2012 Education Council Retreat
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2012 Education Council Retreat April 30 – May 1, 2012 DoubleTree O’Hare Chicago IL Minutes
1. The meeting was called to order at 8:15 am.
2. Present: Starkschall (Chair), Barnes, Bayouth, Bloch, Hamilton, Pfeiffer, Pipman, Rzeszotarski, Sprawls, Ogburn (staff), Sullivan (staff)
3. Overview of goals of retreat:
Starkschall presented a brief overview of the goals of the retreat. At the conclusion of the retreat we hope to have a playbook for implementation of a set of high-priority projects for the various components of Education Council (EC) to undertake. We shall identify deliverables, timelines, and resources required to implement these projects.
4. AAPM Strategic Planning – Bayouth
Bayouth spoke about the recent Strategic Planning Committee (SPC) meeting held in Dallas at the end of March. He began with a brief history of the Strategic Plan (SP). The original SP was intended to be all things to all people, with 7 areas on which the AAPM wanted to focus. It was expanded to include a large number of items. Since that time, the plan was streamlined to include only items that were of fundamental importance to the society as a whole.
Bayouth and Pfeiffer attended the SPC meeting in Dallas as members of the Committee.
On the first day, the SPC met with Council Chairs to limit the scope of the plan. The present version of the SP is now available of the AAPM website at http://www.aapm.org/org/TheAAPMStrategicPlan-2011_Full_Version_final.pdf
On the second day, the SPC met by itself. They discussed how the AAPM should allocate resources based on the items and goals of the plan. A few items that need constant oversight will be pulled out of the Council budgets and allocated by the Board. This will constitute about 25% of the budget. There will be a higher level of accountability with this new model.
We will need to generate a mechanism for intercouncil collaboration. This needs to be brought up at the next meeting of the Council Chairs.
5. Review of and progress toward planning goals
a. AAPM SPC Goals
The lengthy list originally generated by the SPC has been reduced to three projects for EC:
Review and develop methods for funding of residencies – Bayouth We have funding for another workshop. The original intent was to bring together graduate program directors to couple with a hub and spoke model (based on the LSU model) for placement of graduates. The workshop would be focused on imaging residencies, recognizing that the practice of imaging physics is based, to a large extent, on a consulting model that may not have the resources to support an educational program.
Ron Zhu, chair of the residency SC, wants to step down. John Antolak has been asked to take over as SC chair. It is likely that ETC will combine Antolak’s residency promotion WG with the SC.
We might want to consider hiring a medical physicist to perform specific, time- related tasks, e.g., what we did for development of a business plan for consultant- based residency programs. Another example might be for setting up a workshop.
For next meeting:
a..1. Develop a clear plan of how funding can be optimally spent to increase the number of residencies.
a..2. Attempt to answer the question as to why so few institutions have established DMP programs
a..3. Present a White Paper on funding of residency programs.
a..4. Propose a mechanism for providing administrative infrastructure for small residency programs – could AAPM serve as hub, or could administration be outsourced?
Address the education and certification of Medical Nuclear Physics – Bayouth
Gary Ezzell and John Hazle have been approached by MNP to address this issue. We would need to convince PDs of imaging residency programs to establish a model to fold MNP training into the imaging physics training.
Some questions need to be answered:
1. How many people apply for the MNP exam?
2. What demand is there for MNP-specific training?
3. How important is specific MNP certification? – may be very important for licensure states
4. What sort of models are there for MNP training other than MNP residencies? – e.g., 6-12 months in an imaging physics residency, MNP fellowship We need to find out what the ABR is thinking on this.
For next meeting:
1. Establish a TG to propose alternative training paths for Medical Nuclear Physics.
Expand online services and find ways to enhance revenue, especially from outside groups. Develop business plan for online continuing education – Barnes
A set of recommendations for potential revenue enhancement and a proposal for new educational materials for medical physicists and other potential markets.
The Online Learning Services Subcommittee has expressed doubt that they can help with revenue enhancement. Several issues are impeding success in achieving revenue enhancement, notably:
The organization of the website The problems with accuracy of the existing quizzes Issues with SAMS (erroneous quizzes and unclear access) Broken web links to reference materials Difficulty with quizzes and SAMS to assess and correct problems Limited help and resources available to address the problems
It will be necessary to fix what we have before adding anything new.
Soon the MOC status of all ABR-certified medical physicists (as well as other healthcare professionals) will be posted on the web. This posting may increase the number of MOC participants, resulting in an increase in the number of complaints regarding online learning on the website. Much better vetting of the website content is going to be needed.
The issue of improving access to quizzes as well as modules in the Virtual library that are of interest to a user has been expressed by the subcommittee and by the Website Associate Editor for Education. It would be desirable to add a search function on key words to navigate through the available quizzes and modules to find the ones of interest.
Virtual Library content is based on availability rather than need. How can we obtain need-based content? We need to incorporate needs assessment information to identify materials for online quizzes.
Goal: Address the issues of the online quizzes and access to the Virtual Library to improve the services we are already charging for.
We recommend the establishment of a Working Group to address improvements needed to the website for assessing quizzes and Virtual Library modules and tools needed to manage the development of new quizzes and maintenance of existing quizzes. The charge to the WG would be to define the functions and tools needed to improve user friendliness, operation and access to the site, the resources needed to make the identified changes and the cost. Utilize the results of the survey of needs conducted by the Medical Physics Continuing Education Needs SC to identify areas that need to be added to the Virtual Library, quizzes and SAMS. Consider charging a separate fee for access to SAMS modules. Improve the access to quizzes and improve the selection of topics in them to justify raising the fee charged. Improvements to access the VL may justify initiating a fee for that as well, especially for those that did not attend the annual meeting.
For next meeting:
a..1. Develop a game plan for resolving these issues.
a..2. Identify tools to aid in vetting quizzes.
a..3. Develop mechanism for identifying accountability for the quality of quizzes.
a..4. Develop the capability for searching the website.
a..5. Form a WG to improve the educational capability of the website.
a..6. Generate an operating manual for Online Services.
a..7. Identify potential sources of revenue for online learning.
a..8. Investigate web-based tracking systems, e.g., the JACMP or CAMPEP systems, for tracking review of online content.
b. Continuing Professional Development – Barnes
Investigate changes to make Summer School more profitable. Rethink Summer School in view of the existence of the AAPM Spring Meeting and the specialty meetings. Review Summer School business model.
The SSSC is committed to the schools in their current format including:
The use of University/College campuses for the schools in lieu of hotel ballrooms. The casual nature of the attendee/faculty/school relationship. The review nature of the material and programs presented. The target audience. The pricing structure (<$200/day, room and board, meals, registration, and materials).
Goals (Timeline 3 years):
Increase summer school revenue by increasing attendance and adjusting pricing with inflation.
Tasks (Timeline 1 year):
Ensure appropriate, relevant, "hot" topics for SS, maybe through RFP process. Examine 3, 4, and 5 day models to increase attendance by making the SS slightly less expensive in terms of cost and much less expensive in terms of time commitment. Examine the number of faculty allotted to each school. Examine the viability of SAMs.
Introduce the possibility of using webinars as a means of continuing education.
Revisit the purpose of Summer School. Originally designed to provide in- depth education in particular topics. Is Summer School still fulfilling that purpose, or has its purpose changed?
For next meeting:
b..1. Identify “hot topics” for potential summer schools.
b..2. Evaluate the possibility of packaged short courses that can be presented in various locations, e.g., AAPM Chapter meetings.
Develop additional educational opportunities and extend existing educational opportunities for medical physicists and other populations
1. Develop an RSO training course
2. Continue the ACMP meeting content as the AAPM Spring Meeting
3. Provide continuing education in ethical, professional, leadership, management, safety culture and communications knowledge and skills The first step in organizing additional educational offerings is to determine the extent of need and interest for various educational programs. A new SC of the CPD has been established called the Medical Physics Continuing Education Needs SC chaired by Brent Murphy.
Identify additional education opportunities needed for the professional development of medical physicists and other healthcare professionals.
Conduct a survey of the membership as to their professional educational needs including those suggested in this task. A survey is planned with the following goals:
1. Identify the training interest needs.- topics such as radiation safety, imaging equipment. 2. Identify target audience, e.g., cardiologists, endoscopists, nurses, etc. 3. Identify optimal online training delivery techniques that would meet the member’s demands.
Investigate the following current education opportunities that may be underutilized. Free On-Line Training from Vendors Free On-Line Training from Organizations (ASTRO, ACR, IAEA, AAMD, HPS, etc) On-Line Training from Educational Institutions / Companies
For next meeting:
1. Pfeiffer to prepare proposal for joint WG including members of MPEP, MPEAH, CPD (OLC), and IEAC to develop educational modules for audiences other than medical physicists. c. Education Council – Starkschall
Review funding of liaisons
o What is the purpose of each of the liaisons?
o To whom does each of the liaisons report?
o How do they report?
o Are there any liaisons that are no longer necessary?
o What about new liaisons? E.g., ASTRO education committee, ARRS, others? o How do we establish these liaisons?
For next meeting:
c..1. Bayouth to have a dialogue with EFOMP to determine if we should have a liaison at the Education Council level or should it be at the IEAC level?
c..2. EC members identify the need for liaisons and produce documentation of the establishment of the liaison, if such documents are available. d. Education and Training of Medical Physicists – Bayouth
Update Report 197 (graduate programs) and Report 90 (residency programs) curricula - Strategy 2: Expand AAPM graduate/residency recommendations to cover safety culture, ethical, professional (e.g., six ABR competencies for residency programs), management and communications issues; and critical thinking/problem solving, so that CAMPEP and ABR can ensure compliance.
We have two active WG addressing curricula: Report 90 WG to develop complete rewrite of Report 90, and Report 197 WG to update the 197 report in small chunks (since it already has been rewritten).
The 197 WG has written a document identifying the role of research in a graduate program. The report will be vetted by ETC in a few weeks and sent to the EC in a month.
The work of the 90 WG will include ethics as part of the curriculum.
Review curriculum and training period for medical physics education
How do we incorporate new technologies into the medical physics curriculum? Do we lengthen the graduate education period from 2 yr and/or lengthen the residency training period from 2 yr? Or do we cut out some present components from the current curriculum?
For next meeting:
d..1. Present a timeline for completing the update of Report 90.
d..2. Establish communication with PC to develop document for achievement and maintenance of competence in new technologies
Promote hub-and-spoke residency programs
See 5a. Develop online training courses on ethics, patient safety, FMEA
For next meeting:
1. Bayouth to interact with MPEC, and in particular, ROMPS, to develop methodology for developing online training courses on patient safety and FMEA.
Assist educators develop online training modules
Chuck Mayo is developing online content for medical physics education. e. International Education Activities Committee – Pipman
Change TG 188 to working group
This task has been completed. Please see attached report from IEAC.
Investigate how to support international activities with limited funding
Several strategies have been proposed:
1. Train local trainees.
2. Provide AAPM materials to target organizations.
3. Develop regional centers of excellence in collaboration with vendors.
For next meeting:
1. Present report on supporting international program with limited funding including case studies.
The following tasks have been completed:
1. Initiated discussion with counterparts in several Latin American countries, with LAASC and interregional (PAHO) members about current needs and ways that AAPM may be able to assist.
2. Preparing a presentation for Symposium on Medical Physics in developing countries at the AAPM in Charlotte. Symposium title is “International Symposium on Medical Physics.” Pipman will talk on “Medical Physics in Latin America – how can the AAPM help?”
3. Worked out with Nigerian counterpart that the project on “Development of a Medical Physics National Training Program” to start in August 2012, will fund the external faculty/trainers. The program is engaging local faculty and external faculty from several other countries in addition to the US. 4. Leveraged the agreement with SEFM and AMPR in conducting a Symposium at minimal cost to AAPM.
Develop liaison with Sprawls group
The following tasks have been completed:
Initiated contact. Still more needed on this point Offered contact to Nigeria new program for training Medical Physicists.
Evaluate impact of participation requests on AAPM
Funding requirements:
1. 2 ISEP courses per year
2. Support for 1 conference
3. Other commitments
Starkschall will try to get multiple year commitment from Budget Committee for support for this.
For next meeting:
1. Obtain report from CAMPEP to identify participation of AAPM members in international educational activities.
2. Write newsletter article publicizing benefit of international educational activities to AAPM members.
3. Develop EC Symposium on international education in medical physics
Other issues of lower priority – Please see attached report from IEAC. f. Medical Physics Education of Physicians – Rzeszotarski
Rzeszotarski described the new ABR exam for radiologists. A computer-based comprehensive core exam will be given at the end of the 3rd year of residency, and a certifying exam will be given 15 months after completion of residency. The certifying exam will be the same as the MOC exam. ABR will check on MOC participation every 3 years rather than offering a 10-year certification. Physics knowledge will be embedded inside the clinical exams.
Papers have been published regarding physics instruction for the new exam.
We need to generate more web modules. We presently do not have funding for this, nor is funding likely to be made available. Develop continuing physics education for physicians to satisfy MOC requirements – offer physics session for radiologists at RSNA, ACR, ASTRO, etc., meetings
For next meeting:
1. Generate “Physics Case of the Fortnight” publicly available on ACR website.
2. Target physics presentations at RSNA directed for radiologists.
3. Propose new track for radiologist MOC at RSNA meeting consisting of joint (radiologist and medical physicist) presentations. Starkschall to present proposal at RSNA Education Council meeting.
Complete the work of TG124
For next meeting:
1. Present final draft to Education Council.
Develop web-based training modules for rad onc residents
For next meeting:
1. Ying Xiao to continue searching for funding to support this project.
2. Identify contact person to establish relationship with ASTRO. Starkschall to talk with Mary Martel to identify someone to serve on MPEP and attend Saturday night meeting in Charlotte.
3. Develop liaison with the Association of Program Directors in Radiation Oncology.
4. Strengthen radiation oncology physics in MPEP.
Develop modules for teaching patient safety & protection (jointly with MPEAHC)
For next meeting:
1. Establish joint (MPEP and MPEAHC) Working Group to develop modules.
Establish liaison with TG 206 for overall coordination of web-based education Establish open web site for educational materials Develop mechanism for ongoing development of web-based education modules – Educators Resource Guide, Make web-based educational modules available to physicists and physicians in developing countries
For next meeting:
1. Establish liaison with TG 206. g. Medical Physics Education of Allied Health Personnel – Pfeiffer
Develop continuing physics education for allied health personnel – offer physics session for allied health personnel at RSNA, ASTRO, etc., meetings
For next meeting:
1. Try to move physics tutorials (basic physics lecture for technologists) into technologists track.
h. Public Education – Hamilton
Not much has transpired on this front, since Hamilton has recently taken over position as Chair of Public Education Committee.
Develop Speakers’ Bureau
Get professional help to aid in website design and content development
Develop and present booth at Science Festival in DC
Work with local chapters on outreach. Encourage chapters to identify a public education liaison
Develop liaison with radiologyinfo.com website
i. Website Editor for Education – Sprawls
Rebuild Educators Resource Guide
For update on progress, please see attached report from the Associate Website Editor for Education.
Should we establish separate WGs in each Committee to generate and maintain content for the ERG?
Should we allocate resources to develop a Topical Directory for the Virtual Library?
6. Where do we go from here? – Objectives for next meeting
a. AAPM SPC Goals – send information to Tony Seibert, Chair, SPC
Review and develop methods for funding of residencies – Bayouth
For next meeting: a..1. Develop a clear plan of how funding can be optimally spent to increase the number of residencies.
a..2. Attempt to answer the question as to why so few institutions have established DMP programs
a..3. Present a White Paper on funding of residency programs.
a..4. Propose a mechanism for providing administrative infrastructure for small residency programs – could AAPM serve as hub, or could administration be outsourced?
Address the education and certification of Medical Nuclear Physics – Bayouth
For next meeting:
1. Establish a TG to propose alternative training paths for Medical Nuclear Physics.
Expand online services and find ways to enhance revenue, especially from outside groups. Develop business plan for online continuing education – Barnes
a..1. Develop a game plan for resolving identified issues.
a..2. Identify tools to aid in vetting quizzes.
a..3. Develop mechanism for identifying accountability for the quality of quizzes.
a..4. Develop the capability for searching the website. – Sprawls
a..5. Form a WG to improve the educational capability of the website.
a..6. Generate an operating manual for Online Services. - HQ
a..7. Identify potential sources of revenue for online learning.
a..8. Investigate web-based tracking systems, e.g., the JACMP or CAMPEP systems, for tracking review of online content. b. Education Council – Starkschall
Review funding of liaisons
For next meeting:
b..1. Bayouth to dialogue with EFOMP to determine if we should have a liaison at the Education Council level or should it be at the IEAC level? b..2. EC members identify the need for liaisons and produce documentation of the establishment of the liaison, if such documents are available. c. Education and Training of Medical Physicists – Bayouth
Update Report 197 (graduate programs) and Report 90 (residency programs) curricula - Strategy 2: Expand AAPM graduate/residency recommendations to cover safety culture, ethical, professional (e.g., six ABR competencies for residency programs), management and communications issues; and critical thinking/problem solving, so that CAMPEP and ABR can ensure compliance.
For next meeting:
c..1. Present a timeline for completing the update of Report 90.
c..2. Establish communication with PC to develop document for achievement and maintenance of competence in new technologies
Review curriculum and training period for medical physics education
Promote hub-and-spoke residency programs
See 5a.
Develop online training courses on ethics, patient safety, FMEA
For next meeting:
1. Charge the 197 WG with developing curricula for patient safety and FMEA.
Assist educators develop online training modules d. Continuing Professional Development – Barnes
Investigate changes to make Summer School more profitable. Rethink Summer School in view of the existence of the AAPM Spring Meeting and the specialty meetings. Review Summer School business model.
For next meeting:
d..1. Identify “hot topics” for potential summer schools.
d..2. Evaluate the possibility of packaged short courses that can be presented in various locations, e.g., AAPM Chapter meetings.
Develop additional educational opportunities and extend existing educational opportunities for medical physicists For next meeting:
1. Determine how effective AAPM is in satisfying continuing education needs of its members. This can be bundled into our needs assessment.
2. Pfeiffer to prepare proposal for joint WG including members of MPEP, MPEAH, CPD (OLC), and IEAC to develop educational modules for audiences other than medical physicists. e. International Education – Pipman
Investigate how to support international activities with limited funding
For next meeting:
1. Present report on supporting international programs with limited funding including case studies.
Evaluate impact of participation requests on AAPM
For next meeting:
1. Obtain report from CAMPEP to identify participation of AAPM members in international educational activities.
2. Write newsletter article publicizing benefit of international educational activities to AAPM members. – October1 deadline
3. Develop EC Symposium on international education in medical physics for 2013 meeting. f. Medical Physics Education of Physicians – Rzeszotarski
Develop continuing physics education for physicians to satisfy MOC requirements – offer physics session for radiologists at RSNA, ACR, ASTRO, etc., meetings
For next meeting:
1. Generate “Physics Case of the Fortnight” publicly available on ACR website.
2. Target physics presentations at RSNA directed for radiologists.
3. Propose new track for radiologist MOC at RSNA meeting consisting of joint (radiologist and medical physicist) presentations. Starkschall to present proposal at RSNA Education Council meeting.
Complete the work of TG124
For next meeting: 1. Present final draft to Education Council.
Develop web-based training modules for rad onc residents
For next meeting:
1. Ying Xiao to continue searching for funding to support this project.
2. Identify contact person to establish relationship with ASTRO. Starkschall to talk with Mary Martel to identify someone to serve on MPEC and attend Saturday night meeting in Charlotte.
3. Develop liaison with the Association of Program Directors in Radiation Oncology.
4. Strengthen radiation oncology physics in MPEP.
5. Explore models for hosti.ng modules – Sprawls
Develop modules for teaching patient safety & protection (jointly with MPEAHC)
For next meeting:
1. Establish joint (MPEP and MPEAHC) Working Group to develop modules.
Establish liaison with TG 206 for overall coordination of web-based education Establish open web site for educational materials Develop mechanism for ongoing development of web-based education modules – Educators Resource Guide, Make web-based educational modules available to physicists and physicians in developing countries
For next meeting:
1. Establish liaison with TG 206. g. Medical Physics Education of Allied Health Personnel – Pfeiffer
Develop continuing physics education for allied health personnel – offer physics session for allied health personnel at RSNA, ASTRO, etc., meetings
For next meeting:
1. Try to move physics tutorials (basic physics lecture for technologists) into technologists track. h. Public Education – Hamilton
For next meeting:
1. Contact Mary Fox regarding participation in EC Symposium. i. Web-Site Editor for Education – Sprawls
For next meeting:
1. Identify WG in ETC, MPEP, MPEAHC, and PEC to generate context for website. Sprawls will develop a content guide for the website.
2. Sprawls to generate estimate of costs of generating topical directory.
7. Other business
a. Review Policy AP-78 Support for the CAMPEP Accredited Residency Programs
“It is the policy of the AAPM to support the CAMPEP accredited residency programs, and that AAPM will seek methods of providing financial support for the development and continuation of those programs, including providing direct financial support for those programs.”
Approved unanimously.
b. Review Policy PP-19 Graduation from an Accredited Clinical Residency Program
“It is the policy of the AAPM that graduation from an accredited clinical residency program should be a requirement for qualifying for board certification, with an implementation date to be negotiated with the certification boards.”
Approved unanimously.
8. Next Meeting – Sunday, July 29, 1 – 3 pm, Stonewall Boardroom, 2nd floor, Westin Charlotte. Also, note Education Council Symposium from 9:30 – 11 am.
9. Adjourn at 10:15 am
Report from IEAC Report from Associate Website Editor for Education International Education Activities Committee – Y Pipman, Chair
Review of and progress toward planning goals
Change TG 188 to working group –(3) Completed
a. Work Group on International Strengthening of Medical Physics (WGISMP), Chair Don Frey. Charge: To provide support and input to the AAPM and to the IAEA in response to IAEA's Inter-Regional Project INT/6/054 (Strengthening Medical Physics in Radiation Medicine)
b. Draft document in progress: Roles and Responsibilities, and Education and Training Requirements for Clinically Qualified Medical Physicists
c. Four workgroups within the IAEA 6/054
Investigate how to support international activities with limited funding (3) a. Initiated discussion with counterparts in several Latin American countries, with LAASC and Interregional (PAHO) members about current needs and ways that AAPM may be able to assist.
b. Preparing a presentation for Symposium on Medical Physics in developing countries at the AAPM in Charlotte: Medical Physics in Latin America – how can the AAPM help?
c. Worked out with Nigerian counterpart that the project on “Development of a Medical Physics National Training Program” to start in August 2012, will fund the external faculty/trainers. The program is engaging local faculty and external faculty from several other countries in addition to the US.
d. Leveraged the agreement with SEFM and AMPR in conducting a Symposium at minimal cost to AAPM (see item 6.c.)
Develop liaison with Sprawls group (3)
a. Initiated contact. Still more needed on this point
b. Offered contact to Nigeria new program for training Medical Physicists.
Assist international meetings to achieve CAMPEP accreditation to enhance attendance of US and Canadian physicists (2)
a. Working with four international meetings (Already sponsored by AAPM through IEAC), so far. At least three or four more expected to apply for endorsement and have been made aware of this option/opportunity. An exception is the IAEA training courses where attendees are sponsored and there is no need or incentive to get CAMPEP credits.
b. See also item 5.b. as for enhancing US attendance
Obtain recognition of AAPM involvement when members participate in faculties of meetings (2)
a. AAPM recognition given at all the meetings endorsed or co-sponsored
b. Endorsed and cosponsored meetings get listed on web page
Assist international medical physicists in fellowship placements (2)
a. Two Spanish Med Physicists completed their fellowships as planned, but more places are needed. WGNIMP has done some exploratory work with SDAMPP.
b. We will need to do the same with Russian MP’s so .
c. AAPM-SEFM-AMPR Joint Professional Symposium --Medical Physics Challenges for Implementation of New Technologies in External Beam Radiotherapy will be held on Wednesday, August 1, 2:00 - 6:00 pm. Cari Borras and Dan Bourland have done a great job in organizing it.
d. “Radiating Hope” – initiative on Africa
Explore expansion of Speakers Bureau with IAEA (2)
a. Nothing to report at this time
Evaluate impact of participation requests on AAPM (3) a. Will try getting report from CAMPEP
Support creation of regional training centers for specific equipment (2)
a. Discussed ideas with IOMP President who wants to make this an IOMP project in collaboration with vendors and perhaps IAEA support
b. Discussed with some regional representatives in Latin America. More follow up on that needed.
c. Will continue dialogue at the WC (end of May)
Implement some of the proposals from the disbanded TG 131 (2)
a. Plan to test some of the concepts along with the Nigeria initiative
10. Where do we go from here? – Objectives for next Retreat
International Education – Pipman
Future and/or planned activities:
Support of ALFIM congress in 2013
Possible add-on course on “Mitigating Risks in Radiation Treatments of Patients” at ALFIM
2012 Start of Nigeria Training Program – continuing to 2013-14 2013 Meeting in Spain as part of the WGNIMP –AAPM_SEFM
2013 Workshops in Russia as part of the WGNIMP –AAPM_AMPR
Other issues for information and discussion:
Implementation of ACMP merger re: IMPCB membership and creation of SC
Requests of cooperation agreements from additional countries (Macedonia, etc.) Web-Site Associate Editor for Education Report Perry Sprawls
Educators Resource Guide
The first phase of the Educators Resource Guide (ERG) was published online December 1, 2011 at: http://www.aapm.org/education/ERG/. This phase was devoted to Physics Education for Diagnostic Radiologists and Residents and the content is managed by The Medical Physics Education of Physicians Committee of the Education Council. The site has attracted over 5,000 hits since its publication. The effort now is to increase awareness so that more members can benefit from it. The Education Council column in the May-June AAPM Newsletter will be devoted to the Resource Guide.
Additional proposed sections include: Medical Physics Graduate Education Physics Education for Therapeutic Radiologists and Residents Physics Education for Allied Health Professionals
Public Education
The content for each category is the responsibility of the committee of the Education Council that relates to each area of education
Virtual Library Directory A significant challenge to using the Virtual Library is finding content based on topic. The current organization which is by specific Annual Meetings, Summer Schools, etc. is very useful for many purposed such as locating the most recent presentations, reviewing specific programs, etc. but does not support searching for specific topics that are distributed over many different meetings.
There would be considerable value to the membership in developing a topical directory as an adjunct to the current program based directory.
This will require Education Council support for a work group under the Online Learning Services Subcommittee (OLSS) to develop the concept and design for the directory and code Virtual Library content for linking from the directory.