Calvert Liaison Committee
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Calvert Landfill Liaison Committee
Meeting held at FCC Environment Offices Thursday 10th December 2015
Present: Mr S Essam (chair) Bucks CC Mr P Gaskin CG Parish Councillor Ms R Bellamy CG Resident Mr R Webster Edgcott Parish Councillor Ms A Rafferty FCC Environment
Apologies: Ms A Macpherson Bucks CC Mr P Irwin Bucks CC Ms S D’Amon Charndon PC Mr B Pethick CG Parish Councillor Mr S Percival Infinis Ms L Greenwood Environment Agency
1. Minutes of Previous Meeting
2. Matters Arising
S. Essam provided the following update: The S228 paperwork for the formal adoption of Brackley Lane is ready to be posted on the 4th January and subject to receiving no objections will be approved. A copy of the S228 will be distributed to all. As a result of this action this will be the final meeting S Essam will attend. The members thank him for all his assistance in resolving this matter to an agreeable conclusion For any planning quires please contact Rachel Jones at Bucks CC.
3. Site Report
A. Rafferty provided the following site report:
a. Site Operation
The current tipping area continues to be within Pit 4 which all but complete in accordance with the approved contours prior to the buttress being in place. The only available void space (rep buttress installation) is the summer tip which is the latest active area. Rail deliveries of spoil continue to arrive on site up to 3 times a day Monday- Friday. Site is currently accepting waste trains five days a week, however is expected to reduce to 3 trains in the New Year. Christmas Opening – the site will be operational in between Christmas and New Year however trains into site will cease on the 24th and recommence on the 4th January. Site will be open on the 2nd January to enable catch-up after the Christmas break.
Page 1 of 4 b. Engineering Works
The bund works in pit 6 have started with the placement of the engineering base which is now complete. The bund works is now expected to start next week and will take in the region of 6 months to complete. Additional capping being undertaken on pit 4 (20,000m2) and will take the overall capping being completed this year to excess of 60,000m2 this year. The soil continues to be placed on site on the capped areas for restoration and it is expected that the grass seeding in the area will be undertaken towards in the next growing season along with the planting of trees and hedges in the area in accordance with the restoration plan.
c. Leachate
The site continues to work towards 100% compliance with regard to leachate levels as measure against the site’s permit requirements.
In accordance with the approved leachate management plan site had a requirement to remove 3,500m3 per month. Since this approval site has managed to remove in excess of this target (figures below)
Leachate is continuing to be treated by the reverse osmosis (RO) plant
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec ‘14 ‘14 ‘14 ‘14 ‘14 ‘14 ‘14 ‘14 ‘14 ‘14 ‘14 ‘14 183 216 102 Tankering (t) 0 1486 4 8 1355 1178 1175 661 511 543 461 650 Treatment 419 408 446 434 (m3) 1 4264 8 0 4722 4927 4333 4429 8 4598 4287 4242 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec ‘15 ‘15 ‘15 ‘15 ‘15 ‘15 ‘15 ‘15 ‘15 ‘15 ‘15 ‘15 Tankering (t) 746 947 798 856 821 732 691 358 323 350 1708 Treatment 380 399 461 454 (m3) 7 5031 3 6 4374 4407 4173 4828 7 3706 4224
d. Complaints
Please note that is the raw data and no separation between substantiated and unsubstantiated complaints have taken place.
Individual Ju Oc s Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun l Aug Sep t Nov Dec Total 2013 53 54 41 39 35 18 17 14 18 13 2 2 306 2014 23 14 16 6 13 5 1 1 1 2 3 0 85 2015 10 2 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 18
Ju Oc Incidents Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun l Aug Sep t Nov Dec Total 2013 11 11 7 12 11 4 14 2 6 4 2 2 86 2014 9 7 6 3 7 3 1 1 1 1 2 0 41 2015 1 2 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 7
Page 2 of 4 If there is a complaint please provide as much detail as possible. Contact information is as follows;
Calvert Office No. 01296 738837 FCC also has set an email address for Calvert Landfill [email protected].
Please note, the email will only be logged and actioned between the hours of 09:00hrs and 17:00hrs Monday to Friday
4. Gas Compound Developments
D. Smith submitted the following information:
There were no planned DNO (Distribution Network Operator) during the 3 months since the last LLCM.
Power generation has been consistent of around the 14,000kW since the last meeting.
Gas Pipe work Improvements:
There have been no upgrade requirements since the last liaison meeting however the situation on site is regularly reviewed to ensure all of the system is fit for purpose
No drilling is expected until the New Year. Drilling is likely to commence in the Spring next year once the weather is more clement
5. Environment Agency Update
L. Greenwood provided the following EA update;
There is not much to report, we received one odour complaint for the site since the last liaison meeting and have not identified any major issues during our inspections.
Inspections of the site however continue on a regular basis to ensure continued compliance with the site permit requirements
6. Any Other Business
Planning and permit application for pit 6 is due to be submitted to change it from a waste acceptance site to a site that will be accepting qualifying materials. As part of this there will be an application to allow treatment of the IBA from the EfW to remove the metal content.
P Gaskin forwarded his thanks for repairing the outside light and has noticed a decrease in activity in the evening in the area. He requested an update on the installation of gates within the site to prevent access through to the
Page 3 of 4 Brackley Lane entrance from the A41 out of hours following on from a disturbance earlier on in the last quarter this year.
Site update; The Gates P Gaskin refers to will be installed at the latest by the end of January 2016.
S Essam stated that the roundabout at the A41 assess point to the EfW and site is due to be adopted however one light is non-operational
7. Date of Next Meeting
24th March 2016 18:30 Calvert Landfill Offices
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