Dear FCEPTA, June 24, 2014

On behalf of Rm. 248 (Ms. Mavity’s class this year), I wanted to say a huge thank you for helping us learn and grow in Thomas Jefferson Elementary School! You very kindly approved us for three grants this year and in doing so helped us create a great learning environment for us and a great learning environment for students on the other side of the world!

This year you helped us grow our classroom library by providing us with money to purchase books and boxes in which to house these books. We cannot thank you enough for this grant because it gave everyone in our classroom access to books that most students in a first year teacher’s classroom do not have. As you can see, our library looked absolutely wonderful!

Then, you approved us for a second grant that we wrote to help students in Cameroon. We used this grant to collect and purchase books that we then sent to an orphanage in Cameroon. We were then inspired by this project and our communication themed PYP unit to write our own books, which we also sent to Cameroon! Without your generosity, we would not have been able to pay for shipping or new books to send in our bundle! We, and the students in Cameroon, thank you for allowing us to learn firsthand about the importance of helping others in other communities!

You also kindly approved a grant proposal for an intended Tiger Pause project. I did not end up using those funds and cashing in on that proposal because our Tiger Pause schedule was unexpectedly changed, costing us the time we would have needed to complete said project. We were just glad that another class got to use that money!

Thank you so much for all your generosity this year. We hope you understand how much we appreciate you and how great of an impact you have had on our learning experiences this year!

Have a wonderful summer!


Ms. Mavity (on behalf of Rm. 248) :o)