(First Person)Who Has the First Person to Warn Caesar That He Must Be Beware on the Ides
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(first person)Who has the first person to warn Caesar that he must be beware on the Ides of March? I have the soothsayer. Who has two qualities to describe the people of Rome? I have disloyal and bandwagon fans. Who has the explanation of the “age’s yoke” metaphor?
I have Caesar is the harness and people are his animals or slaves. Who has a way Cassius tries to flatter Brutus? I have he tells Brutus that the citizens of Rome hold him high in their hearts. Who has the word by which Brutus defines himself? I have honorable. Who has the offer that Cassius uses to temp Brutus to join the conspiracy? I have fame, to go down in history for saving Rome from a tyrant. Who has the kind of look Caesar sees in Cassius? I have a lean and hungry look. Who has the number of times Caesar refuses the crown? I have three. Who has Cassius’ manipulative plan to get Brutus to join his assassination plot? I have Cassius will write phony letters from Romans and throw them in to Brutus’ window. Who has the explanation for the comparison of Caesar to a serpent’s egg? I have Caesar must be killed before he hatches and abuses his power. Who has the way in which Caesar is like the sun? I have that Caesar is rising to power (like the sun) and he has too much control. After all, life depends 100% on the sun. Who has the reason Cicero is left out of the conspiracy? I have he cannot be trusted to begin what other men have started. Who has the reason Caesar must be killed boldly, not wrathfully? I have the conspirators want to look like heroes and healers, not villains or butchers. Who has the reason Brutus persuades Cassius not to kill Mark Antony? I have Antony is harmless without Caesar; the conspirators would look too violent. Who has Decius’ job to set the plan in motion? I have get him to the capitol? Who has the reason Brutus tells his fellow conspirators to be actors? I have they must have calm and collected faces and body language, so they do not give up their plot. Who has Portia’s plea to Brutus? I have that she begs him to share his secrets and conflicts with her because she loves him and can be trusted. Who has the way Brutus feels about his wife? I have he feels that he does not deserve her and he is worried about what this assassination will do to her. Who has the reason Calpurnia does not want her husband to go out? I have she had a nightmare about her husband’s bleeding statue. Who has the “scoop” on Artemidorous? I have he has a letter for Caesar that names the conspirators; Caesar ignores him. Who has the reason Caesar compares himself to the Northern Star? I have it shows he is unwavering, uncompromising and unwilling to see others as his equal. Who has the first person to stab Caesar? I have Casca. Who has Caesar’s last words? I have Et tu Brute. Latin for you too Brutus? Who has the reaction of conspirators after the assassination takes place? I have they begin yelling liberty and freedom for Rome. Who has what they do with Caesar’s wounds? I have they “wash” their hands and arms with his blood. This resembles Calpurnia’s dream. Who has Antony’s questions that he sends with his servant? I have: Is it safe for me to come speak with you? Why did you do it? Who has the way Mark Antony feels about dying next to Julius Caesar? I have he would feel honored and ready to die by knives stained with Caesar’s blood. Who has the metaphor Antony makes about the conspirators? I have he compares them to hunters and Caesar is an innocent deer. Who has what Brutus agrees to let Antony do? I have let him speak second at the funeral. Who has Mark Antony’s true motives? I have he is going to get revenge, start a violent civil war. Who has the person who teams up with Mark Antony? I have Octavious, Casear’s nephew. Who has an example of logos from Brutus’s oration? I have he openly admits to killing Caesar. Who has what Brutus tells his audience he loved more than Caesar? I have he loved Rome more than Caesar. Who has the key word Brutus uses as justification for the murder? I have Brutus repeats that Caesar was too ambitious. Who has the way Brutus frightens the common people? I have he tells them they would be slaves if Caesar was allowed to live. Who has the way Brutus ends his speech? I have he declares he has the same knife for himself if it were best for Rome. Who has the tone in which Antony says that Brutus was an honorable man? I have sarcastic. Who has two examples of logos from Antony’s speech? I have Caesar’s will and he actually refused the crown three times. Who has the members of the triumvirate? I have Antony, Octavious and Lepidus. Who has the explanation of the comparison of Lepidus to a horse? I have he is only fit to run errands; he must be led and does not deserve 1/3 of the power. Who has the reason Brutus and Cassius go speak privately in the tent? I have they need to argue in private so their troops do not see their alliance falling apart. Who has the accusation Brutus makes of Cassius? I have he accuses him of taking bribes. Who has the reason Brutus is a “quiet lamb”? I have his temper calms quickly. Who has what happens to Portia? I have she swallows hot coals and kills herself. Who has Brutus’s reaction to her suicide? I have he is unemotional and puts the war ahead of his own needs. Who has the strategic argument between Cassius and Brutus? I have Cassius believes that they should let the enemy come to them in order to use their resources. Brutus feels that they should strike first. Who has the Caesar’s ghost’s message? I have he will see Brutus at the battle of Phillip, foreshadowing that Brutus will die there. How does Antony feel about Brutus right before the battle? I have he thinks he is two-faced and hypocritical. Actions speak louder than words. Who has the reason Brutus says Octavius cannot be killed by a traitor’s hands? I have Brutus does not view himself as a traitor. Who has Brutus’s big mistake that leads to a loss? Brutus orders his troops to stand down, believing that they have won the battle. The troops begin to celebrate and then are surrounded by Antony’s forces. Who has the reason Cassius compares his life to a compass? I have his life has run its course; he will die on his birthday. Who has the way Cassius dies? I have his slave Pindarus helps him and in return, gets freedom. Who has the reason Cassius is not a tragic hero? I have he does not possess noble qualities. Who has the reason Titinius kills himself? I have he finds Cassius dead. He says the sun has set on Rome; storms are to come. Who has the person that lies to confuse the enemy? I have Lucillius pretends to be Brutus, hoping to confuse the enemy. Who has the person that agrees to help Brutus kill himself? I have Strato, after the first two decline. Who has the explanation of Brutus’s last lines? I have Julius Caesar can rest in peace. Brutus is more ready to die than he was to kill Caesar. Who has Brutus’s personality flaw that makes him a tragic hero? I have he is too trusting, too easily manipulated. Who has Antony’s final conclusion about Brutus? I have he declares him the only conspirator that did not kill out of envy. Who has the tone of the ending? (last person) I have optimistic; Octavious is hopeful Rome will find glory under his rule.