Torg Axioms Revised
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Torg Axioms Revised
A bit of preliminary discussion of the issue of 'dimensions/planes/spirit realms': A single cosm may contain multiple 'universes' which cannot easily be transitioned between. All of these universes obey the same axiom set, but they may have different world laws. Thus, the Elemental Plane of Fire may have a world law to the effect of 'Everything is Flammable' which does not apply to the 'prime' plane within the cosm. Alternate universes may contain a local axiom shift of a single axiom to a higher or lower level than is normal for the cosm. Those alternate universes which contain a changed Tech axiom are known as 'dimensions', those which contain a changed Magic axiom are known as 'planes' and those which contain a changed Spirit axiom are known as 'spirit realms'. Such universes may well be postulated (and come into existence) before they can actually be reached by the axiom level they are attuned to; it is possible, however, to use a power based on a different axiom to travel to them once they have been postulated to exist. For the Tech Axiom, for example, alternate universes gain a scientific basis at Tech 22, but the technology to try to visit them does not exist until Tech 25. Magical Planes gain a basis in magical theory at Magic 10, but can't be divined until Magic 13, apported to until Magic 15 or visited through portals until Magic 18.
Magic Axiom
For purposes of these axiom writeups, a 'ritual' is a spell which takes at least 1 hour to cast.
Advanced Magical Cultures divide the axiom levels into ages: Axiom 0-8 is the Era of Primitive Magic. It is marked by the necessity of every wizard to develop his own spells and the first fumbling development of Divination, Apportation, and Alteration. In this era, it is necessary to use skill substitution to develop new spells. Axiom 9-15 is the Era of Blossoming Magic. Magical creatures now arise and humanity begins to subdivide into various semi-magical races and species. Magical theory advances, allowing the easier transmission of knowledge and conjuration magics are invented. Axiom 16-19 is the Era of Permanent Magics. Magical effects can be made permanent, and now magic becomes ever more important. Humanity's aptitude for magic surges. Axiom 20-24 is the Era of Abundant Magics. Magic rises to the point of beginning to manipulate possibility energy itself and the human capacity for creating magics vastly increases. Magic becomes more efficient than technology. Axiom 25-29 is the Era of Magical Dominance. Humans are born able to create spells. Wishing magics are developed and magic saturates everything. Axiom 30-33 is the Era of Magical Transcendence. Reality itself can now be remolded with magic, and sentients approach and reach virtual magical omnipotence. 0: Magic is impossible. All living things must use other axioms to interact with the world. There is no such thing as insight or intuition; people think in terms of rational analysis, faith, or relationships with other living things to understand the world. Living Land Axioms. 1: Rarely, people receive inexplicable insights into the mundane world, and very rarely, things happen which defy other forms of explanation. (Such flashes of intuition can be treated as Scholar (whatever) rolls with a difficulty penalty of +17 (never tell me the odds). ) Such wild magics tend to be very small in scale and easily mistaken for mundane causation. Small objects sometimes move, vanish or appear when no one is looking (wild conjurations and apportations). On rare occasions, wild alteration effects produce small mutations in living creatures; on a large scale, this slightly increases the rate at which species evolve, as well as creating a few rare freaks of nature. People may develop personal theories of why these odd things happen, but they are unable to come even close to the true causes. 2: Superstitions now arise, attempting to make sense of the patterns of supernatural activity, rare as they are. Most of these superstitions are meaningless due to a lack of understanding of the causation of magical events, themselves rare enough to make methodical study nearly impossible, though slightly more common than at 1. Flashes of insight and intuition become a little more common, though still rare. Systems of divination exist which try to channel these flashes of intuition. Most practitioners never gain any real insight, but those of exceptional genius may succeed (against a +14 penalty to difficulty) in gaining small insights about the mundane world's current state. Failed skill checks which fall between the penalty and the base difficulty cause misfires--small wild magic effects. Each such system is connected to a specific area knowledge; multiple different skills in different cultural areas exist, all tapping into the same knowledge. One might learn to read sheep entrails to perform Divination/Earthly effects, for example. Every magician must tweak the skills in question; he receives no benefit for being taught the skill. Nippon Tech Axioms 3: Superstitions become better codified; some superstitions, if followed, may grant minor bonuses or penalties to connected actions (+1/-1), though many are still basically bunk. Minor wild magic effects become more common though still rarely recognizable as such unless directly witnessed. Mutation levels hop a little higher. While not very powerful, flashes of insight and intuition become more common and somewhat more trusted. Magi now begin to develop more coherent theories of divination. This allows the creation of the Divination skill and the Elemental and Kindred Knowledges, which are used to perform divinations. Every Mage must create his own rituals, and all rituals add +10 to difficulty, making all but minor effects very hard or very lengthy. It takes 56-Your Divination/AK in Torg units of time to create a ritual (Years to Months). Once created, that Mage may freely use it over and over, but cannot teach it to anyone else. Ways are found to substitute various skills for the missing arcane skills, such as music or arcane systems of lore. 4: People are accustomed to flashes of insight and intuition, though it remains a source of information that comes and goes as it will. Minor wild magic effects happen just enough to be annoying without being predictable or reliable or yet provable as such. Very rarely, larger effects, such as rains of fish from a cloudless sky, may happen. Magi now discover the Living and Inanimate Forces knowledges. Divination effects suffer a +7 difficulty. It takes months to create rituals (51-Divination/AK). 5: Discovery of the Principles extends the reach of divination magics. Magi may now detect what is in people's minds as well as facts about their bodies; they can sense good and evil. They also can now create divinations which sense and analyze magic. This break through enables Magi to invent the Apportation skill. Apportation effects add +14 to difficulty, limiting their power. Divinations now only add +5 to difficulty. It is now possible to construct rituals in weeks or months. (46-Skill/AK). Star Sphere Axioms 6: Magi now discover the Essences, enabling prediction of future events, births, deaths, etc. Apportation effects add +10 to difficulty; Divination adds +4. Rituals can now be constructed in days. (41-Skill/AK). 7: Stronger wild magics become a little more common. These remain interpreted by most people through the lens of the dominant axiom of the world. (Victims of wild apportation effects may think themselves kidnapped by spirits in a high Spirit world, by aliens in a Tech world, or victims of memetic warfare in a high Social cosm.) Some people begin learning to hone intuition into skills such as direction senses. Magi discover Alteration rituals, though they can only speed or slow natural processes. Alteration effects add +14 to difficulty; Apportation effects add +7 to difficulty; Divination adds +2. Rituals can now be developed in days or hours (36-Skill/AK). Core Earth Axioms. 8: Stronger wild magics happen commonly enough for people to get some grip on their frequency and triggers. Strong bodies of reasonably accurate superstition exist. Mutation levels rise. Mutations due to wild magic may grant minor magical abilities which can't be passed on or cause superficial transformations (pointed ears, scaly skin, etc). Magical lore skills are further codified, and Magi now learn how to create faster magics which take less than an hour to cast; these are known as spells. Spells and rituals can be developed in hours. (31-Skill/AK). Alteration effects add +10 to difficulty; Apportation effects add +5 to difficulty; Divination magic now operates at the base difficulty, and there are no longer misfires, just backlash. 9: Larger scale wild magic effects become somewhat more common. It is now possible to create spells which can be directly taught to people; schools of magic begin to arise as a result. It takes a month to learn a spell if you an ord; possibility rated people can learn Grimoire spells in a week by spending a possibility point. It is now possible to develop spells and rituals in an hour safely; faster efforts at spell creation risk disaster. However, it then takes a month to polish the spell to where you can teach it to someone else. Alteration magics may transmute things in superficial ways (turning sheep purple, making milk taste like vomit, etc.) Alteration effects add +7 to difficulty; Apportation effects add +4 to difficulty; Creatures may inherit minor magical abilities from parents; humanity produces subspecies which possess various magical aptitudes or minor powers (humans, orcs, goblins, elves, dwarves, etc). Other species also begin to spawn minor magical subspecies. Magical Enhancement Packages are possible. 10: The first feeble Conjurations are developed. These are illusions (conjurations with an EV of 0 which can be perceived but can't otherwise effect anything). Conjuration effects add +14 to difficulty. Alteration effects add +5 to difficulty; Apportation effects add +2 to difficulty. Magi now learn how to record spells in books; it takes Ords a month to learn a spell from a book. Possibility rated characters may spend a possibility point and learn it in a week. It is not yet possible to cast spells from books, however. Slightly more powerful magical creatures arise, which may well defy the laws of physics in various ways (winged horses which fly, giants, brownies, etc.) Nile Magical Axioms. 11: It is now possible to conjure real objects made from the Elements or Kindred. Such objects evaporate when the duration expires, and are known as 'shadow' conjurations. Conjuration effects add +10 to difficulty. Alteration magic can now transmute kindred between types of kindred and elements between types of elements. Alteration effects add +4 to difficulty. It is now possible to reliably apport anything for which you have the correct Area Knowledges. Improvements in magical lore make it possible to focus spells into objects which will carry the effect around without needing the caster (focused effects). This allows the creation of temporary magical items. Furthermore, with all four magical skills known, mages develop the Pattern Theorems, enabling them to create more polished magics. Slightly more powerful magical creatures arise, which may well defy the laws of physics in various ways (winged horses which fly, giants, brownies, etc.). 12: Conjuration magics can now conjure real objects made from the Mixed Forces. Conjuration effects add +7 to difficulty. It is now possible to transmute kindred and living forces into elements and inanimate forces and vice versa. Alteration effects add +2 to difficulty. Other dimensions and planes of existence can be divined, but not otherwise effected. Magi now deduce how to record spell patterns more completely in Grimoires; it is now possible to cast spells directly from a Grimoire without learning it. Cyberpapal Axioms. 13: Conjuration magic can now conjure the Principles. Conjuration effects add +5 to difficulty. Alteration magics are now fully reliable. They may turn Principles, Mixed Forces, Kindred, and Elements into each other. 14: Conjurors learn how to conjure the Essences. Conjuration magic remains somewhat unreliable, however, with a +4 to the difficulty. Alteration magics may now turn anything into anything else, if you can survive the casting, anyway. 15: Conjuration magic is mostly reliable, but still suffers a +2 to difficulty. Apportation magic can now move things between dimensions and planes on a small scale. Highly unnatural supernatural creatures now come into existence due to wild magic effects (ghosts, demons, elementals, etc.) or visit from other dimensions. Locations exist which unreliably perform magics on those entering them or which can be evoked to perform magics. Orrorsh Axioms 16: Magics may become selective, targetting only those who do or do not meet some condition within the area of effect. This allows wards and selectively controlled spells. Conjuration magic is now completely reliable; this enables magi to develop the Process theorems. Permanent magics can be cast by wizards, though at a penalty of 33-Magic Axiom to all rolls. Permanent magical items can now be created, though they typically remain rare. Items can now be permanently conjured. Wild magics now create inanimate objects with innate magical properties. Some locations exist which contain magical energies which can be tapped to facilitate some effects. Rising levels of wild magic induce mutations which cause a small percentage of the population to be born with some innate magical talent (perhaps 1 in 1000) (a single Skill and Arcane Knowledge from the Elements and the Kindred). Some races may, instead, develop an increased resistance to magic. Tharkold Axiom Levels 17: Charged items can now be created; the charges are themselves permanent until used. Spells now may be pre-cast, impressed into one's own mind for later use. 1 in 100 individuals are born with some innate magical talent (a single Skill and Arcane Knowledge from the Elements and the Kindred). Magical substances become more common. 18: Alteration Magics may now open dimensional portals, allowing easier access to other dimensions and planes. Apportation between planes becomes easier as the dimensional barriers thin. Divination between planes becomes commonplace. 1 in 10 individuals are born with some form of magical talent (a single Skill and Arcane Knowledge from the Elements and the Kindred). Magical creatures begin to crowd out mundane ones. Fonts of magical energy exist which can be tapped to augment magics. Locations exist which perform magical effects reliably without outside guidance. 19: Magic becomes very commonplace; it is easy to learn and 1 in 4 are born with some degree of magical skill (a single Skill and Arcane Knowledge from the Elements and the Kindred). Magically augmented versions of mundane skills become more common, but still harder to learn than mundane ones. 20: All but a handful of unlucky souls are born knowing one magical skill and one knowledge (a single Skill and Arcane Knowledge from the Elements and the Kindred). Training can greatly increase this birth skill and teach the other skills. Magically augmented versions of mundane skills become frequent, if not universal. Magical creatures become dominant over mundane ones. Magical substances are now common. Most substances have a mild magical affinity, and some are so imbued with magic that they will convey the basics (A +1 Add) of a single Arcane Knowledge (Elemental or Kindred) to anyone who carries something made from that substance. Aylish Axioms. 21: The plane is so suffused with magic that every sentient creature is born with marginal magical abilities (a single Skill and Arcane Knowledge from the Elements, the Kindred, and the Mixed Knowledges.). Training can greatly increase one's magical proficiency. All substances have a mild magical affinity, and some are so imbued with magic that they will convey up to two adds of a single Arcane Knowledge (Elemental, Kindred, or Mixed) to anyone who carries something made from that substance. Conjuration may now affect other planes and planar barriers. 22: The plane is so suffused with magic that every sentient creature is born with marginal magical abilities (a single Skill and Arcane Knowledge from the Elements, the Kindred, the Mixed Knowledges, or the Principles). Even non-sentient creatures now have at least marginal magical abilities. Training can greatly increase one's magical proficiency. All substances have a mild magical affinity, and some are so imbued with magic that they will convey up to three adds of a single Arcane Knowledge (Elemental, Kindred, Mixed or Principles) to anyone who carries something made from that substance. Certain locations exist in the Cosm which form natural portals to other dimensions/planes/etc within the dimension. Other locations may amplify or convey some degree of a Magical Skill, and one or more knowledges. (And some provide specific spells at a high level of power) The use of such locations is known as 'Wishing'. Part of the process which makes crude wish parsers possible is the development of the Reality Arcane Knowledge. Such spells must use Reality as their mechanism and only work for possibility rated people who can invest possibility energy into the spells. They are very difficult, as Reality sits above the Essences with a Pattern cost of 35. It connects to itself at a cost of 15 and to the Essences at a cost of ten. Spells using Reality as a Pattern can manipulate Possibilities (putting them into or draining them out of a source, moving them from one place to another, and so on) or can sense the flow of possibilities and the axiom levels of an area, using Reality as a Mechanism enables them to use the full effect value instead of pushing it through the Power Push table (like Magic), and using Reality as a result makes the effect permanent by allowing you to invest possibility energy into the effect to make it so. Only possibility rated people can actually learn to use it yet, however. At this axiom, possibilities can only be absorbed from eternity shards or possibility-rated beings, and can only be transferred into other such things by means of magic. 24: The plane is so suffused with magic that every sentient creature is born with two magical skills and knowledges, and some exceptional beings are born with three. Every living thing has some degree of magical ability. Training can greatly increase one's magical proficiency. All substances have a magical affinity, and some are so imbued with magic that they will convey up to five adds of a single Arcane Knowledge to anyone who carries something made from that substance. Many substances exist naturally which contain specific spell effects built into them which anyone can use, though they are typically consumed in the casting. It becomes easier to create spells; the Magic Type component of Basic Complexity of Divination magic drops to 16, Apportation to 18, Alteration to 21, and Conjuration to 24. (To convert a grimoire spell of below Axiom 24 to its equivalent at this axiom level, reduce either the Backlash or the Difficulty of the spell by one point.) It only requires 40 minutes of observation to find the Pattern of a spell, and spells can be polished in four days to grimoire quality. 25: Every sentient creature is born with an add in all four magical skills, an add in four Arcane Knowledges, and an add in a single Process theorem. This means that everyone is born able to create their own spells. Sentient societies are typically heavily suffused with magic as a result. Magical energy sources exist which are highly efficient, and everything inanimate typically has one or more magical uses which it can boost in effectiveness. It is possible to impress one's own magical skills or even mundane skills into items, enabling anyone who uses them to share those skills, although at this axiom level, you must take the power push of your adds as if they were a skill total themselves, to determine the maximum adds you can impress. Travel between dimensions becomes common. It becomes easier to create spells; the Magic Type component of Basic Complexity of Divination magic drops to 14, Apportation to 16, Alteration to 19, and Conjuration to 22. (To convert a grimoire spell of below Axiom 24 to its equivalent at this axiom level, split three points of reduction between the Difficulty and Backlash.) It only requires 15 minutes of observation to find the Pattern of a spell, and spells can be polished in one and a half days to grimoire quality. Spells using the Reality knowledge can now absorb possibility energy from the environment or ords, although it requires a very high EV to get enough possibility energy to be of much use. Only possibility rated people can build such spells, still. 26: Every sentient creature is born with an add in all four magical skills, an add in six Arcane Knowledges, and an add in three Process theorems. Advances are made in magical knowledge; it is now possible to learn special skills which combine two magical skills together into a unified theory. It is also possible to learn special Arcane knowledges which combine two of the Arcane Knowledges. Such unified skills greatly speed the rate at which non-possibility rated characters improve their magical abilities. It becomes easier to create spells; the Magic Type component of Basic Complexity of Divination magic drops to 12, Apportation to 14, Alteration to 17, and Conjuration to 20. (To convert a grimoire spell of below Axiom 24 to its equivalent at this axiom level, split five points of reduction between the Difficulty and Backlash.) It only requires 6 minutes of observation to find the Pattern of a spell, and spells can be polished in 15 hours to grimoire quality. 27: Every sentient creature is born with an add in all four magical skills, an add in seven Arcane Knowledges, and an add in four Process theorems. Advances are made in magical knowledge; it is now possible to learn special skills which combine three magical skills together into a unified theory. It is also possible to learn special Arcane knowledges which combine three of the Arcane Knowledges. Such unified skills greatly speed the rate at which non-possibility rated characters improve their magical abilities. It becomes easier to create spells; the Magic Type component of Basic Complexity of Divination magic drops to 11, Apportation to 13, Alteration to 16, and Conjuration to 19. (To convert a grimoire spell of below Axiom 24 to its equivalent at this axiom level, split six points of reduction between the Difficulty and Backlash.) It only requires 4 minutes of observation to find the Pattern of a spell, and spells can be polished in 10 hours to grimoire quality. The drop in difficulty of magics hits the point that permanent magics start to become very common, as high axiom versions of spells with the penalty for permanent magics added, are still easier to cast than the lower axiom versions. 28: Every sentient creature is born with an add in all four magical skills, an add in seven Arcane Knowledges, and an add in four Process theorems. Advances are made in magical knowledge; there is a Grand Unified Theory of Magic, which creates the Magical Theory skill, which can be used in place of all four magical Skills. It is also possible to learn special Arcane knowledges which combine entire categories of Arcane Knowledges. Magical Theory and the category Knowledges can be combined to create 'wish' spells, which can produce any effect covered by the Category Knowledge used. Such spells can be impressed into objects or the caster. Mundane skills are suffused with magic, granting special powers as one increases in skill, such powers are quite potent at this axiom. It becomes easier to create spells; the Magic Type component of Basic Complexity of Divination magic drops to 10, Apportation to 12, Alteration to 15, and Conjuration to 18. (To convert a grimoire spell of below Axiom 24 to its equivalent at this axiom level, split seven points of reduction between the Difficulty and Backlash.) It only requires 2.5 minutes of observation to find the Pattern of a spell, and spells can be polished in 6 hours to grimoire quality. The Reality arcane knowledge can now be used by any sorceror; it is used in the construction of reliable wish parsers. Using Reality as a mechanism, connections can be opened between Cosms. Permanent magics can be created which will absorb possibility energy and radiate a hardpoint of their cosm, though not very big ones. 29: Every sentient creature is born with an add in all four magical skills, an add in seven Arcane Knowledges, and an add in five Process theorems. Some are born with more than one add in each. A few rare individuals are born with Magic Theory skill and one or more of the Category Arcane Knowledges. Arcane Knowledges now exist which combine two entire categories of Arcane Knowledges. Mundane skills are suffused with magic, granting potentially very potent powers as you grow in skill. It becomes easier to create spells; the Magic Type component of Basic Complexity of Divination magic drops to 9, Apportation to 11, Alteration to 14, and Conjuration to 17. (To convert a grimoire spell of below Axiom 24 to its equivalent at this axiom level, split eight points of reduction between the Difficulty and Backlash.) It only requires 1 minute of observation to find the Pattern of a spell, and spells can be polished in 4 hours to grimoire quality. Larger hardpoints can be created using Magic. 30: Every sentient creature is born with an add in all four magical skills, an add in seven Arcane Knowledges, and an add in six Process theorems. Some are born with more than one add in each. Some individuals are born with Magic Theory skill and one or more of the Category Arcane Knowledges. Arcane Knowledges now exist which combine three entire categories of Arcane Knowledges. It becomes easier to create spells; the Magic Type component of Basic Complexity of Divination magic drops to 8, Apportation to 10, Alteration to 13, and Conjuration to 16. (To convert a grimoire spell of below Axiom 22 to its equivalent at this axiom level, split nine points of reduction between the Difficulty and Backlash.) It only requires 40 seconds of observation to find the Pattern of a spell, and spells can be polished in two and a half hours to grimoire quality. Huge hardpoints can be created using Magic and magical items with the powers of eternity shards can be constructed with magic, if sufficient possibility energy is available. 31: Every sentient creature is born with multiple adds in all four magical skills, an add in seven Arcane Knowledges and one Category Arcane Knowledge , and an add in the Theory Category Arcane Knowledge. Some are born with more than one add in each. Many individuals are born with Magic Theory skill and Two or more of the Category Arcane Knowledges. Arcane Knowledges now exist which combine four entire categories of Arcane Knowledges. It becomes easier to create spells; the Magic Type component of Basic Complexity of Divination magic drops to 7, Apportation to 9, Alteration to 12, and Conjuration to 15. (To convert a grimoire spell of below Axiom 22 to its equivalent at this axiom level, split ten points of reduction between the Difficulty and Backlash.) It only requires 25 seconds of observation to find the Pattern of a spell, and spells can be polished in one hour to grimoire quality. 32: Every sentient creature is born with multiple adds in all four magical skills, an add in two Category Arcane Knowledges and in three Arcane Knowledges outside those categories , and two adds in the Theory Category Arcane Knowledge. Some are born with more than two adds in their knowledges. Many individuals are born with Magic Theory skill and Two or more of the Category Arcane Knowledges. Arcane Knowledges now exist which combine five entire categories of Arcane Knowledges. It becomes easier to create spells; the Magic Type component of Basic Complexity of Divination magic drops to 6, Apportation to 8, Alteration to 11, and Conjuration to 14. (To convert a grimoire spell of below Axiom 22 to its equivalent at this axiom level, split eleven points of reduction between the Difficulty and Backlash.) It only requires 15 seconds of observation to find the Pattern of a spell, and spells can be polished in 40 minutes to grimoire quality. 33: My Will Be Done. Magic Theory and Universal Arcane Knowledge (which encompasses all magical knowledges including the Theory ones) is the birthright of every living thing, as everyone is born with one or more adds in them. It becomes easier to create spells; the Magic Type component of Basic Complexity of Divination magic drops to 5, Apportation to 7, Alteration to 10, and Conjuration to 13. (To convert a grimoire spell of below Axiom 22 to its equivalent at this axiom level, split twelve points of reduction between the Difficulty and Backlash.) It only requires 10 seconds of observation to find the Pattern of a spell, and spells can be polished in 25 minutes to grimoire quality. Mundane skills themselves convey vast magical powers related to their topic to those who master them. Possibility energy is easily manipulable with magic. Spiritual Axiom
0: The world is devoid of spiritual life. Faith is not rewarded. Miracles are non-existant. There is not even the concept of higher beings or an afterlife. 1: While there is still no belief in an afterlife, belief in the spirits of the natural (and / or supernatural) world around you exists, leading to animism. There are no regular miracles granted, but there is a tiny, tiny chance that prayer may lead to some spirit somehow mustering the power to grant a miracle. (The Focus Difficulty of Invocation is 52! Only minimal success is possible.) In a sufficiently magical or technological cosm, it may be possible to use magic or technology to contact these spirits, though they have very marginal power. 2: It now becomes possible to produce miracles, but it requires a huge investment of time in study. (Non-possibility rated characters must spend a decade in learning the first adds of Faith and Focus, and each add afterwards takes ten times the normal amount of time). Miracles can only benefit the faithful (who must all have Faith and Focus), and everyone in the community of the faithful must be present at the performing of the miracle. Most miracles are only possible at certain fixed times of the sacred year, and require repeated ceremonies leading up to when the miracle happens. If any are missed, that miracle will not be possible that year. 3: It is no longer necessary for everyone in the community of the faithful to attend every ceremony which leads up to a miracle, though a majority must appear each time. (It now only takes five years to learn Faith and Focus, and learning further adds only takes five times the normal time.) 4: The process of learning Faith and Focus is further refined, and it now only takes 3 years for the first add of each and three times normal for the rest. 5: At this stage, it is no longer necessary for all of the community to be priests to benefit from a miracle. Only a single leader need have focus, while the rest of the community only needs the Faith skill. These skills can be acquired at normal rates. Divine Invocation can now have up to Good Results. 6: A variety of religous symbols begin to be used, though they have no special power. While many miracles are still tied to specific times of year and require much preparation, a handful of ritual miracles begin to appear which are used for ceremonies which have no fixed date in the spiritual calendar. 7: Religious symbols now hold spiritual power and can be used by the faithful to ward off supernatural evils (Ward enemy miracle) or to facilitate the use of spiritual power. Most miracles still require extensive rituals, but a few can be performed fairly quickly. Their effects remain fairly subtle, easily ascribable to luck. 8: The spiritual power of priests grows; an increasing number of miracles can be performed quickly without requiring extensive ritual. The mental state of a subject can be nudged, though not shaped in detailed ways. Poisoning can be cured. Nippon Tech Axioms 9: Divine Invocation can have up to Superior results. Miracles grow stronger and it is possible to broadly enhance the abilities of the faithful. Faith healing is possible as well. Miracles are never indisputably divine in nature, but can begin to be obviously unusual. Core Earth Axioms 10: Religious oaths can become made spiritually binding. Other languages can now be understood via miracle. The loa may manifest themselves by possessing people. A variety of weapons can be blessed, rendering them more effective. 11: It is now possible for the community of the faithful to imbue an item or place with spiritual power which can be tapped by the faithful. In addition to evil supernatural entities, it is now possible to drive off members of hostile faiths with the presentation of holy symbols (Banish miracle). Crops can be made more fertile. 12: It is now possible for spiritual power to be raised up as an impressive bulwark against magic, and for a variety of miracles to aid in battle to be performed. 13: Spectacular success on Divine Invocation is possible, though difficult. Only the most ferocious of skeptics can deny the existence of the divine, though it may be very unclear as to what the truth of the divine is. It is possible to communicate with the spirit realms, enabling such miracles as talking to the dead. Necromantic miracles for unleashing armies of undead are possible. Direct Invocations can, on a spectacular success, affect reality-phenomena, such as maelstrom bridges, reality storms, and so forth. Star Sphere Axioms 14: It is possible to alter life forms with miracles; diseases can be rendered stronger or weaker, animals can be given the gift of speech permanently, people can be struck blind. It is also possible to use miracles to communicate with animals temporarily. Spiritual entities are rarely seen, unless the magic axiom is high enough for such entities to also tap magical energies to support themselves. Aysle Axioms 15: Locations exist which can perform perpetual miracles. Such locations are sometimes visited by spiritual entities. The faithful can consecrate items which will perform miracles for anyone. It is now possible to sacrifice unbelievers who are possibility rated and extract their possibility energy for your own use. Miracles also exist allowing possibility rated characters to voluntarily give up or transfer some of their possibility energy to others. Miracles can create sites of perpetual miracles which sustain themselves by tapping into the ambient flows of possibility energy and the possibility energy of their users to sustain themselves. This is not easy. Direct Invocations can, on a superior success, affect reality-phenomena, such as maelstrom bridges, reality storms, and so forth. Tharkold Axioms 16: Spiritual entities begin to make regular appearances in the material world. They may be called by the faithful, but also sometimes begin to show up without being called. The most faithful may sometimes be able to make return visits. Atheism now begins to lose power; they suffer a –3 penalty to their faith totals to negate other faiths' miracles. Nile Empire Axioms 17: Spiritual entities are common, though not every day encounters. Miracles exist which can effect entire towns, though such miracles require lengthy ritual(Difficulty 15+, Community Ratings 20+). Atheism grows even weaker, suffering a –6 penalty to faith totals. Orrosh Axioms. 18: Locations which perform perpetual miracles are common enough that virtually every town has one; it typically is the location of worship services. Atheism grows nigh- impotent, suffering a –9 penalty to faith totals. The sacrifice of unbeliever ords can now yield possibility energy, but requires fairly large scale slaughter to do so (Spirit Axiom + Torg Value of Ords sacrificed – 33 = Number of Possibilities yielded by the rite.) Worship rites exist which harvest a small amount of possibility energy from believers, leaving them largely unharmed and transfer the collective energy to the priest. Such rites produce (Spirit Axiom + Torg Value of Ritual Participants with Faith – 36 ) worth of possibilities to the priest. In either case, non-possibility rated priests can use the rite, but it is much harder for them and they must burn the points in fairly short order. Possibility rated priests can keep the points for as long as they like. Miracles can open portals into pocket dimensions and the like. Cyberpapal Spirit Axiom 19: Spiritual entities are seen frequently. A fair number of the faithful have seen the spirit realms, and some have even visited them. Atheism becomes a contradiction, and suffers a –12 penalty to its effectiveness for those who have yet to disconnect. Everyone is born with the Faith skill at one add, inheriting their parent's faith, although it is possible to convert later in life. Possessing even a single add of Focus doubles the number of miracles you have access to. Ritual miracles exist which can potentially effect an entire county (or a very small nation, such as Luxembourg), though this is difficult(Difficulty 20+ , Community Ratings 25+). Other rituals allow powerful spirit entities to be called to the assistance of the faithful. 20: The spiritual power of the community waxes. It is possible to use Focus unskilled; believers have access to a number of miracles (all of which must be Prayers, rather than Rituals) equal to their Faith adds. Spiritual entities are a frequent, but not omnipresent part of daily life. Priests (those with Focus) typically have some sort of guardian spirit (assuming any exist in that mythos) whose power level depends on their faith adds. 21: The plentiful spiritual energy of the world reduces the difficulty of all miracles of Axiom level 20 or less by 1. (Miracles which benefit from this reduction take on the axiom level of the cosm as their axiom level instead of the normal difficulty. Thus, the Axiom 21 version of the Healing Ritual would drop to a difficulty of 16, but now has an Axiom level of 21 instead of 9, and thus causes contradiction in more places.) Ritual miracles now exist which could potentially effect an entire state or a fair-sized nation, though they are quite difficult(Difficulty 25+ , Community Ratings 30+). Miracles now exist which allow possibility points to be spent to temporarily or permanently lower the difficulty of miracles in a sanctified area. Such areas require periodic recharging with possibility energy by sacrifice of unbelievers, the possibility energy of believers, or direct energy expenditure by priests. 22: The plentiful spiritual energy of the world reduces the difficulty of all miracles of Axiom level 20 or less by 2. All believers now typically have some sort of guardian spirit ally. Priests frequently have a bevy of spiritual entities they can call upon for aid and who may be in frequent attendence on them. 23: The plentiful spiritual energy of the world reduces the difficulty of all miracles of Axiom level 20 or less by 3. At this stage, one mythos begins to become dominant, and other mythoi suffer a –3 bonus to all attempts to perform miracles. Miracles exist which can be used to enforce the dominance of a particular mythos in the area of effect; they require the use of possibility energy to empower them. Miracles can create hardpoints if sufficient possibility energy is available. Direct Invocations can, on a good success, affect reality-phenomena, such as maelstrom bridges, reality storms, and so forth. 24: Miracles exist which could affect large portions of a continent, although they are very, very difficult rituals, which typically require the cooperation of a very large number of believers(Difficulty 30+ , Community Ratings 35+). The plentiful spiritual energy of the world reduces the difficulty of all miracles of Axiom level 20 or less by 4. At this stage, one mythos is becoming dominant, and other mythoi suffer a –6 bonus to all attempts to perform miracles. 25: The plentiful spiritual energy of the world reduces the difficulty of all miracles of Axiom level 20 or less by 5. At this stage, one mythos is becoming fairly dominant, and other mythoi suffer a –9 bonus to all attempts to perform miracles. Direct Invocations can, on an average success, affect reality-phenomena, such as maelstrom bridges, reality storms, and so forth. 26: Entire continents may be effected by ritual miracles, although this is incredibly difficult and requires the aid of vast numbers of believers (Difficulty 35+ , Community Ratings 40+) . The plentiful spiritual energy of the world reduces the difficulty of all miracles of Axiom level 20 or less by 6. At this stage, one mythos is becoming fairly dominant, and other mythoi suffer a –12 bonus to all attempts to perform miracles. 27: All faiths but one lose all power and become contradictory. The dominant faith may well be polytheistic and involve the worship of multiple gods, so long as they are tied together into a larger structure of faith and practice. Said dominant faith may include hostile cults whose mythoi are intertwined together (The dominant faith may be, for example, dualistic, with a good and an evil god at war with each other.) Travel to spiritual realms becomes common and spiritual entities become an ordinary part of life. The plentiful spiritual energy of the world reduces the difficulty of all miracles of Axiom level 20 or less by 7. Believers have miracles equal to twice the sum of their Faith and Focus skills available to them. Possibility energy can be spent on miracles which suppress the power of enemy mythos in an area, rendering them impotent even if a contradiction could normally be created in the area. Miracles can bear messages between cosms or even open portals between them. Aspects of other axioms can be suppressed with miracles (such as Kaah rendering magnetic devices impotent in the living land), effecting even attempts to make contradictions, unless said attempt overcomes the miracle's strength. Divine invocations can create items similar to eternity shards, though it requires a superior or better success to have much effect. Living Land Spiritual Axioms. 28: Ritual miracles exist which can effect multiple continents, if not the entire planet. These are agonizingly difficult, however (Difficulty 40+ , Community Ratings 45+). The plentiful spiritual energy of the world reduces the difficulty of all miracles of Axiom level 20 or less by 8. 29: Everyone is now born a priest. Faith and Focus are now a single skill, used for the purposes of both. The material world and the Spiritual Realms are heavily intertwined. The plentiful spiritual energy of the world reduces the difficulty of all miracles of Axiom level 20 or less by 9. With sufficient possibility energy, the very face of the world can be reshaped to fit religious beliefs. Local Axiom Shifts can be forced. Devices similar to eternity shards can be created. Direct Invocations can, on a minimal success, affect reality-phenomena, such as maelstrom bridges, reality storms, and so forth. Though not very much. 30: Ritual miracles exist which can now effect the entire planet, if you can manage to organize well enough to use them (Difficulty 45+ , Community Ratings 50+). The plentiful spiritual energy of the world reduces the difficulty of all miracles of Axiom level 20 or less by 10. 31: Ritual miracles exist which can effect an entire solar system (Difficulty 50+ , Community Ratings 55+). Visiting spirit realms is as easy and convenient as going to the grocery store. The plentiful spiritual energy of the world reduces the difficulty of all miracles of Axiom level 20 or less by 11. With enough possibility energy from believers, the process of axiom shift can be greatly accelerated. 32: Ritual miracles exist which can effect an entire galaxy(Difficulty 55+ , Community Ratings 65+). The plentiful spiritual energy of the world reduces the difficulty of all miracles of Axiom level 20 or less by 12. 33: Ask and ye shall receive. Believers are perfectly aligned with the will of the gods and the will of the gods is all powerful. The plentiful spiritual energy of the world reduces the difficulty of all miracles of Axiom level 20 or less by 13. The believers can easily reshape reality to their whim.
Social Axiom
0: No social interaction between beings is possible; all beings either live in isolation or fail to recognize each other as members of the same kind. Communication is impossible. 1: Basic interaction between beings is possible, though only the simplest concepts can be communicated through pointing and signs. It is still impossible to form actual groups. Sex is possible, though no long term relationships exist. 2: Families. Parent-child relationships now exist. The parents and children may come together into a group for as long as the children need care, and some degree of relationship may endure even beyond that. Children have rudimentary social bonds with their siblings. Spoken language now develops, though there is no writing. Parents can pass on basic knowledge to their children. Through shared rituals and the expenditure of a possibility point by a possibility rated member of the family, a truly impressive event (one in which a glory card was spent or a 60+ rolled if no PCs were around), can be used as a focus to reconnect the members of the family to their cosm if they are disconnected, and refill them with possibility energy. 3: Extended Families. The extended family now develops as concepts of grand- parentage, cousins, and other somewhat broader blood ties develop. Extended families typically compete with each other, rather than cooperating. Some families may find brides by raiding each other, others interbreed incestuously. Verbal tradition grows strong, and some memory of the past is preserved in stories. Rituals begin to develop, and continuing interaction between individuals makes the concept of private property necessary. It is now possible to spark members of your extended family through group rites, if someone participating is possibility rated. 4: Clans. Peaceful interaction between extended families becomes possible as peaceful practices of bride exchange are developed. These create ties which link families together into clans. Adoption is invented. 5: Tribes. Multiple clans are now linked together into tribes by a mixture of actual blood- ties, ficticious blood-ties, and shared practices. Tribes are typically hostile with each other. Ideas of communal property are prevalent, in addition to personal possessions. Leadership positions are developed. Storytelling is further developed with the creation of theatre, which is usually religious in nature. Pictographic writing begins to develop. You can spark your tribe members. 6: Trade. Simple trade begins as tribes start to learn how to be friendly with each other, though violence may often be interspersed with peaceful commerce. 7: Villages. Tribes can now settle down and form villages, permanent communities, and conduct joint improvement of the land around the village. Land ownership is more refined as a concept. New leadership structures lead to the creation of kingship. Greater specialization of social roles is possible, leading to the development of warrior, crafter, religious, and other groups. Slavery unfortunately becomes possible. Pictographic writing systems become more sophisticated and abstracted. Trade becomes a significant phenomena, along with poetry and sports. You can spark an entire village community. Travelling storytellers exist who can, over time spread the spark beyond the local community to other ones in the area who share similar culture. Living Land Social Axiom 8: City States. City States, lead by a King or ruling council of nobles become possible, with one city dominating a collection of smaller villages. Other city states can be forced to pay tribute or destroyed in warfare. Taxes are developed, along with improvements in record-keeping and mathematics to collect the taxes, which are in kind. Small standing military forces can exist. Basic feudal relations can exist. Master-apprentice relationships develop. Every city state has its own gods and its own religious system, which is staffed by a permanent priestly group. 9: Early Leagues and 'Empires'. It is possible to subject a large number of city states to the dominance of a central potent one, or for clumsy leagues of city states to exist. Such leagues and 'empires' are fragile and rarely survive more than a generation or two. Groups of city states begin to share culture with each other and may develop cultural identities, even if they can't achieve political unity. Major temples may have subsidiary temples elsewhere, and faiths may intertwine to form polytheistic pantheons with shared myths within the same cultural area. 10: Mature leagues and empires. With greater political sophistication, it is possible to create voluntary or involuntary leagues of city states which can survive their founders. The development of abstract and/or phonetic alphabets combines with the beginning of libraries to promote scholarship. Laws can be codified and money is invented. Democracy becomes possible, though it is only suitable for governing up to a single city and is fragile. Culture may easily cross state boundaries. With better collection of knowledge and its better preservation, proto-hardpoints (so-called because they can't actually be noticed by natives unless an invasion happens) now become better able to endure past the age in which they were made, for they can more easily continue to have significance, instead of being forgotten. 11: Sub-Kings and Provinces. Larger states now become possible, as the concept of the province is created. Sub-kings (satraps, governors, etc) are appointed to rule over them in the name of the king. This enables empires to grow quite large. State religions may be imposed more effectively on subjugated kingdoms. Churches begin to form into bureaucracies as well, developing links between local congregations. 12: Guilds and Cultural Exchange / Assimilation. Greater degrees of stratification of territorial units develop, allowing even larger states. Sects may form which are no longer mainly the outgrowth of a particular political community. Postal and news services begin to develop, and the trade in ideas increases. Credit, money lending, and the renting of property develop. Long distance trade networks form. Conquered populations begin, over time, to frequently assimilate to their conquerors. Tradesmen begin to cooperate, forming local guilds which regulate the practice of a particular business or craft in a city. Schools begin to develop, though few students attend them yet. Cultural exchange between widely different regions becomes possible. Members of other cultures can contribute to hardpoint formation by being impressed with the great deeds and works of other cultures. The sparking of ords can now cross cultural barriers. Sparks can also spread via news services. 13: Universities and Chartered Cities. Cooperation between merchants increases with the formation of long-term joint business ventures, though these are often somewhat unstable. Extremely long-distance trade is now possible if technology permits travel in a reasonable amount of time relative to profits to be made. Government becomes increasingly dependent on literacy. Universities begin to form, training literate specialists. Various forms of national assemblies may exist, though they are often rather ad hoc and irregularly summoned. Chartered cities come into existence, who buy special privileges and freedoms in return for regular payments to nobles or kings or clergy. Some kings may rule more than one nation, though those nations remain distinct entities and may well grow jealous of each other. In some societies, slavery and states of servitude begin to go into decline, though both survive in regions where it is hard to get labor. (Magna Veritan Old Social Axiom) Tharkold Social Axiom 14: Improved Trade. Monarchies begin to raise money by investing in trade and by granting monopoly privileges to single or groups of merchants or nobles. This, combined with long-distance trade, helps to stimulate the development of joint-stock corporations. Growing trade leads to the first beginnings of commodity speculation and financial markets. Collateral is invented and banks begin to appear. Long works of non-poetic fiction begin to appear. Monarchs may begin to sell noble status, offices, or other privileges to make money, diluting the value of older nobility. 15: Absolute Monarchy. 'Absolute' monarchy is possible, as the power of the nobility is reduced, though not destroyed. It tends to be in frequent financial trouble, however. Joint-stock companies, financial speculation, commodities trading, and other such endeavours flourish, though they also lead to social tensions. The guild system goes into decline, replaced by the putting-out system. New aristocratic groups may arise through the sale of offices. Tenant farming or a free peasantry that owns its own land is common. Schools, university, and literacy become more common, though still rare. It is possible for nations to have overseas colonies, though they can't be governed very effectively from home unless means of very rapid travel are available. Mercantilist economic theories are common. Aysle Axioms 16: Early Social Sciences and Improved Legislatures. National Assemblies and parliamentary government (as a component of mixed or parliamentary government) become a potential viable alternative to absolutist government. Such assemblies still typically represent only the cities and the nobility and clergy. Time is denatured (the concept of artificial units of time divorced from natural or local phenomena). Time zones and standard time benchmarks become possible. There is a growing literary class. Ideas of 'rights' begin to be bandied about. Economic theory begins to be developed, along with the roots of sociology, anthropology, and other social sciences. Capitalism, socialism, and communism can be articulated. The social support structures for an industrial revolution now exist. Utilitarian philosophies are developed. Some churches may govern themselves through a representative structure. Possibility rated characters can now time the length of their reality bubbles accurately. Cyberpapal Axioms 17: Nationalism. Monarchs now dwindle in power, becoming figureheads, while national assemblies become the dominant form of government. Nationalism begins to rise, disrupting multi-national empires and strengthening single-nation states. Federal nations are possible, though fragile. Cities grow to much larger sizes, with attendant problems. Corporations begin to be formed for economic purposes. 18: Pluralism and Global Trade. Federalism becomes a stronger force and Federal nations become less centrifugal. Broader and broader sections of the population are enfranchised, and pluralism becomes an important aspect of viable governments. Bureaucracy grows and education spreads. Amateur government becomes less and less viable, which can cause problems when combined with growing representative democracy. The growth of educational systems helps to create a flourishing intellectual class who are able to further advance knowledge. Substantial global trade exists and is becoming ever more important economically. Corporations become an increasingly important part of the economy at the national level. Interest groups coalesce at a national level, pressuring government and each other in a variety of ways. The world economy increasingly impacts every nation. True slavery ceases to exist, though various forms of servitude endure. Orrorsh Axioms 19: Early Globalism. A variety of corporate bodies, from businesses to labor unions to reform associations, jockey for power in each nation, and nations jockey for power in the international arena. Businesses increasingly spread into international operations and while many people have only indirect links to the world economy, it now links all the major nations and many minor ones in a web of economic interdependency. Other international associations begin to form. The first fragile efforts are made to form transnational governments. Fairly effective dictatorships are possible, though in the long term, they tend to be unstable. The development of international media means that it is now conceivably possible to spark people on the far side of the planet who you have not even heard of, although trying to spark via news media is harder than group storytelling and cultural rituals. It is now possible for possibility rated people to infuse possibility energy into a unit of communication (a story, a novel, a news story, a television episode, a chain letter, etc), and cause that unit of communication to have a disproportionate effect on the world for a short time. Proto-hardpoints can be world-famous and benefit in growth or preservation of their spiritual value appropriately. Nile Empire Axioms 20: Global Media. A variety of international institutions come into existence which have some degree of often fragile power granted them by their member nations, such as global banks, international courts, and other such institutions. Regions may possess stronger institutions binding nations together. Concepts of rights begin to be extended beyond human beings, leading to movements such as vegetarianism and animal rights. A global culture is rising and assimilating aspects of other cultures. Possibility-infused media grows in impact, lasting longer and hitting harder. The growth of global media, infused with some degree of possibility energy by its creators means that anyone who spends enough time exposed to it will eventually reconnect (if he is in his home cosm) once some story hits home, though this may take a very long time. (Use the transformation tables). Core Earth Axioms 21: Mature Globalism. While a completely binding planetary government is not yet possible, regions may have strong federal governmental systems for nations. Their citizens begin to transfer their highest loyalties to these governments. Other international institutions become stronger, and competition between the regional governments tends to be peaceful, because warfare would wreck the economy. Businesses at the highest level are very transnational with few loyalties to the nations which gave them birth. Populations are highly mobile and fluid at the global level. Spreading global culture helps you to spark larger areas with a single glory deed. Possibility-infused media may well last for months before the impact wears off. It makes an excellent advertising tool for possibility rated businessmen. Nippon Tech Axioms. 22: Early Planetary Era. It is now possible to create planetary governments, though they still have bugs to be worked out. The planetary economy becomes more stable and less prone to boom/bust cycles, though the economic cycles cannot yet be completely overcome. It becomes easier to reconcile interest-group conflicts, though they still exist. Common identity as inhabitants of planet X (and species Y if contact with aliens is an issue) begins to override other loyalties. A possibility-infused unit of media may well become known around the world while its time in the sun lasts. 23: Mature Planetary Era. Planetary governments now become stable. Entire solar systems can be governed if suitable technology, magic, or miracles makes such expansion viable. Global culture tends to devour and assimilate everything in its path, though such cultures are usually quite broad and diverse. Racial, class, and sexual prejudices within a species fade away to the margins of society, but inter-species prejudices and conflict remain a problem. It is now possible to spark an entire nation with a single glory. 24: The social revolution. Techniques begin to be developed which can create possibility-infused ideas which can sustain and spread themselves by absorbing minute amounts of possibility energy from those who listen to them and agree. Such ideas are thought-viruses, known as memes. They are still clumsy and easily fall apart at this level, and only possibility-rated people can make them successfully, unless some sort of other possibility-manipulation exists which can be used to charge them with possibility energy. A meme which disconnects in an area of Axiom 20-25 becomes the most powerful sort of possiblity-laden idea it can. A meme which disconnects below Social 20 simply evaporates, though if it conveys concepts understood at that level, it may well spread by normal means. Major breakthroughs are now made in sociology, psychology, and economics as the principles of memes are applied to them. Crude systems of Psychohistory can be developed which enable prediction of future events from current trends, on a sufficiently large scale. It is possible to organize multi-solar system governments, though there are problems. It is now possible to spark an entire continent with a single glory. 25: Mature Mimetic Age. It is now possible to govern dozens of star systems, if not very well. Federal governments of small numbers of systems can function effectively. Planetary governments become hyper-efficient and can exceed Arrow's Axiom within the limits of that planet. Sexual, gender, racial, and class biases within a species cease to exist. Sadly, biases between species continue to exist and may well fill many of the same roles. Memes are now reasonably stable and useful; counter-mimetic measures are developed. Anyone can create memes, though it is much faster for possibility-rated people. It is now possible to spark an entire planet with a glory result. Memes can be created which will, given some time, create talismans and even hardpoints by causing people to give a place or item cultural significance. While Memes cannot actually change other axioms, they can facilitate the rise of other axioms by spreading the ideas necessary to advance the axiom, or causing a reaction against it which will cause some to reject the use of some level or aspect of the axiom. Star Sphere Axioms. 26: Governments can now clumsily govern hundreds upon hundreds of star systems. Governments of dozens of star systems function effectively. Arrow's Axiom can be exceeded for governments encompassing just a few planets. It is possible to create governments in which multiple sentient species can effectively cooperate and co-exist, though a variety of problems continue to exist. 27: Large portions of a galaxy can be clumsily governed. Governments encompassing hundreds upon hundreds of star systems can function effectively. Arrow's Axiom can be exceeded for governments encompassing dozens of star systems. Inter-species cooperation becomes fairly effective, though prejudices still exist. 28: Entire galaxies can be governed clumsily. Galactic regions can form effective governments. Arrow's Axiom can be exceeded for governments encompassing hundreds of star systems. Inter-species prejudices are fading. 29: Multiple galaxies can be governed clumsily. Entire galaxies can be effectively governed. Arrow's Axiom can be exceeded for governments encompassing entire galactic regions. Inter-species prejudices fade away almost completely. Memes can be created which make it possible to affect a wide-range of behaviors. Such memes enable their bearers to more easily resist the temptation to evil deeds. The most evil of acts become a contradiction. Sufficiently widely-held ideas will now spontaneously become memes when they hit a critical threshold of possibility investment from their advocates. Any performance of a glory deed will absorb possibility points from its environment, then cause it to potentially spark anyone who witnesses it or is told of it or even just watches it on the news. Memes can now, given enough time, transform an object into an eternity shard. 30: Dozens of galaxies can be governed clumsily. Multiple galaxies can be united under one effective government. Arrow's Axiom can be exceeded for governments encompassing entire galaxies. Different governments may still experience conflicts, but not on the basis of speciest prejudices. Memes can be used to reshape the axioms in an area, causing a local axiom shift, by altering people's behavior on a grand and consistent enough scale to cause them to spend enough energy to make the change. 31: Hundreds of galaxies can be governed clumsily. Dozens of galaxies can be effectively governed. Arrow's Axiom can be exceeded for governments encompassing multiple galaxies. It is now possible to spark an entire interstellar civilization with a single glory, given enough time for it to spread. Communications is so possibility laden that prolonged exposure to culture will cause people to reconnect and refill with possibility energy. (Use the Pure Zone Transform table to see how quickly) 32: Huge regions of the universe can be governed clumsily. Fair-sized regions can be effectively governed. Arrow's Axiom can be exceeded for governments encompassing hundreds of galaxies. It is possible to force axiom shifts with memes fairly quickly. Memes can reshape cultures completely, turning vegetarian pacifists into violent carnivores. 33: Everything that is alive is united into one perfect society. There is no social conflict and society easily reconfigures itself to deal with any potential problems. A single glory deed automatically resparks the entire universe, given time.
Tech Axiom
O: No technology possible; sentient and semi-sentient creatures rely entirely on their bodies, magic, miracles, etc. 1: Naturally occuring items can be used as tools—sticks and thrown rocks can be used to knock fruit off trees or dig tasty insects out of crevices, sufficiently agile creatures could cling to a log as it floats downstream in order to avoid drowning, and so on. Fire cannot be created, but it can be maintained (It is understood that fire needs fuel to survive). One can attempt to ride animals at this level of technology, but since domestication hasn't been invented yet, one is unlikely to have much success. 2: Paleolithic Age on Earth. It is now possible to begin to modify naturally occurring items in order to make them more suitable as tools. The secret of fire is discovered. Stone items can be chipped against each other to produce stone blades, and these blades used to cut wood. Vines can be woven together into crude ropes. Clothing can be created by skinning animals. 3: Tool use improves. Simple weapons are now in use: spears, clubs, slings. More sophisticated tools, such as needles, are developed. Sentients begin to domesticate animals. The simplest water vehicles (rafts) are invented. 4: Mesolithic Age. Sentients now grasp the principle of the seed, which enables them to invent horticulture (they learn how to gather and scatter seeds, thus promoting the growth of desired crops, though all work is done with crude hand tools, if any tools at all.) There begins to be improvements in the use of wood, enabling canoes to be made. Sentients figure out how to use naturally occuring deposits of relatively pure copper, but cannot yet smelt the ore. 5: Further improvements in the use of wood now enables the creation of small fishing boats, though it is too dangerous to go far from shore. The wheel and axeled rollers begin to be used. The spread of horticulture leads some to develop simple calendar systems based on easily observable natural phenomena. Simple buildings begin to be built. Animal breeding begins, and so does the simplest plant breeding. 6: Bronze Age begins. The invention of pottery makes it possible to begin to smelt metal. Metal now begins to be smelted and tools made out of soft metals. The first alloys are created and bronze is invented. More sophisticated weaponry now develops: swords, daggers, improved spears with metal tips, and the first bows. Oil lamps are invented. Fermentation is discovered, enabling the making of wine and beer. The invention of the plow triggers an agricultural revolution by lowering the mobility of the populace but increasing its agricultural productivity. Increased food productivity may (with an appropriate social axiom) encourage the beginning of the development of specialists, because now it begins to be possible to produce a sufficient food surplus to allow some people to devote their lives to something besides avoiding starvation. Cloth now begins to be created. Living Land Technology. 7: Ancient Egypt. If the social axiom supports it, specialization increases. Medicine, engineering, architecture, astronomy, metalcrafting, carpentry, and other specialized fields begin to develop. These developments enable the building of more sophisticated buildings out of stone, wood, and adobe, using tools like pulleys, levers, and block and tackle. The extraction of stone and metal improves with the development of quarries and the invention of techniques which allow harder metals to begin to be worked, though such harder metals remain rare. Weapons and armor technology continues to improve with stronger bows and metal armors. Chariots come into use, forming a military revolution. Wind-powered vehicles (sailing vessels) begin to appear and maps are developed. The domestication of more unusual animals (avian, reptillian, etc), begins. 8: Iron Age. More sophisticated timekeeping begins, with improved calendars, improvements in astronomy, sundials, and water clocks. Agriculture flourishes further with the development of large-scale irrigation systems (which also require an appropriate social axiom). Further improvements in architecture, allowing larger buildings and simple plumbing. Multi-sail vessels develop, allowing for still dangerous oceanic travel. The Iron Age begins as methods for smelting iron are invented. 9: Mature Iron Age. Further improvements of medicine as herbs begin to be cataloged and surgical methods improve. Infrastructure improves with the spread of roads, bridges, and dams, and the use of aquaducts and tunnels to provide water to cities. The dying of fabrics begins, and the use of hard metals spreads. Lathes, paper, and candles are invented. 10: Classical Era. Specialized surgical forms develop. Basic anatomy is understood, facilitating the development of medical systems. Gears and screws allow the development of water power. Siege equipment improves. Simple steam-powered toys are possible. Sugar begins to be refined. 11: Fifth to Eleventh century AD. The stirrup is invented, improving the striking power of cavalry and kicking off an era of domination of mobile cavalry over less mobile infantry. Plows are improved, improving the productivity of agriculture, along with three-crop rotation. Man-portable crossbows are invented. 12: Twelfth-Thirteenth century AD. Stronger horses are bred as armor becomes more sophisticated and heavier. Alchemical knowledge improves, allowing development of better inks for printing and writing, the creation of acids, the denaturization of alcohol to serve as a disinfectant, and Superior stone-buildings oriented to defense may be created. Gunpowder is developed but is mostly useful as a toy to make fireworks. 13: Fourteenth Century AD. Glass mirrors and corrective spectacles are developed. Cannon are developed. Metal armors achieve new heights of sophistication and weight as improved metalworking lets metal plates be added. Clockwork mechanisms develop, though they are very expensive and rare. Pike tactics begin to develop, along with the use of the Longbow. Superior paper-making techniques are developed. 14: Fifteenth Century AD. Metal armors peak in sophistication, as do castles. Crude firearms are developed. Improvements in glass working make cut-glass and superior lenses possible, which enables microscopes and telescopes to be invented. The use of the telescope leads to new breakthroughs in astronomy. Barometers are developed and weather prediction is crudely possible. The printing press is now invented. Improvements in navigational technologies and sailing technology make long-distance ocean travel more viable. Aysle Technology. 15: 16th century AD. Anti-cannon defenses begin to be developed, leading to the creation of sophisticated forts which can survive cannon fire. Muskets are invented, and gunpowder-based military tactics now begin to dominate the battlefield. Pistols are developed as well. Medical science improves as new visual tools are applied to the study of anatomy and crude forms of anaesthesia are used. Watches and bifocals become possible. 16: 17th-18th century AD. More advanced forms of mathematics, such as calculus, are developed. Newtonian Physics is developed. Muskets become more reliable, and pistols more common and useful. Armies typically respond to this with the development of massed forces of musketmen; pikemen fade out and cavalry tends to shrink to a lesser arm of the military. Further improvements in agriculture occur with the beginning of more efficient fertilizing methods. Animals begin to be classified according to function rather than appearance (Linnean biology). Crude steam power begins to be used in mining operations. Sail technology reaches its peak with the clipper ships. 17: Early 19th century AD. Industrial revolutions become possible as the combination of interchangeable parts, reliable steam power, improved metalworking, and improved cloth-manufacturing technologies synch up to provide the foundation for such a thing. Rifles and improved cannon are developed. Military tactics shift away from the massed tactics of Tech 16 to the use of skirmish lines, greater use of sharpshooters, and the use of field artillery. 18: Middle 19th century AD. The railroad opens up new horizons, as does the steamship and the telegraph. Inoculation, improved hygiene, and the development of the bacteria theory of disease. Biologists further refine their models of the interrelations and origins of species. Electrical batteries are developed. Photography is invented. 19: Late 19th century AD. The repeating rifle ushers in an age in which defense becomes stronger than offense, along with the use of field fortifications. The first primitive machineguns develop, such as the Gatling gun. Ironclad ships dominate naval warfare. Agriculture begins to become mechanized, with chemically produced fertilizers, reaping machines, and the development of refrigeration. Electrical power spreads in use, spawning a need for new fuels. Metal smelting can now be conducted on a truly massive scale, and steel is developed. Bicycles, telephones, hydrogen airships, and submarines become possible. Improved printing methods make mass-circulation periodicals both practical and common. Radioactivity is discovered. Radios are invented. Orrorsh Technology. 20: Early 20th century AD Human mobility takes another leap with the invention and spread of airplanes, automobiles, and motorcycles. Sonar makes submarines more effective. Radar facilitates air travel. Relativity and Quantum Physics are developed. Automatic weaponry improves (machine guns, submachineguns, automatic pistols). Tanks are developed. Black and White Movies are invented, color movies remain too expensive to be practical most of the time. Radio becomes common. Nile Empire Technology. 21: Mid-20th Century AD. Quantum Physics begins to be applied effectively, leading to nuclear weapons, nuclear energy, and computers (large mainframe devices, using vaccum tubes and punchcards). Synthetic materials become increasingly common, such as nylon and other fabrics. Rocket technology is developed, leading to jet planes, ICBMs, and eventually rockets able to escape Earth's gravity entirely. Satellites can be launched. Helicopters become practical and useful. Medical technology continues to be refined with common use of antibiotics, innoculations, and greatly increased survival of surgical procedures. Television becomes common. 22: Late 20th century AD. The electronics revolution takes place, enabling the creation of microcomputers. Manufacturing is increasingly automated, reducing the number of humans needed. Home electronics begin to flourish, with easily portable radios and recording devices, from casettes to CDs. The first computer networks are developed on national and international scales. Knowledge of genetics advances, and medicine advances with a profusion of new drugs. Eventually, the genomes of the major sentients are mapped out. Allergies can be treated, if not eliminated. Many old diseases are wiped out. Smart weapons begin to be developed. Stealth aircraft are invented. Sentients begin to experiment with space travel, sending manned and remote-controlled missions to other planets. Interstellar travel is still out of reach. Scientists fumble towards a Grand Unified Theory and towards finding the fundamental particles and origins of the universe. Theories of multiple or quantum universes are explored, but have no practical application as of yet. It is possible to use Magic or Spirit to travel to such alternate dimensions if those axioms support the attempt. Core Earth Technology. 23: Near Future Age. Fusion Power becomes practical and common, as does Solar Power. Various forms of smart technology become common, and improved artificial intelligence allows crude robots to be made, though they remain pretty dim-witted in many respects. Very powerful, but limited expert systems are developed as well. Computer networks are highly sophisticated, enabling easy access to the totality of human knowledge, although sorting the good from the garbage and understanding what you find is another question. Crude virtual reality is developed, but it has yet to come into common use. Smart technology is used to make industrial production highly efficient with a minimal need for labor. Medicine begins to extend the human lifespan, cloning technology allows bulk production of meat for food, of organs for transplants, and of organic compounds for a variety of medical and industrial uses. A variety of useful bio-engineered organisms are developed, from super-productive and super- disease-resistant crops to pollution-cleaning bacteria to augmented guard animals. In addition to replacement limbs and organs, a variety of mechanical replacements for lost body parts are available. Technologies to allow control of devices by thought are being developed, but are still not very reliable or practical, as of yet. Most vehicles are powered by fuel cells or are electrical. Hovervehicles are common. Short distance space travel is reliable, though slow. Bases can be built in hostile environments (methane worlds, vaccum, etc) and space stations are highly sophisticated. Mining operations begin in space, as well as the construction of space vessels in zero gravity. Crude energy weapons are developed, but are not very practical. Nippon Tech Technology. 24: Cyberpunk Era. The age of Cyberpunk begins, as virtual reality technology becomes practical for wide-spread use. In addition, cybertechnology is refined; humans can now control many machines by thought with the use of appropriate machines, accessories, or implants. Sophisticated implants can enable humans to gain capabilities beyond the norm. Knowledge and skills can be summarized onto electronic chips which can be accessed by humans or artificial intelligences with the appropriate equipment. However, at this tech level there continue to be problems with the mind/machine interface, which sometimes malfunctions in ways which range from annoying to deadly. Cyberpsychosis is another major problem, as very high levels of cyberware create feedback patterns in the brain which lead to various psychoses or even brain damage. Vehicles become extremely responsive; most vehicles also contain highly sophisticated auto-pilot expert systems. Personal weaponry can be thought controlled now, with appropriate cyberware or accessories. Automated medical facilities exist, though they require some sentient staffing. A wide variety of robot systems exist, as well as cyborged animals controlled by Ais. The scientific basis of psionics begins to be understood; crude devices can be built to mimic psionic powers, though they don't work well yet. Interstellar travel is still not viable, but travel within a solar system is practical, though it may take weeks. Limited terraforming of other planets is possible. Inefficient energy weaponry is developed. It is now possible to build long-term colony ships for interstellar travel, though typically the crews are put into suspended animation for the duration of the trip. Suspended animation technology becomes common. Many genetic problems are now somewhat correctable. Personal energy weapons are viable, though not hugely common, yet. Military application energy weapons are growing more common and are quite potent. Smart ammunition is available for personal weaponry. Sophisticated personal armor, cybercontrolled, becomes viable. It is now possible to build nuclear weapons which will leave the environment largely intact while killing every living thing with deadly doses of radiation, with minimal amounts of left-over fallout. The principles which will make teleportation, gate systems, and jump drives feasible begin to be worked out, but can't yet be usefully applied. Cyberpapal Tech Level. 25: Advanced Cyberpunk Era. Advances in artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and automated production lead to the development of AutoCAD and synthecyclers, which enables the complete automation of industrial production, and allows those of minimal technical knowledge to design and build and customize a broad and ever-growing variety of technical devices. [This is effectively a technological wish parser...] Cyborging continues to be improved, with cyberware that does less mental damage to its wearers, resulting in less frequent cyberpsychosis. Implant capacity grows, and now many psychic powers can be simulated with appropriate implants. Crude teleportation technology is developed, creating gateways between locations. This technology can also be used to visit alternate dimensions, planes, and spirit realms within a cosm, though this is dangerous. The technology requires obscene amounts of power. Fairly reliable robots can now be developed for a wide range of uses. Genetic science advances to the point that pre-existant species can be combined in strange ways, creating chimera creatures. The intelligence of animal species can be improved and sentient plants can be developed. Genetic engineering can begin to increase the psychic potential of a species as well. Personal battlesuits achieve a high level of sophistication. Personal energy weapons and powerful railguns are common. It is possible to build crude reality-analysis equipment. Such equipment can assess local reality, determining what works and what doesn't, and what world laws exist. It can also sense large concentrations of possibilities. Stelae can be sensed. It is now possible to build devices which can fling someone into another cosm, but you can't get them back. Tharkold level technology. 26: Early Space Age. Jump-Gate technology becomes far more reliable and less hungry for energy. Methods of warping space are developed which enables spaceships to travel at very high speeds as well. Some civilizations may begin to exploit the properties of alternate universes to speed travel, and travel to alternate dimensions is reasonably safe, at least so far as the actual transition into and out of the other dimensions goes. Interstellar space travel is now quite practical, if not quite so easy as a plane-flight is at Tech 22. Cyberware is now perfected, and no longer causes cyberpsychosis in most people, although mechanical failure is still a danger. Medical technology has advanced to where genetic flaws can be fixed in the womb. Medical technology now greatly increases the length of lifespans. It is possible to create viable hybrids of different sentient species with enough time to study and work on it. Sentients can be built to order, although it still takes years to age them to a useful state. Minds can be transferred from sentients into electronic matrices and vice versa. Electronic immortality is possible. Communications and computer advances make Interplanetary and even Interstellar computer and communications networks viable at reasonable speeds. Planetary Terraforming becomes quite effective. It is now possible, though very difficult, to build devices capable of opening portals between cosms. Reality-disturbances (such as reality storms) can be sensed at a distance. 27: Early Biotech Age. For those species who wish to pursue it, the Biotech revolution begins. Genetic engineering has now advanced to the point where a wide variety of machines can be replaced with living technology. Mechanical implants begin to be replaced by biological implants. The initial ones are often rather inefficient and require the consumption of large amounts of food to fuel them. Living vehicles are developed, but space travel still requires some degree of mechanical technology. Gate systems become more efficient. Personal space vehicles become available; travel between solar systems is now as convenient as a long driving vacation. Smart technologies learn from experience and improve themselves using AutoCAD technology. Devices can be built which communicate between Cosms (such as the Signal Fire) or can create small hardpoints and talismans. 28: High Space Age. Breakthroughs enable greater understanding of the fundamental laws of the Cosmverse and improvement of Possibility-energy manipulating technologies. They can be used to manipulate some natural forces, making gravitic ships and weapons possible. Bio-borging becomes more advanced, and it is no longer necessary to glut oneself to feed one's biological improvements. Biotechnology and possibility science can be combined to create Genetic Enhancement Packages for species. Those races inclined to mechanical technology render their technology incredibly clean and efficient and it is possible to micronize devices to a point that someone may appear to carry no technology and yet has a vast array of it at his command. Parts of a Cosm can be folded in interesting ways to create things like hypercubes and vehicles which are huge on the inside and small on the outside. Warp-technology ships can now travel interstellar distances without jumpgates in reasonable amounts of time. Terraforming technology is very potent. Matter-Antimatter collision as a source of energy is also perfected. 29: Mature Biotech Age. Possibility technology can now manufacture talismans, and eventually self-maintaining ones (like Reality Trees). Permanent gateways can exist between cosms, though they are difficult to build. Biotechnology now begins to use symbiotic organisms for effects, thus enabling one to easily swap needed biotech in and out of your body. Nanotechnology serves a similar purpose for mechanically oriented societies. Telepathic technology becomes very common for communications and computing. Akashan Technology Level. 30: Early Possibility Age. Possibility technology advances to the point where it is possible, over time to 'terraform' the laws of physics, altering the ways in which the laws of nature work. Ords can be drained of possibility energy or refilled with it and reconnected. Pocket universes can be created and difference of world laws between universes can be exploited to create sources of energy which violate conservation of energy (sort of). It is now easy to create gateways between cosms. It is now possible to accelerate the growth of life forms tremendously, allowing one to produce biotechnology, cloned tissue, cloned beings, etc, at an incredible rate. If it lives, it can probably be cross-bred, even strange things like a silicoid slime monster and that dog you hate. Technological and bio-technological devices can enable body reconfiguration at fairly rapid speeds. It becomes possible to time-travel far into the future, but not to move backwards in time. Yet. 31: Mature Possibility Age. Possibility technology enables users to make the scientific laws of nature dance the mazurka for them. Petty limitations like conservation of energy and the speed of light are henceforth only for the weak. Spaceships can be built which will cross the Hubble Volume in a few hours, running on potatoes. Micronized mechanical or biotechnology enables every person to wield god-like powers on a small scale. Hideous Reality-based weaponry is possible. 32: High Possibility Age. Science is near-omnipotent; man-portable devices can reshape entire solar systems. Every living thing can be made effectively immortal, barring something killing it. With some effort, other cosms' Tech axiom can be reshaped, if you can get enough possibility points and open a portal to them. 33: Infinite Possibility Age. With a thought, you can do almost anything unless someone opposes you. Possibility technology can now duplicate the full range of darkness device abilities, using them to reshape and drain other cosms, including affecting other axioms if those are below 33.
Cosm Tech Magic Spiritual Social Aysle 14 20 14 15 Core Earth 22 7 9 20 Cyberpapacy 24 12 18 16 Living Land 6 0 27 7 Nile Empire 20 10 16 19 Nippon Tech 23 2 8 21 Orrorsh 19 15 17 18 Star Sphere 29 5 13 25 Tharkold 25 16 15 14