Unit One: Constitutional Foundations

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Unit One: Constitutional Foundations




READINGS: Textbook Chapters 1-3; and the essay "How Democratic Is America?" by Howard Zinn

OBJECTIVES: By the end of this unit each student will be able to: 1) Recount and analyze the 10 criticisms of American democracy made by Howard Zinn. 2) Define and use basic terminology used in discussing different types of democracies. 3) Discuss the 8 perceived weaknesses of the government created by Articles of Confederation. 4) Analyze the Philadelphia Convention and discuss in detail the main compromises included in the Constitution. 5) Define the 6 main principles of the Constitution and identify each of the 27 Amendments to it. 6) Identify the different checks and balances included in our system of government and discuss specific examples of those from our history.

EVALUATION: QUIZ – Fri., Sept. 2 (Chapter 1 & Zinn) QUIZ – Wed., Sept. 21 (Chapter 2) QUIZ – Tues., Oct. 4 (Chapter 3) TEST – Thurs., Oct. 6 (ALL)

ASSIGNMENTS: The THREE assignments for each chapter are due to turnitin.com on the day of the quiz for that chapter.

ASSIGNMENT #1: Chapter 1 Key Terms 1) government; 2) public policies; 3) 3 basic kinds of power exercised by every govt: a) legislative; b) executive; c) judicial; 4) constitution; 5) democracy; 6) politics; 7) 4 characteristics of a state: a) population; b) territory; c) sovereignty; d) government; 8) 4 theories of the origin of the state: a) force theory; b) evolution theory; c) divine right theory; d) social contract theory; 9) 6 purposes of government as outlined in the Preamble; 10) direct democracy; 11) representative democracy; 12) autocracy; 13) oligarchy; 14) unitary government; 15) federal government; 16) confederation government; 17) presidential government; 18) parliamentary government; 19) 5 basic concepts of American democracy: a) worth of individual; b) equality; c) majority rule/minority rights; d) compromise; e) individual freedom; 20) anarchy; 21) free enterprise system; 22) law of supply and demand; 23) mixed economy.

ASSIGNMENT #2: Chapter 1 Questions p. 10, Q 7. p. 16, Q 1, 2 & 4. p. 22, Q 1, 6 & 7. ASSIGNMENT #3: Chapter 1 Extension Activity (mini-essay)

Research a proposition that was on the ballot in California in a recent (within the past 10 years) election. Describe what the proposition would have done and state whether you would have voted yes or no on it and why. Also, discuss whether you like this form of direct democracy or whether you would prefer to leave issues like this up to elected officials to decide.

ASSIGNMENT #4: Chapter 2 Key Terms 1) 3 ideas about government held by colonists: a) ordered government; b) limited government; c) representative government; 2) Magna Carta; 3) Petition of Right; 4) Bill of Rights (English); 5) charter; 6) 3 types of colonies: a) royal colonies; a) proprietary colonies; c) charter colonies; 7) bicameral v. unicameral; 8) New England Confederation; 9) Albany Plan of Union; 10) Stamp Act Congress; 11) First Continental Congress; 12) Second Continental Congress; 13) July 4, 1776; 14) 4 common features of state constitutions: a) popular sovereignty; b) limited govt.; c) civil rights & liberties; d) separation of powers/checks & balances; 15) Articles of Confederation; 16) ratification; 17) weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation; 18) Shays’ Rebellion; 19) Mount Vernon Conference; 20) Annapolis Convention; 21) Constitutional Convention; 22) Framers; 23) “Father of the Constitution”; 24) original purpose of Philadelphia convention; 25) Virginia Plan; 26) New Jersey Plan; 27) Connecticut Compromise; 28) 3/5 compromise; 29) commerce & slave trade compromise; 30) ratification requirement; 31) Federalists; 32) Anti-Federalists; 33) 2 major issues of opposition to the Constitution; 34) The Federalist; 35) temporary capital city for new government.

ASSIGNMENT #5: Chapter 2 Questions p. 32, Q 4. p. 39, Q 5 & 7. p. 47, Q 5 & 6. p. 54, Q 2, 3 & 4. p. 58, Q 3 & 5.

ASSIGNMENT #6: Chapter 2 Extension Activity (mini-essay)

Research the basic structure of the three branches of the California state government. Discuss some of the similarities and differences between this structure and that of the national government as created by the Constitution.

ASSIGNMENT #7: Chapter 3 Key Terms 1) 6 basic principles of the Constitution: a) popular sovereignty; b) limited govt.; c) separation of powers; d) checks & balances; e) judicial review; f) federalism; 2) 4 methods of formal amendment of the Constitution; 3) the 27 Amendments; 4) 5 means of informal amendment: a) legislation; b) executive action; c) court decisions; d) party practices; e) custom.

ASSIGNMENT #8: Chapter 3 Questions p. 70, Q 4 & 7. p. 77, Q 3 & 4. p. 82, Q 5.

ASSIGNMENT #9: Chapter 3 Extension Activity (mini-essay)

Research and discuss a recent (within the past 10 years) example of checks and balances in action in our national government. Explain the basic facts of what happened, who was checking whom, how and why. Also, be sure to identify exactly which constitutional check and balance was utilized.

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