Division of Student Affairs

Professional Development Committee


November 23, 2015 11:00 am

Committee Members: Casey Kensey, Chris Ambrosio, Amelinda Vazquez, Julie Alexander, Marianne Ciardullo, Lori Runksmeier, Masio Williams

Guests: Matt LaBranche (Athletics), Edili Lopez (Housing), Manuel Llano-Martinez (Housing), Hatef Alavi (Housing), Tracy Funke (CAPS), Theresa Giard (Student Activities), Marci Reisman (Student Activities), Monika Chudy (Judicial Affairs)

1. Note Taker- Julie Alexander

2. Approval of minutes from October 21, 2015

Motion: Ame Vazquez

Second: Masio Williams

3. Updates:

a. TAs & Surveys

Marianne Ciardullo A-M last names

Julie Alexander N-Z last names

Chris Ambrosio will get Marianne and Julie access to the PD survey.

Karen Mason is sending TA’s to Julie and Marianne on a monthly basis.

Marianne reports that she is getting good response from those that she has contacted.

b. Mentorship Program- Amelinda Vazquez / Casey Kensey

Ame reports that she and Casey have been sending out greeting cards and coffee vouchers to encourage mentors and mentees to have their last monthly meeting by the deadline. Mentors/mentees are also encouraged to revisit and discuss goal sheets during this meeting. They have produced a Division of Student Affairs Mentorship Program Guidelines pamphlet, which was distributed. c. Professional Development Offerings- Lori Runksmeier / Masio Williams

c.i. Past offerings:

c.i.1. 11/11- Exploring the Needs of LGBTQ+ Students-Concepts and Considerations webinar

The offering was free (NASPA), but there was no choice in topic.

7 attendees

c.ii. Upcoming offerings:

c.ii.1. 12/2- Title IX and Social Media webinar

The offering is free (NASPA), but there is no choice in topic.

c.ii.2. Conflict Competent Leadership for the Student Affairs Professional webinar – upcoming offering

Lori and Masio are working with Walter Diaz to determine budgeting for this and asked Casey for available funding. Casey stated that available funding depends upon expected budget cuts and Retreat funding. Lori and Masio also asked for a divisional mailing list, Casey offered to provide it. Lori asked the committee and guests for any contacts and/or suggestions for subject matter for on campus PD offerings for the spring semester.

d. Annual Report 2014/2015- Ame

Ame is creating a one page infographic as a Professional Development Committee Annual Report for 2014/2015.

e. Professional Development Committee Budget

Total budget $13,500

Current available budget =


Mentorship Program = $396.80

Professional Development allocation = $750 (of $3,000)

4. Other business: a. Divisional Retreat - $6,000.00 budget, Divisional Retreat Date: May 25, 2015

a.i. Three sample agendas prepared for the 14-15 Divisional Retreat were provided with the agenda for discussion. These include $3000 budgeted for a keynote speaker, the remainder budgeted for food (breakfast and lunch) and incidentals (giveaway and Cupcake truck). The sample agendas included the keynote speaker as well as conference style speakers from the university community at no cost. Theme of keynote determined to be Diversity and Inclusion based upon divisional survey after the last retreat in May 2014.

a.ii. The plan is to put forward 2 proposals, one with $6,000.00 budget in mind and one with a significantly decreased cost in mind.

a.iii. There are 90 employees in the division, 70-80 attend the retreat. This should be considered with regards to funding for food.

a.iv. The committee and guests agreed that Diversity and Inclusion should be the topic of choice for the keynote.

a.v. The committee and guests agreed that a conference style retreat is valuable.

a.vi. If the retreat were to be shortened due to funding, the committee and guests agreed that morning is preferable to an afternoon retreat.

a.vii. ACTION ITEM: Casey asked for ideas for presenters and topics for the next meeting. She asked that cost be included.

b. PD survey

b.i. A recommendation was made to add number of hours to the PD survey. This was discussed and Chris agreed that it may be a good option to add them. He asked for further discussion as the past information will be deleted from the survey when the survey is altered. Marianne suggested adding the actual date of the professional development offering.

5. Next Meeting: Karen Mason will schedule the next Professional Development Committee meeting for December, after finals week has ended.