Betchworth Parish Council s1

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Betchworth Parish Council s1


Present: Councillors Wilson, Chalker, Hardy, Higgins, Hurman and the Clerk. PCSO’s Ivor Williams and Amy Lucas also attended part time.

1 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE (79) Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Innes and Stimpson.

2 MINUTES (80) The Minutes of the Meeting held on 1st June 2009 were approved without amendment, and signed by the Chairman as a true and correct record.

3 MATTERS ARISING (81) Councillor Hardy reported that Paul Tanner was willing to co-ordinate the Emergency Plan in conjunction with Councillors Hardy and Stimpson. There would have to be a customised plan, and it was suggested that this should follow the style of the Buckland Plan, which had appointed road monitors, along the lines of the former Visitors Scheme. Action: Paul Tanner & Councillors Hardy & Stimpson

4 CRIME AND ORDER (82) PCSO Ivor Williams tabled details of the seven offences recorded in the Parish recently. These involved two burglaries, two thefts, two instances of criminal damage and yet another theft of diesel from Frank’s yard. Four thefts from Wyevale Nurseries were also noted.

(83) Parishioners were advised to be alert to the dangers of leaving windows and doors open during spells of hot weather.

5 PLANNING New Applications and Appeals (84) MO/2009/0480/OUT The Old Barley Mow, Old Reigate Road, Betchworth. Outline application for the consideration of 7 No. dwellings (3 No. detached with three bedrooms and 4 No. semi-detached with two bedrooms) with all matters reserved. A response to this application suggesting a Grampian condition for the transfer of the access to the A25 had already been made.

(85) MO/2009/0481/OUTMAJ The Old Barley Mow Site, Old Reigate Road, Betchworth. Outline application for the construction of 9 No. commercial units with a combined floor space of 2080sqm with all matters reserved. Agreed to support this application and the transfer of the access to the A25 as it would resolve many of the problems experienced by the Barley Mow Court residents, and reduce the traffic flow through the village. Response to sent by 10/7/09 including a number of conditions:-

 Bank levels raised to screen sheds from pedestrian level  Swap large unit (5) with unit 2 or 3 (away from housing)  No roundabout on the A25  Shed heights restricted to (5.91m from existing ground levels)  No external storage  No external lighting  Limits on HGV usage (No refrigerated vans or noise overnight)

9  Restrict usage to B1 and B8 (quote definition of B1), and oppose B2  Operating hours limited to existing with no use at weekends/bank holidays Action: Clerk letter

(86) MO/2009/0555/PLAH Brockham Park Cottage, Gadbrook Road, Betchworth. Erection of part single, part two storey side extension. Concern expressed at the size of the extension (59% since 1968), this was inappropriate in the Green Belt Action: Clerk letter of objection

(87) MO/2009/0472/PLA & MO/2009/0473/LBC The Dolphin Inn (PH), The Street, Betchworth. Erection of a single storey side and rear extension. Internal alterations to expand dining facilities. Demolition of existing garage and alterations to car park layout. Letter already sent to the Brewery expressing village concerns. Plans did not reflect discussions held with the Architect and MVDC planners which had featured traffic and car parking problems. Agreed to write reiterating these concerns and again requesting regularization of consent for the use of the garden. Action: Clerk letter

(88) MO/2009/0633/PLAH 13, Tranquil Dale, Buckland. Extend and alter roof. (Buckland, Within 20m of Betchworth Parish). No comment.

Results (89) MO/2009/0444/PLAH Gadbrook Cottage, Little Abbots Farm, Snowerhill Road, Betchworth. Erection of single storey extension onto southern part of the dwelling following demolition of existing garage/outbuildings. Approved with Conditions.

(90) MO/2009/0387/TFC 7, Lazell Gardens, Betchworth. To rear of property: reduce height of 4 No. Leyland Cypress trees (T1 - T4 on plan) by 50%; reduce the height of 12 No. Conifer trees (T5 - T16 on plan) by 2 metres. Approved with Conditions.

(91) MO/2009/0490/PLAH & MO/2009/0491/LBC Woodstock Farm, Gadbrook Road, Betchworth. Demolish and reconstruct 1950s addition to farmhouse and erect a two storey linked extension at rear. Remove the tile hanging and cement render and reinstate a thatched roof. Refused.

Other Matters (92) Hartsfield Manor Appeal APP/C3620/A/08/2090058 Permission granted on 22/5/09 for change of use to a conference/training centre and hotel. Noted that there were a number of conditions which included restrictions on parking for persons absent from the premises for 24 hours, amplified music outside the buildings, fireworks (except 5/11 and 1/1), erection of pedestrian signs, improvement to vehicular access and an approved travel plan.

(93) Barley Mow Enforcement There was still no official action from SCC/MVDC re renewed recycling activity. Understood that a planning application had been submitted, but not accepted, by SCC for a Waste Transfer Station, and that an Environment Agency License for Fairlight to chip wood had also been granted. Agreed to write to SCC (copy to MVDC) stating that another transfer station adjacent

10 to Barley Mow Court was unacceptable. Action: Clerk letter

6 FINANCE (94) The monthly financial summary was tabled showing the current situation.

(95) The following accounts were approved for payment and cheques signed:-

i.) Hamilton Room Hire(June/July) £33.00 ii.) D Ellott (Grounds Mtce) £714.67 (incl £93.22 VAT) iii.) B Hawkins (Salary & Stamps) £442.64 iv.) HM Customs & Revenue (Tax) £5.66 v.) Betchworth Village Hall (VP 4/6/09) £43.50 vi.) Karen Wilson (VP) Lamination £5.99 vii.) Nat West (RG) VP Refreshments) £77.43 viii.) Braidwood & Co (Audit) £138.00 (incl £18.00 VAT) ix.) Surrey Hills Soc Membership £15.00 x.) GACC Membership £10.00

7 HIGHWAYS AND FOOTPATHS (96) Chairman had examined the Pavement from the Station to The Coombe and reported that this had recently been strimmed (as had a stretch of Wonham Lane). Not clear who had undertaken this work. The seat was capable of repair and he undertook to replace the two missing slats. Action: Chairman

(97) Councillors Hardy and Chalker had investigated the routing problem with footpath 460. This would resolve when the original routing of the footpath was reinstated. Date for this to be checked along with the recent audit of quarrying. Chairman was anxious to see the formation of a Sandpit Liaison Committee.

(98) Complaints received about the overgrown state of the School Path. Clerk reported that the problem area was confined to the 200m nearest the Post Office. Action: Clerk, letter 8 CHILDRENS HOLIDAY ACTIVITIES (99) Councillor Hardy provided contact details for Katie Mackenzie who was taking charge of the Holiday Activities from 1st October.

(100) Clerk confirmed that he had recently received the Risk Assessments for the summer programme and had forwarded these to AllianzCornhill.

9 GOULBURN GREEN (101) Large apple tree to the north of the green appeared to have died. Agreed to remove the tree, suggested that Doug Downes or Mattree should be asked to quote. Action: Clerk

10 ALLOTMENTS AND BURIAL GROUND (102) Ministry of Justice questionnaire regarding the state of Memorials received. This referred to a publication issued in January 2009 which had not been received. Action: Clerk & Chairman


11 Active Papers (103) Communications received requiring Council response were distributed, as per Appendix 3 (Active Items) and resolved as follows:- i.) BAA Gatwick Consultation Draft Noise Plan. GACC commentary also subsequently received. Information to be passed to Councillor Innes to respond by 7/10/09. Action: Councillor Innes

ii.) SEERA consultation on New Policy H7 Gypsies etc. Deadline 28/8/09. Action: Councillor Wilson

Other Matters (104) Other Communications received as per Appendix 4 (Passive Items) were distributed for Councillors to peruse and report back as appropriate, at the next meeting.

(105) Buckland Parish Council was seeking a grant to refurbish their bus shelter and had enquired if other Parishes with similar shelters were interested in participating. Agreed that there was no point in refurbishing the shelter by the Village Hall, however Councillor Hardy would inspect the differently designed shelter by the shop. Action: Councillor Hardy

(106) Clerk reported that three new websites had been created for Buckland Village, Buckland Church and Betchworth Church. These would be announced shortly and would include references to the Betchworth PC website. He was concerned that the St Michael’s website included a page on funeral arrangements but didn’t mention the Burial Ground. Discussion ensued about the need for more than one village website and what should appear on each.

(107) Fly posting was becoming a local problem again. Noted that SCC Highways were likely to promptly remove anything which could distract motorists.

16 DATES OF FUTURE MEETINGS (108) Future meetings of the Council were confirmed as Mondays 3 rd August and 7 th September, both at 8.00pm in the Hamilton Room. Action: ALL

(109) The Rural Area Forum Meeting due on 8th July at Beare Green. Action: Councillor Wilson

(110) There were no volunteers to write an article for the August magazine. Action: Councillor Wilson and Clerk

(111) Chairman closed the meeting at 10.10pm.


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