Site Council Meeting Minutes

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Site Council Meeting Minutes

Site Council Meeting Minutes Thursday, October 23, 2014 2:30-4:00 p.m., Library

Attendance: Mary Foy, Jonathan Mattern, Mike Thompson, Tom Taylor, Kelly White, Linda Singler, Donna Carr, Jammie Herl, Tierra Lloyd, Gina Lefebvre. Guests: Mrs. Keen, Mrs. Peck & Mrs Bateman. Emily Vail arrived late

1. Call to Order (President Emily will be late to todays meeting) • VP Mary Foy called meeting to order at 3:31 and passed meeting over to Mr. Taylor until Emily arrives.

2. Read and Approve September 2014 Minutes • Linda Singler made motion to approve the minutes, Mike Thompson 2nd, motion passed.

3. Site Council Training, Video • After watching video we realized we need to update our by-laws for when parent council members resigns. Article 3 - Section 5 • Tom will update bi-laws and bring to next meeting for voting • Tom will bring attendance data and budget to next meeting • Tom will look into rules for ADA reimbursement for students that are late

4. Principals Update a. Binder for Becky Reaves Emily will get the binder from, Jenny and give to Becky. b. Purchase update • Tablets we purchased and are at the district office • I-Excel is moving along, almost ready to implement c. Conference update from teachers • Mrs. Kean, Mrs. Peck and Mrs. Bateman attended meeting to give feedback on what they learned from the Daily 5 (build stamina) and Cafe (strategies) conference. • Kindergarden teachers rely heavily on parent help and it is becoming less, Daily 5 will help them when parent help is not available.

• They learned how to increase students reading stamina and to help them learn individually. This model can be used with other academic areas (math, etc.) • K teachers plan to start building stamina in January. • Way to build reading stamina = each child has “good fit books” all kids read independently each day for a specific amount of time. Each consecutive day this time becomes longer. • Teachers can do one-on-one activities with students while other students work individually to build stamina. • Program offers support online and using blogs. • Benefit - another teacher could walk in and pick up where the student left off with the use of individual student journals. • All day K is wanted by some teachers. d. STAR Data Analysis - See handouts • yellow paper is last years data and white is this years. • We look for proficient; and above basic • CAPA test is for students with disabilities, that is why the number of test takers is small. • Our science test scores have stayed level the last 2 years. e. STEM/Research Lab - Science Lab is in the early works, looking for donors to help fund the project. f. Tri-tip dinner was a huge success and ran very smooth. Sold about the same amount as last year but the price of meat went up significantly. We did not raise price of of the dinner resulting in less money raised. g. An anonymous donor donated 6 digital video cameras to the school. h. Oct. 24th is the first meeting with the student technology team (12 students) Goal is to have the older kids help in the computer lab, have some become sound system experts and use the new cameras for video editing. i. Teachers are excited about the daily 5 and CAFE

5. Budget Update a. Supplemental and Concentration Grant We are roughly expecting $57, 000 this year b. Title I - budget has not been updated after last months purchases

6. District Advisory Committee Update • Emily Vail and Gina Lefebvre both attended the last meeting. • Network issues at the high school. • PUSD has 2 IT guys and is hiring another. • Ponderosa is now considered to destination school. • LCAP budget is slowly increasing

7. Public Comments - none 8. Action Items - none 9. Unfinished Business - none 10. New Business 11. Adjournment - Emily adjourned meeting at 3:45.

Next meeting will be joined with PEP, Thursday November 20th at 3:30.

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