AP WORLD HISTORY, Period 2 Mr. Friedman

Assignments and Class Schedule: Feb. 7-Feb. 25, 2014

Due: Fri., Feb. 7 (F Day): -Class Topic: The Fifteenth Century: Australia, North America, Africa, Central Asia. -Reading Assignment: Text, 558- 566.

Mon., Feb. 10 (A Day): NO CLASS.

Due: Tues., Feb. 11 (B Day): -Class Topic: The Fifteenth Century: Ming China. -Reading Assignment: Text, 566-569. -Writing Assignment due: Olympics DBQ and Paper Assignment due.

Due: Wed., Feb. 12 (C Day): -Class Topic: The Fifteenth Century: Europe-The Hundred Years’ War & The Renaissance. -Reading Assignment: Text, 569-576; Joan of Arc Handout. -Writing Assignment due: TAKE-HOME ASSESSMENT on Africa and the Americas due.

Due: Thurs., Feb. 13 (D Day): -Class Topic: The Fifteenth Century: The Islamic World and the Americas. -Reading Assignment: Text, 576-587. -Writing Assignment due: TAKE-HOME ASSESSMENT on Medieval Trade due.

Due: Fri., Feb. 14 (E Day): -Class Topic: Introduction to the Early Modern Era. -Reading Assignment: Text, 588-591 and 610-615. -Writing Assignment due: DBQ on Medieval Trade due.

Due: Tues., Feb. 18 (F Day): -Class Topic: Early Modern Culture: Religion-The Protestant Reformation. -Reading Assignment: Text, 718-725. -Movie: Luther. -Writing Assignment due: Answer 1 of the following questions: Question on page 569: “Comparison: What political and cultural differences stand out in the histories of fifteenth century China and Western Europe? What similarities are apparent?” OR Question on page 580: “In what ways do the civilizations of China, Europe, and the Islamic world in the fifteenth century seem to be moving in the same direction, and in what respects were they diverging from one another?” OR Question on page 576: “Comparison: What differences can you identify among the four major empires in the Islamic world of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries?” -Also: work on Luther Worksheet as you watch the movie (due on Fri., Feb. 21)

Wed., Feb. 19: NO CLASS. Due: Thurs., Feb. 20 (B Day): -Class Topic: Early Modern Culture: Religion-the Globalization of Christianity. -Reading Assignment: Text, 725-734. -Movie: Luther. -Writing Assignment due: Question on page 721: “Change: In what ways did the Protestant Reformation transform European society, culture, and politics?” -Also: Work on Luther Worksheet as you watch the movie (due on Fri., Feb. 21)

Due: Fri., Feb. 21 (C Day): -Class Topic: Early Modern Culture: Asia and Africa. -Reading Assignment: Text, 734-739. -Movie: Luther. -Worksheet on Luther Movie due at end of class today.

Due: Mon., Feb. 24 (D Day): -Class Topic: Early Modern Culture: Intellectual Changes-The Scientific Revolution and The Enlightenment. -Reading Assignment: Text, 740-752. -Writing Assignment due: Answer 1 of the following questions: Question on page 740: “Comparison: Why did the Scientific Revolution occur in Europe rather than in China or the Islamic World?” OR Question on page 742: “Change: What was revolutionary about the Scientific Revolution?” OR Question on page 745: “Change: In what ways did the Enlightenment challenge older patterns of European thinking?”

Due: Tues., Feb. 25 (E Day): -Class Topic: Early Modern Governments: Absolutism in Europe. -Reading Assignment: Text, 657-659. -Movie excerpts: Marie Antoinette; Pictures: Versailles. -Writing Assignment due: TAKE-HOME TEST (Ch. 12 + material presented in class).