments Budget Analyst (includes Columbus School of Law) Email: [email protected] Phone: x6355

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