Ms. Riggle’s Classroom Rules

1. Students are to enter the classroom calmly and quietly and go immediately to their assigned seats. You are to sit at a 90 degree angle to your workstation with your feet on the floor and good posture (spine straight). Immediately begin to log onto your computer.

2. Students are to be in their seats and prepared to work when the bell rings. If you are not in your seat with your materials when the bell rings you are tardy. Be working on the assignment on the board as soon as the bell stops ringing.

3. Students are to show respect at all times and in all manners toward themselves, others and staff. This includes all verbal and non-verbal forms of communication including body language, facial expression and tone of voice. This also includes no bullying. Bullying will be dealt with immediately. Any student witnessing the bullying or being the bullied person needs to report the incident to their teacher immediately.

4. Students are to be on task AT ALL TIMES and work to the best of their ability. This means you are to be working on whatever assignment is given with all of your concentration. If you are finished with an assignment early, you may read or sit quietly and wait for others. There is no talking in my class except to address the academic issue at hand.

5. There is absolutely no gum, food, drink, candy, make-up, mirrors, cell phones, i-pods, mp3 players or any other distraction allowed in my class. Any of these visible will be immediately confiscated and picked up after school. Do not even give the appearance of chewing or it will be deemed that you are doing so. Class time is for learning.

6. Students are to be prepared with their planner, a pen or pencil, headphones and a flash drive for computer class. These items are to be brought to class daily.

7. If you need to use the restroom you may do so if it is an emergency and does not become a habit. Raise your hand and ask Mrs. Riggle for permission. Fill out your planner for Mrs. Riggle to sign.

8. I do not argue with students. If you are told to move your seat or given any other direction you are to do so immediately and without complaint. If you feel this or any other direction is unreasonable you may arrange to discuss it with your counselor, Mr. Takacs or arrange a parent conference on your own time. Otherwise, follow all directions immediately and without complaining. Class time is for learning.

9. When the bell rings at the end of class, you are to remain in your seat until dismissed. You are responsible to clean any trash in your area whether it is yours or not. Keep all trash with you until the bell rings and throw it out on your way out of the classroom. 10. Computers and all equipment belong to the Lakewood City Schools. If you are caught damaging any part of the computer or workstation you will be responsible for the cost of replacing it. When you enter the class at the beginning of the period, check over your workstation and report any damages to me. Be sure you raise your hand and wait to be called on to speak.

11. I do not give warnings. This is your warning. Any violation of these rules will be met immediately with a 15 minute detention to be served immediately after school and other possible consequences such as copying the rules, parent conference, meeting with Mr. Takacs or ISS.

12. If you do not come to detention, you will be suspended from class (ISS) and unable to re-enter or get credit for schoolwork until you do come to detention. ISS does not absolve you of detention. No matter what other consequence you receive, you will have to make up the 15 minute detention before re-entering my class.

We have read and discussed Mrs. Riggle’s classroom rules. Our signatures below signify our agreement to have ______(student’s first name) follow these rules. After filling out this form, tear off the bottom portion and return to class by Friday, January 28th.

______(Print parent’s name) ______(Print student’s name)

______(Parent’s signature) ______(Student’s signature)