FATA Disaster Management Authority Address: 17-B, Abdara Road, University Town, Peshawar Telephone (091)9218603, Fax (091)9218573, Exchange(091) 9218513, 9216336 www.fdma.gov.pk


Form Version 1.2 For Use After Aug 25, 2011 The humanitarian community has been assisting FATA IDPs in hosting districts of KPK. However, after restoration of peace in the conflict areas and returns of the IDPs to their places of origin, the focus of interventions will be shifted to the affected areas with scope to provide humanitarian assistance to the returnees but also extending to early recovery, restoration and reconstruction activities.

NGO/INGOs that are interested to work in FATA should follow the following steps: 1. For Project NOCs, request shall be forwarded to Director General FDMA. FDMA will further process the request with concerned authorities. For Travel NOCs of National / International Staff shall be forwarded to Law & Order Department with copy to FDMA.

2. REQUIREMENTS: NGOs/INGOs will submit; I) Completed & Signed NOC Application II) Covering Letter from the NGO to DG-FDMA III) Profile of NGO IV) Registration Proof of NGO/INGO (from of EAD/Social Welfare Department FATA/ Security and exchange commission) V) Clearance Authority by the Ministry of Interior ( For INGOs) VI) Detail of foreign nationals working in the NGO on attached format VII) Detail of Pakistani Nationals working in the NGO on attached format VIII) Detail of other projects being implemented by the applicant in FATA on attached format. IX) Complete Work plan X) Copy of detailed budget XI) Logical Frame Work Matrix having a) Objectively verifiable indicators (OVIs of the project) b) Key point indicators of the project c) Specific defined objectives of the project d) Generic results/goal of the project XII) CNIC Copy of signing person

3. Local NGO that are interested in FATA will register themselves with Social Welfare Department FATA, However if they got registration from Social Welfare Department KPK is also valid for the time being but accreditation will be still needed from Social Welfare Department FATA.

4. NGO/INGOs will submit their progress report each month to FDMA and approved format will be provided accordingly. 5. Contact following focal point for NOC at FDMA: Mr. Farman Khilji Assistant Director Telephone: 091-9218513, 091-9216336 Miss. Nosheen Ambar (NOC Section) Fax: 091-9218573

1 FATA Disaster Management Authority Address: 17-B, Abdara Road, University Town, Peshawar Telephone (091)9218603, Fax (091)9218573, Exchange(091) 9218513, 9216336 www.fdma.gov.pk

Project Proposal Format for NOC Section I – Contact Information

Organization Contact Phone Number Fax Number Details

Name of Organization

Project office

Provincial Office

Head office (in Pakistan)

Contact details at Contact at Project Contact at Provincial Contact at Islamabad Level primary level Location Level

Name of Person

Landline Number

Mobile Number

Email Address

Fax Number

Contact details at secondary Level

Name of Person

Landline Number

Mobile Number

Email Address

Fax Number

Section II – Project Summary

7. Title of Project:

8. Sector of intervention:

2 FATA Disaster Management Authority Address: 17-B, Abdara Road, University Town, Peshawar Telephone (091)9218603, Fax (091)9218573, Exchange(091) 9218513, 9216336 www.fdma.gov.pk

9. Proposed Project FATA Agency Tehsil Sub- Villages Location: Tehsil

(Please fill the table)

10. Estimated number of direct beneficiaries:

11. Proposed timeframe for project:

12. Estimated Project cost in US $:

13. Funding Source:

14. How much funding is confirmed

15. Confirmed funding source (s)

16. Using Devices

Section III – Project Details

3 FATA Disaster Management Authority Address: 17-B, Abdara Road, University Town, Peshawar Telephone (091)9218603, Fax (091)9218573, Exchange(091) 9218513, 9216336 www.fdma.gov.pk

LFA & Work plan

Results Indicators Means of Risks and Mitigation Verification Assumptions Measures

Work Plan


Activity 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

Cluster Vetting:

We certify that:

 The relevant line department has been informed of and/or approves the program/project  The ‘owner’ has coordinated with the cluster  The technical components of the program/project are acceptable  The program/project meets a known need  The program/project is not duplicative

Name of Cluster Lead Organization

4 FATA Disaster Management Authority Address: 17-B, Abdara Road, University Town, Peshawar Telephone (091)9218603, Fax (091)9218573, Exchange(091) 9218513, 9216336 www.fdma.gov.pk

Name of person signing:


Signature with stamp:

5 FATA Disaster Management Authority Address: 17-B, Abdara Road, University Town, Peshawar Telephone (091)9218603, Fax (091)9218573, Exchange(091) 9218513, 9216336 www.fdma.gov.pk

The ______(Name of organization) has read the TOR proposed for humanitarian work and declares to abide by it.

Signature: ______

Name: ______


Organization: ______

Position in organization: ______

Date: ______

Note: Signature at the bottom of each page is required from official of organization. In case of change in verifying person, the organization will notify to FDMA.

6 FATA Disaster Management Authority Address: 17-B, Abdara Road, University Town, Peshawar Telephone (091)9218603, Fax (091)9218573, Exchange(091) 9218513, 9216336 www.fdma.gov.pk

Format for Detail of foreign nationals working in the NGO/INGOs

S. Name Nationality Copy of Address in the Telephone Address in Pakistan No Passport Home Country number in Home Country

Format for Detail of Locals working in the NGO/INGOs

S. No Name Father Name CNIC Number Complete Address Complete Address Telephone ( Permanent ) ( Temporary) Number

Format for detail of other projects being implemented in FATA

S. No Project name Cluster Agency Donor / Country