Expression of Intrest
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EXPRESSION OF INTREST Guyana Water Incorporated Co-operative Republic of Guyana Pre-qualification of Contractors (Individuals and Firms)
The Guyana Water Incorporated intends to pre-qualify Contractors for related Works / Services to be undertaken in 2017 within Regions 1 to 10 The works to be undertaken are as follows: LOT A - MAJOR WORKS/SERVICES Civil Electrical Mechanical Consultancy (Training, Engineering, Evaluating or Advertising)
LOT B - MINOR WORKS/SERVICES o Transportation Services for the conveyance of Guyana Water Inc. Office Staff/ - Mini Bus; tools and equipment- Pick Up / Canter Truck; in all Regions o Weeding and Clearing of Shrubs in all Regions. o Termite Treatment to all GWI Buildings o Disconnection and Reconnection of Services in all Regions Upgrading/Installation of Service Connections in all Regions o Repairs to Major and Minor Leaks in all Regions o Meter Reading and Bill Delivery o Air Condition Installation and Maintenance in all Regions o Motor Vehicle Repairs & Maintenance o Repair and Servicing of Generators o Rehabilitation of Pumps and Accessories o Welding Works o Electrical Works o Sanitary Services o Sewage Tanker Services o Sewerage Maintenance Services o Cranage Services o Brokerage Services Interested contractors are required to submit the following information and documents: For Transportation Services/Equipment Rental vehicle owners must provided the following o Certificate of Registration, Motor Vehicle and Road Traffic Regulations Certificate, Certificate of Insurance, driver’s license (for the class of vehicle stipulated), with no less than 3 years’ driving experience and a clean driving history. o Valid GRA Tax and NIS Compliance Certificates o Valid Police Clearance
For Weeding and Clearing of shrubs: List of relevant equipment owned and manpower to undertake the job Experiences in similar work Valid GRA Tax and NIS Compliance Certificates Valid Police Clearance For Termite Treatment/Extermination Services Methodology Warranty terms and Pesticide and Toxic handlers certificate List of similar services provided Valid GRA Tax and NIS Compliance Certificates Valid Business Registration
For Leak Repairs/Disconnections-Reconnections/Upgrade-Installation of New Service Connections Experience in similar work List of relevant tools and equipment to undertake such work Valid Police Clearance Valid GRA Tax and NIS Compliance Certificates
Meter Reading and Bill Delivery Experience in similar work Valid Police Clearance Valid GRA Tax and NIS Compliance Certificates
For Technical works/services Proof of qualification from a recognized University or Institution A Method Statement giving a general understanding of the Work Experiences in similar jobs ( no less than one years) Valid Police Clearance Valid GRA Tax and NIS Compliance Certificates Valid Business Registration Interested contractors/firms are required to uplift the respective lot of interest for a non-refundable fee of G$500.00 each from the Procurement Department, Vlissengen Road and Church Street, Bel Air Park, Georgetown.
The successful bidders for each of the above will be required to provide relevant service within the Regions of GWI. Packages can be uplifted from Monday, January 4 , 2017, from the Procurement Department: Guyana Water Inc. Vlissengen Road and Church Street, Bel Air Park, Georgetown, Tel: 592 227 1399, Fax: 592 227 1311 OR your Regional GWI Office.
Packages must be deposited into the Tender Box located at Guyana Water Inc. Head Office, Vlissengen Road and Church Street, Bel Air Park, Georgetown Guyana on or before 14:00h, Tuesday, January 31, 2017, at which time they will be opened in the presence of the bidders or bidders’ representatives who wish to attend.
Executive Director , Procurement Guyana Water Inc. Email: [email protected]