Stock Market Project Rubric Written Analysis

Stock Company: (out of 10 points) Grade A (10 – 9) B (8) C (7) D/F (6-5) Description Choose 3 or more Choose 3 or more Choose 3 companies to Choose 2 or 3 companies to buy stock companies to buy stock buy stock from. companies to buy stock from. Thoroughly from. Explain why Somewhat Explain why from. Explain why Explain why these are these are your good these are your good these are your good your good choices in choices. Use mostly choices. Use some choices. Use no complete sentences. complete sentences. complete sentences. complete sentences. Chart the stocks in a Chart the stocks in a Chart the stocks in a Chart the stocks in a word document or word document or word document or word document or handwritten log like the handwritten log like the handwritten log like the handwritten log like the example in the Stock example in the Stock example in the Stock example in the Stock Market Project Market Project Market Project Market Project

COMPANY BACKGROUND: (out of 10 points) Grade A (10 – 9) B (8) C (7) D/F (6-5) Description The product/service of The product/service of The product/service of The product/service of the company, size, and the company, size, and the company, size, and the company, size, and history of the company history of the company history of the company history of the company is well explained. In is explained. In addition, is somewhat explained. is not explained very addition, more some extra information Very little extra well and very little, if information has been has been provided that information has been any, extra information provided that explains explains the company. provided that explains has been provided that the company. There are There are few the company. There are explains the company. no grammatical or grammatical and/or some grammatical There are many format errors. format errors and/or format errors grammatical and/or format errors

FINAL ANALYSIS OF RESEARCHED STOCK: (out of 5 points) Grade A (5) B (4) C (3) D (2) F (1) Description Many References Some References Few References Very Few Elements are have been made to have been made to have been made to References have missing from the the initial the initial the initial been made to the final analysis – investment, stock investment, stock investment, stock initial investment, incomplete. articles, company articles, company articles, company stock articles, Grammatical and/or activity and activity and activity and company activity format errors fluctuations, stock fluctuations, stock fluctuations, stock and fluctuations, disrupt reading. graph, and final graph, and final graph, and final stock graph, and profit or loss. profit or loss. There profit or loss. final profit or loss. There are no are very few There are some There are many grammatical or grammatical and/or grammatical and/or grammatical and/or format errors. format errors. format errors. format errors.

If you have questions about the rubric or your grade, please see Mr. Gadson OUTSIDE OF CLASS, either during brunch or lunch.