Twin City Model Railroad Museum
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TWIN CITY MODEL RAILROAD MUSEUM 2017 Participating Membership Application PLEASE PRINT ALL INFORMATION □ New Application □ Renewal □ Referral Referred by:______
Part I: Member Information
Name______Date: ______
Street Address______
City:______State:______Zip Code:______
Home Phone with Area Code______Cell Phone______
E-mail Address: ______Optional: Work Phone______
Please Indicate with (*) preferred phone contact number for Membership Roster
Part II: Benefits Participating Associate3 Membership Participating Regular Membership 1 2 Annual Membership Rates $50 $50 ($25) New Member Application Fee (one time) $25 - Free Admission During Regular Museum Hours Unlimited Unlimited Free Admission to Shows/Sales Hosted by the TCMRM Yes Yes Free Admission to Special Night Train Events Unlimited Unlimited Discount to the Museum Gift Shop 10% 10% Discount at Participating Hobby Shops 4 Yes Yes Participation in Layout and Museum Operations Training Program Yes Voting Privileges at Annual meetings - Yes
My skills will be most valuable in the following areas…
Operations Locomotive/Rolling Stock Maintenance Public Relations/Marketing Layout Maintenance (preventive and repairs) Customer Service (front desk) Exhibit Design and Layout Computer/Web Site Support Hobby Shows & Sales, Special Events Docent (guest relations/guide) Other:
Please specify days that you wish to volunteer (check all that apply):
Sun: ____ Mon: ____ Tues: ____ Wed:____ Thurs:____ Fri:____ Sat:____
1 All TCMRM memberships are based on the calendar year. 2 As an all-volunteer organization, it is expected that all Participating Members contribute of their time and resources in the best interest of the Museum. Participating Members with at least 48 or more hours of documented volunteer time in the current year are eligible for a 50% discount off their membership renewal for the following year. 3 All new Participating Memberships are initially classified as Associate Members pending review by the Board and completion of operations training.
Please return completed form and check to: (make check payable to TCMRM) Participating Membership Key
Twin City Model Railroad Museum Member # (office use only) ______Attn: Membership Committee Suite 8 Associate Member - new ($75) ______668 Transfer Road St. Paul, MN. 55114 Associate Member – renewal ($50) ______
I understand that Regular Membership Status must be approved Regular Member - renewal ($50) ______by the Board of Directors. I agree to comply with all operating standards and Life Member ($0) ______rules of the organization, including holding myself responsible for any damage to the layouts or equipment caused by myself or my guests. Honorary ($0) ______
4 Hobby store discounts are imposed by the individual store and may be discontinued at any time at the owner’s discretion. Total $ ______
Signature:______Date:______Received by:______Date:______