Answer the following questions by noting a page number from the BCP or by your own reason. Be able to justify your answers.

1. What is the primary Gospel read in Year A? Year B? Year C?

2. What is the earliest possible date for Easter? The latest date?

3. You are leading Morning Prayer tomorrow. What readings will you use?

4. In what year was the first BCP published in the U.S.A.?

5. Who may hear one’s confession?

6. Where and when may a confession be heard?

7. On what day is the feat of Clare, Abbess of Assisi?

8. Define a “rubric”?

9. On what pages do you find the collects for the First Sunday in Lent?

10. What common item is given to bishops, priests and deacons upon their ordination or consecration?

11. What are the names of the three creeds as printed in the Book of Common Prayer?

12. What do the Historical Documents of our church have to say about Purgatory?

13. What are the two fast days of our faith?